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1、新概念三册词组总结Lesson 1At large. 未被捕的;自由的,不受约束的;逍遥法外的 Cat-like animal. 猫科动物。Be spotted. 被发现。Take seriously. 重视 Begin to accumulate. 开始累积 ,越来越多 Feel obliged. 义无反顾, 有责任去 Claim to. 要求,声称Extraordinary similar. 非凡的相似 The hunt for. 寻找 Pick blackberries. 摘黑莓 Run away. 逃跑;失控Be cornered. 被逼得走投无路 Prove difficult. 有

2、困难 Leave behind. 留下;丢下;忘记;忘记带走,遗留 A trail of. 一串 A number of. 若干,一些;许多Cling to. 粘上;贴上 Complain of. 抱怨Fully convinced. 完全相信 In the possession of. 被某人占有;属于;为所有Manage to. 设法;达成Go on. 继续;过去;继续下去;发生It is disturbing to. -是令人不安的 Lesson 2Raise money. 集资;筹款;募捐One cause or another. 这样或那样的原因 Get enough money.

3、有足够的钱 Strike the hours. 打点报时 Ever since. 从那时到现在 With a start. 吓一跳地,一惊地Armed with. 拥有,装备有= provided withWhat was going on. 发生了什么事 Catch sight of. 看到;瞥见Recognize as. 认出是。In surprise. 惊奇地Come up. 走近;Night after night. 一夜又一夜You see. 你瞧;你是知道的Give somebody a surprise. 给人一个惊喜 Theres nothing I can do about

4、it. 对此我已无能为力 Get used to . 习惯于better than nothing. 总比没有的好 Lesson 3Some time ago. 不久前Stand in. 位于 on the promontory of. 在海角的 At one time. 曾经,一度;同时High level of civilization. 高度的文明 Beautifully-decorated. 美丽装饰的 Be equipped with. 配备有;装有;装备有A place of worship. 礼拜的场所(如教堂、寺院等)Date from. 追溯到;始于;起源于Happen to

5、 be. 碰巧是;恰巧是Classical times. 古典时期 罗马时代Carefully-preserved. Ever then. 曾经那么 Be amazed to. 感到非常惊讶 Turn out to be. 结果是;原来是Modern-looking. 时髦的 Stand three feet high. 三英尺高 Rest on. 停留在;依靠;被搁在;信赖Full-length. 全身的;全长的 Sweep the ground. 横扫地上 Despite her great age. 尽管她上了年纪Lesson 4The double life. 双重生活Manual w

6、ork. 体力劳动Receive far more money. 收入高出许多 Be referred to as. 被称为For the simple reason. 原因很简单 A collar and tie. 白衬衫系领带 Such is human nature. 这就是人类的本性,此乃人之常情Be willing to. 乐意,愿意Sacrifice higher pay. 放弃较高的薪水。For the privilege of. 为了-的殊荣Give rise to. 使发生,引起Curious situations. 奇怪的现象In the case of . 至于,在的情况

7、下,就是一个例子。get married. 结婚Change into. 变成;把变成;兑换Take a shower. 洗淋浴Change back into. 换回 Keep this secret. 保守这个秘密 His rise in status. 地位提高了 Be well with. 不 All day. 整天Lesson 5Go to extremes. Providewith. Be instructed. Well-known. The article began. Lead to. Find out. Set out to. Take a long time. Recei

8、ve no reply. Fail to. Not only-but also-. Send to prison. Lesson 6Smash-and-grab. Admire a new window display. Beautifully arranged. On a background of. Silence was broken. Roar down the arcade. It come to a stop. At the wheel. Too busy doing to. Scramble back into. Move-off. At a fantastic speed. R

9、ush out.Lesson 7Washing machine. A large bank note. Rescue your trousers. Deal with claims. Feed-to-. Chew up. Concerns. Has a very good day. For safekeeping. Imagine their dismay. Turn to ash. So long as. Pay-on. Lesson 8Connectto-. Be founded in. lie about. For hundreds of years. Be brought from.

10、In roman times. Now that. In difficulty. Rashly attempt to. So many people about. Special enclosure. Drop to -30. have more privacy. Wander outside. Parties of. The peace of the mountains. Warm welcome.Lesson 9Fail to fascinate. Lead mysterious lives. As well become submissive. As a result. Learn to

11、 respect. Feline independence. Remain suspicious. All their lives. Fascinate us most. Popular belief. A good deal of. To survive falls. Be based on fact. Make a study. In common. Fall off. Die from. High-rise. Fall from. Suffer from. Broken tooth. Well-trained. It seems that. In a long drop. Reach s

12、peeds of. At high speeds . stretch out. Air-resistance. Reduce the shock of impact. Hit the ground.Lesson 10Sailed for. Carry passengers. A crew of. Modern standards. Colossal ship. Be regarded as. Even if. Tragic sinking. Always be remembered. Go down. Heavy loss of life. Set out. Sail across. Icy

13、waters. The alarm had been given . turn sharply. Direct collision. Just in time. Narrowly missing. Rise over. Slight trembling sound. Realize to his horror. The order to do. Plunge into. Icy water. Lesson 11Be quite tolerant. Go through. Have nothing to declare. Be made to feel guilty. Hardened prof

14、essional. Particularly officious. Look somebody in the eye. Go through. With great care. A dreadful mess. Light up. At the bottom of. Pounce on it with delight. Be exempt from. Put-to-. Convince him that. Hurry away. Lesson 12Form an unrealistic picture of. Imagine-to be a sort of. Simple and good .

