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1、美国总统选举制度美国总统选举制度美国 实行总统制,总统选举 每四年举行一次。美国总统选举制度复杂,过程漫长。选举的主要程序包括预选、各党召开全国代表大会确定总统候选人、总统候选人竞选、全国选民投票选出总统“选举人”、“选举人”成立选举人团投票表决正式选举总统和当选总统就职典礼等几个阶段。预选是美国总统选举的第一阶段,通常从大选年的年初开始,到年中结束。预选有两种形式,分别是政党基层会议和直接预选。前者是指两党在各州自下而上,从选举点、县、选区到州逐级召开代表会议,最终选出本党参加全国代表大会的代表。后者在形式上如同普选,一个州的两党选民同一天到投票站投票选出本党参加全国代表大会的代表,这是大多



4、国宪法修正案批准华盛顿特区可以像州一样有总统选举人。这样,美国国会有参议员(任期年,每两年改选三分之一)、名众议员(任期两年,期满后全部改选),加上华盛顿哥伦比亚特区的票,总统选举人票总共为票。一位候选人赢得的选举人票超过总数的一半(张),即当选总统。 真正的总统选举是在月第二个星期三之后的第一个星期一举行(年是月日)。届时,各州和哥伦比亚特区被推选出的“选举人”将前往各州的首府进行投票。获张选票以上的候选人将当选总统,并于次年月日宣誓就职。American presidential election system The US implements the presidential syst

5、em, the presidential election is held once every four years. The American presidential election system is complex, the process is long. The election main program including the preelection, various parties convenes the National Peoples Congress to determine that the presidential candidate, the presid

6、ential candidate campaigned for, the national voter to vote selects president “the elector”, “the elector” establishment electoral college voting by ballot elects president and president-elect officially the inauguration and so on several stages. The preelection is the American presidential election

7、 first stage, usually from the presidential year the beginning of the year start, finished to the year. The preelection has two forms, respectively is the political party basic unit conference and the direct primary. The former is refers to two parties in various states from bottom to top, from repr

8、esents the conference the election spot, the county, the electoral district to the state progressive convention, selects representative who finally this party participates in the National Peoples Congress. The latter formally is similar to a general election, a states selects representative who two

9、party voter same day to the polling booth voting this party participates in the National Peoples Congress, this is the preelection way which majority states use at present. After the preelection had ended, two parties separately will usually convene in July and August the National Peoples Congress.

10、Conferences primary mission is determined finally this party president, vice president the candidate, and discusses through the presidential election guiding principle. After National Peoples Congress, presidential election then officially opens. This process must continue generally from 8 to 9 week

11、s. , Two party presidential candidate will consume the large amount of money, shuttles back and forth in the land, carries on the advertisement war, the publication campaign speech, to meet with the voter, to hold the press conference as well as to carry on the open debate. In addition, the candidat

12、e through many kinds of forms will also elaborate that advocated to the domestic and foreign businesss policy, wins the voter to trust, wins over the ballot. The national voter votes election year Novembers first Mondays later first holds (2008 on Tuesday is on November 4), this day is called the pr

13、esidential election date. All American voters arrive at the assigned location to carry on the voting, makes the choice between two presidential candidates (president who selects various states in identical ballot “elector”). (Party) the presidential candidate obtains the most wins in a states electi

14、on, he has this state complete president “the elector” the ticket, this is the Quanzhou series chooses the system. The national voter polling day is also called the presidential election date. Because the American presidential election implements “the electoral college” the system, therefore the pre

15、sidential election dates voting result, produces in fact is represents 50 states and District of Columbia 538 “the elector”. Moreover, in the presidential election date, the voter must carry on Senate and the House of Representatives in the federal scope elects. According to the US in 1787 constitut

16、ion, two courtyard congressmen by various states voter direct election production. Elector tickets quantity, manifests the state power equal rule, quantity decides according to various states in Congresss congressman. For example, each state has 2 senators in Congress and at least 1 member of the ho

17、use of representatives, therefore, any state at least has 3 tickets. But population many big states, besides this 3 tickets, the member of the house of representatives population are more, the elector number of votes are also more. in 1961, the US constitutional amendment authorized Washington D.C.

