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1、中考情景交际专题复习中考情景交际-专题复习情景交际专项复习1情景交际在宜宾中考中每年1题,话题贴近学生日常生活,分类有:1.问候祝愿A:Have a good day/ time! Have a good journey/trip! ,Good luck! Enjoy yourself!Best wishes to you! Happy New Year!Merry Christmas ! Happy Birthday!Congratulations! Well done!B:Thank you. You, too. The same to you.即学即用(例题+练题)1.-I wish y

2、ou a happy National Day!-The same to you.2.-Im going to Marys birthday party.-Have fun, David !3.-Im going to Shanghai Disneyland next month.-_.There are a lot of nice, interesting and wonderful things.A.Thats all right B.Have a good timeC.Good luck4.-I came first in the long jump.-Im so proud of yo

3、u.A Good luck B. Have fun C. Well done5.-The Art Festival is comingWere going to watch the play Twelfth Night-_ A.Thats all right BNever mindCYoure welcome D. Enjoy your time2.劝告与建议A:Youd better/ should/need (to) .What/ How about doing. ?Why dont you/ not. ?Shall we. ?Lets.196B:OK./Allright./Sure./C

4、ertainly.Thatsagoodidea./Goodidea.Soundsgood/great.即学即用:(例题+练题)1.-Shall we go to see the documentary Amazing China or stay at hone?-Either is OK. Its up to you.2.-Dont smoke here, please.-Sorry, I wont.3.-Its nearly lunch time.How about having noodlesanddumplings?-_.A.YourewelcomeB.Thats right.C.Tha

5、tsoundsgood4.-Dont throw rubbish on the floor. -_.Illpickitup.A.ThankyouB.Leave me alone. C.Sorry,Iwontdoitagain5.-Maybe you can catch the last bus-_If not,Ill have to walk homeA.Good job BJust so-so CNot at all DI hope so3请求与允许A:Couldyouplease.?Wouldyoumind(if).?Doyouthink.?B:肯定答语:Yes./Sure./Certai

6、nly./Yes,(do)pleaseOf course( you may/ can/ could).I think/ hope so.否定回答:Of course not. No, please dont.No, you mustnt /cant. Im sorry, you cant.Im afraid not. I dont think so.No, not at all. Youd better not.Sorry, Ill do it right now.即学即用:(例题+练题)1.-I havedifficultyinworking out theproblem bymyself.

7、Couldyou help me?-Withpleasure.2. -Mom, no one can play with me. Can I have a pet?-_.Our apartment is too small.A. Certainly B. I hope soC. Im afraid not3.- Would you mind my using your car?-_Here is the key. A. Of course B. Not at allC. Certainly4 问候A: Good morning/afternoon/evening.Howareyou?Howis

8、itgoing?Please say hello to your parents.PleasegivemybestwishestoLucy.B:Good morning/afternoon/evening.Prettygood.ImOK.Fine,thanks.Andyou?Verywell.Thankyou.即学即用:(例题+练题)1.-Ithasbeenalongtimesincewe met last year, Alice. How are yougoing?-_.Manythanks.A.Prettygood B.ThesametoyouC.Itdoesntmatter2.-Dont

9、forgettogivemybest wishestoyourparents.-_.A.OK,Iwill,thankyouB.Fine.ThanksC.Goodmorning5.邀请A:Would you like to go for a walk?You must come to dinner with us.May I invite you to dinner?What/How about swimming?B:同意OK.Thankyou.Yes,Idloveto.Thatwouldbeverynice.不同意No,thankyou.Its very nice of you,but my

10、motheris ill.Id love to,but Im afraid Ihavenotime.Im sorry,I cant.What about anothertime?即学即用:(例题+练题)1.-Could you please help me carry the box? Its too heavy. - _.A.Sorry, I have no time B.Its my pleasure C. With pleasure2.-Could you go swimming with me thisafternoon,Jane?-_.butIhavetodothechoresfir

11、st. A.Idliketo B.OfcoursenotC.Idontmind3.-Would youpleasecometothedancingpartywith metonight?-_.I supposewe shallhaveawonderful night!A.Never mind B.HaveagoodtimeC.Withpleasure4. Would you please help me with my drawing skills? _. You can come to my studio everySaturday. A.Thats all right B. No prob

12、lem C. No, thanks D. Quite well5. Can you come to my party on Saturday afternoon? _. Ill have to help my parents. ASorry, I cant BYes, Id love to CLets go DNo, I dont think so 6. Will you be able to come and help us clean the room? _, but Im doing my homework. A.Id love to B. I hope not C. I do care

13、 D. Im afraid not情景交际专项复习26.观点看法A:Whatdoyouthinkof.Howdo youlike.Whatsyouropinionofmakingfriendsonline?B:Itswonderful.Ithinkso./Idontthinkso.即学即用:1.-Only those who have a lot in common can get along well with each other. -_.Opposites sometimes attract.A.I hope so B.I think so C.I dont think so2.-Luc

