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1、高中英语单词天天记state素材 state v.stet( states; stated; stating ) 双解释义 vt.陈述 say; express vt.规定 set in advance 基本要点 1.state的基本意思是“陈述”,常指在正式或庄重的场合陈述观点、看法等,而且这种陈述常含有仔细、详尽而明确的意味。2.state一般用作及物动词,接名词、代词、that从句、带疑问词的从句作宾语。还可接以“to be+n.”或to have+v-ed充当补足语的复合宾语。3.state常用于“It is/was stated that.”结构。 词汇搭配 +名词 state a

2、case陈述案件 state a price规定价格 state ones name and dress注明姓名和地址 state ones opinion陈述观点 state ones view陈述观点 state ones wishes表达愿望 state the exact time of arrival说明抵达的确切时间 +副词 state abruptly突然陈述 state authoritatively权威地陈述 state broadly概括地陈述 state concisely简明地陈述 state constantly不断地陈述 state dangerously危险地陈述

3、 state impatiently不耐烦地陈述 state emphatically强调地陈述 state exactly确切地陈述 state intelligently英明地陈述 state metaphorically比喻地陈述 state officially官方地陈述 state overwhelmingly过分地陈述 state parenthetically作为插入语地陈述 state peacefully平静地陈述 state positively肯定地陈述 state principally主要地陈述 state satisfactorily令人满意地陈述 state so

4、lemnly严肃地陈述 state specifically详细地陈述 state successfully成功地陈述 state succinctly简明地陈述 state tersely简短地陈述 state thoroughly详尽地陈述 state tranquilly平静地陈述 state unnecessarily不必要地陈述 state unreasonably缺乏理智地陈述 state unsuccessfully失败地陈述 state vigorously有力地陈述 state vividly生动地陈述 state wisely明智地陈述 +介词 state to向陈述 句型

5、例句 用作及物动词S+n./pron.State your name and address.讲清你的姓名和地址。He stated his problem clearly.他把问题叙述得很清楚。He stated his case before a judge.他在法官面前陈述了自己的看法。Would you please state your frank opinion of the plan?请坦率地谈谈您对这项计划的看法好吗?S+that-clauseThe witness stated that he had not seen the woman before.该证人说他从未见过那个

6、女人。I heard the official state that no children were to be admitted.我听到那位官员说,孩子都不允许入内。The spokesman stated that the agreement would be signed on 30 March.该发言人声称协议将于3月30日签字。It states in the newspaper that there will be a meeting tomorrow.报纸报道,明天有个会议要召开。It is/was ed+that-clauseIt is stated that the fir

7、e started in a cottage.据说火是从一间小屋里烧起来的。It is semiofficially stated that he has resigned his place on the committee.据半官方的消息说,他已辞去了在委员会的职务。S+wh-clausePlease state exactly what these legal terms mean.请说明这些法律术语的确切含义。Please state whether you are married or single.请说明你是已婚还是未婚。用作宾补动词S+n./pron.+to ben.They s

8、tated themselves to be members of a secret society.他们宣称自己是一个秘密社团中的成员。S+n./pron.+to havev-edThey stated the diamond to have been stolen.他们宣称钻石已被偷了。其他v-ed as Attrib.Theatre tickets must be used on the stated date.戏票必须在指定的日期才有效。 词语辨异 state, describe, narrate, recite, recount, rehearse, relate, report参见

9、relate条。 补充资料 同义词n. circumstance, condition, country, nationv. declare, express, say词源 中古英语 古法语 拉丁语state,古法语estat(状态,情况,立着的物体,建立的机构) state n.stet( states ) 双解释义 C状态,状况 a condition in which a person or thing is; a particular way of being, feeling, or thinking considered with regard to its most import

10、ant or noticeable quality C国家,政府 the government or political organization of a country C州; 邦 any of the smaller partly self-governing areas making up certain nations U盛礼; 隆重的仪式 the grandness and ceremony connected with governments and rulers 基本要点 1.state作名词的基本意思是“状态,状况”,指人或物在外观、心灵、健康等方面的自然“状态”或“情况”,

11、是可数名词,常用于in a state of.的结构。2.state还可作“国家”解,如强调其政治实体性时,首字母常大写; 不强调政治实体性时则首字母可小写。state还可作为一个国家中的“州,邦”解,作此解时是可数名词。3.state还可作“盛礼,隆重的仪式”解,一般是与政府或统治者有关的机构举行的活动,是不可数名词。 词汇搭配 动词+ alter the state of sth 改变某物的状态 bring about a state of造成的状态 create a state of造成的状态 end a state of结束的状态 get into a state激动,担忧 keep

