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1、信开信用证中英文对照信开信用证中英文对照IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT不可撤销信用证October25,19961996年10月25日All drafts drawn must be marked:Drawn Under“B of A”Credit NO1818凡根据本信用证签发的汇票都必须注明:根据美国银行第1818号信用证签发Wonder Co,LtdChongqing,China中国,重庆万德有限公司Gentlemen:敬启者: We hereby establish our irrevocable letter of credit in your favor

2、for account of FOREIGN IMPORT AND EXPORT CORPORATION,LOS ANGELES,USA up to the aggregate amount of US $ 10,00000(Ten Thousand US Dollars) available by your drafts drawn at Sight on us for 100 invoice value and accompanied by the following documents: 我行特开立以贵公司为受益人的不可撤销信用证,应付贷款人为美国洛杉矶对外进出口公司,本信用证总面额为1

3、0,00000(壹万)美元,可签发以本行为付款人的即期汇票,汇票金额可按发票金额全额开出,检附下列单证: 1Commercial invoice in triplicate 商业发票3份。 2Special USCustoms invoice,in duplicate 专门的美国海关发票2份。 3Full set of clean on board ocean Bills of Lading issued to order of shipper, blank endorsed,marked:“Notify Foreign Import and Export Corporation,Los An

4、geles,USA”,“Freight Collect” 全套清洁海洋装仓提单,不记名背书,注明:“到货通知美国洛杉矶对外进出口公司”,“运费到付”。Evidencing shipment of单据上均应载明: “1,000 pairs of sports shoes FOB Shanghai” “1,000双运动鞋,上海港离岸价”。 Shipment latest May 1,2000,from Shanghai,China to Los Angeles,USA 最迟装船日期为2000年5月1日,装货港为中国上海,卸货港为美国洛杉矶。 Partial shipment is prohibit

5、ed 不得分批装船。 Transshipment is permitted 可以转船。 Insurance is to be effected by the buyer 由买方负责投保。 The negotiating bank must forward all documents to us in one cover by airmail 议付银行必须将所有单据一次用航空邮寄开证银行。 The amount and date of each negotiation must be endorsed on the back hereof by the negotiating bank 议付银行

6、必须在每次议付之后将议付金额和时间登记在该信用证背面。 We hereby agree with drawers, endorsers and bona fide holders of drafts that all drafts drawn under and in compliance with the terms of this credit shall meet with due honor upon presentation and delivery of documents as specified to the drawee if drawn and presented for

7、negotiation not later than May 20, 2000 本行在此与出票人、背书人和汇票合法持有人达成协议,一旦向付款人出示并交付各种规定的单据,且签发和出示日期在2000年5月20日之前,本信用证项下的所有汇票均会得到及时议付。 This Credit is subject to the “Uniform Custom and Practice for Documentary Credit Credits (1983 Revision),International Chamber of Commerce,Brochure NO400” 本信用证受跟单信用证统一惯例(19

8、83年修订本)(国际商会第400号出版物)规定。Yours Faithfully您忠实的_(签名) 例2The British Bank of the Middle East Original for BeneficiaryIncorporated in England by Royal Charter 受益人所持原件1889 with limited liability DATE OF ISSUE:member Hong Kong Bank group 20 May 1999中东不列颠银行 开证日期:于1889年根据王室宪章在英格兰成立, 1999年5月20日责任有限香港银行集团成员IRRE


10、ai ONLY Banking 金额:15,00000美元,Corporation Limited,Shanghai (壹万伍千美元整)The Peoples Republic of China EXPIRY DATE AND PLACE:通知银行: 1 August 1999香港上海汇丰银行有限公司中华人 到期时间:1999年8月1日 民共和国上海分行, THE PEOPLES REPUBLIC OFPARTIAL SHIPMENTS: allowed CHINATRANSSHIPMENT:see below 地点:中华人民共和国准许分批装船 CREDIT AVAILABLE WITH:信贷

