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1、雷人问题及答案雷人问题及答案雷人问题及答案【篇一:让雷人面试题变得不“雷”人】近期上海某公司在公开招聘试卷中的考题,该题目让一些应聘者当场愤怒离席。记者了解到,类似有窥探对方隐私嫌疑的面试题并非个案,各种雷人的招聘方式常常让面试者目瞪口呆。资深人事专员表示,正规的性格类测试题目应出自专业的心理咨询公司,且应避免涉及个人隐私。 是企业太刁钻还是学生心理太脆弱 “我在3次面试中都被问到:唐僧师徒四人谁最适合做销售。太无语了!”应届毕业生韦瑞婷在总结了自己半年来的求职经历后,把自己网络的昵称改为“雷人面霸”。金融危机给应届毕业生求职带来了影响。急于拿到offer的毕业生采取了用数量求质量的策略,“海

2、投”简历、“海面”企业,希望在茫茫职海中早日找到可以栖身的救命船。几乎每个人都磨炼成了“面霸”,然而身经百战的他们也常会被一些意想不到的面试“雷”倒。 涉及隐私不专业 针对应届毕业生的面试遭遇,记者昨日采访了一位在一家世界500强上市公司从事人力资源工作十年的王先生。王先生表示,上述公司的招聘操作缺乏专业性。他解释称,正规的面试题目应该是中立、客观的,不能带有任何倾向性,更不能涉及对方隐私,避免让应聘者在回答时产生顾虑。据他了解,正规大公司如果在招聘环节涉及性格测试题,一般是通过专业的心理咨询公司有偿获得,网上流传的很多心理测验并不准确。“有个人到一个地方去,他来去乘的交通工具是一样的,可他去

3、时只花了一个小时,回来却花了两个半小时。请问这是为什么?”这是给读小学一年级上学期的孩子做的一道语文题。 记者请同事、中学生,大学生甚至大学教授回答这是为什么,都没有一个人回答正确。原来这是一道考标点符号的题,题目中的“两个半小时”中的“两个”和“半小时”之间读起来要稍停顿一下,这样“两个”“半小时”加起来也就是一个小时了。 武汉市积玉桥学校校长祝正洲说,这样的题目出给一个才上小学一年级的孩子做,我们的教育是不是有点越来越钻牛角尖了? “读过中学的人大概都记得有一类数学题,严重脱离生活实际。” 祝正洲说,比如初一数学中总喜欢出现:“一个游泳池有一个进水口、一个出水口,其中单独使用进水口把游泳池

4、注满需要x小时,单独使用出水口把满池水放完需要y小时,请问两个管口一起开,几个小时可以把水注满?”之类的题目。 “这样的场景在生活中,会出现吗?”祝正洲说,出题者没有将题目和生活衔接起来,只关注知识点,用脱离生活的东西去“死搬硬套”。 “还有一些题目,甚至有悖于和脱离了道德伦理。”21世纪教育研究院副院长熊丙奇举例说,某大学有道期末考试题目是要求考生写出平时喜欢旷课的同学的名单。 “这不是要学生相互揭发吗?”熊丙奇说,教学方式、对学生的考核考试,老师可以尝试创新,但创新必须有基本的伦理底线,避免给同学们带来道德伦理上的困扰。 下面两道“神题”还是有些靠谱的 “当然,有些题目虽然看起来很雷人,但

5、仔细一读,确实水平很高。这类题目就应该提倡。”祝正洲说。 在武昌区刚刚结束的期末考试中,记者在小学3年级数学试卷上,看到这样一道试题:“笑笑的妈妈做饭所需时间如下:洗米3分钟、煮稀饭10分钟、洗菜6分钟、切菜6分钟。请问笑笑的妈妈至少要花()分钟做完这些事?” “这道题不是简单地将4个时间相加,而是运用了算术和统筹规划两个方面的东西。让学生不仅仅学会简单的计算,还要学会如何做家务,是典型的生活数学。”祝正洲说。(答案是15分钟,因为煮稀饭的10分钟可以除开。) 在这套试卷上,还有一道题目让记者印象深刻。“下面哪个重量接近1吨?”四个选项分别是10瓶矿泉水、40个同学的体重、1000枚硬币、1火

6、车皮煤。 显然,这道题目不是简单的加减法可以解决的,需要孩子们运用生活中所学到东西来判断。 “神题”两例 “神题”一: 在去年的某高校自主招生试题里,出现了:“玉皇大帝和如来哪个大?”“老子和孔子打架你帮谁?” 标准答案:? “神题”二: 今年,上海某小学一年级语文试题:“蜜蜂、小鸟、兔子和熊猫四种动物,请从中找出跟其它三种不同的动物。” 标准答案:熊猫。 理由:熊猫是须由动物园饲养的动物,其它三种动物可以不用由动物园饲养。这不是道“脑筋急转弯”嘛。【篇三:50道雷人题】语言、事情。其实,在高考当中为了迷惑高考学生 增加考题难度系数 ,出题者可谓煞费苦心,同样也精心编制了令我们看完答案后感到很

