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1、八年级英语上汉译英专项训练八年级英语上汉译英专项训练Unit1 汉译英p8 1 比尔周末通常做什么 Bill usually do . 2 “你最喜欢的节目是什么”What is your It is 3. “你多久上一次网”“每周两次” do you internet a week .4.请少吃垃圾食品,多运动。Please eat junk food and do exercise5.你必须多吃蔬菜,这对你身体有好处。You eat more is your healthUnit2 汉译英p19医生说告诉他每天吃三次药。The doctor told him to this medicin

2、e a day我妈妈说我晚饭应该少吃肉。My mom says I should meat for dinner晚饭后散步能帮你保持健康。Taking a walk after dinner can help you 如果你感觉到有压力,你可以听听音乐。If you ,you can listen to music我很累,因为每天都有太多的作业要做。I am very tired ,because I have homework to do every dayUnit3 汉译英p27最后小姑娘选定了蓝色的外套。At last the little girl the blue coat很多人喜欢

3、晚饭后散步。Many people like to after supper你要和谁一起去香港 are you to Hong Kong 我们要在表姐家待5天。We are in our cousins house five days他上周刚度假回来。He just his vacation last week去长城别忘了带照相机。 to the camera you when you go to the Great Wall我想问问你有关中国可参观的地方。I want to you about in China这位著名的电影演员刚拍完电影。The movie star just his mo

4、vieUnit4 汉译英p36别着急,我们还有点儿剩余的时间。 ,there is time left在我们学校,很少有学生坐公共汽车上学。 students to school in our school他看起来很着急,因为他妈妈生病住院了。He looks worried,because hin mother 我不知道他怎样看待我的英语口语。I dont know he my spoken English在我们学校,并不是所有的老师都开车去上班。In our school, teachers drive their cars to work Unit5 汉译英p47 星期四我得准备化学实验

5、。I my on Thursday感谢你照看我们八个月大的孩子。 for our baby“Jenny你周六能来参加我的生日晚会吗”“可以我很乐意。”_Jenny, you my party Saturday afternoon这个周五晚上,我要上钢琴课。On Friday evening , I a piano 星期三莉莉跟校队一起参加网球训练。 Wednesday, Lily has the school teamUnit6 汉译英p58我最好的朋友霍莉比我更冷静一些。My friend Holly is than 我的口语比听力好。Im at than 狄克真的很滑稽,能使我开怀大笑。D

6、ick is really and he can make me 我比班里大多少同学都安静。I am than the stundents in my class你看上去和你妹妹长的一样。你们是双胞胎吗You and your sister .Are you twinsUnit7 汉译英p79汤姆怎样做水果沙拉 Tom fruit salad我们需要两杯酸奶和一茶勺蜂蜜。We need yogurt and honey你们需要多少三明治 do you need你可以把这些书放进你的书包里。You may these book your backpack切碎一个洋葱和另两个西红柿。 Onion

7、and two Unit8 汉译英p91他昨天和朋友闲逛了一整天。He with his friend the whole day yesterday上一次郊游的时候,我看见了小沈阳,还得到了他的亲笔签名。I Xiao Shenyang and work by subway every day.史密斯先生每天乘地铁上下班。Mr Smith work and work by subway every day他们正在看一部关于未来如何生活的电影。They are watching a movie in the futureUnit9 汉译英p100小狗很可爱,但难以照看。The baby dog

8、is cute ,but its difficult .你什么时候参加的英语竞赛When did you the English competition.Lily5岁时就会游泳了。Lily could swim years old. 史密斯先生去年戒烟了。Mr smith last year .辛吉斯是一个杰出的网球选手。Hingins is tennis .谁在昨天的演讲比赛中的了第一Who in the speech competition yesterday.他游遍美国,寻找传说中的宝藏。He the whole America the treasure in legends .我们昨天

9、把全部的闲暇时间都用来K歌了。We all the Karaoke yesterday.Unit10 汉译英p107-108我姐姐今晚要来。My sister comes tonight.玛里不打算住在那栋小房子里。Mary in that small house.你打算去钓鱼吗不,我要去游泳。- you fishing No, Im .你毕业后打算去那里工作Where you after you leave school.我校今晚将有英语晚会。There an English party in our school tonight.Unit11 汉译英p121你能帮我打扫起居室吗 you h

