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1、大学体验英语综合教程4课后习题选词填空原文及答案大学体验英语综合教程4课后习题选词填空原文及答案applaud mirror entail strive consequently supposedly devalue flexibility obligation fulfill Taxes are an -which may fall on everybody. 纳税是每个人的义务。 2. We -the authoritys decision not to close the hospital. 我们对政府不关闭医院的决定表示称赞。 3. The doctors instructions m

2、ust be -exactly; the sick mans life depends on it. 医生的操作必须准确,病人的生命就依靠它了。 4. Do these opinion polls really -what people are thinking? 这些投票能真实反映出人们的想法吗, 5. I prefer to think of memorization as a stepping-stone to -in use of words and phrases. 我喜欢把记忆看作是灵活使用词和短语的脚踏石。 6. In her office memos she tended to

3、 -the work done by her staff. 在她公司的备忘录里她一直想要降低全体人员的工作价值。 7. The history of train transport has partly been a history of -for greater efficiency and profit. 铁路运输是为了努力争取更大效益和利益的历史的一部分。 8. He took on the new post without having the faintest idea of what it-. 他接手了的新职位,而没有对这个新职位有着清晰的想法。 9. He is -one of

4、the greatest experts in this field. 他可能是在那个领域里最伟大的专家之一。 10. Absolute secrecy is essential.-, the fewer who are aware of the project the better. 完全保守秘密是基本的。越少的人知道越少。 Answer: 1., obligation 2.applauded, 3.fulfilled, 4.mirror, 5.flexibility, 6.devalue, 7.striving, 8.entailed , 9.supposedly , 10.Consequ

5、ently await mask pose distract undermine spot overtake judge cue offend By the age of 20, Mozart had written some ten operas and was well prepared for the demanding audiences that -him in Vienna. 莫扎特在20岁的时候就已经写完大约20部歌剧,并且为在维也纳急切等待他的听众做好了准备。 2. After only three years in the American market, our US sa

6、les -those in Japan. . 3年后美国市场的销售额超过了日本市场的销售额。 3. Earthquakes -such serious danger to the country that Japan has become a world leader in earthquake prediction, earthquake-proof construction techniques, and disaster preparedness by both civil defense forces and the general public. 由于地震对日本造成了严重的危害,因此

7、日本已在地震预报,防地震建筑以及市民和公众防御力量的灾难准备意识上成为先驱。 4. American artists often took their -from European literary salons and art schools, and cultured Americans traveled to Europe to become educated. 美国艺术家经常从欧洲文学沙龙和其流派中得到暗示,有文化的美国人会游历欧洲去接受教育。 5. A series of body explosions -all the hopes for a peaceful solution i

8、n the Middle East. 一系列人体爆炸事件已经削弱了在中东地区寻求和平解决方式的所有希望。 6. When he realized the police had -him, the man made for the exit as quickly as possible. 当他意识到警察已经注意到他,他尽快的冲向了出口。 7.Many of the scientists and engineers are -in terms of how profitable their achievements are. 许多科学家和工程师是通过他们的成就是否会带来效益来评判的。 8. A p

9、erson who moves to a house on a busy street may initially be -every time a loud vehicle drives by but after a month he will become used to it. 对于刚搬进坐落于繁荣地段的房子的人来说,可能最初会因为汽车呼啸而过而分神,但一个月后他就会习惯的。 9. These publishers all depended on the favor of the English crown for their existence, and so they only pu

10、blished materials that did not -royalty. 这些出版商都依赖英国王室的喜好生存,所有他们只出版不违反王权的资料。 10. They will seek to persuade others that they are moral in the accepted sense of the term in order to -their motives to gain the awards. 他们试图说服其他人相信他们是有道德的,以此掩盖他们想获奖的动机。 Answer: 1.awaited, 2.have overtaken, 3.pose, 4.cues,

11、 5.has undermined, 6.soptted, 7.judged, 8.distracted, 9.offend, 10.mask block anonymous derive quote rationalize contact exclusive violate default charge Priests thought angrily that the soldiers -the church by using it as a stable. 神父对于士兵亵渎教堂把其当作马厩一事感到很愤慨。 2. We -knowledge not only from books, but

12、also from practice. 我们不只从书本上得到知识,也从实践中获取知识。 3. Yesterday I was caught in the rain, so now my nose is all -up and I can hardly breathe. 昨天我淋了雨,所以现在我的鼻子堵得呼吸不畅通。 4. The -system in this lap-top computer is Windows XP. 这部手提电脑的默认系统是Windows XP. 5. He further -his activities by convincing himself that he wa

13、s actually promoting environmental protection. 他通过坚定自己确实在进行环保宣传的信念来进一步使他的行动有合理依据。 6. The saxophonist -the Kenny G melody Going Home in his solo. 萨克斯吹奏者吹奏的是肯尼G的独奏曲回家。 7. Through an exciting bid for building the bridge, we won the -contract in the end. 通过对建设桥梁这一工程的激烈出价,我们最终获得了这份独家合约 8. She immediately

14、 called an officer at the Naval Intelligence Service, who in turn -the FBI. .她立即给海军情报服务中心的军官打电话,随后他接着联系了FBI。 9. After he reported the truth, he received many -letters and phone calls. 她报道出真相后收到了许多匿名信和匿名电话。 10. -Do they -for the use of the telephone? -Yeah! Half yuan per minute! 打电话他们是否收了你的钱,是的,一分钟五毛

