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1、河南省郑州市第二中学学年七年级上学期期中考试英语试题郑州二中学区2016-2017学年上学期期中学业水平测试七年级英语试卷听力部分(20分)第一节听下面段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、C三个选项中选出最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。每段对话读两遍。( )1 Whoe ook is th? A. Is Mais BItsanes. C. sthe boy( ). hatttin lis? A A bnana B. Aa . Anappl.( )3. Lucy? A ras fren B. arias sistr ris lasma. ( ). hrare the boysboo

2、k? A On hedek. n te bookae. C. Und hebed.( )5.Whatcan Dav e under the chair?A.A ntbook B . A erase C.A dionary第二节听下面几段对话或独白。每段对话和独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、C三个选项中选出最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。每段对话读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第6至第7两个小题。( )6 oisthat man? A. Tias faher. B. Tis frie.C. Tas glsh tehr. ( )7. Whre s he fro? A.Cnad(加拿大). B.

3、Ameria. . Austral(澳大利亚).听下面一段独白,回答第8至第9两个小题。( )8 ha clor is th choolbag? A. Yelow nd back. Reand lo. C. Re white( )9 What isNOT n the scoob? A diinry. B.A photo. C.A pen o. 听下面一段对话,回答第至第2三个小题。 ( )0. hereis JulasPencil? A ts in h scholba. B. Is her penclcase. C Its ithe bookcase.( )1. Whcolori Tonysp

4、ncil? A. Red . ck C.lue( )12 a s Daves lastname? A.row. B. Hd. C Milr.听下面一段对话,回答第13至第15三个小题。( )13. things are n tepicu A Four B Tw C Three( ). hat colr i the cup?A.reen. B. Black. C Blue.( ). h color is th pen? A.Gree. B. Red. C. lue第三节 听下面一篇短文。短文后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。短文读两遍.( )6

5、. Tre is abe,a and a bed nthe b room. A. cu. B. hir. jct.( )1. here re th boys ooks? A. nder theble. BO h fa. C. O the table.( )18. Whereis th boy basketal? A. Unr thcar. B. Ue the desk C Undertbed.( )19. Philii he o . . siser B.bother. .dog.( )2. Pips re a . pl. baeb . a.笔试部分(80分)二.单项选择:(15分)( )1ts

6、 rasr. eraseris no mine.a;Th B.a;The C.;The .the;The( )22. Mary, thanks thehto your fam. A. o, for B of, i C for , D. fr,or( )2. Isthis ur cpack? No, in. backpack.A. his, yr, y , a D.i,his ( )-orwatch i very ni. AN, t snt .Yuare rght. .Thanyu DItsnot nice( )25syounameJm? - . A.Yes, i . Ye,

7、 I . Yes, Im D. No, Im not ( ) 6Mom, were i my soccr bal?ts _ the oo _t beA. ude;on B. on;nder C. t; in D. in; on( )27.Dad, ti y fiend,Dic. - . hak y B. K C. Nic tomeet you . You are wlcme ( )28Please cll T 6893. A.n B at C to .( )9.-Wer iyour fther? _. Tey are theedoom B Its nhe bedro C. She sa hom

8、e dontknw ( ). Is that h? N, is not . s . your, m,oms . you,mie,Tom . yur, mine, Toms D. yos, mne, Tm( )31.isname sJk Bon .And is his last ame.A. Jak B. rn C. kBrown D. Brown ack.( )32.- -Yes-N-,ring A.Is i a rig? B.He can spel “in”. C.w o you pel “ring”? .an you sell”rn”? ( )3.Here my ionay. A. m i

9、s C.are be( )34Wherearehe _?; ts ook; y C.soks; Tye D.pen; t( ).- ? -Its schoolag. A.Hwar yo B.Watcolr isit C.hatta .Wtsyour name三.完形填空: 阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。(1分)Ths is ydek. ts3 . Look! Ther are some ont desk. My Englisbook i on 38 Two pecilsan a pn 39 ndrthe boo

10、k. Twese an a 40 of keys a on the desk, t. ere i(有)a raw inmy 4 . ome ookad noteboks re 42 t Ude te desk, re is 43 i. It i yelow. te 4 thee sgand a acktUderthe chair, tre re mysoesI lik 4 dek. I ke read ooks ere( ) A. i B.nice .firt . lot( )37. A. cairs B. fmies .ants D. tngs( )8. . me B o C. it D.

