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1、春季新版PEP三年级英语下册期末专项训练题17页含答案致写“ T”不一致写“F”专项训练一:词汇一、 对号入座。(把序号写在括号内)( )1. cap( )2. girl( )3. dog( )4. ball( )5. woma n( )6. boat( )7. gran dfather( )8. stude nt( )9. father( )10. watermel on二、 判断下列图片与其所对应的单词是否5.children6.7.car8.chair( )9.highgirlemiato teacmefmotherziy jeachioboatmilax coexmphijuizeco

2、ra ngepearm un plighteomuexopmwatermelo nep7.9.10.pechimeazebrahrse ieajuichairmghtx no wmelim on keyeyshg stemacboysebt四、看图选出正确的单词并写在横线上。1. The dog is(on/i n) the box.2. Look ! The ball is(beh ind/under) the table.3. My cat is 4. This is an(apple/ora nge).以重复使用)5. Im a good (pupil/doctor).五、我会找。(找出

3、下列单词的对应词或反义词,并将它们写在横线上)gra ndfather long small stude nt no she fat that mom woma n girl short1. yes 2. teacher 3. tall 4. man 5. grandmother 6. big 7. thin 8. dad 9. short 10. boy 11. he 12. this 六、下面是 John的一家,请你将所给单词的序号写在对应人物旁的横线上。 (有的词可A. man B. woma n C. boy D. girl E. mother F. father G. gra ndf

4、ather H. gran dmotherI. mom J. dad K. gran dpa L. gra ndma M. brother N. sister七、给下列单词分类。九、把下列单词中的第一个字母换成另一个字母三格内。8.d sk使其与后面的汉语相符,并把它写在四线瞰 一(大的】1.boy 玩具)2. tall (球)3.cap (地图) (胖 5. 十、根据图片及句意,选择方框中的单词填空。fourtee n eleve n eightee n twelve nin eteerI see3. How many eggs do you see?I see 4. How ma

5、ny pens do you see?I see 5. How many cray ons do you see?I see 十一、选词填空。new tail buy beautiful family1. Look at the mon key. It has a long .2. Im Wu Yifa n. This is my .3. We have two friends today.4. Hon ey, lets some fruit.5. Look at the kites! Wow, so !专项训练一:词 汇一、 1. D2. E 3. A4. C5. B6. H 7. F 8.

6、 J 9. G 10. I二、 1. F2. T 3. F4. F5. T6. T 7. F 8. F 9. F三、 1. girl2. mother3. boat 5. pear 6. watermelon 7. zebra 8. chair9. mon key 10. boy四、 1. on 2. un der 3. in 4. apple 5. pupil9. lo ng五、 1. no 2. stude nt 3. short 4. woma n 5. gra ndfather 6. small 7. fat 8. mom10. girl 11. she 12. th

7、at六、 1. BHL 2. AGK 3. AFJ 4. BEI 5. CM 6. DN七、 国名类:the USA Canada Australia China水果类:grape pear banana家庭成员类: mom dad brother sister数字类:eightee n fiftee n eleve n thirtee n八、 1. cat 2. dog 3. duck 4. cap 5. box 6. leg 7. milk 8. dgsk九、十、1. eleve n 2. twelve 3. fourtee n 4. eightee n 5. nin etee n十一、1

8、. tail 2. family 3. new 4. buy 5. beautiful“/错的打“x”)专项训练二:句 型、我是小法官。(根据图片,判断句子对错,对的在括号里打)1. Do you like banan as, Joh n?No, I dont.( )2. Where is the cat?Its un der the box.)3. Where are you from?rm from the USA.( )4. Who is that woma n?( )5. How many strawberries do you see?I see fourtee n.二、根据图片,完

9、成句子。( )1. Im from A. Chi naB. the USA C. Ca nada( )2. This is myA. sister( )3. I like_A. pearsB. brother C. fatherB. apples C. bananas( )4. Look ! The mon key has A. a long tail B. lo ng tail C. short tail( )5. The cray on is the book.A. onB. in C. un der三、情景交际。( )1.当你邀请别人一起回家时说:A. Lets go to the pa