12、ones state维持尊严 reach a state of达到的状态 resume a state of恢复的状态 defend a state保卫国家 destroy a state破坏一个国家 found a state建立一个国家 lead a state领导一个国家 threaten a state威胁一个国家 形容词+ actual state实际状况 dangerous state危急状态 good state良好状态 mental state精神状态 nervous state紧张状态 poor state糟糕情况 present state现况 solid state固态

13、unconscious state失去知觉 aggressive state侵略性的国家 big state大国 client state附庸国 dry state禁酒州 fascist state法西斯国家 free state(美国内战时期禁用奴隶的)自由州 friendly state友好国家 independent state独立国 pacific state爱好和平的国家 revolutionary state革命的国家 small state小国 socialist state社会主义国家 sovereign state主权国家 strong state强大的国家 名词+ worl

14、d state of affairs 世界状况 enemy state敌国 member states成员国 police state警察国家 satellite states卫星国 slave state蓄奴州 welfare state福利国家 +名词 state land国有土地 state secret国家机密 介词+ in state隆重地,庄严地 in a state处于某一状态 in a highly nervous state处于极度紧张状态 arrive in great state威风凛凛地到达 the Department of S- 美国务院 the Secretary

15、 of S- 美国务卿,英国务大臣 +介词 state of disorder紊乱状态 state of health健康状况 state of mind精神状态 state of nature自然状态 state of repair维修状况 state of the art技艺发展水平 常用短语 ininto a state1.处于陷于激动或焦躁的情绪中 ininto an excited or agitated state of mindHe was in a real state when I last saw him.我上次见到他时,他很激动。Mothers been in a gre

16、at state the whole afternoon.母亲整个下午都非常焦躁不安。She got herself into a state about the exams.她对这次考试心里很慌。You couldnt help spilling the ink so theres no need to get into a state about it.你不是故意把墨水溅出来的,因此没有必要为此担忧。2.肮脏的,凌乱的 dirty, neglected, untidy, etc.His clothes were in a state.他的衣服乱七八糟。What a state this p

17、lace is in!这地方真乱哪! 句型例句 Air whether in the gaseous or liquid state is a fluid.空气,无论是气态的或是液态的,都是一种流体。That country is now an independent State.那个国家现在是个独立的国家。Railways in Britain belong to the State.英国的铁路归国家所有。These industries are run by the State.这些工业是由国家经营的。The state is now protecting the forest resou

18、rces against exhaustion.该国正在保护其森林资源免遭乱砍滥伐。Young people should pay attention to the affairs of state.青年应该关心国家大事。She retained the best lawyer in the state to defend her case.她为了她的案子聘用了该州最好的律师。Which state do you come from?你是哪个州的?The Queen drove to the palace in state.女王威严地乘车前往王宫。The goodwill mission wa

19、s received in state.友好使团受到了隆重的接待。The opening of Parliament is one of the great state occasions.议会的开幕式是极其隆重的盛典之一。Does private education skim off all the best students from the state system?私立教育会把最优秀的学生从国立教育中都选走吗?Industrial investments form an important part of state expenditure.工业投资是国家开支的一个重要组成部分。+of

20、n./pron.The area is in a state of armed conflict.这地区已处于武装冲突的状态。The army is in a high state of readiness.军队处于高度戒备状态。The school buildings are in bad state of repair.校舍亟待大修。They sampled the population to find out the state of public opinion.他们从人口中抽样以了解民意状况。They are very concerned about the state of the

21、 churchyard.他们对于教堂墓地的状况非常关心。His general state of health is fairly satisfactory.他的总的健康状况相当令人满意。The insurance company is trying to find out which driver is culpable for the state of events.保险公司试图发现哪个司机有过失。 正误解析 1.她身体状况很糟糕。误 She is at a poor state of health.正 She is in a poor state of health.析 state作“状

22、态”“状况”解时,常用于be in a state of sth 的结构,表示“处于某种状况情况”,这里介词用in,不用at。2.国家元首在政治中起关键作用。误 The head of the state played a key role in politics.正 The head of state played a key role in politics.析 用head of state表示“国家元首”时, state前不加冠词。3.美利坚合众国位于北美洲。误 The United States are located in North America.正 The United States is located in North America.析 以s结尾的表示国家、机构等的专有名词一般视作单数。

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