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北师大版选修七Unit 21 Human Biology 2 Section Ⅱ Lesson 1Language Points.docx

1、北师大版选修七Unit 21 Human Biology 2 Section Lesson 1Language PointsSection Lesson 1Language Points1swap vi. 交换2supreme adj. (程度)最大的, 极度的3abuse vt. 滥用4fundamental adj. 根本的; 基础的5seek vt. 寻找6compulsory adj. 强制性的, 义务的7controversial adj. 有争议的8violate_vt. 违反, 违背9circulate vi. 循环circulation n循环10digest vt.消化dig

2、estion n消化能力11tolerate vt.容忍toleration n忍受12doubtful adj.怀疑的, 不肯定的doubt n. 怀疑;疑问13annual adj. 每年的, 一年一次的,年度的annually adv.一年一度地14oppose vt.反对opposite adj.相反的15contradict vt. 与(其他事物)相矛盾contradictory adj.矛盾的1come_across 偶然遇到2in_vain 徒然, 白费力气3at_random 随便地, 随意地4at_all_costs 不管多大代价, 无论如何5all_the_time 一直6

3、break_out 爆发7be_close_to 靠近1the比较级., the比较级.“越越”The_slower(越慢) his/her pulse is, the_more_relaxed(越放松) he/she is.2catch sb.doing sth.撞见某人正在做某事Unfortunately, it is not easy to_catch_athletes_using(抓住运动员使用) illegal drugs.3have宾语宾补In the future, athletes who_have_their_genes_changed(使他们的基因改变) might be

4、able to do the 100 metres dash in just 8 seconds or the marathon in less than two hours. digestv消化;理解,领悟 n摘要,文摘(教材P136)It digests your food and sends vitamins and minerals into the blood.它消化你的食物,将维生素和矿物质送入血液中。Most babies can digest a wide range of food easily.大多数婴儿能轻易地消化多种食物。 The world smiles with R

5、eaders Digest.读者文摘为全世界的人们带来欢笑。 digestion n U消化;吸收;领悟 C(通常作单数)消化能力;消化力have a good/poor digestion 消化力很强/弱 巧学活用单句语法填空(1)I have digested(digest) most of the important points in the book.(2)Youd better not give him so much food, for he has a poor digestion(digest) swapvi.交换(教材P33)Write down five telephon

6、e numbers and swap with your partner.写下五个电话号码,与你的同伴交换。If you like this one better, Ill swap with you.如果你更喜欢这个, 我可以和你交换。 swap (sth.) with sb. 与某人交换(某物)swap sth.for sth. 用某物交换某物swap with sb.for sth. 与某人交换某物 巧学活用单句语法填空(1)Members are encouraged to swap books with_each other.(2)He swapped his radio for_a

7、 ticket of a football match.(3)The boy swapped his ball with another boy for a book. abusevt.滥用n谩骂;弊端;滥用(教材P34)Taking these drugs is known as “doping” and although they enhance performance,they also cause serious health problems in later life for those who abuse them.众所周知,服用这些药物就是服用“兴奋剂”。尽管兴奋剂有助于提高成

8、绩,但同时也给那些滥用兴奋剂的运动员的日后生活带来严重的健康问题。Physical abuse and neglect of children is too common.对孩子的暴力虐待和疏于照管太常见了。 He abused my trust, so I fired him from his job.他辜负了我的信任, 所以我把他解雇了。 (1)abuse ones power 滥用权力abuse sb.s trust 辜负了某人的信任abuse sb.s kindness 辜负了某人的一片好心(2)alcohol abuse 酗酒drug abuse 嗜毒an abuse of. 滥用

9、巧学活用单句语法填空(1)This is clearly an abuse_of_power in this company.(2)They were accused of abusing(abuse) their power to keep prices high.His father was arrested, for he had been abusing his power recently.In the end, his abuse of power led to his being in jail. toleratevt.容忍(教材P34)The sports world does