7、意外的“雷人型”试题。对于大量做题形成惯性思维的学生,这 种“雷人型”试题往往杀伤力很大,笔者就此类 “雷人型”试题进行总结剖析。 下面是一些比较典型的“雷人型”题目,请大家做做看: 1. mr. wang made up his mind to devote all he could _ his oral english before going abroad. a. improve b. to improve c. improving d. to improving 2. everything he _ away from him before he returned to his hom

8、etown. a. took b. had been taken c. had had been taken d. had taken 3. before he went abroad, he spent as much time as he _ english. a. could learning b. learned c. to learn d. could learn 4. you can never imagine what great difficulty i have _ your house. a. found b. finding c. to find d. for findi

9、ng 5. the person we spoke to _ no answer at first. a.making b.makes c.make d.made 6. the person we referred to(提及)_ us a report tomorrow. b.will give c.gave d.give 8. the person we talked about _ our school last week. a.visiting b.will visit c.visited d.has visited 9. the man whose songs we

10、 are fond of _ in our city next week. a.singing sing c.will sing d.sang 10. not only _ the jewelry she _ been sold for her sons gambling debts but also her house.;has b.has;had c.has;has d.;has 11. _ in thought, he almost ran into the car in front of him. (nmet96) a. losing b. having lost

11、c. lost d. to lose 12.the research is so designed that once _ nothing can be done to change it. (nmet2002) a. begins b. having begun c. beginning d. begun 13. -what do you think made the woman so upset?- _ weight.(1997上海试题) a. as she put on b. put on c. putting on d. because of putting on 14. time s

12、hould be made good use of _ our lessons well. a. learning b. learned c. to learn d. having learned 15. can _ be in the desk _ you have put my letter? a. it;which b.i;where c. you;in which d. it;that 16. never _ time come back again.a. has lost b. will lose c. will lost d. lose 17.- _ was it _ they d

13、iscovered the entrance to the underground palace? - totally by chance. a. what, that b. how, that c. when, how d. where, that 18. i have nothing to confess. _ you want me to say? a. what is it that b. what it is what c. how is it that d. how it is that 19. is this factory _ you visited the other day

14、?a. the one b. that c. where d. when 20. was it _ she heard with her ears _ really made her frightened? a. what;that b. it;that c. that;which d. what; 21. _ what the six blind men said sounded! a. how foolishly b. how foolish c. what foolishly d. what foolish 22. it was _ the old clock that the old

15、man spent the whole morning at home. a. repair b. repairing c. to repair d. in repair23. is this hotel _ you said we were to stay in your lettera. that b. where c. the one d. in which 24. please tell me the way you thought of _ the garden. a. take care of b. to take care of c. taking care of d. how

16、to take care of 25. a fast food restaurant is the place _, just as the name suggests, eating is performed quickly. a. which b. where c. there d. what 26. the film brought the hours back to me _ i was taken good care of in that far-away village. a. until b. that c. when d. where 27. the professor has

17、 written another book _ of great importance to computer science. a. which i think it is b. and i think isc. which i think isd. when i think is 28. where do you think _ he _ the computer? sorry,i have no idea. a. had;bought b. has;bought c. did;buy d.;bought 29. we should do more such exercises in th

18、e future, i think, _ those we did yesterday. a. as b. like c. about d. than 30. he will tell you _ he expects will win such a match. a. why b. whom c. which d. who 31. in new zealand, i made lots of friends _ a very practical knowledge of the english language. a. get b. to get c. getting d. got 32.

19、im busy now. im sorry i cant help _ the flowers. a. watering b. watered c. waters d. to water 33. who would you rather _ the report instead of you? a. have write b. have to write c. write d. have written 34. we must stop pollution _ longer.a. living b. from living c. to live d. live 35. -was it unde

20、r the tree _ you were away talking to a friend? - sure. but when i got back there, the bike was gone. a. that b. where c. which d. while 36. not far from the club there was a garden, _ owner seated in it playing bridge with his children every afternoon. a. whose b. its c. which d. that 37. wang ling

21、 was elected _ all he is the tallesta. because b. because of c. for d. as 38. well be free tomorrow, so i suggest _ to the history museum. a. to visit b. visiting c. we should visit d. a visit 39. i like swimming, while what my brother enjoys _. a. cooking b. to cook c. is cooking d. cook 40. thank