15、 quite the opposite. Be wretched. Starve to death. An element of truth. Badly damaged boat. Load something with something. Row for. Prove to be a problem. Have plenty to eat. Put it. Genuinely sorry.Lesson 13Fancy-dress party. Intend to do. Dress up as a ghost. Be impatient to do. Only of a sheet. B

16、e comfortable to wear. Come straight in. if ever. Not wanting to do. In the hall. Read the meter. Let out a cry. Jump back. Slam the door. Lesson 14There was a time. Pay large sums of. In return for. Be paid promptly. Put a man out of business. Protection money. Modern crime. As long ago as. Make th

17、e remarkable discovery. Have-destroyed. Life work. A band of soldiers. Settle near. Make a name for himself. Come to be known. At war with. Pay the high price. In times of peace.Lesson 15Regular supply , pocket money, extra income , go a long way , exchange for , rattle for months money boxes , thri

18、fty children , fill up , find ones way there , worth of trouble , take off , Roll up, drain cover , what is more, get out, a crowd of people , gather round , rub something with, Be firmly stuck, a special type of , reward somebody with,Lesson 16Prize possessions keep something tied to, set out to, p

19、rove difficult, about the theft, accuse somebody of , Call the police, let into, ashamed of doing, act so rashly, be astonished to do, dye black, wash clean. Apologize somebody for doing something. Deny doing something. Lesson 17Name something, describe something as, agreeable situation, locate with

20、in, by no means, be considered to be , great explorer, remain immortal, suspension bridge , be named after , be designed by, a span of, the shape of earth, take into account, extend to, a depth of , these alone, rise to, a height of , it has been estimated that, be packed with, total capacity, despi

21、te its immensity, fulfill ones dream, as faintly as possible.Lesson 18Modern sculpture take no interest, fail to, on display, get quite used to, so-called, in spite of, art gallery, pieces of, oddly shaped, be suspended from, in response to, a gust of wind, be familiar to, lined up against the wall,

22、 be attached to, be magnetized , all the time, colored lights, flicker continuously, traffic lights, go mad, emit from, on and off, be rather like, an exhibition of, shock people emotionally, peculiar forms.Lesson 19Be rarely interested in, take considerable interest in, share-with-, a great many ye

23、ars, lead an orderly life, take a short walk, look everywhere for him, anonymous letter, in safe hands, ransom of , be instructed to, make that quite clear, change her mind, withraw-from, follow ones instruction, keep ones word, sure enough, arrive punctually, rather thirsty, be astounded , in more

24、ways than one,Lesson 20Offer a prize of, over a year passed, the first attempt was made, in the early morning, take off, his engine failed, be forced to do, land on, float on the water, pick up, latest model, complete a successful overland flight, give up easily, as if, exciting race, a short test f

25、light, set off, make another attempt.Lesson 21Boxing matches, in those days, bare fists, prize money, be known as, be seriously injured, colorful figures, boxing history, draw up, set of, changeinto-, bring-to-, in his day, enjoy tremendous popularity, be adored by, rise to fame swiftly, attract som

26、ebodys attraction, the most eminent, offer to, be quick to learn, turn against him, quarrel bitterly, be settled by, fight for, bet a great deal of money on, in the ring, on a later occasion, highly successful, enormous sums of money, single appearance, despite this, be extravagant, in debt, be quic

27、kly forgotten, be sent to prison, die in poverty.Lesson 22By heart, run for years, on end, in many ways, go on repeating, night after night, have cause to falter, be cast in the role of, in the last act, be expected to do, be written out in full. Play a joke on . go up. On the final act. Just then.

28、Present something to somebody. As usual. A blank sheet of . squint ones eyes. Proceed to. A pair of. Lesson 23Quite illogical. Consider something. Find it repulsive. On the other hand. At the idea of. Normally accepted practice. Sad truth. Be brought up to do. Stick to. More praise and abuse. A grea

29、t luxury. In various parts of. Associate it with something. Of ones own. For years. Appeal to me. Heavy shower. Happen to do. A huge number of. Take a stroll. Acting on a sudden impulse. Several dozen. Paper bag. Be delighted to do. Be equally pleased with. In the hall. A couple of hours. Stay to di

30、nner. Main dish. Fancy the idea. Follow somebody out of. To our dismay. Escape from. Take complete possession of. Since then.Lesson 24Read in novels. Seemingly respectable person. Terrible secret. Be concealed from. Possess a vivid saying. Dramatic moment. Become known. A reputation is ruined. The h

31、air stands on end. In the final pages of. In her youth every one of. It is all very well for. To varying degrees. Instead of doing something. Uncomfortable weekend. Show somebody to. Be rarely used. Come down to dinner. Stack ones shirts. Stand in front of it petrified. Sudden moment of . give someb

32、ody the impression that. Be about to. Leap out at somebody. Be unsympathetic. Once upon a time. Lesson 25Stand on dry land. Serve as. An impressive reminder. Be replaced by. The only other ship to match her. Set out from. On an exciting race . the last of its kind. Mark the end of. Great tradition. The beginning of a new era. Take the

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