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1、国际经济学第五版第四章课后答案国际经济学第五版第四章课后答案第四章(1. Given the following table, which country is relatively more labor abundant? Show how you know. Which is relatively capital abundant?根据下表,那个国家是劳动相对丰富?为什么?那个是资本相对丰富?United StatesCanadaCapital40 machines10 machinesLabor200 workers60 workersAnswer: The capitallabor r

2、atios are 1/5 and 1/6 for the United States and Canada. Since 1/5 is greater than 1/6, the United States is capital abundant. By the same reasoning, the laborcapital ratio is higher in Canada, so it is labor abundant. 资本 - 劳动比率的五分之一和六分之一的美国和加拿大。由于五分之一大于6,1美国是资金充裕。同样的道理,劳动,资本充足率在加拿大较高,所以它是劳动力丰富。Answe

3、r: The United States is definitely better off because it can consume a greater quantity of both goods. If it traded five steel for 10 bread it would have 20 bread and 25 steel. This is the same amount of bread as before trade, and five more units of steel. It can keep the extra five steel, or trade

4、some or all of them for additional bread. In either case, the consumption bundle is greater than it was before trade. 美国无疑是更好,因为它可以消耗两种商品的数量更大。如果成交5钢10面包那就得20面包和25钢。这是面包如贸易前相同的量,及钢的五个单位。它可以让多余的5钢或交易部分或全部的额外面包。在两种情况下,消费束大于它交易之前。 4. Given the information in Questions 1 and 2, explain what happens to t

5、he returns to capital and labor in each country after trade begins. 根据问题1和问题2的信息,解释当贸易开始后资本和劳动力的投入回报率是怎样变化的。Answer: The changes in the returns to capital are different by country. In the United States, the demand for capital increases because more steel will be produced; conversely, the demand for l

6、abor falls because of the drop in bread production. Owners of capital benefit from the increase in demand for their inputs, while owners of labor suffer a decline in their returns (wages). In Canada, the effects are reversed. 在资本收益的变化由国家有所不同。在美国,对资金需求的增加,因为更多的钢会产生;相反,对劳动力的需求下降,因为在面包生产的下降。从增加其投入资本的需求

7、业主的利益,而劳动力的业主遭受的回报(工资)的下降。在加拿大,效果是相反的。 5. Suppose that there are three factors: capital, labor, and land. Bread requires inputs of land and labor, and steel requires capital and labor. 假定只有3种要素:资本、劳动力和土地。面包生产需要投入土地和劳动力,钢铁生产需要投入资本和劳动力。(1)另一个是可转移要素,另一个是特定要素?(2)假定加拿大的要素为10单位资本和100单位土地,美国的要素为50单位资本和100单

8、位土地。它们各自会出口什么商品?(3)贸易是怎样影响在美国和加拿大的土地、劳动力及资本的投入回报率的?a. Which factors are variable and which are specific?b. Suppose Canadas endowments of land and capital are 10 capital and 100 land, and the United States are 50 capital and 100 land. Which good does each country export?c. How does trade affect the r

9、eturns to land, labor, and capital in the United States and in Canada?Answers:a. Labor is the variable factor and capital and land are specific.b. Canada is land abundant relative to the United States (100/10 is greater than 100/50), so Canadas comparative advantage is in the export of bread, the go

10、od with the specific input of land. The United States comparative advantage is steel. 加拿大是土地相对于美国( 100/10比100/50大)丰富,所以加拿大的比较优势是在面包的出口,好与土地的具体投入。美国的比较优势是钢。c. In the United States, owners of land are hurt by trade, owners of capital benefit, and the effects on labor are indeterminate. The latter effe

11、ct depends on labors preference for bread and steel. In the United States, bread prices fall, but steel prices rise. In Canada, owners of land benefit from trade, owners of capital are hurt, and the effects on labor are indeterminate. The latter effect depends on labors preference for bread and stee

