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Unit 3 A Hanging 练习答案.docx

1、Unit 3 A Hanging 练习答案Unit 3 A HangingConsolidation ActivitiesI. Text Comprehension 1. Decide which of the following best states the authors purpose B A. To criticize the reaction of the on-lookers during a hanging.B. To present his humanistic view on capital punishment.C. To describe the process of

2、an execution.D. To show sympathy to the man that had been hanged. II. Judge, according to the text, whether the following statements are true or false.1). Each cell, ten feet by ten in size, was barely furnished except for a plank bed and a pot for drinking water. T2). According to the superintenden

3、t, the prisoner should be executed at 8 oclock. T3). A group of prisoners were walking towards the gallows to be hanged. F4). When the noose was fixed around the prisoners neck, he emitted urgent and fearful cries for help. F5). As the superintendent was counting the prisoners cries to a fixed numbe

4、r, all on the spot, including the Indian warders, were terribly upset. T6). We went round the gallows to make sure that the hanged prisoner was actually dead. T7). From what the Eurasian boy said, the hanged man was an undaunted man. FII. Writing Strategies This text is a piece of dynamic or descrip

5、tive narration, telling us a true story about the hanging of a convict in Burma. The narrative text first presents a general description of the poor, simple living conditions of the condemned men before they were put to death on the gallows. Next, it focuses on a dynamic and specific description of

6、how a condemned man, a Hindu, was guarded and escorted to the gallows and how he was hanged. Then, some anecdotes are presented and some events described, which provide food for thought. Evidently, the events are organized mainly in the order of their occurrence, following the natural time sequence.

7、 It is to be noted that Paragraphs 9-14 make up the climax of the story. Also, it is not to be overlooked that the first-person narration is adopted, which renders the events described or narrated more vivid, objective and believable, and which makes it possible and convenient for the narrator to pu

8、t across his own thoughts and feelings in the process of narration. Besides, it is worth our attention that the beginning of this narrative story is well connected with its conclusion.The questions below are to be answered:1. Do you agree that the narrative story is full of dynamic descriptions? If

9、you do, provide examples to support your viewpoint. Yes, I do. The story is so full of dynamic verbs that more than 90% of the sentences contain one or two, or even more action verbs. Obvious examples are found in Paragraphs 2, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15. 2. Which paragraphs contain flashba

10、cks? Flashbacks are found in Paragraphs 16, 18, and 20. 3. What do you know about the advantages of the first-person narration? The employment of the first person narration renders the events described or the plots narrated more vivid, objective and believable, and makes it possible and convenient f

11、or the narrator to express or demonstrate his own thoughts or psychological activities in the process of narration. 4. How is the beginning of the story associated with its conclusion? Both the beginning and the conclusion of the narrative story touch on or briefly describe the hard life and tragic

12、fate of the condemned prisoners. III. Language Work1. Explain the underlined part in each sentence in your own words.1.These were the condemned men, due to be hanged within the next week or two. who were scheduled to be hanged 2. He was a Hindu, a puny wisp of a man, with a shaven head and vague liq

13、uid eyes. who was a small, thin, and weak man 3. They crowded very close about him, with their hands always on him in a careful, caressing grip. holding him firmly and continuously in a careful manner 4. Two warders marched on either side of the prisoner, with their rifles at the slope. carrying rif

14、les that tilted over their shoulders 5. At each step his muscles slid neatly into place. his muscles appeared to be functioning normally 6. and in two minutes, with a sudden snap, one of us would be gone - one mind less, one world less. we will lose a man who can also think and reason like us, and w

15、ho is also a unique individual like each of us 2. Fill in each blank with one of the two words from each pair in their appropriate forms and note the difference of meaning between them. vibrate oscillate1). More and more people believe that the common stocks oscillate in a predictably cyclical way.