10、 not tolerate doping as it is a fundamental form of cheating.体育界不会容忍服用兴奋剂,因为它是一种作弊的根本形式。Her husband stayed up watching the World Cup, which she couldnt tolerate any more.她再也无法容忍她丈夫熬夜看世界杯了。 (1)tolerate doing sth. 容忍做某事(2)tolerance n. 容忍;宽容have no tolerance for. 容不得(3)tolerant adj. 宽容的;容忍的be tolerant

11、of/towards sb./sth. 忍受/宽容 巧学活用单句语法填空(1)We cannot tolerate cheating(cheat) in exams.(2)She had no tolerance for jokes of any kind at all.(3)Perhaps you need to be more_tolerant(tolerate) of your neighbors. seek(sought,sought)vt.寻找;探求;追求;征求;试图 vi.寻找;探求;追求(教材P34)Doping is not only a problem in athletic

12、s,it is part of every sport where athletes seek to achieve beyond their natural limits and are prepared to cheat to do so.服用兴奋剂不仅仅是田径运动中存在的问题,每个运动项目都存在这个问题,运动员想取得超常体育成绩而准备作弊。Your lives are busy enough doing homework, playing sports, making friends, seeking after your dreams.你的生活忙着做作业、做运动、交朋友和追梦。Many

13、 farmers went to towns to seek their fortune.许多农民到城里寻找发财机会。seek to do sth. 试图做某事;努力做某事seek out 找到;找出seek forlook/search for 找寻;寻求seek after 追求;寻求seek ones fortune 外出寻找发财机会;外出 闯荡seek.from. 从寻求 巧学活用单句语法填空(1)The law must seek_to_protect(protect) the rights of citizens.(2)The young man has decided to se

14、ek_out_the truth.(3)All men have the right to seek after/for happiness. (教材P34)Floyd Landis made several lame excuses blaming medicine he had been taking for an injury but these were all in vain.弗洛伊德兰迪斯做了几次毫无说服力的辩解,声称那是为治疗伤痛而服用的药物,然而辩解苍白无力。I tried to persuade him to stop smoking but my efforts were

15、in vain.我曾试图说服他戒烟, 但是我的努力是徒劳的。 in general 大体上in need 需要in case 以防万一in particular 特别地in turn 依次, 轮流in time 及时in trouble 处于困境中in advance 提前in brief 简言之 巧学活用完成句子(1)大体上说, 物理学只是许多学科中的一门学科。 In_general,_physics is only one science among many.(2)这个老人很善良, 总是尽量帮助有需要的人们。 The old man is so kind that he is alway

16、s trying to help those_in_need(3)我喜欢流行歌曲, 特别是刘欢唱的。 I like popular songs, the ones sung by Liu Huan_in_particular(4)我处于困境时, 是他来帮我走出困境的。 When I was in_trouble,_he came to help me out.You must get everything prepared in advance.When you are in trouble, you should keep calm in particular and ask for hel

17、p in time.In brief, you should get ready for all the situations you might meet. at random随便地,随意地(教材P34)It is compulsory for winners to be tested but other participants are only tested at random.获胜者被强制进行检测,而其他选手只是随意抽检。The librarian took a book at random from the shelf.图书管理员从书架上随便拿了一本书。 We received se

18、veral answers, and we picked one at random.我们收到了一些答复, 并从中随机挑选了一个。 (1)random adj. 胡乱的;随便的;任意的n. 随意;任意(2)randomly adv. 随意地 巧学活用单句语法填空(1)Childrens words and actions are often fairly random(randomly)(2)If you just start sketching randomly(random), the designs might look interesting. opposevt.反对(教材P34)Ge

19、netherapy is very controversial and many people oppose further research into it.基因疗法是很有争议的,许多人反对对此作进一步的研究。It is brave of the young man to oppose his chief.敢反对他的上司, 这个年轻人真是勇敢。 (1)oppose doing sth. 反对做某事(2)opposed adj. 反对的be opposed to (doing) sth. 反对(做)某事(3)opposition n. 反对;对立;敌对(4)opposite adj. 对面的;

