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1、新模式英语三教案Unit2早节 课题Unit 2 Lesson 1课型教具学具New Less on 课时 2 电教设施 recorder, tape教 学 目 标知识 教学点Ide ntify places to purchase goods and services.能力 培养点Lear n some expressi ons about shopp ing.德育 渗透点Improve the ability of learning a foreign Ianguage.教学重点难点重点Practice liste ning and Sentence patter ns.难点How to

2、improve stude nts liste ning skills.学法引导1. problem method 2. discussi on method3. readi ng method 4. situati onal method教学内容 更新、补 充、删节Add some skills about practic ing liste ning.参考资料1.Refere nee book2.Exercise book3.Guide book课后体会Stude nts are familiar with the topic. They usually go shopp ing for

3、goods and services, and they know some English expressi ons.教与学互动设计教师活动内容学生活动内容时间Orga ni zatio nCheck all the stude nts and be prepared for the class.Lesson 1Shopp ing for goods and servicesStep 1 Ask students to look at the pictures and an swer the two questi ons.1.What kind of stores or bus in ess

4、es are these?2.What goods or services can you purchase here? Step2 Look at the places below. Which of them sellgoods? Which of them provide services? Notes:1.Laundromat自动洗衣机店2.gas station 力口油站 药房 store 珠宝店 office 邮政局6.department store 百货商店 store视频杂货店 wash 洗车9.o

5、ffice supply store 办公用品商店10.drugstore 杂货店11.dry cleaners干洗店、干洗工12.hardware store 五金器具店 salon理发店、美发厅Step 3 Where can you purchase each of the following items?Liste n to the teacher.Learn the uses of useful words and phrases and make examples. Liste n and take no tes.Work in pairs.2151015教与学互动设

6、计教师活动内容学生活动内容时间medici ne pharmacya table departme nt storea no tebook office supply storea bracelet jewelry storeboots/refrigerator departme nt storebread grocery store/drugstoremotor oil gas stati ona shirt departme nt storestamps post officeStep 4 Where can you receive the following services?hair

7、sal on car washbank car repairi ng depottailor laun dromatStep 5 Answer the following questions.1.I get my hair cut at the hair sal on.2.I got my prescription filled at the pharmacy.3.I get my packages mailed at the post office.4.I got my pants hemmed at the tailors.5.I got my gas tank filled up at

8、the gas station.Homework1.Review what we have learned this class and grasp the uses of importa nt words and phrases.2.Preview Less on 2.Liste n and read. Lear n and write, and correct the an swers.Liste n to the teacherListe n to the summary .151515 3早节 课题Unit 2 Lesson2课型教具学具New Less on 课时 2 电教设施 re

9、corder, tape教 学 目 标知识 教学点In terpret advertiseme nts.能力 培养点Students can improve their listening ability and speaking ability .德育 渗透点Improve the ability of learning a foreign Ianguage.教 学 重 占八、 难 占重点Practice liste ning and Sentence patter ns.难点How to improve stude nts liste ning skills.学法引导1. problem

10、method 2. discussi on method3. readi ng method 4. situati onal method教学内容 更新、补 充、删节Add some skills about practic ing speak ing.参考资料1.Refere nee book2.Exercise book3.Guide book课后体会The advertiseme nts are in teresti ng for the stude nts. They can give a lot of examples about English advertisementssuch

11、 as Coca Cola and so on.教与学互动设计教师活动内容学生活动内容时间Orga ni zatio nCheck all the stude nts and be prepared for the class.Liste n to the teacher.Learn the uses of useful words and phrases and2151515Lesson 2Advertiseme ntsStep 1 Answer the following questions. Then discuss your an swers with your classmates.

12、 What are advertiseme nts?Where can you find them?What in formatio n can you find in advertiseme nts? Make a list.Step2 Read the advertiseme nts from the n ewspape and find out words with these meanings.Notes:1.approximate近似的,大概的2.average平均的、普通的3.estimate估计、预测4.guarantee保证、担保5.installation 安装、设置

13、terpret解读、解释7.normal正常的、正规的8.removal拆除、移走9.warranty 保证书Step 3 Read the ads aga in and bubble in the circle n ext to the correct an swer.1. What does the oil cha nge not in clude?make examples. Liste n and take no tes.Work in pairs.jr教与学互动设计教师活动内容学生活动内容时间3.When does the offer expire for the oil cha n

14、ge?4.What does the garage door purchase not in clude Step 4 Read the two ads and complete the table. Notes:1.windshield wiper 雨刷器e to an end 告终,结束3.for sale 出售4.from top to bottom 从头至尾5.on sale廉价出售6.set up 建立7.up to高达8.garage车库、汽车修理厂9.product产品、制品10.speaker扩音器、扬声器11.charge收费、费用 折扣Step 5 I

15、n groups, choose a product or service and create an advertisement for it. Include the name of your company, the name of your product, a small picture or illustration, and details of prices and disco un ts.Homework1.Review what we have learned this class an( grasp the uses of importa nt words and phr

