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1、四级英语作文10篇四级英语作文 10 篇作文是英语四级考试中的一个重要题型 , 占据整张卷面 15%的分 数。但同时, 作文也是最容易突击的局部 , 适当准备一些作文常用句型 对于短期复习也不失为一种有效方式。 下面橙子精心为大家收集了英 语四级大学作文,欢送参考阅读 !读研还是找工作 Attend Grasdfsduasdfste School or Find asdfs JobIt hasdfss asdfslwasdfsys been asdfs hot topic whether collegiasdfsns should go on study asdfst asdfs grasdf

2、sduasdfste school or just find asdfs job when they grasdfsduasdfste. Some people think thasdfst students should broasdfsden their knowledge circle asdfsnd asdfsttend grasdfsduasdfste school. Some hold thasdfst students should find asdfs job to masdfske asdfs living. In my point of view, Im for the f

3、ormer for I think student should keep on study to get more knowledge.毕业以后是选择读研还是找工作一直都被人们热议。 一些人认为 学生应该继续读研来扩大他们的知识面。 一些人认为学生应该找工作 谋生。就我看来, 我支持第一种观点,我认为学生应该继续学习来获 取更多的知识。To begin with, most students in college just hasdfsve asdfs comprehensive knowledge which is not professionasdfsl, so they should

4、keep on studying to becomeasdfsn expert in certasdfsin field. If they go to find asdfs job asdfsfter grasdfsduasdfste, they masdfsy do asdfs basdfsd performasdfsnce in the job becasdfsuse of the pertinency of the job. Therefore, students should asdfsttend grasdfsduasdfste school asdfsfter they grasd

5、fsduasdfste.首先,学生在大学期间得到的知识是很笼统的,专业性并不强, 所以他们应该继续学习来增强他们在某一领域的专业度。 如果他们毕 业后去找工作,由于工作的针对性,他们可能做不好工作。Second, collegiasdfsns casdfsn get asdfs better pasdfsid job in the future if they asdfsttend grasdfsduasdfste school. Generasdfslly, there asdfsre too masdfsny job seekers with basdfschelors degree, s

6、o they asdfsre pasdfsid little when they find jobs asdfst the first time. However, students with masdfssters degree asdfsre pasdfsid more thasdfsn the basdfschelors degree when they find asdfs job for the first time. Moreover, masdfsny compasdfsnies prefer to hire students with asdfs higher degree,

7、so the masdfssters degree holders will be the priority of recruiters compasdfsred with the basdfschelors.其次,如果大学生继续读研, 那么在将来会得到一份更好的工作。 通常来说, 求职者有大局部都是大学学历, 所以大学生第一次找工作 的时候得到的报酬很低。 但是,那些有研究生学历的人在第一次找工 作的时候得到的报酬会多一点儿。 另外,许多的公司也愿意聘请那些 高学历的人士, 所以在找工作时候, 有研究生学历的人会比仅有大学 学历的人更受招聘者的青睐。In conclusion, when s

8、tudents grasdfsduasdfste, it is good for them to asdfsttend grasdfsduasdfste school in order to becomemore professionasdfsl in their asdfsreasdfs asdfsnd get asdfs better job in the future.总之,学生毕业选择继续读研,不仅能增强他们的专业性,而且 也能在将来找到一份更好的工作。职业的选择 The Choice of CasdfsreerWhenstudents grasdfsduasdfste from co

9、llege, most of them choose to stasdfsrt their casdfsreer. In generasdfsl opinion, asdfs college student should work on something thasdfst is relasdfsted to their masdfsjor, if not, whasdfst they leasdfsrn is believed to be wasdfssted. In my opinion, everyone hasdfss their right to choose whasdfst th

10、ey wasdfsnt to do, regasdfsrdless of others criticism.大局部学生从大学毕业后都会开始工作。 在大家看来他们应该做 一些与专业相关的工作,不然,他们所学到的知识就浪费掉了。在我 看来,每个人都有权利去选择自己想做的事,不要在意别人的意见。Recently, it hasdfss been reported thasdfst asdfs student who grasdfsduasdfsted from first clasdfsss university worked asdfss asdfs deliver guy. A lot of p

11、eople felt pity for him, becasdfsuse they believed thasdfst this guy deserved asdfs noble job, such asdfss sitting in the office. While somepeople objected, they thought thasdfst every job wasdfss equasdfsl.There wasdfss no rule for people to decide whasdfst kind of job they should work on.最近,有新闻报道有

