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1、江苏省无锡市江阴四校学年高一英语下学期期中试题江苏省无锡市江阴四校2020学年高一英语下学期期中试题 注意事项及说明:1、试卷分四个部分,共150分,考试时间120分钟。2、答案一律写在答题纸上。考试结束时,只需交答题纸。第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)请听下面5段对话,选出最佳选项, 每段对话仅读一遍。1. Whats the probable relationship between the speakers?A. Teacher and student. B. Manager and staff. C. Husband and wife

2、.2. What kind of room does the woman want?A. A room with a shower. B. A room with a single bed. C. A room with no air-conditioner.3. Why is the man going shopping?A. To buy a schoolbag for the woman.B. To buy a birthday gift for his sister.C. To buy a coat for himself.4. Why didnt Johnson have suppe

3、r?A. He was too tired. B. He had a stomachache. C. He was not hungry.5. What does the woman think of her trip to India?A. It was interesting. B. It was terrible. C. It was just so-so.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)请听下面5段对话或独白,选出最佳选项,每段对话或独白读两遍。请听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。6. What did the man often do in his childhood

4、?A. He often told stories to his friends.B. He often listened to his grandparents stories.C. He often wrote stories for his grandparents.7. Where did the man put the collection of stories?A. On the table in the kitchen.B. In a box in the dining room.C. In a drawer in the living room.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8

5、. Where does the conversation probably take place?A. In a shop. B. In a restaurant. C. In a classroom.9. What will Tina do in the evening?A. Go to church. B. Attend a party. C. Take part in a march.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. What may have caused the fire?A. A cigarette butt. B. The electricity. C. Someone

6、 set it on purpose.11. Why did no one catch the fire?A. The smoke alarm didnt work.B. The fire was small.C. It happened late at night.12. What was damaged in the fire?A. Some workers. B. Some papers. C. Some smoke alarms.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. What is the womans favorite sport?A. Mountain climbing. B.

7、 Tennis. C. Yoga.14. Why does the woman like playing tennis?A. It makes her feel comfortable.B. It helps her keep her shape.C. It develops coordination.15. Which sport is good for breathing?A. Walking. B. Playing tennis. C. Mountain climbing.16. What does the man plan to do?A. Go mountain climbing.

8、B. Start doing yoga. C. Join in a tennis club.听第1 0段材料,回答第1 7至20题。17. What is a long-standing tradition in Ethiopia?A. Making coffee with friends.B. Drinking coffee with friends.C. Buying coffee for friends.18. What kind of climate is suitable for processing coffee?A. Dry. B. Wet. C. Cold.19. How do

9、 experts NOT estimate the quality of coffee?A. By observing the color.B. By tasting.C. By comparing it with other kinds of coffee.20. How many countries is Ethiopias coffee exported to?A. More than 150. B. More than 120. C. Less than 100.第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D

10、四个选项中,选出最佳选项。ADiscover Nature Schools programsBecoming Bears (Kindergarten-2 grade)By becoming baby bears, children learn from their “parent” to survive the seasons. Kids will find safety in the spring and learn kinds of food bears eat during the summer, and then create a cave for winter hibernation

11、(冬眠). After learning the skills needed to survive, students will go out of the cave as an independent black bear able to care for themselves. (1.5-2 hours)Whose Clues? (3-5 grade)Kids will discover how plants and animals use their special structures to survive. Through outdoor study of plants and an

12、imals, kids will recognize their special structures and learn how they enable species to eat, avoid their enemies and survive. Using what they have learned, kids will choose one species and tell how they survive in their living places. (3-4 hours)Winged Wonders (3-5 grade)Birds add color and sound t

13、o our world and play an important ecological (生态的) role. Students will learn the basics of birds, understand the role birds play in food chains and go bird watching using field guides and telescopes. Students will do hands-on activities. Students will use tools to build bird feeders, allowing them t

14、o attract birds at home.(3-4 hours)Exploring Your Watershed (6-8 grade)We all depend on clean water. Examining how our actions shape the waterways around us. Go on a hike to see first-hand some of the challenging water quality problems in a city. Students will test the water quality to determine the

15、 health of an ecosystem. Each program is taught for a class with at least 10 students. All programs include plenty of time outdoors. So please prepare proper clothing, sunscreen and insect killers for children. To take part in a program , please email What can kids do at Bec

16、oming Bears?A. Watch bears performances. B. Take care of bearsC. Dress up as baby bears to learn about bears. D. Learn how to survive a bear attack.22. Kids who are interested in plants will choose _.A. Winged Wonders B. Exploring your WatershedC. Becoming Bears D. Whose Clues?23. According to the p

