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1、雅思题目汇总+论点雅思题目汇总+论点LTDis:1.得不到休息2.容易受到社会恶习,不良行为的影响1鞥力不足受挫,影响自信5Some people think the university education function should prepare the students for employment ,but others believe university education can offer many other functions .Discuss both views and give your own opinion.一方:1学生上大学主要目的是为找到一份满意的工作2

2、少走弯路,尽快进入工作状态一方:1学校培养学生的道德水平2提高身体素质早操 运动会环境1Some people believe that environmental problems are too big for individuals to deal with. Others think that individuals should take some action. Discuss both views and give your opinion.一方:1 解决环境问题需要大量的资金,个人无法承受2 环境问题综合性的问题,国际性的问题,国际上通力合作一方:1从个人做起,力量就会很大2解

3、决环境问题,个人环保意识的问题;减少损害环境的行为发生2The environmental problem in the world cannot be solved by ordinary people, and governments and large companies should be responsible for this problem. To what extent do you agree or disagree?同上犯罪1Crime is a problem all over the world and there is nothing that can be done

4、 to prevent it. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement不同意:1加强教育降低犯罪率2加强社会保障体系3重视的青少年的思想教育Juvenile delinquency 2The rate of crime committed by teenagers is increasing throughout the world. Discuss the possible reasons and give suggestions on how to solve the problem.1. 父母忙于工作,忽视了

5、对于孩子的关注和教育。2家庭问题的攀升,离婚率的升高,家庭暴力的存在,孩子的心理造成扭曲3孩子追求刺激和新奇感,很容易误入歧途,或受到不良影响1提高家长的思想重要的是孩子的教育2完善法律体制,政府有资源进行承担义务的教育3政府加强监管,影片分级3Some people think that lawbreakers should be sent to prison. However, others think that better talentsamong those should be made to work.Discuss both views and give your own opi

6、nion.一方:1减少社会危害2警示作用一方:1再创造价值,提高自信,有机会出来后适应社会2减少政府对于投入科技1。In some countries in the world, people can choose to live and work anywhere as they want because of the improvement of the communication technology and transport. To what extent do you think its advantages outweigh its disadvantages?Dis:1. 造成

7、交通堵塞2能源浪费3 环境污染2Some people believe the range of technology available to individuals today is increasing the gap between poor people and rich people. Others think it is having an opposite effect. Discuss these points of view. What is your opinion?一方:1.机器代替人,节省人力开支,增加利润;工人失业2.富人会购买昂贵的高科技产品,为他们创造更多的价值

8、;无能力购买一方:1流行的科技,网络;通过网络创造财富;淘宝网2科技的提高降低产品的成本和价格,享受基本的生活资料社会1Nowadays many employees may work from home with modern technology. Some people claim that it benefits only the workers, but not the employers. To what extent do you agree or disagree?不同意1老板节省开支2节省大量老板更多的工作时间3降低紧张的劳资关系4Some people say that p

9、rofessional workers such asdoctors, nurses and teachers make greater contribution. So theyshould be paid more than those sport and entertainment persons.To what extent do you agree or disagree?不同意:1贡献未必比运动员多:举例子:国际大赛 精神力量2运动,娱乐付出时间精力远远大于。:伤病 艰苦的训练3职业生涯很短3Caring for children is probably the most impo

10、rtant thingof the society. It is suggested that all mothers and fathers should be required to take the childcare training courses.To what extent do you agree or disagree with the statement?不同意:1影响工作2忽视专业人员的建议3所有的都去参加课程不是实际可行的一种方式。政府职能1It is more important for the government to spend money on promoti

11、ng the healthy lifestyle to prevent the illness than to spend money treating people who are already ill. To what extent do you agree or disagree?同意:1 减少疾病发生,减少财政支出2重大疾病,难以治愈,预防为主2Some rich countries (government) provide poor countries with only financial aid. While it is important, others think that

12、 rich countries should provide poor countries with other types of help. To what extent do you agree or disagree?娱乐1Many people think music plays an important role in society. Others think music is just a form of entertainment for individuals. Discuss on both sides and give your opinion?2Some people

13、believe that in order to improve the public health the number of sportsfacilities should be increased. Others believe this it has little effect and other measures are needed to improve the public health. Discuss on both sides. What is your opinion?3Some people believe the range of technology available to individuals today is increasing the gap between poor people and rich people. Others think it is having an opposite effect. Discuss these points of view. What is your opinion?

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