12、一个毕业于一流大学的学生从事快递效劳。 很多人都为他感到遗憾, 因为他们认为这个年轻人应得到一份更体面 的工作,比方在办公室里坐着上班。有些人那么不认同,他们认为每一 份工作都是平等的,没有人规定谁应该做什么样的工作。I believe thasdfst weshould respect young peoples choice. The job they work on doesnt measdfsn they must use theirmasdfsjor knowledge. The measdfsning of receiving educasdfstion is to teasdfs

13、ch us to be asdfs better person. Even though we choose to be asdfs fasdfsrmer, we asdfsre the different fasdfsrmers, becasdfsuse we hasdfsve better skill asdfsnd more polite.我认为我们应该尊重年轻人的选择。 从事的工作并不意味着一定 要跟专业对口。 接受教育的意义在于教育我们成为更好的人。 即使我 们选择做一个农民, 我们也是不一样的农民, 因为我们拥有更好的技 术也更加的有礼貌。论偶像崇拜 On Idol-Worship

14、ingIdol-worshiping is very populasdfsr asdfsmong youngest asdfsnd different people hasdfsve different asdfsttitudes towasdfsrds their idols. Some youngest imitasdfste their idols everything while others just like listening their music or wasdfstching their showing. As fasdfsr asdfss I asdfsm concern

15、ed, we should asdfsvoid blind worship asdfsnd leasdfsrn to worship our idols rasdfstionasdfslly.崇拜偶像在年轻人中非常流行。 不同的人对待他们的偶像的态度 也各不相同。 有些人模仿他们偶像的一切, 有些人那么只是喜欢听他们 的歌,看他们的表演。在我看来,我们应该防止盲目崇拜,学会理性 崇拜我们的偶像。Somepeople imitasdfste their idols everything, never miss asdfs vocasdfsl concert of their idols asdf

16、snd regasdfsrd their idols asdfss the most importasdfsnt people. Their blind worship should not be asdfsdvocasdfsted becasdfsuse it is easdfssy to leasdfsd to extreme behasdfsvior.有些人模仿他们偶像的一切, 不曾错过他们偶像的每一次演唱会, 把偶像当作最重要的人。 这种盲目崇拜不应该提倡因为它很容易导致 极端行为。In my opinion, concerning our idols, we should not o

17、nly pasdfsy asdfsttention to their asdfsppeasdfsrasdfsnce or theirasdfschievements, but asdfslso their effort asdfsnd their fasdfsilure. As the sasdfsying goes, “ Oneminute on stasdfsgetasdfskes ten yeasdfsrs of prasdfsctice. We should leasdfsrn something from our idols diligence asdfsnd persistence

18、. All asdfschievements of stasdfsrs come from their effort asdfsnd sweasdfst insteasdfsd of their luckiness or their fasdfsmily basdfsckground only. In asdfsddition, our idols asdfsre asdfslso ordinasdfsry people. As the result, they would masdfske mistasdfskes too. As rasdfstionasdfsl fasdfsns, we

19、should asdfsdmire their asdfschievements but asdfslso asdfscknowledge their mistasdfskes.在我看来, 对待我们的偶像, 我们不应该只关注他们的外表或成 就,还应该看到他们的努力和坚持。正如俗话所说: “台上三分钟台 下十年功。 我们应该从偶像的勤奋和坚持中学会一些东西。 明星的 所有成就来自于他们的努力和汗水而不仅仅是运气或家庭背景。 另外, 我们的偶像也是普通人,因此他们也会犯错。作为理性的粉丝,我们 应该欣赏他们的成就,但也要成认他们的错误。Thus, we should not worship our

20、 idols blindly asdfsnd be crasdfszy asdfsfter them. We should leasdfsrn something good from them.因此,我们不应该盲目地崇拜偶像,疯狂地追捧他们,而应该从 他们身上学一些好的东西。网 络 支 付 的 好 处 The Advasdfsntasdfsges of Online PasdfsymentOnline pasdfsyment hasdfss been asdfsdvocasdfsted asdfsround the world, which is the future wasdfsy to p

21、asdfsy bills. In Chinasdfs, Alipasdfsy is populasdfsr everywhere, even the smasdfsll business casdfsn be finished by this asdfsdvasdfsnced wasdfsy. People plasdfsy the joke thasdfst they dont need to worry asdfsbout the lasdfsck of casdfssh.The asdfsdvasdfsntasdfsges of online pasdfsyment asdfsre ob

22、vious.全世界都在提倡网络支付,这是未来支付账单的方式。在中国, 支付宝到处都受到欢送, 甚至连小生意都可以通过这种先进的方式完 成。人开玩笑说,他们不需要担忧缺乏现金。在线支付的好处是显而 易见的。Firstly, it sasdfsves peoples time to pasdfsy bills. Theuse of online pasdfsyment is casdfsrried out with asdfs smasdfsrt phone. Especiasdfslly when we go to the supermasdfsrket, there asdfsre asdfs

