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1、青岛小学英语五年级下册Unit3AskingthewayPeriod1教案牛津译林版三起57Unit 3 (Period 1)教学内容Story time课时本单元共5课时 本课为第1课时 课时目标1.在情景中,整体理解Story time内容。并能听懂、会说、会读故事中出现的词汇:take, station, walk, bookshop, along, ask the way, get to, get on/off, turn right/left, next to, traffic light, on your right/left.2.基于故事能听懂、会说、会读句型:How do I

2、get to.? You can. Go along this street. Turn left/right at the traffic lights. You can see.on your right.并理解句型的意思。3.能够在理解的基础上流利地朗读课文。4.能尝试用第一人称复述去苏海家的路线。教学重点1.能听懂、会说、会读文中的词汇及与问路相关的句型。2.能以正确的语音语调朗读课文并能正确地理解课文。教学难点能够在理解课文的基础上复述去苏海家的路线。教学准备PPT教学过程Step1 Pre-story1. Free talkT: How do you go to school? H

3、ow does Su Hai go to school? Where does she live now?Step2 While-story过渡:T: (呈现PPT打电话部分)Today YL is calling SH. She wants to visit SHs new home. She is asking SH the way. T: Today we are going to learn Unit3 Asking the way.1.学习有关的词汇turn right turn left get on get off2. 课文 Happy guessingPPT :How do I

4、 get to Experimental primary school ?Happy watchingPPT :What are they talking about?Read and underline the key sentences读第一场景,画出文中问路的句子和圈出文中经过的地点Read the dialogue and find out the bookshop on the map.读第二场景,找出正确的线路图Listen and choose(听P26对话)PPT: How does YL get to SHs home? 1) She can take the . A.met

5、ro B.bus 2) Which station can she get on? (附get on图片帮助学生理解) A.At City Library Station B.At Park Station(学生选择后呈现句子和地图:She can get on the metro at Park Station and get off at City Library Station. 并带读。) 3) Whats next to SHs home? A.A library B.A bookshop读课文,给图片配上正确的文字3.综合巩固 Watch the cartoon and repea

6、t after it. Read and match. Step3 Post-story1. Happy tasks2. Look and say(先用第一人称来描述)T: If you were YL, how do you get to SHs home?1) Discuss in pairs 2) Check3 Ticking time Step 4 Homework1. Listen and read the story three times2. Look and say(P28,用书上的第三人称来描述)板书设计 Unit 3 Asking the way Get on Get of

7、f Go along Turn 教后反思 赠送试卷五年级Module2一、判断读音是否相同。相同T,不同F。 ( )1.A. draw B. saw ( )2.A.chair ( )3.A.class B.pass ( )4.A.teacher B.head ( )5.A.why B.where二、单项选择。( )1.She danced in a lot of _.A.cityB.citysC.cities( )2.Did she learn any _?A.foreign languages B.foreign language C.foreign English( )3.S

8、he is a _ . B.dancer C.teach( )4.He _ English last year. learningB.learnC.learnt( )5.Ten years _ , I was a child. A.ago B.before C.later( )6.Ms Smart learnt _ danceC.dancing( )7.- _are they? -Theyre my grandparents.A.WhoB.WhatC.Whose( )8. -What she yesterday? -She made a ca

9、, did B.did, didC.did, do( )9.He _English learningC.learnt() 10.Five years ago, he _ to school.Now he to school by bus.A. Walked, wentB.walks, goesC.walked, goes三、选答语。( ) 1.Who are they? A.Yes, she did.( )2.Did he learn English? B.Yes, it is.( )3.Is this your mother? C.They

10、re my parents.( )4.What did she do last night? D.She cleaned the room.( )5.Did she write a book? E.No, he didnt.4、连词成句,注意大小写及标点符号。1.ten, years, Mr Li, teacher, was, ago, a (.), he, English, is, English (.)_3. grandma, English, learn, your, did (?)_4. foreign, learn, she, languages, did, any (.

