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1、上海市松江区七年级英语下学期期末考试试题松江区2013-2014学年度第二学期期末考试七年级英语(满分100分,完卷时间90分钟) Part One Listening(听力)IListen to the sentence and choose the suitable picture. (听句子,选出与句子内容符合的图画)5% (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F).Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear. ( 听对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案) 10%( ) 1. A. In

2、 the library. B. In the playground. C. At home. D. In the underground.( ) 2. A. Teacher and students parent. B. Teacher and classmate. C. Doctor and patient. D. Father and daughter.( ) 3. A. Kitty B. Mark C. John D. Kate( ) 4. A. Action films B. Funny films C. Love stories D. Adventure films( ) 5. A

3、. Teacher B. Worker C. Doctor D. Engineer( ) 6. A. 5yuan B. 25yuan C. 30yuan D. 35yuan( ) 7. A. To do some shopping B. To do some housework C. To do her homework D. To go shopping ( ) 8. A. Black B. Grey C. Red D. Blue( ) 9. A. Size small B. Size medium C. Size large D. Size small and large( ) 10. A

4、. 6: 10 B. 6: 20 C. 6: 30 D. 7:10. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are True or False.(判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容, 符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示)5%( ) 1. People have much time to think about what to eat in America.( ) 2. Sarah likes McDonalds because she knows it sells healthy food. (

5、) 3. Most Americans still have fast food although they know it is not good for them. ( ) 4. Almost every American school child knows McDonalds.( )5.The passage tells us some of children probably have health problems because of overweight. . Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks.(听短文完成下列空格,每格限

6、填一词)51. Dick Brown will go to Garden City on _ 13th.2. It takes the train about seven hours to get to Garden City Railway _.3. Passengers will have to pay ¥300 for the_ sleeper.4. Dick wants to _21 tickets for the hard sleeper. 5. Dicks telephone number is _Part Two Vocabulary and Grammar (词汇与语法).Ch

7、oose the word with the different sound.(选出发音不同的单词)5%1. A. three B. month C. thank D. with2. A. rob B. modern C. hope D. drop3. A. brightly B. film C. diary D. sightseeing4. A. sadly B. space C. tape D. safety5. A. floating B. allow C. grow D. known.Complete the sentences with the given words in thei

8、r proper forms.(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子)8%1. Good friends should always share each others _.(happy)2. We saw the _in blue run out of the bank quickly just now. (rob)3. It would be_ to live on the Mars (火星) nowadays. (possible)4. There are all kinds of _ after class in our class. (activity)5. If you exer

9、cise _ every day, you will be stronger and stronger. (regular)6. We feel_ with air-conditioned rooms in summer or winter. (comfortably)7. The students from our school make leaf cards_ to tell us to love the Earth. (they)8. It is very_ that so many young people go abroad for further study. (surprise)

10、. Choose the best answer. (选择最恰当的答案) 15%( ) 1. What happens when _water boils? A. a B. an C. the D. /( ) 2. We vote_ model students at the end of every school year. A. for B. on C. with D. to( ) 3. Look! Your jeans are a little looser than _. A. I B. me C. my D. mine ( ) 4. The fishermans wife was t

11、oo greedy, so the gold fish was sad and gave her_. A. something B. nothing C. anything D. everything ( ) 5. The farmer lives on growing vegetables. He cant earn_ this year because of the drought (旱灾).A. little B. much C. many D. few( ) 6. Paris (巴黎) is one of _ cities in the world. A. beautiful B. m

12、ore beautiful C. most beautiful D. the most beautiful( ) 7. Mothers Day makes me_ of my dear mum. A. think B. thinks C. thinking D. to think( ) 8. The silly crow(乌鸦)wanted to_ its song but none would enjoy it. A. take off B. show off C. turn off D. get off( ) 9. What will my lovely son be like_? A.

13、in twenty year B. in twenty years timeC. in twenty years time D. in twenty years time( ) 10. -_ book do you like best? -The one on the left. A. Which B. Why C. Where D. When( ) 11. We hope that we _ more electrical appliances in our house. A. will have B. have C. are having D. had( ) 12. Aunt Betty

14、_ an English teacher since she graduated from the university.A. was B. has been C. have been D. were( ) 13. Its already 12:00 and Im hungry. Let me _ lunch first. A. have B. to have C. to having D. having( ) 14.-I dont like films about adventures. -_. A. Neither do I B. So do I C. Neither dont I D.