15、钱。 Answer: 1.violated, 2.derive, 3.blocked, 4.default, 5.rationalize, 6.quoted, 7.exclusive, 8.contacted , 9.anonymous , 10.charge familiarity qualification reward sufficiently evaluate fundamental classification steer consequently sensitive It is well-known that photographic paper is highly -to lig

16、ht. 2. The first part of Law School Admission Test evaluates skills in reading comprehension, in figure -and in the evaluation of written material. 3. Because they are not -literate and job-prepared, some young people cant hold a job for long. 4. The boss managed to -the discussion away from the sub

17、ject of money and into the topic of environmental protection. 5. Sams -with pop music is so astonishing that he can sing a large number of pop songs. 6. His car broke down on the way and -he was late for the meeting with his clients. 7. One -of doing this social work is that I can learn to be indepe

18、ndent, tolerant and get to meet people from different parts of the country. 8. Mary has got all the right -for the job but is temperamentally unsuitable for it. 9. As college students, we should have a command of the -of not only social sciences but also natural sciences. 10.The personnel manager sa

19、id that he couldnt -Mikes ability without actually seeing him at work. Answer: 1.sensitive, 2.classification, 3.sufficiently, 4.steer, 5.familiarity, 6.consequently, 7.reward, 8.qualifications, 9.fundamentals, 10.evaluate moral quest downright advocated contemporary Deceive Exclusive obstructed capt

20、ured conscience I have to question the -of forcing poor people to pay for their medical treatment. 我必须得质问他们的职业道德,竟然让受伤的人赔偿设备的损失费。 2. Nothing will stop them in their -for truth. 没有什么事可以阻止他们寻求真理。 3. I think the way shes been treated is a(n) -disgrace. 我认为这样对待她完全是一种耻辱。 4. He -taking a more long-term vi

21、ew. 他主张要更加长远的看问题。 5. The writer, as well as his-, was interested in the same subjects. 这位作家以及他同龄人都对同一问题感兴趣。 6. She says shell come back, but shes -herself. 她说他会回来的,但是这一直是自欺欺人。 7. Some people believe that football clubs are sometimes motivated by-. 一些人认为足球俱乐部会被利益所驱使。 8. He got ten years in prison for

22、 withholding evidence and -the course of justice. 他因知情不报,阻碍了审判的进程而入狱10年 9. Two of the soldiers were killed and the rest were-. 两名士兵被杀死,其余的被逮捕了 10.A guilty -prevented her from sleeping at night. 她良心不安,夜不能眠 Answer: 1. morality 2. quest 3. downright 4. advocated 5. contemporaries 6. deceiving 7. avaric

23、e 8. obstructing 9. captured 10. conscience primitive attachment arouse achievement abandon sharp confrontation crucial intense soar There were joyous celebrations all over the country, with parades and the ringing of church bells to honor the great-. 全国人民举国同庆,用游行和敲响教堂钟声来庆祝这伟大的成就。 2. Improved consum

24、er confidence is -to an economic recovery. 你的自尊心就是你的自我评价和你对自己的尊重。 3. It is a -instinct to flee a place of danger. 逃离危险地带是人的最原始的本能。 4. Later, some of his findings -much popular interest in his book. 后来,他的一些发现使得一些人对他的书产生了广泛的兴趣。 5. Psychologists believe that separation from the parents during the sensi

25、tive -period from birth to three may scar a childs personality and predispose it to emotional problems in later life. 她通过参与到运动之中来抵制毒品。 6. The issue has caused great tension between the two countries and could lead to a military-. 这一事件导致两国关系极度紧张,并有可能引起军事冲突。 7. The introduction of computerized informa

26、tion systems has -changed management control in many companies. 你的陈述与其他的证据相冲突。 8. Most of the students have already felt the pressure of -inflation. 大部分学生都已经感到了通胀的压力。 9. Dozens of homes have had to be -as the sea has crept farther and farther inland. 当海水悄然无声的一步步涌上岛上的时候,几十户人家不得不被放弃 10. The -study of

27、German helps Mark know more about German culture and customs. 在他赢得了业余冠军之后,他转变成了一名专业的拳击手。 Answer: 1. achievement 2. crucial 3. demonstrate 4. aroused 5. attachment 6. confrontation 7. sharply 8. soaring 9. abandoned 10. intense acclaim succession impose generate indispensable fragile graceful insecur

28、ity accomplish prevalent Adams took a -of jobs which have stood him in good stead. 2. Is this eye-disease still -among the population here? 3. Older drivers are more likely to be seriously injured because of their -bones. 4. The accident in Russia -a lot of public interest in nuclear power issues. 5

29、. If wed all work together, I think we could -our goal. 6. He was still charming, cheerful, and -even under pressure. 7. The bank has -very strict conditions on the repayment of the loan. 8. His made-up confident manner is really just a way of hiding his feeling of-. 9. With the rapid development of

30、 the Internet, a computer becomes a(n) -piece of equipment for any office. 10. Since it was published in the 1970s, the book has received considerable critical-. Answer: 1. succession 2. prevalent 3. fragile 4. generated 5. accomplish 6. graceful 7. imposed 8. insecurity 9. indispensable 10. acclaim

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