18、to be possible Xiangzhou to have president equally the elector. Thus, the United States Congress has 100 senators (tenure in office 6 years, every two years re-elects 1/3), 435 members of the house of representatives (tenure in office two years, after expiring, reelection, the Washington District of

19、 Columbias 3 tickets, president the elector ticket altogether is 538 tickets in addition completely). A candidate wins the elector ticket surpasses the total half (270), namely president-elect. The genuine presidential election is Monday holds (2008 December second Wednesdays later first is on Decem

20、ber 15). At the appointed time, various states and District of Columbia is elected “the elector” to go various states the capital to carry on the voting. Will attain 270 ballot above candidates president-elect, and January 20 will be sworn in next year. 就职典礼是美国总统选举的最后一道程序,只有到当选总统于次年月日手抚圣经,宣誓就职时,美国的总

21、统选举才告结束。 在美国政治中,副总统不担任实际工作。他的公务是担任国会参议院主席,但这主要是礼仪性的,因为他只有在参议院表决时赞成票和反对票相等情况下才投票。副总统的日常工作通常根据总统的要求而定,一般无足轻重,如代表总统参加外国领导人的葬礼活动等。根据美国宪法,如果总统去世或失去工作能力,副总统接任总统职位。先当副总统是登上美国总统宝座的途径之一。第二次世界大战以来,有三位副总统在总统任期内接任总统职务。杜鲁门因罗斯福去世,约翰逊因肯尼迪遇剌,福特因尼克松下台而分别继任总统。此外,有几位副总统还当过总统候选人,其中包括尼克松、汉弗莱、蒙代尔和布什。 美国副总统不是由美国公众直接选出的,而是

22、由民主党和共和党的总统候选人挑选并经两党全国代表大会选举产生。总统候选人在选择副总统候选人时首先要考虑此人的政治资历和条件,但主要看他在党内代表哪部分势力以便取得平衡,尽可能争取最大多数选民的支持。 但大选结果不取决于总统候选人对副总统的选择,而是取决于总统候选人。年美国大选期间,许多美国人认为共和党总统候选人布什的竞选伙伴奎尔太年轻、不老练、不值得考虑,而认为民主党总统候选人杜卡基斯的竞选伙伴本特森经验丰富、深孚众望。但大选结果,布什获胜当上了总统,奎尔自然也成为副总统。 副总统候选人通常是国会议员,但参议员被挑选为副总统候选人的机会较大。原因是参议员一旦当选副总统,就担任参议院主席,这可加

23、强总统与参议院的联系。 另外,在总统大选日,选民还要在联邦范围内进行参议院和众议院选举。根据美国年宪法,两院议员由各州选民直接选举产生。参议院有议员名,任期年,每两年改选三分之一。众议院议员名,任期两年,期满后全部改选。美国总统选举第一阶段预选四年一度的美国总统选举过程漫长而复杂,主要包括预选、各党召开全国代表大会确定总统候选人、总统候选人竞选、全国选举、选举人团投票表决和当选总统就职。 预选是美国总统选举的第一阶段,被视为美国大选的前奏。该阶段通常于大选年月开始,至月结束。党内预选绝大多数是在星期二举行。在预选阶段,美国民主、共和两大政党将分别在全国大多数州选出参加本党全国代表大会的代表。少

24、数不举行预选的州,则由两党的州委员会或州代表大会选拔参加本党全国代表大会的代表。这些代表将在党代会上提出本党的总统候选人。因此,预选实际上是对总统候选人资格的争夺。The inauguration is the American presidential election last procedure, only then January 20 will caress Holy Bible to president-elect in next year, when was sworn, USs presidential election only then considered the con

25、clusion. In the American politics, vice president does not hold the post of the practical work. His official business is Congress Chairman of the Senate, but this is mainly the etiquette, because he only then in the Senate vote time in the affirmative vote and the opposite ballot equal situation onl

26、y then votes. Vice presidents routine work usually decides according to presidents request, generally is insignificant, like participates in the foreign leaders funeral activity on behalf of president and so on. According to the American constitution, if president died or loses the working ability,

27、vice president took over president the position. First vice president when mounts one of American president thrones ways. Since the Second World War, three vice presidents in the tenure in office have taken over president in president the duty. Because Truman Roosevelt died, because Johnson Kennedy

28、met stabs, because Ford Nixon left office succeeds president separately. In addition, several vice presidents have also worked as presidential candidate, including Nixon, Humfrey, Mondale and Bush. American vice president is not selects directly by the American public, but the National Peoples Congr

29、ess elects the production by the Democratic Party and Republican Partys presidential candidate choice and after two party. The presidential candidate when chooses vice president the candidate must first consider this persons political qualifications and records of service and the condition, but main

30、ly looked that which part of influences he does represent in the party in order to obtain balanced, strives for the most majority voters supports as far as possible. But the election results are not decided by the presidential candidate to vice presidents choice, but is decided by the presidential c

31、andidate. in 1988 American election period, many Americans thought that Republican Presidential candidate Bush running mate Quayle is too young, not experienced, is not worth considering, but thought that Democratic presidential candidate Duka Kiess running mate Bentseen the rich experience, is high

32、ly popular. But the election results, Bush won works as president, Quayle has become naturally also vice president. Vice president the candidate usually is member of national assembly, but the senator is chosen candidates opportunity is big for vice president. The reason is a senator, once were elected as vice president, was Chairman of the Senate, this might strengthen president and Senates relation. Moreover, in the presidential election date, the voter must carry on Senate and the Hou

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