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1、单元测试四Unit 4 My Holiday 学海导航学习要点1能够用一般过去时询问别人在过去的时间里乘坐某种交通工具去某地,并回答。2掌握四会句型 Where did you go on your holiday? 1 went to XijiangHow did you go there? 1 went by train疑难解释动词过去式的构成:1一般在动词原形末尾加ed, 如:learnlearned cookcooked2单词末尾是e的加d, 如:dancedanced livelived3动词末尾是“辅音字母十y”的要先改y为i,再加ed, 如:studystudied4不规则动词:

2、 singsang eatate taketook havehad buybought seesawgowent leaveleft flynew天天进步A.Lets,learn 一、看图,听音,标号。 二、听录音,用“”选出你听到的一项。 1Chinese( ) China( ) 2sing( ) sang( ) 3mountain( ) mutton( ) 4America( ) American( ) 5fruit( ) food( ) 6what( ) where( )三、用on,in,at填空。 1Where did you go your holiday? 2I go to sch

3、ool 7:20 3My birthday is Sept 3rd 4Theyre going to Hong Kong May。B. Lets talk一、 听对话,“”出相应的活动。 二、再听一遍,填上所缺的单词。 Sarah:Where did you go on your ,Amy? Amy:I to Xinjiang Sarah:What you do there? Amy:I sang and danced with my new . What about you,Sarah? Sarah:1 was at home and good food三、选择合情合理的下文,用直线连起来。

4、 11went to Canada by plane In last winter 2We shated and made a snowman Because its fast 3How was your weekend? It was a busy oneA. Lets read一、阅读课本中相应的短文,判断下列句子的正(T)误(F)。( )1Every day John had fun with his cousins( )2On Saturday they went to a restaurant( )3On Monday they ate good food( )4On Thursda

5、y they climbed a mountain二、写出John所做每项活动的时间。 1. John went to a park 2 John played ping-pong 3. John took many picturesB. Lets,earn一、听录音,选出你听到的一项。( )1A. go skiing B. go skating( )2Atook pictures Bdraw pictures( )3A1earned English B1earned Chinese.( )4Asaw elephants Bsee elephants二、情景反应:填上相应的单词,注意动词的正确

6、形式哦。 1Look,the monkey is (row) a boat 2The monkey (row) a boat yesterday.1 The monkey is going to (row) a boat tomorrowB. Lets talk一、听录音,判断下列的内容与你听到的是否一致,一致的打“”,否则打“X”。1. go to( ) 2by ship( ) 3. go there( )41ast year( ) 5when( ) 6bought presents( )二、听对话,填上所缺的单词。 A: did you go on your holiday? B:1 we

7、nt to Shenzhen A: did you go there? B:1 went by taxi A: did you do? B:I went to visit the theme parkB. 1ets read仔细阅读课本中相应的短文,选择正确的一项,序号填在括号里。( )1It was a holiday. Ashort Bbored C1ong( )2The weather is in Harbin Ahot Bsnowy Ccool( )3The writer(作者) on the first day of the holiday. A1eft Beijing Bwent

8、to the park Cwent to the zoo( )4There are days in the holiday A7 B6 C8( )5“relaxmeans . A放松 B劳累 C忙碌小小博士西方国家的人在外旅游有给亲人寄贺卡报平安的风俗,你在本单元学会其书写形式了吗?John老先生到中国杭州旅游,请你按所提示的短语,帮他给家人写一张报平安的贺卡吧。 play with my good friends eat good food visit West Lake row a boat take many pictures climb a mountain小小书架 同学们,当我们在假

9、日外出旅游时总会take pictures,把美丽的风景和美好记忆带回来,take pictrues的工具是camera,你想了解其相关知识吗?请拿起camera对照对照,读读看: 1各种照相机的英文名称。 一般照相机camera 普通相机ordinary camera 数码相机digital camera 傻瓜机fool-proof camera 2普通(数码)相机的零部件名称。 胶卷film 电池battery 快门shutter 按钮button 储存卡memory card 液晶显示屏LCD screen 连接线USB 闪光灯flasher 镜头lens 充电电池rechargeabl

10、e battery 瞄准孔view finder 请你把它们记下来,这样你又比别人多了一份收获,多一份才气,多一份喜悦。我要过关听力部分 (共40分)一、 看图,听音,编号。(6分) 二、听录音,排序。(8分) Aparents( ) prepare( ) cousin( ) season( ) Bfast( ) last( ) first( ) east ( ) Celephant( ) eleven( ) seven( ) eraser( ) Dcm( ) m ( ) km( ) mill( )三、听问句,判断下列答句是否正确,正确的写T,否则写F。(10分) 1I go to the n

11、ature park( ) 2I took pictures( ) 3By plane( ) 4Im tired( ) 5The sun shines and the water becomes vapour( )四、下列句子与你听到的是否一致,一致的打“”,否则打“X”。(10分) 1I left Beijing on Feb.1st ( ) 2I took a trip with my new friends( ) 3Lets make a snowman together( ) 4Did you help your mom clean her room?( ) 51 went to th

12、e moon by a spaceship.( )学习辅导五、写出你听到的单词的过去式。(6分) 笔试部分(共60分)一、从表格中圈出5个学过的单词,把它的小写形式及中文意思写在横线上。(10分) 二、把下列单词按查词典的顺序排列,并写在横线上。(6分) welcome between Chinese lobster beautiful kilogram 三、英汉互译。(11分) 买礼物 看见老虎 照相 吃苹果 get to the bookstore play the piano traffic lights 四、选词填空。(5分) how where what when who whose