11、) _5. is, your, this, grandpa (?) _赠送 五年级英语下册习题册第一模块一、重点单词:life生活 different不同的 ago以前 any任何,一些 television电视机 field田地 us我们(宾格) grandchildren(外)孙子(女) radio收音机 fire炉火 grandmother(外)祖母 lady女士,夫人 telephone电话 hope希望二、重点短语及知识点:in China在中国 many years ago许多年前 enough food充足的食物 lots of许多 watch TV看电视 have got 有,

12、拥有 every day每天 four years ago四年前 a television programme一个电视节目 last night昨晚 talk about讨论 on a(the) fire在火上 in the fields在地里 a small(big) house一栋小(大)房子 过去式:iswas arewere livelived否定形式:werewerent diddidnt 现在分词:changechanging comecoming复数形式:busbuses 三、重点句型:1. We lived in a small house.我们住在一间小房子里。2Its a

13、programme about China.它是一个关于中国的节目。3. Life was very different in China many years ago.许多年前中国的生活完全不同。4. There are lots of buses and cars.有许多公交车和小汽车。5.We live in a big house.我们住在一间大房子里。6.Yesterday I watched TV with my grandchildren.昨天我和孙子们一起看电视了。7. Thank you for talking to us. 谢谢您和我们谈话。(for后面的动词要加+ing形

14、式)8. She didnt have a television .她那时候没有电视。9. I watched a television programme about China last night.昨晚我看了一个关于中国的访谈节目。10. An old lady talked about her life many years ago.一个年老的女士谈论了她许多年前的生活。11.She couldnt read or write. 她不能读也不能写。(could或者couldnt + 动词原形)否定句里要用 or,不用and12. A:How was it different?有什么不同

15、?B:There werent any buses.那时候没有公交车。(否定句和疑问句中要使用any,不能使用some)13.A:Where were you three days ago?三天前你在哪里?B: I was in Qiu Jiagou.我在邱家沟。14.A:What did you do there?你在那里干什么?(疑问句中有一个did 表示过去式,所以后面的动词要用原形,例如本句中的 do) B: I played with my friends.我和我的朋友玩。第二模块一、重点单词:learnt(learn的过去式)学习 these这些 dancer舞蹈演员 class班

16、级 study学习 hard努力的 retired退休的二、重点短语及知识点:Chinese city中国城市 city(复数)cities foreign languages外语 five years ago五年前 by school bus乘校车 walk to school步行去学校 read a book读书 make a cake做蛋糕过去式:dancedanced learnlearnt makemade teachtaught现在分词:learnlearning studystudied go(第三人称单数形式) goes dance(名词形式) dancer三、重点句型:1.A

17、: Why is she wearing these clothes?她为什么要穿这些衣服呢? B: Because she was a dancer.因为她是个舞蹈演员。2.She danced in lots of Chinese cities.她在中国许多城市跳过舞。3. A: Did your grandma learn English?你奶奶学过英语吗? B: Yes,she did. / No,she didnt.4. He is learning English now.他现在正在学习英语。(now表示现在进行时,所以learn+ing)5. Chen Hai is an Eng

18、lish teacher.陈海是一位英语老师。(English前面要用an)6.Now he goes to school by school bus.他现在坐校车去上学。(三单形式)7. A:Who are they?他们是谁?B:Theyre my grandparents.他们是我的爷爷奶奶。8. A: Whos this?这是谁?B:Its my grandma.这是我奶奶。9. A: Is this your grandpa?这是你爷爷吗?B: Yes,it is.是的。10.A:What did she do yesterday?她昨天干什么了?B: She made a cake

19、.她做了个蛋糕。第三模块一、重点单词:egg鸡蛋 email电子邮件 sandwich三明治 traditional传统的 delicious美味的,可口的 hamburger汉堡 ate(eat的过去式)吃 gave(give的过去式)给 tonight在今夜,今晚 drank(drink的过去式)二、重点短语及知识点:an email一封邮件 English food英国食物 an English breakfast一顿英国早餐 at school在学校 a traditional English dinner一顿传统的英国晚餐 Chinese food中国食物 last night昨晚过

20、去式:havehad dodid eatate givegave buybought第三人称单数形式:dodoes saysayssandwich(复数) sandwiches does(否定形式)doesnt三、重点句型:1.A:What did she have for breakfast?她早餐吃的什么? B:She had eggs and sausages.她吃的鸡蛋和香肠。2.I have got an email from Lingling.我收到玲玲的邮件。3.Yesterday she had an English breakfast.昨天她吃了一顿英国早餐。4.A:Does

