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1、PEP小学三年级英语上册Unit6单元测试题完美版PEP人教版三年级英语上册小学三年级英语上册第六单元测试题 班级:_姓名:_得分:_ 听力部分一听音,选出你所听到的数字标号。(10分)( )1. A 358 B 524 ( ) 2 .A 258 B369 ( ) 3. A 459 B 658 ( ) 4 .A 596 B 789 ( )5.A 562 B 249二听音选答语或问句。(10分)( ) A How are you? B H ow old are you?( ) A Thank you B No ,thanks( )A Sure B Here you are( )A Ten B H

2、ow old are you?( ) A Five B I am five. 三听音 选出你所听到的单词。(10分) ( ) 1. A ten B. tea C. four D. five ( ) 2. A nine B. nice C. eight D. seven ( ) 3. A one B.Coke C. coffee D.juice ( ) 4. A three B. six C. two D. too ( ) 5 A dog B. doll C. cat D. rabbit ( ) 6. A ball B. balloon C. plane D. seven ( ) 7. A ca

3、r B. cat C. monkey D. bear ( ) 8. A one B. boat C. kite D. car ( ) 9. A throw C. bounce D.cake ( ) 10. A close B. bird C. drive D. eat 笔试部分一、写出下列数字相对应的阿拉伯数字。(10分)1 two ( ) 2 five ( ) 3 one ( ) 4 seven ( ) 5 ten ( )6 three ( ) 7 eight ( ) 8 four ( ) 9 six( ) 10 nine( ) 二、读算式,选答案,将序号写在横线上。(5分) A

4、six B. seven C. three D. five E. ten 1. two + four =_ 2. nine three =_3. four + _= nine + three =_5. _ - one = six 三、将右栏答语前的序号填在左边的括号内。(5分) ( )How old are you? A. Ten gifts. ( )How many gifts? B. Thank you. ( )Can I have some juice? C. Im fine, thank you. ( )How are you? D.Im 10.( )Happy bir

5、thday! E. OK. Here you are. 四、从方框里选出最佳选项。(10分)A. Thank you. B. 5. C. Very well, thanks.D. No, thanks. E. Im 8.( )1. How are you?_ ( )2.How old are you?_.( )3. How many ducks?_. ( )4. Happy birthday?_( )5.Have some juice._. 五、 单项选择。(10分)( )1 A: Can I have some milk?B: _ A Thank you B Youre welcome C

6、Sure ,here you are ( )2 A: How are you, Miss White?B: _ A Great! B very well ,thanks C How are you? ( )3 A:How old are you?B: _A: Ok B How old are you ? C Im ten( )4 A: How many books? B: _A Great B seven C Im ten ( )5.Chenjie: Can I have some water?Sarah: _ . A. Sure, here you are. B. Thank you. C.

7、 Youre welcome. ( )6.A: Have some milk. B: _ A. Yes. B.Thanks. C. Here you are. ( )7.Wu Yifan: _ Sarah: Here you are. A.Yes. B. Id like some juice, please. C. No, thank you. ( )8.John:_Mike: Youre welcome. A.Good morning. B. Thank you. C. I see O. ( )9.John:_, please? Sarah: My name is Sarah. A. Nic

8、e to meet you. B. Whats your name C. How are you?( )10 Happy birthday _you! A on B too C to六、 连词成句。(10分) 1 、plates howmany?_ 2 birthdayhappy youto!_ 3、areoldyouhow?_ 4、 Im old years six .(翻译成汉语)_ 5 、This one ,please. (翻译成汉语)_七、根据图片或语言情景,选择正确的选项。(10分) ( )1、向妈妈表示自己想喝果汁时说: A. Have some juice, please. B

9、. Can I have some juice?( )2、别人请你吃东西,你不想吃了说: A. Yes, thank you. B. No, thank you.( )3、你想知道对方年龄可以问: A. How are you? B. How old are you?( )4、别人帮你的忙,你应该说: A. Thank you! B. Youre welcome.( )5、Mike的生日到了,你对他说: A. Happy birthday! B. Happy Teachers Day!八、请找出下面句子的中文意思,将其编号写在前面的括号里。(10分) ( )1、Touch the ground

10、. A.交叉你的脚。 ( )2、I like blue. B.让我们说话。 ( )3、Cross your legs. C.摸地板。 ( )4、Look at me. D.我喜欢蓝色。 ( )5、Lets talk. E、看看我。下载后以下知识点若不需要可自行选择右键删除英语(三年级上册)重要知识点归纳总结一26个英文字母的正确认读和正确规范占格书写。 字母Gg和Jj 的发音、Ii 和Rr的发音易混淆。 Bb和Dd 、 Pp 和Qq、 Ii 和Ll 的外形容易混淆,尤其是它们的小写。Cc 的发音容易读错。 能准确认读并书写五个元音字母:Aa , Ee , Ii , Oo ,Uu的大小写。2Mi

