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Chapter 584.docx

1、Chapter 584Chapter 58 THE tidings of my high fortunes having had a heavy fall, had got down to my native place and its neighbourhood, before I got there. I found the Blue Boar in possession of the intelligence, and I found that it made a great change in the Boars demeanour. Whereas the Boar had cult

2、ivated my good opinion with warm assiduity when I was coming into property, the Boar was exceedingly cool on the subject now that I was going out of property. It was evening when I arrived, much fatigued by the journey I had so often made so easily. The Boar could not put me into my usual bedroom, w

3、hich was engaged (probably by some one who had expectations), and could only assign me a very indifferent chamber among the pigeons and post-chaises up the yard. But, I had as sound a sleep in that lodging as in the most superior accommodation the Boar could have given me, and the quality of my drea

4、ms was about the same as in the best bedroom. Early in the morning while my breakfast was getting ready, I strolled round by Satis House. There were printed bills on the gate, and on bits of carpet hanging out of the windows, announcing a sale by auction of the Household Furniture and Effects, next

5、week. The House itself was to be sold as old building materials and pulled down. LOT1 was marked in whitewashed knock-knee letters on the brew house; LOT2 on that part of the main building which had been so long shut up. Other lots were marked off on other parts of the structure, and the ivy had bee

6、n torn down to make room for the inscriptions, and much of it trailed low in the dust and was withered already. Stepping in for a moment at the open gate and looking around me with the uncomfortable air of a stranger who had no business there, I saw the auctioneers clerk walking on the casks and tel

7、ling them off for the information of a catalogue compiler, pen in hand, who made a temporary desk of the wheeled chair I had so often pushed along to the tune of Old Clem. When I got back to my breakfast in the Boars coffee-room, I found Mr Pumblechook conversing with the landlord. Mr Pumblechook (n

8、ot improved in appearance by his late nocturnal adventure) was waiting for me, and addressed me in the following terms. Young man, I am sorry to see you brought low. But what else could be expected! What else could be expected! As he extended his hand with a magnificently forgiving air, and as I was

9、 broken by illness and unfit to quarrel, I took it. William, said Mr Pumblechook to the waiter, put a muffin on table. And has it come to this! Has it come to this! I frowningly sat down t my breakfast. Mr Pumblechook stood over me and poured out my tea - before I could touch the teapot - with the a

10、ir of a benefactor who was resolved to be true to the last. William, said Mr Pumblechook, mournfully, put the salt on. In happier times, addressing me, I think you too sugar. And did you take milk? You did. Sugar and milk. William, bring a watercress. Thank you, said I, shortly, but I dont eat water

11、cresses. You dont eat em, returned Mr Pumblechook, sighing and nodding his head several times, as if he might have expected that, and as if abstinence from watercresses were consistent with my downfall. True. The simple fruits of the earth. No. You neednt bring any, William. I went on with my breakf

12、ast, and Mr Pumblechook continued to stand over me, staring fishily and breathing noisily, as he always did. Little more than skin and bone! mused Mr Pumblechook, aloud. And yet when he went from here (I may say with my blessing), and I spread afore him my humble store, like the Bee, he was as plump

13、 as a Peach! This reminded me of the wonderful difference between the servile manner in which he had offered his hand in my new prosperity, saying, May I? and the ostentatious clemency with which he had just now exhibited the same fat five fingers. Hah! he went on, handing me the bread-and-butter. A

14、nd air you a going to Joseph? In heavens name, said I, firing in spite of myself, what does it matter to you where I am going? Leave that teapot alone. It was the worst course I could have taken, because it gave Pumblechook the opportunity he wanted. Yes, young man, said he, releasing the handle of

15、the article in question, retiring a step or two from my table, and speaking for the behoof of the landlord and waiter at the door, I will leave that teapot alone. You are right, young man. For once, you are right. I forgit myself when I take such an interest in your breakfast, as to wish your frame,

16、 exhausted by the debilitating effects of prodigygality, to be stimilated by the olesome nourishment of your forefathers. And yet, said Pumblechook, turning to the landlord and waiter, and pointing me out at arms length, this is him as I ever sported with in his days of happy infancy! Tell me not it