12、l. In Canada, bread prices rise, but steel prices fall. 在美国,土地拥有者通过贸易,资本所有者的利益受到伤害,而对劳动力的影响是不确定的。后者的影响取决于劳动力的偏爱面包和钢铁。在美国,面包的价格下跌,但钢材价格大幅上涨。在加拿大,土地受益于行业的业主,资本所有者都不疼了,对劳动力的影响是不确定的。后者的影响取决于劳动力的偏爱面包和钢铁。在加拿大,面包价格上涨,但钢材价格下跌。 6. Describe the changes in production requirements and the location of production

13、 that take place over the three phases of the product cycle. 描述在产品生命周期三阶段中企业的生产需求和生产区位的变化。Answer: In the first phase, all production is in high-income countries. The input requirements include relatively large amounts of scientific and engineering skills, marketing expertise, and access to risk capi

14、tal. Experimentation with new products depends on access to high-income consumers, and competitive pressures require a quick feedback from consumers to producers. The new products tend to be highly variable in their design and performance characteristics, and experimentation is important to finding

15、the right combination of prices, options, and quality. 在第一阶段,所有的生产是在高收入国家。输入要求包括相当大量的科学和工程技术,市场营销专业知识,并获得风险资本。实验用的新产品依赖于获得高收入的消费者和竞争压力需要消费者快速反馈给生产商。这些新产品往往在设计和性能特征变化很大,和实验是很重要的发现价格,期权和质量的完美结合。In the second phase, some standardization is taking place, along with some sales of the product in developin

16、g countries. The early period of intense experimentation is over and firms are beginning to settle on the lowest-cost production technologies. Production is migrating overseas, where labor costs are lower. 在第二阶段中,一些标准化正在发生,随着产品的发展中国家一些销售。强烈的实验初期已经结束,企业开始定居在成本最低的生产技术。生产海外迁移,那里的劳动力成本比较低。In the final p

17、hase, experimentation with design and manufacturing technologies is over, the product is completely standardized, and the input requirements are more heavily biased towards unskilled or semi-skilled labor. Much of the production can be accomplished in assembly operations, which can be located in low

18、-wage countries. 在最后的阶段,实验设计和制造技术已经结束,该产品是完全标准化,并且输入要求更多地偏向非熟练或半熟练劳动力。许多生产可以实现在装配操作,这可位于低工资国家。By the third phase, most of the production has left the high-income countries except in the cases where product differentiation can continue. 到了第三阶段,大部分企业生产的已经离开了高收入国家除了在情况下,产品的差异化可以继续。 7. Does intra-firm t

19、rade contradict the theory of comparative advantage? Why or why not? 公司内贸易与比较优势理论是相互矛盾的吗?请说明原因。Answer: No, in general it does not, but it may in some cases. Most intra-firm trade can be understood as a firm that cuts up its production process into several distinct stages, and then relocates some or

20、all of the stages to different countries where the factor endowments are consistent with the production requirements of each stage. Labor-intensive production stages will be relocated to labor-abundant countries, and so forth. 没有,在一般情况不是这样,但它可能在一些情况下。大多数企业内部贸易可以被理解为一个牢固的切断了它的生产过程分为几个不同的阶段,然后再重定位的一些阶

21、段,以不同的国家中的生产要素是与每个阶段的生产要求是一致的部分或全部。劳动密集的生产阶段将迁往劳动力丰富的国家,等等。In this case, firms are taking advantage of the comparative advantage of different nations in order to produce their goods at the lowest overall cost. 在这种情况下,企业正在利用不同国家的比较优势优势,才能以最低的总成本生产自己的商品。In some cases, however, there may be other motiv

22、es for locating a production stage in another country. These motives include the desire to avoid trade barriers by producing all or part of a good inside the country where sales are anticipated, the desire to escape taxation; the attempt to deter market entry by a rival firm, and as insurance agains

23、t unforeseen events (e.g., political instability). 在某些情况下,但是,可以有其他的动机在另一国家中定位的生产阶段。这些动机包括:为规避贸易壁垒所产生的全部或良好的国家中,其中预计销售,以逃避税收的欲望部分的欲望;尝试用竞争对手公司,以防止市场准入,并作为对突发事件(如政治不稳定)保险。 8. General Motors is a U.S.-based multinational, but it is also one of the largest car manufacturers in Europe and South America.