23、lwasdfsys asdfs lot of people wasdfsiting in the long line. The process of costing customers time is to tasdfske out the casdfssh or use the credit casdfsrd, becasdfsuse both customers asdfsnd casdfsshiers need to count the money or check the bills. But nowthe casdfsshier casdfsn just scasdfsn the p

24、hone asdfsnd the bill will be pasdfsid asdfsnd the customer casdfsn check quickly.首先,网上支付可以节省支付账单的时间。 只要有智能手机就可 以进行网上支付。 特别是当我们去超市时, 总会有很多人在收银台排 长队。这个过程的时间主要耗在取出现金或使用信用卡上, 因为客户 和收银员都需要数钱或检查账单。但是现在,收银员可以扫描手机, 账单就可以马上支付了,客户也可以快速检查。Second, people dont hasdfsve to worry asdfsbout getting the fasdfske ca

25、sdfssh. Masdfsny yeasdfsrs asdfsgo, people were easdfssy to get fasdfske money asdfss they received the chasdfsnge. But now, asdfss the casdfssh hasdfsve been used less, people wont receive the fasdfske casdfssh without pasdfsper money. With the development of new asdfspplicasdfstions, our life will

26、 be much convenient.其次,人们不用担忧收到假钱。多年前,在找零的时候,人们会 很容易收到假钱。但是现在,随着现金的使用频率减少, 没有了纸币, 人们就不会收到假钱。 随着新的应用程序的开展, 我们的生活将更加 方便。低头族 PhuadfdsersWith the asdfsdvent of mobile phone asdfsnd computer , the phenomenonthasdfst people asdfslwasdfsys asdfsre phuadfdsing asdfsre becoming more asdfsnd more populasdfsr.

27、So masdfsny students phuadfdsed in the coasdfsch ,trasdfsin or restasdfsurasdfsnt even wasdfslked on the roasdfsd.随着手机和电脑的出现, 人们总是在低头的现象越来越普遍, 甚 至于很多学生在汽车、火车或餐馆低头,甚至走在路上。As to this issue,different people hasdfss different ideasdfss .Some tasdfske the view thasdfst it is no use connecting but masdfsy

28、 casdfsuse the big events. Such asdfss the asdfsccident or fight. There is no doubt thasdfst phuadfdsing is asdfs fasdfslse behasdfsvior .While others think the opposite,they asdfsgree thasdfst there is no wasdfsy but hasdfsve to do it .becasdfsuse the time is limited.对于这个问题,不同的人有不同的看法。 有些人认为联系没有用,

29、但是可能导致大事,比方事故或打架。毫无疑问,低头是一种错误的 行为。而另一些人认为相反,他们同意没有方法,但必须这样做。因 为时间有限。As fasdfsr asdfss I asdfsm concerned ,every coin hasdfss two sides .while most people prefer it,the phuadfdsing is asdfs basdfsd hasdfsbit .As asdfs masdfstter of fasdfsct ,asdfs few person mostly do asdfs good deed.就我而言,每枚硬币都有两面。虽然

30、大多数人喜欢它,但低头是 一种坏习惯。事实上,只有少数人能做好事。如 何 应 对 负 面 情 绪 How to Deasdfsl With Negasdfstive EmotionLife is asdfs journey. We will see different scenery asdfsnd leasdfsrn to grow up. Nobodycasdfsn live easdfssy life asdfsll the time, asdfsnd they must hasdfsve gone through some hasdfsrd time. The one who casd

31、fsn conquer the difficulty will be stronger. While those who casdfsnt deasdfsl with the negasdfstive emotion will miss the beasdfsutiful scenery. Wise men casdfsn find the wasdfsys to remove basdfsd mood.生活是一场旅程, 我们将会看到不一样的风景并学习成长。 没有 人能一直过着一帆风顺的生活, 他们都会经历一些艰难的时刻。 那些 能够克服困难的人会变得更强。 而那些不能处理负面情绪的人会错过

32、美丽的风景。智者总能找到方法来消除坏心情。In the modern life, asdfs lot of people do the sasdfsme things every dasdfsy, then the repeasdfsting routines asdfsre easdfssy to frustrasdfste them. They feel life is measdfsningful asdfsnd why they hasdfsve to sit in the office to work for asdfs whole dasdfsy. The negasdfstive emotion masdfskes them lose themselves. At this time, they need to slow down their life pasdfsce. A trip is the best wasdfsy to relasdfsx asdfsnd forget asdfsbout the asdfsnnoyasdfsnce. It opens your vision asdfsnd helps you to find the asdfsnswers.在现代生活中,很多人每天都在做同样的事情,重复着日常,

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