20、相反的;反对的n. 对立物;对立者,对手be opposite to. 在对面;和相反 巧学活用单句语法填空(1)Most of the students oppose_having(have) classes on Sunday.(2)Public opposition(oppose) to the government is growing.(3)Whatever I suggested, they would go and do the opposite(opposition) contradictvt.与(其他事物)相矛盾(教材P34)However,if a generation o

21、f sports stars with enhanced genes were created,it would contradict the whole spirit of sport.然而,如果造出一代有强化基因的运动明星,这将有悖于整个运动精神。Her account of the accident contradicts that of the other driver.她对事故的描述与另一位司机的说法不一致。(1)contradict oneself 自相矛盾(2)contradictory adj. 矛盾的;完全相反的be contradictory to sth. 与相矛盾(3)

22、contradiction n. 反驳;矛盾in contradiction to/with 与相矛盾;与相 违背 巧学活用单句语法填空(1)In his confusion, he kept contradicting_himself(he)(2)It is clear that the two statements are_contradictory (contradict)(3)They appeared unaware of the contradictions(contradict) in their argument.(4)Their shortterm plan is in co

23、ntradiction to/with their longterm goal. at all costs无论如何,不管多大代价(教材P34)The Olympic spiritthe spirit of competition which emphasises taking part rather than winninghas been violated by the desire to succeed at all costs.奥林匹克精神强调参与而不是取胜的竞技精神已经被为获得成功而不惜任何代价的欲望所亵渎。We must arrive there at all costs befor

24、e midnight.我们无论如何要在午夜前到达那儿。 at any cost 不管多大代价at the cost of 以为代价at a cost of 以的价格 巧学活用单句语法填空(1)The doctors will save his life_at_any cost though he is badly ill.(2)He bought a computer at a cost of 5,000 yuan.(3)Do not give in to their demands at the cost of your own. (教材P34)Unfortunately, it is no

25、t easy to catch athletes using illegal drugs.不幸的是, 查出运动员服用违禁药物并不容易。 (1)本句中含有“catch sb.doing sth.”的结构。 表示“发现/撞见某人正在做某事”。(2)be caught in. 陷入catch ones breath 屏息;喘口气catch ones eye 引起某人的注意catch on 受欢迎;理解catch up with 赶上 Several times she caught him staring at her.好几次她发现他盯着她看。 巧学活用完成句子(1)如果发现你在厨房里吸烟, 你会被

26、解雇的。 If you are caught_smoking in the kitchen, you will be fired.(2)我不得不在半山腰停下喘口气。I had to stop about halfway up the hill and catch_my_breath (教材P34)In the future,athletes who have their genes changed might be able to do the 100 metres dash in just 8 seconds or the marathon in less than two hours.将来

27、,基因发生改变的运动员可能在8秒内跑完100米,或在不到两个小时的时间里跑完马拉松。(1)本句使用了“have sth.done”句式,表示“使某事被做,请/让/叫别人做某事”。其中过去分词done在句中作宾语补足语,表示被动意义。(2)have sb.doing 表示“允许或容忍某人做某事”,多用于否定句中,特别是用在cannot,will not等之后。(3)have sth. 让某人做某事have do 有事情要做 I cant have my brother sitting around doing nothing all day.我不会容忍我的弟弟整天闲坐着

28、无所事事。巧学活用单句语法填空(1)He had his leg broken(break) while playing basketball.(2)You can have your assistant ring(ring) me up.(3)I have a lot of things to_do(do),so I cant go to see a film with you tonight. 品句填词1Sleeping too long is a _(站不住脚的) excuse for being late.答案:lame2The bus driver _(违反) the traffic

29、 regulation.答案:violated3My _(听觉) has deteriorated as Ive got older.答案:hearing4Our teachers wont _(容忍) talking loudly in the library.答案:tolerate5The _(根本的) cause of his success is his hard work.答案:fundamental6With a _(最大的) effort of will,Isabel swallowed the medicine.答案:supreme7. It is _(怀疑的) whether it is true or not.答案:doubtful8Employees are entitled to an _(一年一次的) paid leave of fifteen days.答案:annual9It is _(有争议的) what to do with the material.答案:controversial10Education is _(义务的) for children in most countries.答案:compulsor

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