11、ss, Mr , Mrs 这三个词的准确认读及听辨。 Mr(先生),指男性 Miss (小姐)、Mrs (夫人、太太)指女性这要涉及到“人称代词”的选择及图片的选择。例如:选择题( ) This is Mr Li. _ is tall and thin.A.he B. He C. She因为Mr Li是男的,所以,下文的代词应该用he(他),又因为这个代词在句首,所以要大写首字母。因此,这道题应该选择B.3. be 动词在一般现在时中的三种形式am, is ,are1. I am Peter .I am a boy.2. He / She is my friend. He /She is ta

12、ll and thin. My mother is beautiful. This is my father.He is cool. Sally is my sister. She is lovely.3. You are a girl .You are beautiful . Kitty and Alice are good friends.4. My eyes are big. My hair is long.5. Are you Kitty ? Yes, I am.6. Are these your rulers ? Yes , they are ./ No ,they arent.7.

13、 Is he Joe? Yes , he is .8. Is this your pen ? Yes , it is.四人称代词(主格)的准确使用。1. 第一人称 I (我) 例如:I am tall and thin. I am nine. 2. 第二人称单复数一样,都是you ( 你,你们 ) 例如:You are Kitty. ( 你是Kitty。) You are my friends. ( 你们是我的朋友。)3. 第三人称单数he (他),she (她)it(它) 例如:This is my father.He is fat. This is my sister. She is ta

14、ll and thin. Look at the cat. It is fat.4. 第三人称复数 they (他们、她们、它们) How much are they? - They are ten yuan . These are my books. They are new. ( 它们是新的。) 备注:“人称代词的主格”在句中作主语,因此,称之为“主格”五人称代词(宾格)的使用1.第一人称 me ( 我) This is me. Look at me. This is a small pear. Its for me . My father and mother love me.2. 第二

15、人称you ( 你,你们)(见课本P40) Here are two pears for you . This is a big pear. Its for you .3. 第三人称单数it(它),复数them(他们、她们、它们) Look at my rabbit . Its beautiful. I love it.-Count the chicks,please. How many chicks?-Nine chicks.- No, count them again.备注:“人称代词的宾格”一般出现在介词 、动词之后,在句中作宾语,所以,称之为“宾格”。 六形容词性的物主代词 。目前只学

16、习了三个:“my ”( 我的 )“ your ”( 你的,你们的), “its ”(它的)形容词性的物主代词后面须有一个名词。1. This is my friend. 2. Mary is my sister Tina. 3.This is your book. 4. Are these your rulers? 5. Look at the cat. Its eyes are big. Its tail is long. 6. Here is a snowman. Look at its nose. Its funny.7名词的考查 了解:英语中名词分为可数名词和不可数名词 可数名词有单数

17、形式( 即原形)和复数形式。 可数名词复数形式的变化分为:规则变化和不规则变化。 规则变化方法:(先记住以下三种方法,以后随学随补充) 在词尾直接加-s 。例: apple- apples ,boy- boys , 以 s ,x , ch ,sh 结尾的单词要加-es 。例: peach - peaches 以 “辅音字母 + y” 结尾的词,要先把y 变为i , 再加-es。 例:family - families 不规则变化(改变单词的某些字母来构成其复数形式,必须牢记) 目前学过的: mouse - mice snowman - snowmen 单复同形的词:sheep, fish8冠词

18、的考查英语中的冠词有:不定冠词 a , an 和 定冠词the . a, an 与可数名词的单数连用,表示“一个”或“一类”事物, a用在“辅音音素开头的单词”前面, 如:This is a book. an 用在“元音音素开头的单词”前面。如:Here is an apple for you. the 表示特指,指说话人和听话人都知道的事物。有关它的用法以后随学随讲。 Close the door , please. Look at the blackboard ,please. Look at the snow.9代词it 的用法it的意思是“它” ,但是 it在不同的语境中,其含义是不一

19、样的。it可以指代 “上文提到的单数名词或不可数名词”,也可以指“时间、距离、天气”等。 I have a dog . It is cool .I love it .( 代指上文提到的dog) Here is some milk. Drink it ,please.这里有牛奶,请喝吧。 (代指上文提到的“牛奶milk”) It is winter in Taiyuan. 太原现在是冬季。( 指季节) In spring ,it is warm. 在春天,天气温暖。(指天气)十易混词 its 和 its Its = it is ( 它是.)Its(它的),是形容词性物主代词,它后面必须有名词出现