11、( )39 A.e B. am C. s D. are( )40. A. floor B se C. bed D. pcur( )41. A pe B. t C.rler . esk( )42A. n B. C. o . unde( )4A. e B. a . an D. /( ) A. book B. room C. cair D. draer( ) B. you C. is D. hr四.阅读理解:(分) AHi, I Anna. This i randmothr, Keley Clak Sh is kind (和蔼的).Sheis70 eha (有) two sos and

12、dughte. Myaher r firstson. isame k. H My ers nameis Sally. avd i m uncle. Emma is my aunt.My uncl h a sn. is nae i m. He is my cousin. My aunt ha a duger and a son. They r Ki and ony. I ikm Sh ismy good frend.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。( )46. Mik lr sAn .A. sn B. gndar C. fther D. cousi( )4. Anas otheis A Emma B

13、. Kelsy . Ki D. Sal ( )48. Ana has couin().A. ne B two .three . for ( )49. Emmais .AAna ister B ally daughter CJim mother ons the( )50.Wicis T (哪一个是正确的)?A Anna gandparens are Anas uncls onis Jim.C. Anna ha a brot and asser. . Toy and Ki ae good fnds.BHeo! I am ommy Thi is my cassroom. 33 des and 32c

14、hairs are in it. These ae d and chair.They are yellow. What on thedek? It my bapac.Isgree. hato th chair? Itsmy acket. Its ble hats unertede? Its a witeshoo ID cdI i my scol ID cd?No, it Daids. Hinae is on it. s ta hat nderthe ca?Ye, itis.ts y ne hat.Its black My mother uysi o me. 根据短文内容,选择正确选项。( )5

15、1. chairs are inTmmy clsoom. A. 34 B. 33 C. 32 D 1( )52 What clorre omysdek chai?A.Yow B ree. C. White. . Blck.( ). Tomms is blue. Aakpc B.jackt C scol Dca D. ha ( )54 ht nerTomy desk?A A backpa. B Ah. . Toms cool I crd. Davids solI cad.( )5 Tomys buys he a for Tomy. faher . mot .rndathe D.grandmotr

16、CFound: I thisyourpeni cse? t i red.lese cl lan. Phon # 895-6320.Lost: Ilst y wh.I is blac.My nme is Cindy. Pleasecall29253.ound: this yourdicinay? It igreen. leae call onia. Pne 5679.ot: I ost y kys The are onewhiee and tw yelowkeys My nme is Daid. la l 5483根据表格内容,选择正确选项。( )6 Alan fond _. A a penci

17、l case B.a th .a icinary .ks( )57. Cidyswatch is_. A. rd . black wite D.yow ( )58.f ou lot yur gree ditionary, oushuld (应该) all _ A. a . Cidy nia .vid( )59. Davis phone mber s_.A85-320 B. 832-953 C.6215679 D. 54-8063( )60Dad lot _ ky() A. oe B. two C. thre D. D Hl!My namesLidaille. ImanEnli rl. 1 .T

18、hy remine. Ite fistpoto, you can seethre irs anm. 62 ?hy ar my fried ate, nny and etty. te is 12,Jennyand Btt 13ears od 6 My paents,yhe nd dog ae in i. Myater i David and myother is Gina. The ar eahesin China. 64 .Ca I sy Chnee? Ys,I ca. Mbrhe Dale and I are in a idde schol. Im n Cassrom 7A, ad h i

19、n Cassroo C 65 ?hes Km, ie black dog. 根据材料内容,将A-E五个句子填入文中空缺处,使短文内容完整、正确,并将其标号填写在下面题号后的横线上。A.hy can sayChinese.B.The nex ne is pho omy famy.C.Here wo phoos.D.Can yousee thedo?E.hore hegirl?61. 6. 3. 4 65. 五词语运用:(0分)根据句意及首字母填空:66.The yin a ed jaet isaid. Hsl_ ame i Bron.7. My mothersisteri ya_ .8Your

20、telephoe n is 42-2785.69e ike pyig game.70.Ginasboks are e onher bed, onhsofanduner he hi用下面所给词的适当形式填空:71.A et of keys _ _(be) in Clsroom A2.Whereare yor (dctioar)? Thy ar te tehers desk.73.His _ _ _(oe) namis Jones.7. _ _ _ (a) e s my (friend) iter.六补全对话:请从以下五个选项中选出五个你认为适合这个语境的句子,并将其序

21、号填写在横线上,有两个多余选项。(1分)Tim:Hey,Alice. cantind myhiCan youhelpme?Alice: 76. Tm:Is y ruler on the table?lie:N,it isnt.Its o he bokase.Tm:Oh,O.77 Are te o the bookcase,too?Al:78. hy e n th hairTm:Oh,So,here s mypencil bo?Aic:7 i:Andwheresmackpak?Alie:Its unr te le.And our basebal is une the chairTm:Oh,O.Ad where aremkys?Alice:80. A.!. ks?Thyr onthetableC.,they arent.How boutm books?E.It nerthesofaFWhere ar they?.Ye,t s7 77. 78. 9. 80. 七书面表达:(15分)假如你的名字是ony,下列表格中是你的个人信息,请根据表格提供的内容,用英语写一篇文章,介绍一下自己的情况,不少于6词。NameAge(年龄)Sex(性别)FamlTelph

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