11、转船:参见下文 提供:SHIPMENT NEGOTIATING BANK由议付银行FROM: THE PEOPLES REP by negotiation议付, OF CHINA Drafts at sight drawn on the applicantTO:DUBAI for full invoice value of goods,装运 quoting the number of this credit从:中华人民共和国 使用以申请人为付款人的即期汇票,至:迪拜 金额按货物发票全额开出,写上本LATEST:31 July 1999 信用证最迟发货时间:1999年7月31日 编号。DOCUM

12、ENTS REQUIRED所需单据: 1Signed Invoice in four copies 签名发票4份。 2Full set original clean“On Board”Bills of Lading made out to the order of shipper,endorsed in blank,marked“Freight Prepaid”and notify the British Bank of the Middle East,POBox 66,Deira Dubai under Ref:DEI 1818 and to Al Istakamah Company,PO

13、Box NO1213,Dubai UAE 全套应货主订单开具的原始清洁装仓提单,不记名背书,且注明“运费预付”,货到请通知中东不列颠银行(迪拜市代若,邮政信箱第66号),查询事项:DEI1818,并至Al Istakamah公司,阿联酋迪拜市,邮政信箱第1213号。 3A Certificate of Chinese Origin signed by China Council for the Promotion of International Trade A Certificate of Origin incorporated in the invoice will not be acce

14、ptable 一份由中国贸促会出具的证明原产地是为中国的证明书。原产地证不能与发票混开在一起。 4Packing list in four copies 装箱单4份。GOODS货物: 30,000 PCS STAR BRAND FLUORESCENT TUBE, 4 FEET,DAYLIGHT,40W,32MM DIA AT THE RATE US DO5626 PER PC 30,000 件星牌日光灯管,4英尺长日光灯,40瓦,直径32mm,每件价值05美元。 ALL OTHER DETAILS AS PER INDENT NOOQ5284 DATED 6496 OF MS 其他细节详见第C

15、Q5284号订单,日期1996年4月6日 APEX TRADING EST,P O BOX 5341,DUBAI UAE INVOICES TO CERTIFY THE SAME发票上同样注明。 TO BE CONTINUED ON PAGE 2(第二页待续)p1(第一页)_ This page is attached to and forms part of Credit NODE 1999387 本页隶属且构成第DE1999387号信用证的一部分。Insurance covered by the applicant由信用证申请人负责投保。CFRDUBAI参看迪拜 Documents to

16、be presented within 15 days after the issuance of the shipping document but within the validity of the credit 单据应在货运单发出15天,且为信用证有效期内提示。ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS附加条件: 1Bills of lading must be accompanied by a certificate issued by the ship owner or agent,certifying that the carrying vessel is allowed by

17、Arab Authorities to call at Arabian ports 提单必须附有船主或代理人出具的证明,证明阿拉伯当局准许货船停靠阿拉伯码头。 2 Transshipment allowed at Hong Kong Port only The name of the transshipping vessel at the time of shipment if known should be declared on the invoices or alternatively the documents to include your certificate that you

18、will telex the details to the opening bank as soon as the transshipment is effected 只准在香港转船。如在装货时得知所转船的船名,应在发票上写明或提供文件(包括证书)证明一旦转船,将尽快将详情电告开证银行。 3 The name and address of the manufacturers/producers must be declared on the invoices 发票上必须写明制造商或生产商的姓名、地址。 4 The Insurance Policy (if called for) and Cer

19、tificate of Origin in languages other than English or Arabic are acceptable only if duly countersigned by a Chamber of Commerce Any other documents submitted under this Credit in languages other than English or Arabic are not acceptable 英文或阿拉伯文之外的其他文字的保险单(如需要)和原产地证明,必须经商会连署,方能被接受。与本信用证有关的其他文据,如不用英文或

20、阿拉伯文作成,一律不予接受。 5 Shipment advice showing the name of the carrying vessel, date of shipment, marks, amount and the number of this Documentary credit must be sent by registered airmail to General Accident Fire and Life Assurance Corp, P O Box 7017, Dubai U A E Telex No 46614 GENAC EM Fax: 226781 refer