22、you for the trouble you have _ to help me. a. paid b. taken c. had d. asked 41. who is it up _ decide whether to go or not? a. to to b. for for c. to for d. for to 42. we keep in touch _ writing often. a. with b. of c. on d. by 43. - how long have you been here? - _ the end of last month. a. in b. b

23、y c. at d. since 44. you should treat him (in) the way _ suits him most.a. that b. in which c. / d. why 45. he insisted that the sky _ clear up the following day.a. would b. should c. d. be 46. he is a strict but kind-hearted father, _ the children respect but are afraid of. a. / b. that c. for whom

24、 d. one whom 47. mr. smith is _ a good teacher _ we all respect. a. such; that b. such; as c. so; that d. so; as 48. please make my excuse at tomorrows meeting- ive got too much work _.a. to do to come b. doing coming c. to do coming d. doing to come 49. - you havent been to beijing, have you? - _.

25、and how i wish to go there again! a. yes, i have b. yes, i havent c. no, i have d. no, i havent 50. he was sentenced to death _ what he has stolen from the bank. a. that b. since c. because d. because of 简析: 1.此题中包含固定短语devoteto,其中to 为介词,后面应接定名词。动词devote后接的宾语为all,all又为先行词,后又包含一 个定语从句:he could (do)。此题

26、很容易误以为could后应接动词原形,而易选为a。答案为d。 2.此题应该首先把句子结构分析清楚。句中everything既作句子的主语,又作先行词,后接定语从句(that) he had,而had been taken 是过去完成时的被动态作句子的谓语。此题的意思为“在他返回家乡之前,他所有的一切都被拿走了”。故选c。 3.此题中包含句型结构spend (in) doing sth., 其中题中spent的宾语为much time , much time作为先行词,后又接定语从句he could (spend)。故选a。 4.题中difficulty为先行词,后接定语从句(that) i h

27、ave ,实际上构成一个固定句型: have difficulty (in) doing sth.。因为in 可以省 略,所以选b。 5.此题中也包含一个定语从句we spoke to,the person既作先行词,又作句子的主语,要填入的应该是句子的谓语,根据句子的 需要,应选过去时。本题中的to为陷阱,实际上它属于定语从句中,而不影响主句的谓语动词。故d正确。 6.同上题一样,句中包含定语从句we referred to,所缺成份为句子的谓语,又根据句中的tomorrow,故用将来时。选b。 7.同理,此句中的定语从句包含短语look forward to,虽然to 为介词,但并不影响主

28、句的谓语动词,只是一个陷阱而矣。又根据 句中的soon,应用将来时,故选b。 8.同样,句中包含的定语从句we talked about中about虽为介词,但不影响主句的谓语,又根据后面的时间状语为last week,故 应选c。 9.此句也包含定语从句whose songs we are fond of,其中of 虽为介词,但不影响主句的谓语动词,而句中时间状语为next week ,故选c。 10.此题中由于not only 置于句首,故用部分倒装结构。第一个has助动词,是句中谓语动词has been sold中has的提前。第二个 has为实义动词,属于定语从句中,表示“有”的意思。

29、本句的意思为:不但是她所有的珠宝,而且还有她的房子一起已经被卖掉作为 她儿子的赌债了。答案为c。 11.此题为省略句。lost in thought 相当于because he was lost in thought。短语be lost in 表状态,表示“陷入”。故选c。 12.此题也为省略句。连词once后省略了主语the search,从句“once begun”相当于 “once the search is begun”。答案为d。 13.此题也是一个省略回答,完整的回答是:putting on weight made the woman so upset。 用动名词短语作主语。故选c

30、。14.此题选c,考查的是不定式做目的状语。此句是利用被动结构设置陷阱。转化为主动态是: (we) should make good use of time to learn our lessons well。 15.此题实际上是考查强调句型itthat,只是用一般疑问句形式增加了难度而矣。故选d。 16.本题考查的是倒装结构。正常语序为:lost time will never come back again。其中lost 为过去分词作定语,表示“失去了的时 间”。故选c。 17.首先根据回答totally by chance可知,问句是问有关方式的问题,故第一空应填how;其次,问句是强调

31、句型的一种特殊疑问 句形式,强调的是方式状语how。故选b。 18.此题实际上考查的也是强调句型的特殊疑问句形式,强调的是疑问词what。而答案b不是疑问语序。故选a。 19.本题可以改为:this factory is _ you visited the other day. 句中is 后面无表语,后面定语从句也没有先行词,故填入既做 表语又做先行词的the one。所以答案为a。 20.此题考查的是强调句型中又包含主语从句的情况。what she heard wither ears是由what引导的主语从句。第二空中的that则 为强调句型中的that。故答案为a。 21.此题为感叹句。句中有系动词sound,它后面应接形容词。该句可改为: what the six blind men said sounded foolish. 故选b。 22本题仍考查的是强调句型。该句可还原为: the old man spent

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