24、How might Dunnings OLI theory explain the trade-offs GM faced as it decided whether to export to those two markets or to produce in them? 通用汽车公司是美国最大的跨国公司,也是欧洲以及南美最大的汽车制造商之一。运用邓宁的国际生产折衷理论来解释通用汽车公司如何在是出口到欧洲和南美还是对这两个市场进行海外直接投资之间进行权衡。Answer: Transportation costs are significant in the auto sector, mean

25、ing that producing close to the final market can have cost advantages. The European market may have design preferences that are different from the U.S. market (i.e., driving on the right side of the road, fuel economy given higher gas tickets, higher speed limits, and need for power on highways . .

26、. ). This would give advantages to a production location with more direct access to the final market. Other auto manufacturers that could handle production are GMs direct competition, making GM unlikely to choose licensing and a sharing of its manufacturing, design, and technology. 运输成本是汽车行业显著,这意味着生

27、产接近最终市场能有成本优势。欧洲市场可能会有的设计偏好是从美国市场不同的(即行驶在道路右侧的,燃油经济性给予较高的气体门票,更高的车速限制,并需要对电力高速公路上。 ) 。这将给优势,生产地点更直接进入最后的市场。其他汽车制造商能够处理生产是通用汽车公司的直接竞争,使得通用汽车不太可能选择许可和共享它的制造,设计和技术。 9. Many domestically owned apparel manufacturers buy their garments overseas, sew their labels into them, and then sell them abroad or bac

28、k into the home market. What are some of the considerations that a clothing manufacturer might go through to choose this strategy instead of producing at home and exporting? 许多美国内的服装制造商从海外买来服装,再将自己的商标附在上面,然后出口到国外,或销往本国市场。解释这些服装制造商为何选择上述战略,而不选择直接在本国制造后出口的战略。Answer: These firms perceive their asset to

29、 be their brand. This may involve some elements of design (ordering specific output from foreign suppliers) but also could involve quality. It can be based strictly on marketing and advertising, creating an image from something that is in the end relatively cheap and easy to create. Allowing foreign

30、 firms the ability to brand the clothes through licensing makes them lose control of this asset. Sewing labels in allows some element of quality control while reducing production costs. Garment assembly is relatively labor intense and low skill, making it more likely to occur in less developed, labo

31、r-abundant countries. Design, marketing, and access to high-spending consumers are more likely to be assets of firms in developed countries. Owning an assembly operation directly is not necessary for them to preserve this asset as long as they have ultimate control over what gets their name on it an

32、d how that product is distributed and marketed. 这些公司认为他们的资产是自己的品牌。这可能涉及到的设计(订货从外国供应商特定的输出)中的某些元素,但也可能涉及质量。它可以根据严格的市场营销和广告,从创造的东西,到底是相对便宜和容易地创建一个图像。允许外国公司以品牌服装通过授权使他们失去了这个资产的控制能力。在缝制标签允许质量控制的一些元件,同时降低了生产成本。服装组合相对劳动密集和低技术,使得它更可能发生在欠发达,劳动力丰富的国家。设计,市场营销,并获得高消费的消费者更有可能是公司资产的发达国家。拥有一个组件的操作直接没有必要为它们,只要它们具有在什么上,以及如何使产品分发和销售得到了他们的名字最终控制保持该资产。10. Suppose Spain were to open its doors to a large number of unskilled Africans seeking to immigrate. In general, what effects would you expect to see in Spains trade patterns and its comparative advantage? 1、假设西班牙向大批想要移民的非熟练非洲劳动力敞开国境。概括说明,这会对西班牙的贸易模式以及比较优势产生

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