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1、新编实用英语教案第二册Unit10 Unit Ten Managers and CEOS I. Objectives: By the end of this unit, the students should be able to:1. Read and understand some schedule, especially meeting schedule2. Read some dialogues and learn how to arrange a program3. Learn how to write conference schedule4. Useful words, expr

2、essions and language pointsII. IntroductionLead-in(导入): First, the students are asked to discuss the topic management and schedule. Then their opinions are written down on the blackboard. Finally, the introductory remarks will be made by the teacher as follows: Everybody dreams of being a manager or

3、 CEO of a big company because it often represents great success. If your dream comes true one day, would you know how to arrange your business work well, how to write a work schedule, how to chair a business meeting, how to manage your people and so on? These are the basic qualities of a good manage

4、r. In this unit youll learn something about how to communicate like a successful manager. A schedule is used to plan a conference or an intended event. With a well-prepared schedule, we can do things better and save sometimes. In this unit, we will learn some knowledge about management and schedule.

5、III. Teaching Procedures:Section I. Talking Face to FaceStep 1 Read and translates some samples of scheduleStep 2 Read some dialogues and try to learn how to arrange a programStep 3 Useful sentence patternsStep 4 PracticesStep 1 Read and translates some samples of schedule Sample 1Schedule for World

6、 Conferenceon Rejoining Severed Limbs (断肢再植)Beijing May 6-8May 6 (Mon.) 8:30 -11:30 Registration11:30 -13:30 Lunch13:30 -14:00 Plenary Session: Welcome & Opening Speeches14:00 -15:00 Review of Rejoining Severed Limbs in China by Prof. Li Jianeng15:00 -15:30 Intermission15:30 -17:00 Transplantation b

7、y Prof. Peter Cross Sample 2 On the Development of StudentsCommunicative Competence, by Ms He Xiaoqian11:30-3:30: Lunch 13:30-6:00: Workshop 16:00-6:20: Intermission 16:20-8:00: Dinner, Closing Address, by the Chairman of the Symposium Step 2 Read some dialogues and try to learn how to arrange a pro

8、gram 1. Samples Sample 1 Dialogue 1 Have You Finished the Schedule?Manager: Have you finished the schedule for the celebrations, Janet? Secretary: Yes. Ive just finished it. Do you want to read it now? Manager: Right. (Janet shows the schedule to the manager.)Manager: Let me see. On Wednesday, Septe

9、mber 17th, the Supreme Hotel .An introduction by Susan Williams, Janet, I am afraid Toby can come back for the opening address. He phoned me this morning. Secretary: Oh, I see. Who do you think can take the place? Manager: You may arrange for Sally, Sally Turner, to deliver the speech. Secretary: Al

10、l right. Any other opinions?Manager: Well, about the buffet supper, wed better make it sumptuous (豪华的). Secretary: Thanks. Sample 2 Dialogue 2Secretary: Good morning. What can I do for you? Reporter: I am a reporter from the TV station. I have an appointment with Mr. Anderson at 10:30. Secretary: OK

11、. Please have a seat. Hell be with you in a minute. Mr. Anderson: Hello, Mr. Ronald. Pleased to meet you. What would you like to know? Reporter: First of all, I would like to ask you some questions about how you manage your people. Anderson: OK, please.Reporter: Do you hold regular meetings with you

12、r employees? Anderson: Yes, I do. Once a week on Wednesdays from 8:00 to 10:00. Thats why I couldnt meet you then. Reporter: What do you do at those meetings? Anderson: I listen while my people review and analyze what they accomplished last week, the problems they had, and what still needs to be acc

13、omplished. Reporter: What else after that?Anderson: Then we develop plans and strategies for the next week. Reporter: Are the decisions made at the meetings binding on both you and your people?Anderson: Of course, they are.Reporter: Then you are a participative manager, arent you?Anderson: No. I don

14、t believe in participating in any of my people decision-making.2. Tasks after class(1) Interview a manager of a company about his management of human resources. (2) Talk about looking for a secretary for your managers office.(3) Offer your help in preparing for a conference. (4) Inform one of your c

15、olleagues of a meeting to be held at 8:30 a.mStep 3 Useful expressions and sentence patterns 1. expressionsshow something to somebodytake the placedeliver the speechhad better do itmake it goodbear something in minddo a good jobhave an appointment with somebodypleased to meet somebodyask somebody ab

16、out somethingneed to be accomplishedbelieve in participatingdecision making2. Sentences Could I ask you a question about your new project? What would you like to know? I would like to ask how you became a “rags-to-riches” CEO. I wonder how you manage the company? Could you tell me something about th

17、e management of your staff? Do you have regular meetings to discuss business? What do you do at the meetings? Have you finished the schedule for the celebration? Have you made a draft of the agenda for the conference? When shall we have the board meeting? Is everyone required to attend the meeting?

