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高中英语 Unit5 Music学案 新人教版必修2.docx

1、高中英语 Unit5 Music学案 新人教版必修2Unit 5Music第一学时Reading and ComprehensionTwo important kinds of musicThere are two important kinds of music in the worldone is written down and the other is not.Many people earn their living by writing music.They write songs for pop stars and music for films and TV plays.Fol

2、k music has been passed down from one generation to another.At first it was never written down.People learnt the songs from their families,relatives,neighbors and friends in the same village.These songs were about country life, the seasons,animals and plants,and about love and sadness in peoples liv

3、es.In Africa most music is folk music.It plays an important part in peoples lives,especially at festivals and weddings,when people dance all night long.Indian music is not written down.There is a basic pattern(模式)of notes which the musicians follow.But a lot of modern music is also written.India pro

4、duces more films than any other country in the world.It produces musicals(音乐喜剧),too,that is,films with music,and millions of records are sold every year.Task 1仔细阅读课文“The Band that Wasnt”,根据课文内容选出最佳答案。1Which of the following singers or bands are mentioned in the passage?ALiu Dehua,Coco Li and Beyond.

5、BBeyond,Song Zuying and Leon.CSong Zuying,the Beatles and Liu Huan.DCathy,Liu Huan and the Beatles.答案:C2When did the Monkees reunite?AIn 1996.BIn 1990.CIn the mid1980s.DIn 1980.答案:C3Which of the following statements is true?AAll the bands are formed because they like to write and play music.BThe Mon

6、kees played songs written by other musicians for about one year.CThe Beatles were more popular than the Monkees.DForming bands for high school students can realize their dream of becoming famous.答案:B4The Monkees had a lot to do with _Athe BeyondBthe Back Street BoysCthe Spicy SistersDthe Beatles答案:D

7、5How did the Monkees start?AThey started as a group of highschool students.BThey started as a TV show.CThey started as passersby in the street.DThey started as actors. 答案:BTask 2仔细阅读课文“The Band that Wasnt”,完成下列表格。How do people 1.form a band?ReasonsLiking to write and play their own music or earning

8、money or 2.fameMembersMany 3.musicians or just a group of highschool students.PlacesPractising in someones house.Playing to 4.passersby in the street or subway.Giving 5.performances in pubs or clubs.ResultsMaking records in a studio and becoming 6.millionaires.The band called the MonkeesStarting as

9、a TV show, its members 7.playing_jokes_on each other, and 8.relying_on other musicians.Starting to play and sing their own songs, producing their own records as a band.9.Breaking_up about 1970, but10.reuniting in the mid1980s.Task 3根据短文“The Band that Wasnt”,在下面空格中填上恰当的词语,使文章连贯完整。Most of us have 1.dr

10、eamed/dreamt (dream) of being famous in our lives.Most musicians often meet and form a band.Sometimes they play in the street to passersby so 2.that they can earn some extra money and this also gives them 3.a chance to realize 4.their dreams.There was once a band that started in a different way.The

11、musicians were to play jokes 5.on each other as well as play music,6.whose music and jokes were loosely7.based (base) on the Beatles.Their exciting performances 8.were_copied (copy) by other groups.9.Later (late) the Monkees played and wrote their own music.Though the band broke up about 1970,

12、ey reunited in the mid1980s.一、请将课文“The Band that Wasnt”翻译成汉语,然后对照助读译文自主勘误译文助读:并非乐队的乐队你曾经想过要成为一个乐队里有名的歌手或音乐家吗?你是否曾梦想过在音乐会上面对成千上万的观众演唱,观众欣赏你的歌唱为你鼓掌吗?你唱卡拉OK时是否假装自己就像是宋祖英或刘欢一样著名的歌星呢?说实在的,很多人把名和利看得很重。那么,人们又是怎样一起组成乐队的呢?许多音乐家聚在一起组成乐队,是因为他们喜欢自己作曲,演奏自己的音乐。他们开始可能是一组中学生,在某个人家里排练音乐,这是成名的第一步。有时他们可能在街上或地铁里为过路人演奏,


14、,他们的表演非常幽默以至于被其他的乐队模仿。他们如此走红以至于红歌迷们为了更加熟悉他们而成立了俱乐部。门基乐队每个星期都要在电视上演唱由别的音乐家创作的歌曲。然而,经过大约一年以后,门基乐队逐渐对自己的工作认真起来,他们开始像一支真正的乐队那样演唱自己创作的歌曲。然后他们录制自己的唱片,并且开始巡回表演他们自己的音乐。在美国,他们甚至比甲壳虫乐队还要受欢迎,出售的录音专辑还要多。门基乐队在1970年左右解散,但是令人高兴的是,到80年代中期他们再次聚首。在1996年,他们推出了一张新的专辑,以此来庆祝他们真正成为乐队以来的那段时光。二、课文精选段落背诵(请注关系代词的使用)The Band t

15、hat WasntHowever, there was one band that started in a different way.It was called the Monkees and began as a TV show.The musicians were to play jokes on each other as well as play music, most of which was based loosely on the Beatles.The TV organizers had planned to find four musicians who_could ac

