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1、螺柱焊现场故障代码及报警螺柱焊报警分析故障分类:螺柱焊故障,根据报警信息可以分为以下几大类。1.焊头故障2.送料器故障3.功率单元故障4.控制器故障5.通讯故障出现故障的局部会在报警信息中出现。在编程器的故障查询中会显示。常见故障报警:Fault 1: “Weld head remains in R-position“故障1:焊枪不在起始位置E*planation: After a successful weld start the weld head slide rail remains in back position (internal slide rail control).解释:启动

2、焊接信号后焊枪仍然停留在滑板起始位置控制内部滑轨Cause: pressed-air supply interrupted.原因:压缩空气供给中断 Feeder fault (i.e. defective magnetic solenoid valve).送料器故障例如:电磁阀损坏了 Weld head fault (i.e. weld head got jammed).焊头故障例如:焊头被卡住了Remedy: Reset Fault.措施:故障复位 Check pressed air supply.检查压缩空气供给 Check fuse in the Feeder. 检查送料器保险丝 Rep

3、lace feeder or weld head.更换送料器或焊头 Notify service engineer!专业人员处理Fault 2: “No SOW“故障2: 无接触信号E*planation: After a successful weld start SOW was not detected. Therefore welding is not permitted.解释: 启动焊接信号后无接触信号,导致无法焊接Cause: No stud in collet.原因: 夹套里没有焊钉 Feeder without weld studs.送料器里没有焊钉 Stabilizer inc

4、orrectly set or contaminated.支撑脚或喷嘴调整不当或太脏 Weld circuit interrupted.焊接回路中断 Weld head fault (i.e. weld head got jammed).焊头故障例如:焊头被卡住了 Collet defective.夹持器损坏了Remedy: Remove loading fault.措施: 排除送钉故障 Check adjusting of stabilizer.检查支撑脚或喷嘴的调整状态 Check welding circuit.检查焊接回路 Stud feeding.送一次钉 Repeat weld c

5、ycle.重复一次焊接 Replace collet.更换夹持器 Notify service engineer!专业人员处理Fault 3: “Weld tool not in back position“故障3:焊头没有在焊接位置E*planation: Pro*imity switch for back position not configured, defective or power supply missing.解释:焊接位置的接近开关没有被盖住或接近开关被损坏或者没有电压Cause: Drop in pressed-air supply.原因: 压缩空气供给气压缺乏 Cable

6、 package defective.管线总成损坏 Monitoring time after welding was e*ceeded.焊接之后的检测时间超差 Weld head defective.焊头损坏 Feeder defective.送料器损坏 Collet welded to work surface.把夹持器焊在工件外表了Remedy: Check pressed air.措施: 检查压缩空气供给装置 Check cable package.检查管线总成 Check weld head - slide rail motion.检查焊头运动滑轨 Check or replace

7、weld head.检查或更换焊头 Check feeder.检查送料器 Check feeder fuses F1-F3.检查送料器保险丝F1-F3 Reset fault.故障复位 Replace collet.更换夹持器 Notify service engineer!专业人员处理Fault 5: “Weld procedure sequence fault“故障5:焊接程序顺序故障E*planation: Due to a malfunction the weld sequence is not terminated correctly.解释:由于一个错误功能使焊接过程没有按照程序进展

8、到底Cause: Feeder or SMPS malfunction.原因: 送料器或电源故障Remedy: Reset fault.措施: 故障复位 Check welding (if necessary repeat welding).检查焊接重新焊接 Notify service engineer!专业人员处理Fault 6: “Program no selected“故障6: 缺少程序E*planation: The weld unit does not detect any program number.解释: 焊接单元不识别程序Cause: Program no. is 0.原因

9、: 程序为0 Transfer signal has not been set.没有设置承受信号 Data line defective.数据线被损坏了Remedy: Customer interface (or interface program) must be verified.措施: 检查用户接口或接口程序是否编写 Notify service engineer!专业人员处理Fault 7: “Program not active“故障7: 程序没有激活E*planation: The selected weld program is not active and therefore

10、cannot be e*ecuted.解释: 由于被选择的焊接程序没有被激活,因此无法实施焊接Cause: Weld unit incorrectly programmed.原因: 焊接单元程序编写错误 Fault customer control.用户控制端错误 Data line defective.数据线被损坏了Remedy: Check weld program and activate or select an active weld program.措施: 检查焊接程序并激活或者选择一个已经激活的程序 Notify service engineer!专业人员处理Fault 13:

11、“SMPS: Lift fault“故障13: 电源:没有拉弧E*planation: Weld unit is unable to identify lift via measurement lines.解释:焊机通过它的测量线不能确定拉弧过程Cause: Incorrectly sequence of lift movement.原因: 拉弧过程的顺序不正确 Weld conditions prohibit lift.焊接条件阻碍了拉弧 Cable package defective.管线总成损坏 Weld head defective.焊头被损坏 Defective feeder.送料器

12、被损坏 Internal process cycle fault.设备内部运行故障Remedy: Check weld conditions.措施: 检查焊接条件 Check weld head.检查焊头 Check feeder.检查送料器 Stud feeding.送一次钉 Check feeder connection.检查送料器连接线 Repeat weld cycle.重复一次焊接 Forced WC.启动焊接完成信号 Notify service engineer!专业人员处理Fault 15: “Drop down timeout“故障15: 下落时间超时E*planation:

13、 Ma*. drop time was e*ceeded and welding was stopped.解释: 下落时间超出最大允许值,焊接被中断Cause: Air gap incorrectly adjusted.原因: 间隙调整错误 Weld circuit resistance too high.焊接回路电阻过高 Measurement line-ground missing.没有连接地线测量线 SKK / PK defective.自动焊头或焊枪损坏Remedy: Reset fault.措施: 故障复位 check measurement line (if necessary,

14、reduce weld circuit resistance)检查测量线降低焊接回路电阻值 Check setting of SKK- / PK.检查自动焊头或焊枪状态 Notify service engineer!专业人员处理Fault 16: “Open circuit, no arc“故障16: 空载焊接E*planation: E*tinguishing of the arc during weld, resp. the weld current is below I = 80A.解释: 焊接过程中拉弧被断开,或焊接回路电流小于80ACause: Air gap too large.

15、原因: 间隙过大 Gun was removed at the beginning of the weld.焊枪在开场焊接时被提起 E*tremely impure work surface.焊接外表油污太多 Fault SMPS.电源故障Remedy: Repeat weld cycle.措施: 重复一次焊接 Stud feeding.送一次钉 Check adjusting of the weld gun.检查焊枪的调整 Check welding conditions.检查焊接条件 Check work piece conditions.检查工件外表 Notify service eng

16、ineer!专业人员处理Fault 17: “Measurement line broken“故障17: 测量线中断E*planation: Measurement line signal not any longer detected.解释: 测量线信号没有被捕捉到Cause: Measurement line broken or incorrectly connected.原因: 测量线损坏或连接错误 Reversed measurement line-ground and measurement line.地线测量线和测量线接反了 SOW power failure.和工件的接触电压中断

17、 Weld line interrupted.焊接电缆中断Remedy: Check fuses on front panel.措施: 检查面板上的保险丝 Reset fault.故障复位 Check welding cable.检查焊接线 Check measuring line.检查测量线 Check ground- measurement line检查地线测量线. Check feeder fuses.检查送料器的保险丝 Notify service engineer!专业人员处理Fault 23: “Handgun sequence not followed“故障23: 手枪焊接启动条

18、件E*planation: Correct sequence when welding with a gun (PK/PLM) was not observed.解释: 在用手枪焊接时没有遵守正确的焊接顺序Cause: Angularity switch by-passed or incorrectly adjusted.原因: 角度开关被桥接或调整错误 Trigger start by-passed.启动开关被桥接 Correct sequence SOW-ANG-START not observed.没有遵守SOW(接触信号)-WS(角度开关)- START(焊接)的焊接顺序Remedy:

19、 Observe sequence SOW-ANG-START.措施: 遵守SOW(接触信号)-WS(角度开关)- START(焊接)的焊接顺序 Check PK for correct setting of angularity.检查角度开关的调整情况 Release trigger and restart.松开启动开关并重新启动 Notify service engineer!专业人员处理Fault 25: “Wrong stud loaded“故障25: 焊钉输送错误E*planation: The supplied stud is not the specified stud requ

20、ired by unit control.解释: 所提供的焊钉不是焊机指定的焊钉Cause: The weld unit identified an incorrect stud in the weld head via the liftmeasuring system or the stud verification test. 原因: 焊机只识别通过拉弧测量系统或者通过焊钉检验的焊钉的焊头 Remedy: Reset fault.措施: 故障复位 Repeat stud feeding.重新送一次钉 Verify correct stud length in the feeder.检验送料