14、y, what do you think of the movie-Amazing China? -_. A. Good idea B.Its wonderful C. Mary likes it7.赞美与鼓励A:Youlooksobeautifulinredskirt.I think you can do it very well.Youresogreat.B:Thankyou(verymuch).Comeon!即学即用:1.-We failed in the dancing competition. -_.Better times are waiting for you. A.Good l

15、uck B.Best wishes C.Cheer up2.-Im afraid I cant do well in the game. -_.Its just for fun.A.Sounds good B. What a pity C.take it easy8.打电话A:Hello! Could/May I speak to John?Is John in?Is that John speaking?Id like to speak to John.B:Hello! This is Lucy speaking.Yes, speaking please. Whos that speakin

16、g?Is that John speaking?Hold on ( a moment), please.Hold the line, please.A moment, please.Sorry, he ( she) is not in.Can I take a message for you?Would you like to leave a message?即学即用:1.-Hello! May I speak to David, please? -Hello! Whos that? A. Here is David B. This is David speaking C. I am Davi

17、d 2.-Hello! May I speak to Jeff, please? -_.He is watching TV in the living room now.A.Come on B. Look outC. Hold on,please3.-Hello!_? -Sorry, she is not in. Can I take a message for you? A. May I speak to Lucy, please B. Where are you C. When does she come back9.就餐A:Would you like something to eat

18、drink?What would you like(to have)?Can I have some more soup?May I take your order?Im full, thankyou.B:肯定:Yes, Id like a drink.Id like rice and chicken.Just a little, please.Yes, Id like beef, rice and potatoes.否定:No. Thank you.Ive had enough.Im full,thank you.即学即用:1.-What would you like, tea or cof

19、fee? -_. A. A cup of tea, please B. Its so delicious. Thank you C. Help yourself to some fish2.-May I take your order? -_. A. Thank you the same B. My pleasure C. Some chicken, please10. 看病就医A:Whats wrong with you?What seems to be the trouble?Do you have a fever?How long have you felt like this?B:I

20、have a headache/ cough/ fever.I feel terrible/ bad/horrible/ awful.It hurts here.I cant sleep well.I didnt sleep well last night.即学即用:1.-You dont look well. _with you? -I have a fever and cant stop coughing. A. Whats happening B. What is it C. Whats the matter2.-Goodafternoon, sir. Whats wrongwith y

21、ou? -_.Maybe I have a cold. A.Im afraid not B.Sounds great C.Im not feeling well 11.询问日期A:What day is it today?When is your birthday?Whats the date today?B:Its Monday/Tuesday Wednesday/ Thursday Friday/Saturday/ Sunday.My birthday is on March 15th.Its January/February MarchApril/ May June July/Augus

22、t September/ October/ November/ December 1st.即学即用:1.一What day is it today, Lucy? -_.Whatsup? A. Its Friday B. Its sunny C. Its Teachers Day综合巩固练习:一、单项选择1.-MrsBlack,Im afraid that Ill fail the exam-_,dear!Take it easyIm sure youllpass it ASorry to hear that BCome on CAll right DGood job2.-Excuse me,c

23、an I sit here? -_The old man who sat here will be back soon AYoure welcome BYes,pleaseCYoud better not. DNo problem3.-The box is heavyCould you please help me carry it? -_! AWith pleasure BYou are kiddingCGood idea 4-Would you mind my opening the window? -_Its so hot in the room AOf course not BCert

24、ainly CBetter not 5.-Would you like to join us in the card games? -_,for I have something important to do AI will BId love toCIm afraid not 6.-Im feeling terrible!I have a bad cold -_Youd better see a doctor at onceA.Im afraid not BSorry to hear thatCSounds great DYou are right7.- Would you like me

25、to take you to the new shopping centre? - _, I ve been there once. A.No, thanks B. No problem C. Yes, I think so D. Thats very king of you.8. Would you mind my taking this seat? _.A.Sorry, I cant B.No, not at all C. Its a pleasure 二、英语书面表达专项训练2 中国传统文化源远流长,代代相传。近期各校都在开展学习中国传统文化活动。某网站正在开展以“弘扬中国传统文化”为题

26、征文,请你用英文写一篇报道,介绍你校上周举办的“讲中国成语故事”活动并谈谈你的收获与感受。提示词语: Chinese idioms, story, collect, share, learn from, acient提示问题: What did you do during the activity of Telling Chinese idioms story? What did you learn from the activity? What do you think of it?【答案】The activity of “Telling Chinese idioms story” was

27、held in our school last week.In order to take part in this activity, I collected lots of Chinese idiom stories in advance. Many students, including me, actively shared the Chinese idiom stories in the activity. After each story, the teacher explained the meaning of idioms and how to use it correctly. We learned a lot from our teacher. I did lots of reading in the process of preparation. My reading ability has improved greatly. Whats more, I realized the richness of Chinese acient culture. I really had a good time on t

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