16、t as well as sing.They put an advertisement in a newspaper looking for rock musicians,but they could only find one who was good enough.They had to use actors for the other three members of the band.第二学时Learning about Language一、用所给单词的适当形式填空1People who become musicians (music) often learn how to play

17、an instrument at an early age.2The children were attracted by the wonderful performance (perform)3There arent that many humorous (humor) pictures right now,but I plan to add more soon.4He works in an institute to Beijing University attached (attach)5Ice cream is attractive (attract) to children.二、动词

18、专练1He pretended to_be_reading (read) a book when his mother entered the room.2Do you know the girl performing (perform) on the stage? She is our monitor.3After the news was_broadcast (broadcast) that our spaceship returned to the earth safely,we all cheered with great joy. 4.I used to dream of becom

19、ing (become) a famous movie star.5The factory attached (attach)to the Globe Company produces sports shoes.6I dont think we should attach too much importance to earning (earn) a lot of money.7This film is good enough to_be_shown (show) in all parts of the world.8The club broke (break)up because of fi

20、nancial problems.三、 运用括号内的词组,将下列句子译成英语1一对朋友发生了争执,永远地结束了他们之间的友谊。(break up)答案:Two friends have an argument that breaks up their friendship forever.2既然你长大了,就不应该依靠你的父母。(rely on)答案:Now that you are grown up,you should not rely on your parents.3老实说,我认为自己没帮上多少忙。(to be honest)答案:To be honest,I dont think I

21、was helping very much.4实际上,我们对循环利用并不熟悉。(be familiar with)答案:Actually,we are not very familiar with recycling.5那个女孩梦见了一位英俊的王子。(dream of)答案:The girl dreamt of a handsome prince.第三学时Using LanguageReading, listening and speaking仔细阅读“Freddy the Frog”,然后根据课文内容选出最佳答案。1Whats the main idea of the passage?AIt

22、 mainly tells us something about Freddy.BIt mainly tells us something about Freddys band.CIt mainly tells us how popular Freddy and his band were.DFreddy and his bands life was greatly influenced after they became famous,so they chose to go back to the lake.答案:D2Which of the following is true accord

23、ing to paragraph 1?ANot long before Freddy and his band became famous,they paid a short visit to Britain.BWhat struck Freddy most was the fans waiting for hours to get tickets for their concerts.CFreddy felt strange when he wore an expensive suit and gave a performance to a TV camera in London.DThey

24、 were not popular until the programme on the TV was over.答案:C3What does the word “things” mean in the sentence“Then things went wrong”?AThe situation.BSomething that should be done.CThe matter.DEverything.答案:A4The following except“ _ ” happened to Freddy and his band after they were truly stars.AThe

25、y were followed everywhere,even in the toilet.BTheir personal life was regularly discussed by people.CThey became upset and sensitive, so they had to go back to the lake.DThey lived a more relaxed life and their band became more famous.答案:D Part AReading Aloud模仿朗读下面一段话,并注意语音语调。Freddy the Frog(II)Not

26、 long after/Freddy and the band/became famous,they visited Britain ona brief tour.Fans showed their devotion/by waiting forhours to get tickets for their concerts.Freddy was now quite confident/when he went into a concert hall.He enjoyed singing and all the congratulations afterwards!His most exciti

27、ng invitation was to perform ona TV programme called “Topof the Pops.”He had to go to London,wear an expensive suitand givea performanceto a TV camera.It felt very strange.But as soon as the programme was over,the telephones which were in the same room/started ringing.Everybody was asking/when they

28、could see Freddy/and his band again.They were truly stars.Part BRole Play情景:汤姆向黛莤了解有关Freddy the Frog的信息。角色:Tom和Daisy任务:请你和你的朋友分别扮演一个角色,根据中文提示提出问题,然后根据课文内容互相问答问题。 Q1:Freddy喜欢出名吗?Q1: Did Freddy enjoy being famous?A1: Yes,he enjoyed being famous at first.Q2:成名后他们一直非常开心吗? 为什么?Q2: Did they enjoy being fa

29、mous all the time? Why? A2:No soon after they became famous,they found things went wrong and Freddy and his band could not go out anywhere without being followed and people liked to talk about their personal affairs,whether they were true or false.Q3:他们为什么觉得痛苦?Q3: Why did they feel painful?A3:Becaus

30、e they were always being followed and their peaceful life was disturbed.Q4:他们不得不躲藏起来,对吗? Q4:They had to hide,didnt they?A4:Yes,they did.Q5:后来他们决定做什么?Q5:What did they decide to do later?A5:They decided to leave Britain,and they never returned to the country.Part CRetelling用自己的话复述课文,你可以参考上述问题及答案。关键词:

31、become famous 成名 follow 跟随,跟踪painful 痛苦的答案:Freddy and his band wanted to be famous,but when they became famous,they were always being followed wherever they went,which they found painful.So later they found it was good to be ordinary people and they had to hide.In the end they packed their bags and went back to the lake. 一、单词拼写1A prince turns into a frog (青蛙) in this cartoon fairytale.2James was taken to hospital but died soon afterwards (然后)3He began performing (表演) in the ear

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