15、So dont I( ) 15. - Perhaps well meet some famous people when were in the stadium. -_. I want to see my favourite star, Yao Ming with my own eyes! A. Thats all right. B. I think so. C. My pleasure. D. I dont think so. .Rewrite the following sentences as required. (根据所给要求,改写句子,每空格限填一词) 14%1. People tr

16、avel to the airport by the Airport Express. (改为否定句)People _ _ to the airport by the Airport Express.2. Alice has never been to America. (改为反意疑问句) Alice has never been to America, _ _?3. Fred and his friend are living in a nice flat . (改为感叹句) _ _ nice flat Fred and his friend are living in!4. The red

17、 kite is not as beautiful as the blue kite. (保持句意不变)The blue kite is _ _ than the red kite. 5. None of them are under the ground. (保持句意不变) They are_ _ the ground.6. We can make the boat move by pouring water into it. (对划线部分提问) _ _ you make the boat move?7. paragraphs, here, the, are, story, of, the

18、(连词成句) _8. will, no, water, there, be, air, or, the, earth, on (连词成句) _Part Three Reading and Writing ( 阅读和写话). Reading Comprehension .(阅读理解) 25% (A)Harry saw an advertisement in a window. It said, “Wanted. The best salesman (推销员) in the world.” “Im a great salesman,” Harry said to himself. “I can s

19、ell anything. Ill go in and ask for that job.”He went into the building and spoke to the manager. “Im the best salesman in the world,” he said. “I need the job.” “You must prove (证明) youre the best,” the manager said.“Ill pass every test you give me,” Harry told him.Then the manager took a box of ca

20、ndy out of his desk. “Last week, I bought a thousand boxes of this candy. If you can sell them all before the end of the week, you can have the job.”Harry took the boxes of candy and left the office. He went from shop to shop, trying to sell boxes of the candy, but he couldnt sell one.At the end of

21、the week, he went back to the manager. “Im sorry, sir,” he said. “I was wrong about myself. Im not the best salesman in the world, but I know who is.”“Oh,” said the manager. “Who?”“The person who sold you a thousand boxes of this candy,” Harry said.True or False.(判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示)

22、5%( ) 1. Harry wanted to get the job on the advertisement.( ) 2. The manager believed (相信) Harry was the best salesman in the world.( ) 3. The manager asked Harry to sell a thousand boxes of candy last week.( ) 4. Finally, the person who sold the manager a thousand boxes of candy got the job.( ) 5.

23、From the story, we can learn that a person cant be too proud (骄傲的).(B)Mrs Mark: I got what I wanted that day. My son gave me a book of poems. He wrote it himself. My daughter bought a scarf for me and wrote me a Mothers Day card. They also made me bread for breakfast. My husband took us to the movie

24、s.Mrs Judy: I woke up with the music. I knew this day would be nothing special(特殊的) for me. However, I was wrong. My husband gave me a day off! He did the dishes, took care of the children and played with them. In the evening, he took us out for a delicious dinner. They gave me 4 hours of computer p

25、laytime. I felt very warm.Mrs Jane: My one-year-old son and I went to my mothers house on Mothers Day. After a nice lunch, we spent half the day driving. When we got home, my husband made me dinner. He set up a picnic on the living room floor. It was with candles, cold wine and Mothers Day cards fro

26、m both him and our son, Jackson. It was a very nice Mothers Day for me!Choose the best answers(根据短文内容选择最恰当的答案, 用A,B, C或D表示) 5%( ) 1. _ wrote the passages.A. Reporters B. Teachers C. Mothers D. Children( ) 2. The first mother wanted_. A. poems. B. a scarf. C. bread D. her familys love( ) 3. The under

27、lined sentence means _. A. My husband would take care of the children. B. I always heard the music when I woke up. C. I would be busy all day. D. I was able to play computer games for 4 hours. ( ) 4. The third passage told us that the mother _. A. had a few children. B. celebrated her first Mothers

28、Day happily C. went to visit her sister with her son D. had to make dinner for the family after she got home( ) 5. The first mother and the third mother both received_.A. a book of poems B. a nice scarf C. Mothers Day cards D. cold wine(C)An Wang was born in Shanghai, China. He went to America at th

29、e age of twenty-five. He studied at Harvard, a famous university near Boston. He was _1_ and soon got a doctorate (博士头衔). In 1951, An Wang _2_ a small company. It had only one room and two employees (雇员). Every year the company grew and grew. By 1985, Wang had thirty thousand employees and had made

30、3,000 million dollars. His company became one of the most _3_ companies in the USA. It made the newest computers._4_An Wang was very rich, money did not change him. He lived with his wife in the same house outside Boston. He only had two suits at one time, and they were blue. He was kind to the poor and liked to give money to them. People in the USA will _5_ forget this good man. Read the passage and choose the correct words. (阅读短文,选择

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