17、assage, all the four programs _.A. have the same teaching hours B. have outdoor activitiesC. are offered during summer holidays D. are designed for primary school studentsBPeople in South Korea who feel they can no longer bear the stress of everyday life now can choose to stay in a prison to relax a

18、nd think deeply.In a society where pressure to do well in school and find highly-paid jobs is intense, a former lawyer came up with an extreme relaxation idea. Kwon Yong-seok created the “Prison Inside Me”a stress-reduction center with a punishment theme. People come here to cut themselves off from

19、the outside world and pay to be kept in 60-square-foot (5.6-square-meter) cells (囚室).Located on the outskirts of Hongcheon, about 58 miles (93 km) northeast of Seoul, “Prison Inside Me” came to life after Mr. Kwon voluntarily asked to spend time behind bars for “healing reasons,” but his request was

20、 turned down. “I didnt know how to stop working back then,” he said. “I felt like I was being swept away against my will, and it seemed I couldnt control my own life.” So, Kwon and his wife Roh Ji-hyang decided to take matters into their own hands, and designed and built a prison-like spiritual cent

21、er. The construction was completed in June last year and cost about 2 billion won ($19 million).The facility includes 28 cells, furnished with only a toilet, a sink and a small table, where guests can spend time alone, thinking about life and enjoying private thinking periods. Moreover, guests can a

22、lso join group thinking periods in the hall, where they are given instructions on how to free themselves from what Mr. Kwon calls the “inner prison” to find inner peace.According to the Wall Street Journal, hundreds of stressed South Koreans are checking in at the stress-reduction facility to think

23、about their lives and regain control of it. A two-night stay at “Prison Inside Me” costs 150,000 won ($146).Mr. Kwon and his wife explained that at the beginning they had a different plan for the “relaxation center,” and imagined a longer stay for their guests, but, given that people werent able to

24、take more time off, they had to reduce the length of stays to just two days.Park Woo-sub, a guest at “Prison Inside Me,” said the experience helped him a lot. “This is my third time in prison. Being kept in a prison makes me hard to breathe, but it also offers time to focus only on me and spend some

25、 quiet time with myself.”Others said the experience would have been more helpful if the conditions had been poorer, like in a real prison.24. Paragraph 3 mainly tells us _.A. where “Prison Inside Me” is located B. what people can do in “Prison Inside Me”C. how “Prison Inside Me” came into being D. w

26、hen “Prison Inside Me” was completed25. Which of the statements is true?A. people in South Korea prefer living under great pressureB. Mr. Kwon had intended to let guests stay at “Prison Inside Me” for over two daysC. most people in South Korea can not afford to stay at “Prison Inside Me”D. the 28 ce

27、lls are well furnished, but with no toilets in them26. We can know from the passage that _.A. many people have been kept in such a prison at least three timesB. it is not a good idea for people to focus only on themselves C. people find it not difficult to breathe though the prison is smallD. some s

28、till felt a bit unsatisfied as the conditions werent poor enough27. What is the main idea of the passage?A. Many South Koreans voluntarily go to “prison” to reduce stress.B. Many South Koreans can hardly bear the stress of daily life.C. South Koreans should spend more time alone thinking about life.

29、D. South Koreans have found the best way to deal with everyday pressure.CMost people agree that honesty is a good thing. But does Mother Nature agree? Animals cant talk, but can they lie in other ways? Can they lie with their bodies and behavior?Animalexpertsmaynotcallitlying,buttheydoagreethatmanya

30、nimals,from birds to chimpanzees, behave dishonestly to fool other animals. Why? Dishonesty often helps them survive.Manykindsofbirdsareverysuccessfulatfoolingotheranimals.Forexample, abirdcalledtheploversometimespretendstobehurtinordertoprotectitsyoung.Whena predator (猎食动物) gets close to its nest,

31、the plover leads the predator away from the nest. How? It pretends to have a broken wing. The predator follows the “hurt” adult, leaving the baby birds safe in the nest.Anotherkindofbird,thescrubjay,buriesitsfoodsoitalwayshassomethingtoeat.Scrubjays arealsothieves.Theywatchwhereothersburytheirfoodandstealit.But clever scrub jays seem to know when a thief is watching them. So they go back later, unbury the food, and bury it again somewhere else.Birds called cuckoos have found a way to have babies without doing much work. How? They dont make nes

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