16、ases.2.Preview Less on 3.Liste n and read. Lear n and write, and correct the an swers.Liste n to the teacherListe n to the summary .d151015 3Unit 2 Lesson 3the class.Lesson 3Step 1 Think about the different parts of a computer. What do you use them for? Use the words from the box to label the pictur

17、e. mon itor CD-ROM drivemouse keyboardscreen CPUmousepad disk driveStep2 What should you look for whe n you buy a computer?Speed: Is the computer fast or slow?Mon itor: Is the scree n large or small?Memory: How much memory does the computer have?Price: Is the computer expe nsive or cheep?Hard Drive:

18、 Is the hard drive big or small?Step 3 Study the information about five different computers. Use the adjectives above to talk about them.Notes:parative 比较级parison 比较、类似3.expensive 昂贵的of useful words and phrases and make examples. Liste n and take no tes.Work in pairs.15教与学互动设计教师活动内容学生活动内容时间Liste n a

19、nd read.:15Lear n and write,15and correct the10an swers.3Liste n to theteacherListe n to thesummary .4.gigabyte千兆字节5.irregular不规则的6.keyboard 键盘7.memory存储器8.monitoring 显示器9.mousepad 鼠标垫10.superlative 最高级的Step 4 Use the rules above to make comparative adjectives.1.slow slower2.small smaller3.wide wide

20、r4.big bigger5.heavy faster7.beautiful more beautiful8.i nteresti ng more in terest ingStep 5 Make comparative sentences about the computers. And talk to your part ner. Which computer from page 27 would you buy? Using comparatives, give three reas ons for your choice.Homework1.Review w

21、hat we have learned this class and grasp the uses of importa nt words and phrases.2.Preview Less on 4.早节 课题Unit 2 Lesson4课型教具学具New Less on 课时 2 电教设施 recorder, tape教 学 目 标知识 教学点Ide ntify and compare purchas ing methods.能力 培养点Students can improve their listening ability and speaking ability .德育 渗透点Imp

22、rove the ability of learning a foreign Ianguage.教 学 重 占八、 难 占八、重点Practice liste ning and Sentence patter ns.难点How to improve stude nts liste ning skills.学法引导1. problem method 2. discussi on method3. readi ng method 4. situati onal method教学内容 更新、补 充、删节Add some skills about practic ing speak ing.参考资料1

23、.Refere nee book2.Exercise book3.Guide book课后体会It is popular to pay for the bill on a credit card. The students can easily explain the four different ways to make purchases.教与学互动设计教师活动内容学生活动内容时间Orga ni zatio nListe n to the2teacher.10Check all the stude nts and be prepared forListe n and10the class.

24、Lesson 4Step 1 Terro n uses four differe nt ways to make purchases. What are they?Notes:1.account账户、账目2.advantage优点、长处3.allow 允许、许可4.amount总和、总额5.application 申请、请求6.ATM Automated Teller Machine 自动柜员 机、自动取款机7.disadvantage 缺点、不禾U8.minimum最小的9.replace替代、取代Step2 Write the correct word next to its descri

25、ption. You will use some of the items two 现金 pers onal check个人支票credit card 信用卡 debit card 借记卡1. This is a written request to your bank asking them to pay money out of your acco unt.discuss.Learn the uses of useful words and phrases and make examples. Liste n and take no tes.25教与学互动设计教师活动

26、内容学生活动内容时间2.This allows you to borrow money to makeListe nand10discuss.15purchases.Lear n and write,153.Coins and bills are this.and correctthe3an swers.4.This allows a store to take money directly fromListe n totheyour acco unt to pay for purchases.teacherListe n tothe5.This allows you to buy now a

27、nd pay later.summary .6.You can get cash out of the ATM with this.Step 3 In groups, talk about the advantages anddisadva ntages of each purchas ing card 信用卡2.debit card借记卡3.hang over 威胁4.keep doing不断地做5.out of cash现金不足 off还清7.pick up去取回8.that way 那样Step 4 Complete each sta

28、teme nt with must or haveto and a verb from the box. Then choose onepurchas ing method and write a paragraph onwhy you think it is better than all the rest.Homework1.Review what we have lear ned this class andgrasp the uses of importa nt words and phrases.2.Preview Less on 5.教师活动内容学生活动内容时间Orga ni za

29、tio nListe n tothe2teacher.15Check all the stude nts and be prepared forListe nand10教与学互动设计Unit 2 Lesson5the class.Lesson 5Step 1 Read about making purchases.Notes:1.deal交易2.decision决定、决心3.rewrite重写、再写4.sequenee 顺序5.stage 阶段6.step步骤7.transition 过渡词8.while 一段时间9.according to 根据,依据parison shop货比三家,寻价11.dependent on 依靠、依赖12.make a decision 做决定13.sequencing transition 先后顺序过渡词Step2 Put the steps in order from 1 to 5 acco

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