20、I have a rabbit. Its eyes are big . Its hair is white. Its beautiful.十一数词的考查 本册书涉及到十个英语基数词(one ,two ,three , four , five ,six , seven ,eight ,nine ,ten),数词主要用于回答“How many .? ” 提出的问题。数词one 后面必须用“可数名词的单数”,其他数词后面必须用“可数名词的复数” - How many boys ?- Three boys. - How many girls ? - One girl.十二句型 (一)陈述句 ( 有肯定

21、句和否定句之分 )肯定陈述句:This is Kitty. Shes thin . Im Peter, Im short. My hair is long. My ears are small. Here are two pears for you. This is my bed. These are my books.否定陈述句:Youre not a sheep . 你不是羊。 It isnt warm today. 今天不暖和。(二)一般疑问句及其回答 1. - Are you Mary? 肯定回答:- Yes , I am. 否定回答:- No, Im not. 2. Are thes

22、e your books? 肯定回答:- Yes , they are . 否定回答:- No, they arent . ( arent = are not ) 3. -Is she Kitty? 肯定回答:- Yes , she is. 否定回答:- No, she isnt. ( isnt = is not ) 4. -Is he Peter? 肯定回答:- Yes , he is. 否定回答:- No, he isnt. 5. - Is this your pen ?肯定回答:- Yes , it is. 否定回答:- No, it isnt. (三)特殊疑问句及其回答 1.- How

23、 are you ? 你好吗? - Im fine/ happy /OK/ so- so. 2.- Who is he ? 他是谁? - Hes my friend./father / brother. 3.- Who is she? 她是谁? - Shes my friend./mother. /sister. 4.- Who are you? 你是谁? -I am Peters father. 我是彼得的父亲。 5. - How much is it ? - Five yuan. - How much are they ? - Ten yuan .please. ( “How much ”

24、针对物品的价钱提问。) 6. - How many boys ?- Three boys. - How many girls ? - One girl. ( “How many ”后面必须接可数名词的复数形式) 7. - What is it ? 它是什么? - It is a rabbit. 它是兔子。 拓展:8:- There are four seasons in a year . 一年有四季。 What are they?它们是什么? - They are spring ,summer , autumn and winter. 9. - Whats your name? 你叫什么名字?

25、 - My name is Joe. / Im Joe.我叫Joe. 10. - How old are you? 你多大了? - Im seven years old.我七岁。 11.- How old is he / she? 他/她多大了? - Hes / Shes ten years old. 他/她10岁。(四)祈使句 祈使句是表示“命令、要求、请求”等的句子。 肯定形式:动词原形开头,常和please连用,please可以在句首,也可以在句末。请看课本中的祈使句 (Units 9- 12 的文本中都有) Close the door ,please. = Please close

26、the door. Open the window,please.= Please open the window. Look at the blackboard. Please clean the blackboard. Count the chicks. Lets make a snowman. 否定祈使句以后会学习的, 到时候再讲。十三. 口语交际 十四记住所学的“缩写词” Im = I am isnt = is not 在句首时大写首字母 不在句首时不必大写首字母 Youre = You are youre =you are Hes = He is hes = he is Shes =

27、 She is shes = she is Theyre = They are theyre = they are Its = It is its = it is 注意 :句首字母要大写、名字的首字母要大写、专有名词的首字母要大写。 要清楚课本上所有英语名字的性别、家庭成员中每个称谓的性别,这也是涉及到人称代词he 和she 的正确选择。例如下列句子:This is Ben . He is my brother.( Ben 是男名,所以下文用He来代替)This is Sally. She is my sister.( Sally是女名,所以下文用 She来代替)This is my brot

28、her. He is cool.( brother 这一称谓是男的,所以下文用He来代替)因为在句首,所以都大写了首字母。备注:红色字体的词,都是常常设为空格,来让学生们选择或填写的。词汇归类1名词: 1. 家庭成员 father, mother, brother , sister,grandfather, 2. 表示孩子的性别的词:boy 和girl 3. 身体部位:face,nose,mouth,eye,ear,hand手,head 头 foot脚,toe脚趾,arm 胳膊, leg腿等(Unit 6) 4. 文具:pen , pencil , ruler ,schoolbag , rub

29、ber(eraser) ,book 5. 家具:bed , chair ,desk ,table 6. fruit水果:apple,pear,banana , orange 7. animals 动物 : mouse , cat , dog , rabbit, fish , sheep,wolf , pig 8. seasons 季节:spring ,summer , autumn , winter 9.其它名词:friend, family,Mr , Mrs ,Miss , number fruit shop , room , classroom , fruit ,animal,season二形容词: tall,short, fat, thin,big,small, long , beautiful , fine,nice,good, cold,cool,hot,warm, clean , late ,funny 三人称代词:1.主格 I , you ,he , she , i

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