10、rk. B. Lets go home. C. Lets play a game.( )2.同学要去度假了 ,你应对他(她)说:A. Good idea! B. Good guess. C. Have a good time!( )3.同学玲玲给你看她妈妈的照片,她妈妈很漂亮,你应说:A. Wow, so beautiful! B. Wow, so tall! C. Ah ! So cute!( )4.妈妈让你找裤子,你没有找到,你对自己说 我真傻! ”时应说:A. Silly me! B. Look at me! C. Me, too!( )5.同学对你说 我不喜欢葡萄。”,你告诉他(她)我

11、也不喜欢。”时应说:A. Me, too.四、根据图片找句子。B. Me, neither.C. What about you?A. How many apples do you have? B. Nice to meet you. C. The boy is un der the desk.D. The woma n is my En glish teacher. E. Look at my cray ons. F. Who is this boy?五、连词成句。(只写序号)1. my This father is2. like you grapes Do ?3. my is Where a

12、pple ?4. small The is mo nkey5. buy Lets some to too meet Nice7. some haveCan I oran ges?8. manydoHow pens you have?六、慧眼识珠。(读对话,根据对话内容选出相应的图片 ,将其序号填入题前括号内)( )1. Where is the pan da?Look ! Its here. Its under the cap.( )2. How many ballo ons do you see?I see fiftee n.:wo)3. Do you like pea

13、rs?)4. Where are you from?Im from the UK.)5. Have some strawberries.Thank you.)6. Whos that woma n?She is my teacher.A.( )8. Who is that man?Hes my friend.( )9. How many balls do you have?I have twelve.经 帘邹輕&爭A o( )10. Is she your gra ndma?Yes, she is.七、将符合情景的句子序号填在相应的对话框内。A. Can I have a pear, plea

14、se?B. Boys and girls, we have two new friends today.C. How many ballo ons do you have?D. This is my frie nd, Lily.E. Shes my gran dmother.八、看图,选出相应的对话。A Look! Whos lhat boy? B: ()h! H t S my rriend Hcmry.)2.A j Whert art you from? Bi【m from China*A: Hello, Vm Alice.B: Hi I 1 rn Wu Nair Nict to meet

15、vgu. A: Ni 化 to ill tret yOn r LOOt)3.A; How manv rulers do you hnv亡专D. B; 1 have four*Aj How beautiful!(专项训练二:句 型一、1. x2.V3.x4.V 5.x二、1. A2.B3.C4.A 5.B三、1. B2.C3.A4.A 5.B四、1. C2.D3.B4.F 5.A6. E五、1. 2.3.4. 5. 7. 8.六、1. B2.B3.A4.B 5.A6. B 7. A8. B 9. A 10. B七、1. D2.E3.B4.A 5.C八、1. C2.B3.A4.D 5.E6. 专项

16、训练三:Bye - Bye 易错题(1) . Thanks.A. Here you are B. Where are youC. Here are you点拨:“ Here you are.意思是“给你。”这是把某物拿给对方时常用的交际用语。接到物 的一方常说“ Thank you. /Thanks. 以”表示谢意。答案: A举一反三】 Here you are.A. Sorry B. Thanks C. Yes答案: B(2) Im from .A. china B. a China C. China 点拨:英语字母有大小写之分 , 当表示人名、地名、国家名等时 , 第一个字母必须大写;句首

17、的第一个单词的首字母也要大写。答案: C【举一反三】 it and see!C. OpenA. open B. opens答案:C(3) my frie nd, Amy.Nice to meet you.A. this is B. Hes C. This is点拨:由下文可知,此处是介绍一个人。 “This is.意思是这是 ”,用来介绍他人。答案:C【举一反三】 情景交际:你把你的好朋友 Mike介绍给你妈妈认识时,你应说: A. Im Mike. B. Mom, this is Mike. C. Nice to meet you.答案:B(4) Whos that boy? my brot

18、her.A. Shes B. He has C. Hes点拨:Whos that. . . ?意为“那位/个是谁? ”用来询问距离说话者较远的人的身份。 可以根据其性别用句型“ Hes/Shes.(他是/她是)”回答。本题由问句中的“ boy可知,用 “ Hes.。 ”答案:C【举一反三】 my teacher, Miss Wan g.A. Shes B. Theyre C. He答案:A(5) How many do you see?I see 9.A. girl B. girls C. boy点拨:how many用来询问可数名词的数量答案:B【举一反三】改错题:f Hu y)uA 1?答

