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2、XX,As a(n)职位 who loves our company deeply,I am writingthis letter to resign from my present job.There are several reasons that can account for my resignation.First of all,I could not find any interest in my work.In addition,I findthatthe job is not as challenging as what I have expected.Finally,the

3、payment turns out to be so low that it could hardly cover my living expense.I do apologize for my inconvenience brought by myresignation.I will be grateful if you take my resignation seriously.I am looking forward to your reply.Yours sincerely,Li Hua二、求职信第一段:表目的,经验成绩证潜力第二段:学习经历+工作经历第三段:感谢+回复Dear sir

4、 or madam,/To whom it may concern,As a student who loves your companydeeply.I am writing this letter to apply for the position as a(n) 职位.I am convinced that my previous working experience and scorelists in the school can prove my potential to be a qualified 职位.I will graduate from 学校 in 时间/月份.I hav

5、e studied 专业(例:English,computer)as my major for X years and I have studied 专业 2 as my second major.In addition,I have rich experience in 职位相关work because I have worked as a part-time 职位 in 某company for one year.My rich working experience and strong teamwork spirit will enable me to perform better th

6、an other candidates who lack of such working experience.It is very kind of you to read myletter.I really appreciate your consideration of my application for the position.I am looking forward to your reply or your call to the number 139.Yours sincerely,Li Hua三、推荐信1.推荐一本书给你朋友,读书俱乐部2.推荐一个电影故事Dear frien

7、d,/Dear sir or madam,As a friend who has a similar taste to you,/As a student who loves reading books/seeing film,I am writing this letter in thepurpose of recommending you my favorite movie/book:名字.There are several reasonsthat can account for myrecommendation.Firstofall,by seeing this lovely movie

8、/reading this lovely book,which is full of humor,you will feel amused.In addition,as is known to us all,the thing withtransient happiness alone will be easily forgotten in our lives.Thismovie/book is recommended for the profound truth involved in the humor and joy.Finally,the movie/book is just like

9、 a window opening a new world to you,through which you can better understand Chinese/western culture.It is very kind of you to read my letter.I will be grateful if you takemy recommendation seriously.I am looking forward to your reply.(I really hope you could enjoy it.In addition,please send my best

10、 wishes to your family.I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.)Yours sincerely,Li Hua四、感谢信Dear XXX,First of all,please allow me to say “Thank you”.It is very kind of you to spend your valuable time in doing sth(题目信息)/ helping me.When I first sank into trouble,I really felt lonely and helpless

11、.Your help has made me feel that in fact I am living in a world of love,which has brought me muchconfidence,courage and power to overcome my difficulty.These days mycondition/situation has been obviously improved due to thehelp offered by the kind people like you.I hope that I can have thechance to

12、say thanks to you face to face as soon as possible.Again,special thanks go to you.Yours sincerely,Li Hua五、邀请信(最爱考)一定是封闭的,不开放对象确定,时间,地点,活动内容可能有活动要求适当补充情节Dear XXXAs a(n) 身份 who loves XXX admires you who翻译题目信息,I am writing this letter to invite you to do sth(翻译题目信息).The activity(活动) will be held 介词+时间,

13、介词+地点 at+时间on +日期 月年日.The chief reason why we invite you is that as is known to usall,you are an excellent XXX in this field./as is known to us all,youare interested in this field.(活动范围)In addition,this activity is of great importance,through which youcan do sth.(参与活动的好处)Finally,I am convinced that

14、you will play an important role in thisactivity,and it will not be held successfully if you don t come/joinin it.It is very kind of you to read my letter.I will be grateful if you takemy invitation seriously.I am looking forward to your reply.Yours sincerely,Li Hua2017全国卷假定你是李华,想邀请外教Henry一起参观中国剪纸(pa

15、per-cutting)艺术展。请给他写封邮件。内容包括:1.展览时间、地点;2.展览内容。Dear Henry,As a student who lovespaper-cutting,I am writing this letter to invite you to take part in artactivity/exhibition of paper-cutting.The activity will be held at 9:30on June 15th,2018.There are 100 paper-cuttings in thisexhibition.The chief reas

16、on why we invite you is that as is knownto us all,you are interested in paper-cutting.In addition,this activityis of great importance,through which you can better understandtraditional Chinese culture.It is very kind of you to read my letter.I will be grateful if you takemy invitation seriously.I am

17、 looking forward to your reply.Yours sincerely,Li Hua终极变通:邀请信变告知信2017全国卷假定你是李华,正在教你的英国朋友Leslie学习汉语。请你写封邮件告知下次上课的计划。内容包括:1.时间和地点;2.内容:学习唐诗;3.课前准备:简要了解唐朝的历史。Dear Leslie,As a friend who teaches you Chinese.I am writing this letter to tellyou the plan of next class.We will have this class + 时间/The class

18、 will begin+. and we willlearn Tang poem.In addition,you should study the history of TangDynasty before the class.Finally,the class is of greatimportance,through which you can better understand Chineseculture.The chief reason why we have this plan is that as is known to usall,you are interested in t