13、 1. is your birthday? On Jan1st 2. tall are you? Im 168cm 3. did you buy last evening? A picture book 4 did your father work last year? In a hospital 5 is the matter,Amy? My leg hurts五、单项选择。(10分)( )1.I am ,because I . Aexcitedfailed my Chinese test a new stamp Ctiredbought a new skirt(

14、)2 your father plays ports yesterday morning? No,he a maganine ADo read BDidreaded )3We together last winter A. go ice-skating Bare going ice-skating Cwent ice-skating( )4Mike last yearNow he can speak Chinese A1earn Chinese B1earned English C1earned Chinese( )5Who is now? Adance Bdancing

15、 Cdanced( )6John and Mike . Aare going to play football this afternoon Bplayed the football that afternoon Care playing football this afternoon( )7Im 50kg.ChenJie is 48kg.Im than ChenJie Aheavier B1ighter Cshorter( )8I got to Tiajin May 5th AOn Bin COf( )9. did you see the goats? At the farm AHow BW

16、here CWhat( )10想知道怎样才能到达Canada,你问: AHow ca you get to Canada? BHow did you get to Canada? CHow can l get to Canada? 六、按要求写句子。(8分)1 I climbed the mountain last year(改为一般疑问句) 2. 1 went to the Great Wall by train(就划线部分提问) 3. My brother teaches English(改为一般疑问句) 4. ?(根据答句写问句)1 went to the USA on my holid

17、ay 七、阅读短文,把后面表格补充完整。(10分)To:Liu YunFrom:Alice Dear Liu Yun: I am happy to have a penpalI am in Australia nowEveryday,I had fun withmy friendsOn Monday we went to a restaurantWe ate good food On Monday we went to a parkWe flew kitesOn Wednesday we went fishing. On Thursday we rowed a boatOn Friday we

18、 went to the Zoo and pandas Ill visit China next month Your new penpal,A1ice timeplace Alice went to things Alice didAte good foodTuesday不填不填the zoo听力教材Unit 4 My Holiday 天天进步ALets learn一、看图,听音,标号。 1took pictures 2sang and danced 3ate good food 4 climbed a mountain二、听录音,用“”选出你听到的一项。1China 2sing 3mutt

19、on 4America 5fruit 6Where学习辅导BLets talk一、听对话,“出相应的活动。 (1) Where did you go on your holiday,Amy? 1 went to Xijiang. What did you do there? I sang and danced with my new friends (2) What about you Sarah? 1went to BeijingI ate good food二、再听一遍,填上所缺的单词。 Sarah:Where did you go on your holiday,Amy? Amy: 1

20、went to Xinjiang Sarah:What did you do there? Amy: I sang and danced with my new kiends and bought presentsWhat about you,Sarah? Sarah:1 was at home and ate good foodBLets learn 一、听录音,选出你听到的一项。 1.go skating 2took pictures 31earned English 4see elephantsB。Lets talk 一、听录音,判断下列的内容与你听到的是否一致,一致的打“”,否则 打“

21、X”。 11 went to Harbin 21 went by train 3How did you go there? 41 went to Zhejiang last year 5When did you go to Guangzhou? 6Amy bought presents for her sister 二、听对话,填上所缺的单词。 A:Where did you go on your holiday? B:1 went to Shenzhen A:How did you go there? B:1went by taxi A:What did you do? B:1 went t

22、o visit the theme park 我要过关 一、看图,听音,编号。 Askiing learn Chinese see elephants Bskating make a snowman play pingpong 二、听录音,排序。 A. prepare parents season cousin Bfirst east last fast Celeven seven elephant eraser Dmm m km cm 三、听问句,判断下列答句是否正确,正确的写T,否则写F。 1How did you go to the nature park? 2What did you

23、do there? 3Where did you go last weekend? 4How do you feel? 5How does the water become vapour? 四、下句子与你听到的是否一致,一致的打“”,否则打“X”。 1I left Beijing on Feb1st 2I took a trip with my Cousins 3Lets make a snowman together 4Did you help your mom clean her room? 51went to the moon by a ship五、写出你听到的单词的过去式。 sing

24、eat take have has getUnit 4 参考答案 天天进步 A 1ets,learn 、 4 3 l 2 二、1China 2sing 3mutton 4America 5fruit 6where 三、1 on 2 at 3 on 4 in A Lets talk 二、holiday went did friends ate 三、11 went to Canada by planeBecause its fast 2We skied and made a snowman in last winter 3How was your weekend? It was a busy on

25、e A 1ets read 、1 T 2 F 3 T 4 T 二、1On Tuesday 2On Wednesday 3On Thursday B Lets Learm 一、1B 2A 3A 4B 二、1rowing 2rowed 3row B Lets talk 一、X X 二、Where How What B Lets read 1 C 2 B 3 B 4 C 5 A 我要过关 听力部分 一、A3 2 1 B2 1 3 二、A2 1 4 3 B4 3 1 2 C3 1 2 4 D4 2 3 1 三、1F 2T 3F 4T 5T 四、 X X 五、sang ate took had had

26、got 笔试部分 一、and和, 又, 而 boat小船 foot脚 or或者 ,还是so因此, 所以 WC厕所 二、beautiful between Chinese kilogram lobster welcome 三、buy presents, see tiger, take pictures, eat apples, 去书店, 弹钢琴, 交通灯 四、1When 2How 3What 4Where 5What 五、1B 2C 3C 4C 5B 6A 7A 8A 9B 10C 六、1Did you climb the mountain last year? 2How did you go to the Great Wall? 3Does your brother teach English?4.When did you go to the USA? 七、Timeplace Alice went toThings Alice didMondayrestaurantate good foodTuesdayParkflew kitesWednesday不填went fishingThursday不填rowed a boatFridayThe zoosaw pandas

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