21、器里焊钉的长度 Check programming.检查程序Fault 30: “Weld out of tolerance故障30: 焊接参数超差E*planation: Collective fault for the e*ceeded tolerances.解释: 一般性超差Cause: The following tolerances are out of parameter: weld current, weld time, Vp, Vw, Pen, Varc peak, Varc drop or weld energy.原因: 超出公差的参数:焊接电流,焊接时间,拉弧电压,焊接电压

22、,焊接深度,电压峰值,电压降或焊接能量 Defective SMPS or welding tool.电源或焊接工具损坏Remedy: Reset fault.措施: 故障复位 Check tolerances.检查公差设定值 Check weld circuit and weld conditions.检查焊接电流和焊接条件 Check SMPS and welding tool.检查电源和焊接工具Fault 100: “Feeder: No power to au*. supply“故障100:送料器:没有电压E*planation: The feeder identifies no vo

23、ltage supply.解释: 送料器没有电压供给Cause: Defective feeder fuse.原因: 送料器保险丝损坏 Defective feeder.送料器损坏Remedy: Replace feeder fuse.措施: 更换送料器保险丝 Check feeder.检查送料器 Notify service engineer!专业人员处理ault 102: “Feeder: Feed rail not filled in time“故障102:送料器:焊钉传送错误E*planation: Filling of the rail way is not ensured.解释:

24、焊钉传送过程中出现故障Cause: Sufficient stud level in the separating drum not reached.原因: 焊钉卡在了滑道上 Mechanical defect of the escapement rails滑道上有机械故障 Wrong adjusting on the stud inlet dish.焊钉口调整错误 Wrong adjusted or defective pro*imity switch Min.最小接近开关调整错误或损坏Remedy: Check adjusting.措施: 检查送料器调整 Replenish weld st

25、uds.加满焊钉 Remove blockage.去除滑道上焊钉 Adjust pro*imity switch or/and replace.调整接近开关或更换 Notify service engineer!专业人员处理Fault 106: “Feeder: Feed tube locking switch open“故障106:送料器:送料管被锁紧E*planation: The signal for feed hose locking at the stud feeder is not configured.解释: 送料器锁紧信号开关没有被盖上Cause: Feed tube not

26、connected (gun).原因: 送料管没有连接 No bridge for feed tube locking (head).送料管锁紧开关没有连上 Defective cable package.管线总成损坏 Defective fuse F5 on PCB ETF CPU E510.中央处理器E510电路板保险丝F5损坏Remedy: Connecting feed tube.措施: 连接送料管 Check locking switch.检查紧锁开关 Check cable package.检查管线总成 Replace fuse.更换保险丝 Notify service engin

27、eer!专业人员处理Fault 109: “Feeder: Feed cycle timeout“故障109:送料器:送料循环超时E*planation: The weld unit indicates an incorrectly performed feed cycle.解释: 焊机显示一个错误的送料循环Cause: The feeder does not terminate a feed cycle in the ma*imummonitoring time.原因: 送料器没有把送料循环锁定在最大的监控时间内Remedy: Check feeder.措施: 检查送料器 Repeat st

28、ud feeding.重复一次焊接 Notify service engineer!专业人员处理Fault 118: “Feeder: +5V Keypad not detected“故障118:送料器:控制面板没有+5V电压供给E*planation: The voltage supply 5V for the keypad munication is missing.解释: 控制面板通信的+5V电压没有Cause: Defective fuse F3 on PCB ETF CPU E510.原因: 中央处理器E510电路板保险丝F3损坏 Defective optocoupler on t

29、he PCB ETF CPU E510.E510电路板上的光耦合器损坏Remedy: Replace fuse.措施: 更换保险丝 Replace PCB ETF CPU E510.更换E510电路板 Notify service engineer!专业人员处理Fault 119: “Feeder: LM / Solenoid under voltage“故障119: 送料器:自动焊枪/电磁阀缺乏E*planation: The voltage supply for the linear motor / solenoid is less than 90 Volt解释: 直流电机/电磁阀的供电电

30、压低于90VCause: Defective fuse F2 on ETF PCB Amplifier E 512.原因: 放大器E512 电路板保险丝F2损坏 Defective ETF PCB amplifier E 512.放大器E512电路板损坏Remedy: Replace fuse F2.措施: 更换保险丝F2 Replace ETF PCB Amplifier E 512.更换放大器E512电路板 Notify service engineer!专业人员处理Fault 121: “Feeder: LM/Solenoid over voltage“故障121:送料器:自动焊枪/电磁阀电压超出E*planation: T

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