10、elp me the living room我讨厌作家务。I do the chores.妈妈,不要忘了喂金鱼。Mom, dont forget the goldfish.他长大了想当一名英语教师。He wants to be an English teacher when he .他现在正在从事电脑工作。He is the computer now.Unit12 汉译英p131-132新世纪影城的座位最舒服而且服务最好。The sears in the New Century Cinema are , and it .我朋友的鞋子不错,但我的比他的好。 My friends shoes go

11、od .but mine his .这座城市那家商店的衣服质量好 Which store in this city .4那家小商店的衣服质量最差。 That small store has clothes.5哈尔滨在中国的北方。 Harbin is China.6你认为你们班上谁唱歌最好 Who do you think in your class7我们去最近的饭店吃饭吧。 Lets go to restaurant .8他不辞而别。 He left .9旅馆房间的价格大约是每间每晚320元。The price of a hotel room is 320 yuan .10姚明是世界上最高的篮

12、球运动员之一。Yao Ming is basketball players in the world. Unit1 汉译英p1 汤姆经常上网。Tom often 他每周看一次电影。He once a week凯特上学从来不迟到。Kate for school 他每月看一次电影。He watches TV 你多久读一次英语。 do you read English她有一个健康的生活方式。She has a 当然,我也喜欢垃圾食品,我每周吃两次。 ,I like junk food too, and I eat it 你每天花多长时间读英语 hours do you read English ev

13、ery day喝牛奶对你的健康有益。Drinking milk your health 就作业而言,大部分学生每天都做作业。 homework , students do homework every dayUnit2 汉译英p7你怎么了,戴维 the you ,David你应该躺下休息。You and 我发烧了。 I 你应该多喝水。 You should drink lots of water我妹妹喜欢喝加蜂蜜的牛奶。My sister likes drinking milk 我感觉不舒服。Im 你应该看牙医。You should 这是个好主意。 Thats a good idea为了保持健

14、康,你应该每天晚上早上床休息,并且多吃蔬菜。You should early at night and you should eat lots of vegetables every day 或许你有太多的“阴”。Maybe you have yin压力太大和容易生气的人可能有太多的“阳”。People who are too and easily may have too much yang中药在西方国家很流行。Chinese medicine is now popular in many 当你劳累的时候,你不应该学习。You when you are tiredUnit3 汉译英p13我能

15、问你几个关于你假期计划的问题吗My I ask you some questions about your 今年暑假他打算去希腊或加拿大。He is to Greece or Canada this summer这次我想做不同的事。This time ,I want to do 泰国是观光旅游的好去处。Thailand is a good place 我正打算去美丽的乡村度假。Im planning time in the beautiful countrysidesUnit5 汉译英p21我不能帮助你是因为我想去听音乐会。I cant help you because I want to 对

16、不起,我太忙了,下次吧。Sorry, Im so busy. Maybe 这个周末我有太多的家庭作业要做。I have to do this weekend周四你能够来参加我的聚会吗Can you ma party Thursday当然,我很高兴。 Sure, 5.这个周三的下午你打算做什么What you this Wednesday afternoon我要照看我的妹妹。 Im my sisterUnit7 汉译英p31我们需要多少酸奶 do we need把爆米花放进爆米花机吧。 the the 让我们制作水果沙拉吧!Lets 然后将盐加在面条上。Then the the noodles你

17、会做草莓奶昔吗Can you 加一些蜂蜜,并把这些原料混合在一起。 some honey and the ingredients这儿有一份超级肉三明治的食谱。Heres a a super chicken 首先在面包上放俩茶匙调料。First, put two of on the bread你喜欢夹生菜还是夹洋葱的汉堡包Do you like hamburgers with or 你需要多少杯酸奶 of do you needUnit8 汉译英p36上周日我和朋友出去闲逛,还照了许多照片。I with ma friends and lots of last Sunday2劳拉在礼品店中了一个奖