16、2). Half sleeping, she could feel the train vibrate with the monotonous roll of wheels along the track.3). He will never forget his first experiences as a total stranger in the big city, those years which oscillated between hope and despair. 4). When you play a note on any guitar, you create an over

17、tone series, and those overtone series come about through the string vibrating in properly divided lengths. motion movement1). In the middle of the blaze stands a tall dead pine, which caught a lightening bolt during last nights thunderstorm and set the fire in motion. 2). The jury watched the tape

18、dozens of times in slow motion and in freeze frame.3). The movement of the enemy troops in the border area has been closely monitored. 4). The labour movement has been assailed by accusations of sexism and demands for change from feminists inspect examine1). They dont normally give any advance notic

19、e about which building theyre going to inspect for the annual quality assessment.2). The aim of the course is to examine certain philosophical issues which arise from modern linguistics. 3). If it is our contention that the weapons inspectors have all the authority they need now to inspect those sit

20、es, do you think those sites should be inspected now?4). Here is an opportunity for students to examine the concepts of what it is to be an environmentalist, and to examine their own behaviour in this context.dangle suspend1). Once inside the hall, we could see chandeliers suspended on heavy chains

21、from the ceiling.2). The belt of her coat dangled in the mud. 3). Joan suggested we suspend a rope from the garage roof to secure the door from falling. 4). A gold bracelet dangled from his left wrist. 3. Fill in the blank in each sentence with a word or phrase from the box, using its appropriate fo

22、rm.1). She thought she was too homely to get a date. 2). I could hear the note of appeal in her voice as she asked me to talk things over again.3). In this decade of politics, many more women have become magistrates.4). I hope that we can settle this issue amicably. 5). This is a far from solemn boo

23、k - it is a rich mix of pleasures and information, and is full of surprises.6). We rushed out of the shop in hot pursuit, but the thief had vanished into thin air.7). He twisted and turned, trying to free himself from the rope.8). I tried to excuse myself for missing her party but made the attempts

24、very clumsily.4. Make a sentence of your own for each of the given words with meanings other than those used in the text. You may change the part of speech of these words. 1) cells Those cells divide and form many other different types of cells.2) yield Last year 400,000 acres of land yielded a crop

25、 worth $1.75 billion in that country. 3) lock The police beat them up and locked them in a cell. 4) stand by I think we have to stand by what we believe. 5) tick A wind-up clock ticked busily from the kitchen counter. 6) side He calls me twenty times a day and needs me by his side. 5. Put the words

26、in the parentheses into their appropriate tenses and aspects.When I (1) opened (open) the door I (2) saw (see) a man on his knees. He clearly (3) had been listening (listen) to our conversation and I (4) wondered (wonder) how much he (5) had heard (hear). When I (6) asked (ask) what he (7) was doing

27、 (do), he (8) said (say) that he (9) had dropped (drop) a 50p piece outside the door and (10) had been looking (look) for it. I (11) didnt see (not see) any sign of the money, but I (12) found (find) a small notebook and pencil which he probably (13) had dropped (drop) when the door (14) opened (ope

28、n) suddenly. So he (15) had been taking (take) notes of our conversation! The notes (16) were (be) written in a foreign language, so I (17) turned (turn) to the stranger and (18) asked (ask) him to translate. But he (19) pulled (pull) my hat over my eyes and (20) ran (run) off down the corridor. By

29、the time I (21) recovered (recover) from the shock he (22) had disappeared (disappear) round the corner. Curiously enough, when I (23) moved (move) my foot I (24) found (find) that I (25) had been standing (stand) on a 50p piece. Perhaps he (26) had been telling (tell) the truth after all!6. Put a w

30、ord in each blank that is appropriate for the context.Of the many problems in the world today, none is as widespread, or as old, as crime. Crime, in all its (1) forms, penetrates every layer of society and touches every human being. Whatever you do, wherever you live, you are (2) victim of crime whe

31、ther you like it or not, whether you know it or not. Crime, (3) especially violent crime, has risen to a point where many people are afraid to walk (4) alone in their own neighborhoods, afraid to open their doors after (5) dark, and even afraid to speak out and voice their own opinions. Some experts

32、 have identified several factors that (6) contribute to the crime rate: massive urbanization, unemployment and poverty, and a large immigrant (7) population. The most important problem that remains (8) unsolved is how to stop crime from happening. So far, different types of solutions have been proposed to (9) combat various crimes. Are they all very (10) effective? No, not at all. Therefore, more effective measures and more powerful actions are to be taken against all so

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