21、 Lingling like English food?玲玲喜欢英国食物吗? B: Yes,she does.No,she doesnt.是的,她喜欢。不,她不。5. A:What did you have for breakfast yesterday?你昨天早晨吃的什么? B:I had eggs我吃的鸡蛋。6. Today Sam ate six hamburgers at school.今天山姆在学校吃了六个汉堡包。7.We gave our hamburgers to Sam.我们把我们的汉堡包给了山姆。8. Tonight Mum is going to cook Chinese

22、food for Lingling.今晚妈妈打算给玲玲做中国食物。9. A:What did you eatdrink last night?昨晚你吃的喝的 什么?B: I atedrank我吃的喝的10.A:What are you going to eatdrink tonight?你今晚打算吃喝什么? B:Im going to eatdrink我打算吃喝第四模块一、重点单词:library图书馆 find找到 CD-ROM电脑光盘 bring带来,拿来 newspaper报纸 use使用 card卡片 easy简单的 information信息 timetable时间表,时刻表 dic

23、tionary字典二、重点短语及知识点:make an e-card做电子卡片 good at 擅长于 go to the library去图书馆 on Shelf C在C书架上 library card图书证 bring back带回来 in two weeks time两周内 find out找出 Chinese word汉字 in the timetable在信息表里 in the dictionary在字典里 on the CD-ROM在光盘上 at the zoo在动物园 in the newspaper在报纸上 on the computer在电脑上 on TV在电视上buy(过去

24、式)bought三、重点句型:1.A:Where are the books about computers,please?请问电脑书在哪里? B:They are on Shelf C.在C书架上。2. I want to make an e-card for Mum.我想给妈妈做一张电子卡片。(want后面加to,to后面则用动词原形make; e-card前要用an修饰,不用a.)3.Lets go to the library.让我们去图书馆吧。(lets后面加动词原形)4.We can find a book about e-cards there.在那里我们能找到关于电子卡片的书。

25、5. A: Can I have your library card,please?我能看一下你的借书证吗? B: Yes.Here you are.是的,给你。6.Please bring back the book in two weeks time.请两周内还书。7. Where can you find out about animals?你能从哪里找到关于动物的书?8.You can find out about Chinese food/words on this CD-ROM/in the dictionary. 你在这张光盘字典里找到关于中国的食物汉字。9. There is

26、also a CD-ROM in it.里面有一张光盘。(在里面要用in)10. Im not good at it.我不擅长。(good at 固定短语,擅长于)11. Here is a card for you.这是给你的卡片。(for “为了;给)12. Its easy with a computer. 电脑很简单。(with“用”)第五模块一、重点单词:light轻的 broken坏的,破的 heavy重的 pocket口袋,兜儿 hard困难的二、重点短语及知识点:look at看,看一看 thank you very much非常感谢 I will(缩写形式) Illbig(反

27、义词)small heavy(反义词)light new(反义词)broken easy(反义词)hardcan(否定形式)cant she(宾格)her三、重点句型:1.This black bag is nice.这个黑色的包不错。2.You cant take it to China.你不能把它带回中国。3.Ill buy you a new one.我会给你买个新的。4.This blue one is big and light.这个蓝色的既大又轻。5.Itll be easy for her(you).它会很合适她(你)。6. Its got a panda on it.上面有个熊

28、猫。7. A: Have you got a small one,please?你有小一点的吗? B:Yes, I have.No,I havent.是的,我有。不,我没有。8.A: Is it round?它是圆的吗? B:Yes, it is.No,it isnt.是的,它是。不,不是。第六模块一、重点单词:photo照片 stay停留 week星期,周 parent父亲,母亲 rode骑(马) horse马climb攀登,爬 holiday假日 east东 west西 south南 north北二、重点短语及知识点:last year去年 in the west of在西边 play f

29、ootball踢足球 in July在七月 every year每年 ride a horse骑马 go swimming去游泳 photo(复数)photos 过去式:dodid gowent staystayed riderode iswas havehad live(第三人称单数)lives三、重点句型:1. Its(Xinjiang) in the west of China.它(新疆)在中国的西部。2. We stayed with my grandmother for a week in July.七月我们和奶奶呆了一个星期。3. He lives there with his tree children.他和他的三个孩子住在那里。4. A: When did you go to Xinjiang?你们什么时候去的新疆?B: We went there in July.我们七月去的。5. A:Did you go with your mother and father?你和你爸妈一起去的吗? B:Yes,I did.No,I didnt.是,是的。不,没有。6. A:Where did you go for your holida

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