19、案: A t How many crayons(6) Lets play a game!意思是“多少”,后面跟可数名词的复数形式。A. Sure. B. OK! C. Certai nly!点拨:Lets.句型是“让我们”的意思 ,后面跟动词原形,其肯定回答常用“ OK! /Great! /Good idea! 。“ Sure. / Certainly !是对别人的请求表示同意的回答。答案:B【举一反三】 一 Good idea!A. Who are you? B. Can I have some banan as? C. Lets have a race.答案:C(7) apple a da

20、y keeps the doctor away.A. A B. An C. Some点拨:apple是单数,不能用some修饰,首先排除C项。a用在以辅音音素开头的单词之 前;an用在以元音音素开头的单词之前。 apple以元音音素开头,所以前面用an修 饰。注意:至U本册为止除了 apple之夕卜,还有 eraser, elephant, egg, orange在表示 “一 个”时用an。答案:B【举一反三】改错题:Can 】have 川 nranire * 卩lens? E C答案:Bt anorange(8) Do you like ?A. strawberry B. strawberr

21、ys C. strawberries点拨:复数名词表示一类事物 ,strawberry的复数形式是变y为i再加-es。在表示“我喜欢”或询问对方“你喜欢吗? ”时 ,可数名词要用复数形式。答案:C【举一反三】 Lets have some .OK!A. apple and pear B. apples and pears C. applees and pears 答案:B(9) Do you like apples?A. Yes, I dont. B. No, I do. C. No, I dont.点拨:“ Do you like. . . ?(你喜欢 吗?)”用来询问对方是否喜欢某件东西

22、,后面跟要询问的东西。回答方式如下: Do you like. . . ?肯定回答:Yes, I do.(是的,我喜欢。否定回答:No, I dont.不,我不喜欢。答案:C【举一反三】看图判断对g 错Do you like banan as?Yes, I do.答案:(10) Have some fruit, please.A. Me, n either. B. Tha nk you. C. I like them.点拨:当别人请你吃或喝东西时 ,如果你想吃或喝可以说 “Thankyou. ”,不想吃或喝可以说“ No, thank you. ” 或“ No, thanks. ”。答案:B【

23、举一反三】 Have some coffee, please.A. Here you are. B. I like coffee. C. No, tha nk you.答案:C(11) Wheres the mon key? on the box.A. It B. Its C. Its点拨:询问“在哪里?”要用“ Where is/are. . . ?”。就“人”进行回答可用“ Shes/Hes.(她在/他在)”,就“物”进行回答用“ Its.(它在)”。 故选 C。答案: C【举一反三】 Wheres Lingling? in the classroom.A. She B. Shes C.

24、He答案: B(12) Lets buy some and pears.A. grape B. banana C. apples点拨:some的意思是“一些”,后面跟可数名词的复数形式。答案: C 【举一反三】 I want some , oranges and apples.A. grapes B. banana C. pear答案: A(13) The monkey a long tail.A. is B. have C. has点拨:have和has都表示“有”,但用法不同。表示“我有 ”,可以说“I have.。但当第三人称单数(如: he, she, it或某个人/物)放在句首作主语

25、时,后面的动词要 用第三人称单数形式 has。答案: C 【举一反三】 I a kite;he a toy car.A. have;have B. has;has C. have;has答案: C(14) I dont like watermelons.A. Me too! B. Me, neither. C. No, I dont.点拨:“ Me too !”用于后一句的情况与前一句所述的肯定情况相同的场合 ,“Me,neither. ”用于后一句的情况与前一句所述的否定情况相同的场合。 答案: B举一反三】 I have a book.A. Me too! B. Me, neither. C. Yes, I do! 答案: A(15) Your kite is beautiful.A. Thank you. B. Oh, no. C. Great.点拨:在英语中 , 别人夸奖或赞美你或你的物品时 , 你应回答 “Thank you. 。 答案: A举一反三】 情景交际:当别人夸奖你长得漂亮时 , 你应说: A. Oh, no. B. Very well, thanks. C. Thank you. 答案: C

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