19、raditional Chinese culture.It is very kind of you to read my letter.I am looking forward to yourreply.Yours sincerely,Li Hua2017全国卷假定你是李华,你所在的校乒乓球队正在招收新队员。请给你的留学生朋友Eric写封邮件邀请他加入,内容包括:1.球队活动2.报名方式及截止日期。Dear Eric,As a friend who loves tabletennis.I am writing this letter to invite you to join in our p

20、ingpongteam.The test/exam for joining in will be held +时间.And we willhold many activities.The chief reason why we invite you is that as is known to usall,you are an excellent athlete/student in this field.Finally,I am convinced that you will play an important role in thisactivity,and it will not be

21、held successfully if you don t come/joinin it.It is very kind of you to read my letter.I will be grateful if you takemy invitation seriously.I am looking forward to your reply.Yours sincerely,Li Hua六、建议信一般原则:阅读,读书,环境保护,互联网提高图书馆的服务,提高高中生阅读书籍数量,雾霾,白色污染,给报纸写信提出一些建议,提高高中生身体素质,祝贺升入大学,提出一些建议。Dear XXX,As a

22、 身份 who loves XXX ,I am writing this letter to put forward my suggestions on 主题(名词 , doing).Generally speaking , 对象 is / are good ,but it will be better if you take my suggestions seriously.First of all, +建议1In addition, +建议 2Finally,+建议3I will be grateful if you consider my suggestions seriously. A

23、nd I firmly believe that 对象 is / are bound to bebetter and better in the near future.Yours sincerely,Li Hua3点建议:万能3建议人、钱、时间(3选1)人+人-人教育人、交朋友 more / less people /workers / employees / teachersshould work in 地点 / related fields.+升华 we should educate more people to realize the important of 主题(名 词 , doi

24、ng 形式)+升华 we should make more friend.+升华升华:so that +简单句。这么做带来的好处,提高工作效率,减少有害行为,不孤单。钱+钱省钱充分利用钱 more money should be spent in purchasing and updating XXX(主题相关的东西) / facilities. we should save the money spent in XXX, which can be used todo sth (主题相关)we should save the money spent in XXX, whichcan be us

25、ed to help others. we should make better use of the money spent in 主题 (名词,doing)时间 +时间 -时间 充分利用时间 more time should be spent in 主题相关(doing sth.) the XXX time / the time for XXX should be lengthened.we should save the time spent in XXX , which can be used to study.we should make better use of the time

26、 spent in XXX.备用万能建议: 文化 we should better understand the culture / importance of 主题.七、通知(模拟题常考)分成两段有个活动,积极参加。有个会议,招募志愿者通知(Notice)格式:日期:June 8th,2018称呼:To all classmates: / to whom it may concern:正文内容发通知的组织或者机构正文:1.举办慈善义卖,XXX 比赛。时间、地点欢迎大家踊跃报名80%以上的概率变相邀请信2.招募活动志愿者。1)时间,地点,人物事件The 活动 will be held + 介词

27、 时间,介词 地点2)承办人(学生会)第二部分:承办人The 承办人has set a preparation committee to organize this activity.3)应聘者的职责Therefore , we are in need of volunteers to help us organizerelative affairs.4)应聘者的要求:人,时间万能的要求:有经验,基本技能,懂英语,计算机,工作时间,不准请假人 who have experience as 应聘职位are preferred.Basic knowledge in English and comp

28、uter and anamicable personality are some of qualities that we desire.应聘者shall be available for at least 3 days during the conference /activity. No excuse of absence will be accept once you are one ofour 应聘职位.5)联系我们If you are interested in this job / activity and are willing tohave a whole new experi

29、ence , please do not hesitate to dosth(join / send).Thank you for your attention.八、万能模板基础知识:Dear XXX,第一段:亮身份+表目的As a(n) 身份(student/citizen)who 动词 s(loves) XXX / 题目所给的信息.I am writing this letter in the purpose of 类别动词ing./I am writing this letter to 类别动词原型.第二段:总说+三点。第一句:总说1)三原因:There are several reas

30、ons that can account for my 类别名词.2)三内容:There are several aspects that I want to XX you.(XX 类别动词原型)第二句-第四句:First of all, +要点 1In addition, +要点 2Finally, +要点 3/Finally, be patient. 主题 is not a task can be accomplished withina short time.Only with a lot of sustained efforts can 人 怎么样. 人+ do 形式.第三段:It i

31、s very kind of you to read my letter.I will be grateful if you take my 类别名词 seriously.I am looking forward to your reply. / I am looking forward to yourreply and your doing sth.(题目给出的,要求收件人做的事情)Yours sincerely,Li Hua开放式要点:1)人加人 减人 教育人 交朋友 升级版交友 道德升级版交友:人 should / can try to understand XXX people andtheir way of life and make friend from different culturebackground.道德:主题 can bring 人 an opportunity to be a person with highlymoral character.2)钱 同建议信3)时间 同建议信4)文化 同建议信封闭式要点:1)先按照简单句翻译。n + v + n + prep + n2)万能简单句升级方法九、句型升级:1.真本事升级2.套路升级前提:写出简单句。1.n + v + n2.n + v + n + prep

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