21、ring to Open Policy No CAM/675/ISTAKAMAH The relative postal registration receipt and a copy of the shipment advice must be attached to the documents 装船通知要注明运输船名、装运日期、装运标志、数额及该跟单信用证编号,并用航空挂号信邮寄火灾和人寿保险总公司;邮政信箱第7017号,阿联酋迪拜市;电挂46614 GENAC EM;电传226781;有关事项:预定保单第CAM675ISTAKAMAH号。随件附上有关邮政挂号收据和一份装船通知单副本。 6

22、 This credit is valid for drawings negotiated through the advising bank or through Bank of China, Chongqing Branch, the People s Republic of China 7 Under no circumstances may a Bank listed in the Arab TO BE CONTINUED ON PAGE 3(第3页待续)p2第2页_ This page is attached to and forms part of Credit NoDE 1933

23、387 本页隶属且构成第DEl933387号信用证的一部分。 Boycott Black list be permitted to negotiate this credit 在任何情况下凡列入阿拉伯抵制名单的银行均不得作为此信用证议付银行。 8 Shipping Marks:AL ISTAKAMAH5284DUBATTEL:226424 装运标志;AL ISTAKAMAH5284迪拜电话:226424。 9 Should the Negotiating Bank for whatever reason, decide to negotiate any bill drawn under thi

24、s credit under Reserve or against an Indemnity, all discrepancies must be advised by Telex to the opening bank for acceptance or refusal and reimbursement claimed only after acceptance of discrepancies by the opening bank 议付银行不论出于什么理由,如要决定根据保留条款或不依照赔偿条款议付本信用证项下的汇票,必须先将一切与信用证不符之处电告开证银行,只有在开证银行确认所述不符点

25、后,方可要求得到偿付。 10 A USD 25 00 (or equivalent) fee should be deducted from the reimbursement claim for each presentation of discrepant documents under this documentary credit Notwithstanding any instructions to the contrary, this charge shall be for the account of beneficiary 如提示的单据与本信用证不符,每次应从偿付金额中扣除25

26、(或等值)美元。不论有无相反规定,该费用都应记到受益人账户上。 11 Documents to include a certificate stating that one full set of non-negotiable shipping documents have been sent to the applicant, P O Box No 5256, Dubai U A E within three days after shipment by registered airmail The relative postal registration receipt must be a

27、ttached to the original documents 单据中应包括一份证书,证明整套不可转让装运单据已在装运后3天之内用航空挂号寄给信用证申请人,邮政信箱第5256号,迪拜,阿联酋。有关的挂号收据得附在原始单据内。 12 Goods to be shipped by Regular Line vessels only covered by Institute Classification clause and a certificate to this effect from the shipping company or their agent must accompany t

28、he documents 由定期航班船装运的货物只能根据伦敦保险协会分类条款投保,单据中必须附有装运公司或其代理商出具的说明此情况的证明。 13 In case of shipment by UASCline vessels, clause no 1 is not applicable 如由阿拉伯联合货运公司装运,不得适用第一条款。 14 Goods to be shipped in container(s)and bill of lading to evidence the same 如用集装箱装运,提单上必须加以说明。 BANK TO BANK INFORMATION: 银行须知: Pro

29、vided documents conform to the terms of this documentary credit 所有单据必须符合本跟单信用证的条款规定。 1 Please claim reimbursement giving three international working days after negotiation by drawing on our BBME, DUBAI reimbursement account NO 000-04527-6 with Marine Midland Bank, 2 World Trade Center, Group Trade S

30、ervices- Operations, 24Th Floor, New York NY 10048, ATTN: Workstation Manager, Telex No: 62822 MMB UW, Swift: MRMD US 33, FAX: (212) 912-2820, by airmail or telex/cable provided telex/cable charges are for the account of beneficiary 付议后请在3个国际工作日向我行迪拜BBME分行索偿,账号:NO000045276Marine Midland银行,纽约第二世界贸易中心,集团贸易服务部,NY10048;致:工作站经理,电挂:62822MMBUW,快电:MRMDUS33,电传:(212)9122820,可用航空信件、电挂或电报,但电挂或电报费应记在受益人账上。 2 Please submit your claim to the reimbursing bank requesting them to pay it less USD 2500 being their reimbursement charges 请将索汇要求提交付款银行,并要求受益人交纳25美元以下的服务费。 TO BE CONTINUED ON PAGE 4

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