18、Who do you think could fill the position of the chief engineer? Who do you think can take the place of the general manager? Have you got everything ready for the conference? Whats the next item to discuss? Why cant Mr. Hopkins attend the meeting? How do you feel about the proposal? What are your vie

19、ws on this plan? Dont you agree with what Mr. Fisher said just now? What else do you think we should discuss now? Step 4 Practices 1. Imagine you are a company secretary. You are informing a member of the board, Mr. Brown, to attend an important conference. Fill in the blanks according to the Chines

20、e version provided. Y: Mr. Brown, _(1)_ (你收到通知) that we are going to hold a board meeting on Wednesday, November 28th?B: No, not yet. Where are we going to have it?Y: _(2)_. (下午2:30在董事会办公室。)B: Oh, I see. What are we going to discuss at the meeting?Y:_(3)_, (很多事情) such as the minutes of the last boar

21、d meeting, matters arising from it, the applications for the post of assistant accountant, etcB: But I have made an appointment with a client at that time.Y: _(4)_. (因为会议很重要,恐怕您得取消您的约会.)B: Let me think of it.Y: But the CEO said _(5)_. (每位董事都必须出席.)B: Oh, in that case, Ill change my appointment for an

22、other time.Y: _(6)_. (好的). See you then.B: See you.Key:(1) have you received the notice(2) In the board office at 2:30 p.m.(3) A lot of things(4) I am afraid you have to cancel it, for the meeting is very important.(5) every board member had to be present(6) Thats fine.Section II : Being All Ears Li

23、stening (见课件) It aims to train the students with proper listening strategies. So the teaching Procedure of this part should be as follows:Pre-listening: provide the students with the new words and expressions; read through the questions and the chart in exercise 1 and 2, and make some predictions as

24、 to the content of the dialogue. While listening: ask the students to listen to the dialogue for the first time and ask them just to understand the main idea of the dialogue not to finish the exercises; listen to the dialogue again and ask them to finish exercise 1; ask the students to repeat the di

25、alogue sentence by sentence after the tape while the teacher will press the button “pause” on the tape recorder; listen to the dialogue as a whole for the last time. Post-listening: ask the students to finish exercise 2, i.e. answering questions. This step aims to change listening to speaking.Sectio

26、n III: Maintaining a Sharp EyePassage 1 One Minute ManagerStep 1.Lead-in (In this step, some related information will be provided for the students.) Also the students will be asked some compression questions after they have skimmed the passage to help them develop reading strategies.) (1) Related In

27、formationCommon business titles in English a. CEO: chief executive officer 首席执行官,总裁b. Chairman of the board of directors 董事长c. General manager 总经理d. Deputy general manager 副总经理e. Assistant manager 经理助理,副经理f. Director 董事g. Personnel manager/human resources manager 人事部经理h. Director of the financial se

28、ction 财务主管i. Marketing manager 营销部经理j. Administrative manager 行政部经理k. Sales manager 销售部经理l. Public relations manager 公关部经理m. Production manager 生产部经理Step 2. Comprehension Questions 1. What will we learn from the first paragraph?2. Whats the meaning of “fire away”?3. What do they usually do at the me

29、eting? Step 3. Explain the passage in detail (1) Explanation of Difficult Sentences 1. (Para. 3) The manager willingly said, Fire away Analysis: Fire away is a verbal phrase that means go ahead.Translation: “ 那你就问吧 ”。Example: All right, fire away, Tom. I am listening.2. ( Para. 4 ) Well, to begin wi

30、th, do you hold regularly scheduled meetings with your subordinates?Analysis: To begin with is a parenthesis here. It can be replaced by to start with. Regularly scheduled can also be spelled with a hyphen between them as regularly-scheduled. A participle with a personifying adverb, usually showing

31、the manner or mode of the verb action, can be used as a noun per modifier. Other examples are: well-paid job, nice-looking man, hand-written signature, hotly debated topic.Translation: “ 啊,首先请问您是否定期召集下属开会?”Example: To begin with, all went well with him.The hand-written signature should be followed by a typed signature.3. ( Para. 7 ) I listen while my people review and analyze what they accomplished last weekAnalysis: Wha

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