18、。Laura a in the last year3去年水族馆里有海豹吗 any seals in the last year不,没有。 No, 4.你还见过其他什么 you see我见过几只鲨鱼。 I some 5.学校旅行中,九班玩的非常开心。Class 9 on the school trip 咱们这周末开车兜风去吧。Lets this weekend你休息日过的怎么样 your day 上个休息日,我弟弟待在家里看录像。My brother and DVDs on his last day off上周末我们去野外宿营,但是下了一天的雨。Last weekend we , but it

19、all day幸运的是,我们带着雨伞,所以没淋湿。 , we brought our , so we Unit9 汉译英p41姚明出生在1980年9月12日。You Ming on September 12th , 1980你永远不会因为太小而不能开始做事情。You are young things中国以长城而闻名于世。China the Great Wall利萨六岁时学会了骑自行车。Lisa learned to ride a bicycle six托尼什么时候开始学英语的When did Tony English他的巨大成就使他变的出名了。His great made him famous

20、Unit10 汉译英p46你长大打算干什么What are you going to be when you 你打算怎样实现 you to do that我打算做我想要做的工作。Im going to do I 她打算找一个兼职工作干一两年,攒一些钱。Shes going to find a parttime job for and save some money程函打算去上钢琴课吗 Cheng Han piano lessons同时,我打算学习法语。Im going to study French 我们收到200多封来自我们读者的传真。We got 200 from our readers一

21、些女孩打算多锻炼以保持健康。Some girls are going to to keep fit一位老太太辞职来到了中国。One old lady and came to China很多父母几乎不与他们的孩子交流。Many parents hardly ever their kids他们打算在这个城市建造一个更大的地铁。They a bigger subway in this cityUnit11 汉译英p511.你能打扫一下起居室吗 you please the 当然可以。Yes 2.我可以在外面呆到很晚吗 I 3.我明天考试,所以我不能出去了。I will tomorrow, so I

22、cant 4.我喜欢洗车,因为我可以呆在外面。I clean the car, because I can 5.我可以用你的电脑吗Could I 对不起,我马上就用。Sorry, Im going to it有些家务我讨厌,但有些家务我喜欢。I hate , but I like 外面正在下雨,别忘了带雨伞。Its raining outside. take an umbrella谢谢你为我们带来好吃的东西。 us something delicious to eat汤姆的爸爸病了,他得照顾他。Toms father is ill, so he has to him我哥哥现在正从事于希望工程。

23、My brother is the Hope Project我搬新家了,你们能来我的家吗I a new house. Could you 你应该经常带他去散步。You should often it 你能帮我打扫地板吗Could you please the floor不要玩火!危险!Dont fire! Its dangerous!Unit12 汉译英p56我喜欢这家电影院,是因为它服务好,而且离家最近。I love this cinema, because it has , and its ma home年轻人对城里的这些地方是什么看法 do young people 让我们来对同学们的业

24、余爱好做个调查吧。Lets the hobbies of our classmates那家饭店在城里位置好,并且座位很舒适。The restaurant is in a town, and it has very 最好的无线电台是哪个What is 它经常播放最有趣的音乐。It often music期末综合练习一 p69我必须得帮助我的父母。I help my parents2.你是怎样制作水果沙拉 do you fruit salad 3.他比我矮一点。He is shorter then me4.他长大以后想当个演员。Hes going to be an actor when he 5.

25、在我度假的时候你能照顾我的猫吗Could you my cat when Im on vacation 9单元1、依我看,peter是我们学校80年历史上最有创造力的学生。_ my opinion, Peter is the _ _ student in the _ history of our school,.2、在罗拉尔多17岁时,便开始为国家足球队效力。 the of 17, Ronaldo started to play his football team. 3、你知道那些国际体育明星的出生日期吗 Do you know _the _ sports stars _ _4、当他出生的时候,他就开始不停地打嗝了。He started _ _he _ _.5、在世界记录大全中,记载着有个叫Donna Green的女人打喷嚏打了978天。In the _ _, it was said that a woman _ Donna Green _ for 978days.6、李云迪,这个著名中国钢琴家,从他还是小孩子的时候就能够哼歌了,真是个天才啊!LiYundi,a_Chinese_,could_songs when he was a small a _!7、我爷爷年龄太大了而无法与我们很地交流。My grand

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