17、 cannot be; I tell you this is him! A low murmur from the two replied. The waiter appeared to be particularly affected. This is him, said Pumblechook, as I have rode in my shaycart. This is him as I have seen brought up by hand. This is him untoe the sister of which I was uncle by marriage, as her n

18、ame was Georgiana Mria from her own mother, let him deny it if he can! The waiter seemed convinced that I could not deny it, and that it gave the case a black look. Young man, said Pumblechook, screwing his head at me in the old fashion, you air a going to Joseph. What does it matter to me, you ask

19、me, where you air going? I say to you, Sir, you air a going to Joseph. The waiter coughed, as if he modestly invited to get over that. Now, said Pumblechook, and all this with a most exasperating air of saying in the cause of virtue what was perfectly convincing and conclusive, I will tell you what

20、to say to Joseph. Here is Squires of the Boar present, known and respected in this town, and here is William, which his fathers name was Potkins if I do not deceive myself. You do not, sir, said William. In their presence, pursued Pumblechook, I will tell you, young man, what to say to Joseph. Says

21、you, Joseph, I have this day seen my earliest benefactor and the founder of my fortuns. I will name no names, Joseph, but so they are pleased to call him up-town, and I have seen that man. I swear I dont see him here, said I. Say that likewise, retorted Pumblechook. Say you said that, and even Josep

22、h will probably betray surprise. There you quite mistake him, said I. I know better. Says you, Pumblechook went on, Joseph, I have seen that man, and that man bears you no malice and bears me no malice. He knows your character, Joseph, and is well acquainted with your pig-headedness and ignorance; a

23、nd he knows my character, Joseph, and he knows my want of gratitoode. Yes, Joseph, says you, here Pumblechook shook his head and hand at me, he knows my total deficiency of common human gratitoode. He knows it, Joseph, as none can. You do not know it, Joseph, having no call to know it, but that man

24、do. Windy donkey as he was, it really amazed me that he could have the face to talk thus to mine. Says you, Joseph, he gave me a little message, which I will now repeat. It was, that in my being brought low, he saw the finger of Providence. He knowed that finger when he saw it, Joseph, and he saw it

25、 plain. It pinted out this writing, Joseph. Reward of ingratitoode to his earliest benefactor, and founder of fortuns. But that man said he did not repent of what he had done, Joseph. Not at all. It was right to do it, it was kind to do it, it was benevolent to do it, and he would do it again. Its p

26、ity, said I, scornfully, as I finished my interrupted breakfast, that the man did not say what he had done and would do again. Squires of the Boar! Pumblechook was now addressing the landlord, and William! I have no objections to your mentioning, either up-town or down-town, if such should be your w

27、ishes, that it was right to do it, kind to do it, benevolent to do it, and that I would do it again. With those words the Impostor shook them both by the hand, with an air, and left the house; leaving me much more astonished than delighted by the virtues of that same indefinite it. I was not long af

28、ter him in leaving the house too, and when I went down the High-street I saw him holding forth (no doubt to the same effect) at his shop door to a select group, who honoured me with very unfavourable glances as I passed on the opposite side of the way. But, it was only the pleasanter to turn to Bidd

29、y and to Joe, whose great forbearance shone more brightly than before, if that could be, contrasted with this brazen pretender. I went towards them slowly, for my limbs were weak, but with a sense of increasing relief as I drew nearer to them, and a sense of leaving arrogance and untruthfulness furt

30、her and further behind. The June weather was delicious. The sky was blue, the larks were soaring high over the green corn, I thought all that country-side more beautiful and peaceful by far than I had ever known it to be yet. Many pleasant pictures of the life that I would lead there, and of the cha

31、nge for the better that would come over my character when I had a guiding spirit at my side whose simple faith and clear home-wisdom I had proved, beguiled my way. They awakened a tender emotion in me; for, my heart was softened by my return, and such a change had come to pass, that I felt like one

32、who was toiling home barefoot from distant travel, and whose wanderings had lasted many years. The schoolhouse where Biddy was mistress, I had never seen; but, the little roundabout lane by which I entered the village for quietness sake, took me past it. I was disappointed to find that the day was a holiday; no children were there, and Biddys house was closed. Some hopeful notion of seeing her busily engaged in her daily duties, before she saw me, had been in my mind and

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