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1、天津专版高考英语二轮复习题型组合练一题型组合练(一).单项填空1Can I speak to Ken? Ill go and see if I can find her.ATake your time. BHang on a minute.CWhos that? DOf course.答案B解析句意为:我能和Ken说话吗?请稍等,我去看一下她在吗。Take your time不要急,慢慢来;Hang on a minute请稍等;Whos that那是谁;Of course当然。2The discovery was made in the 1950s,while the of it was n

2、ot recognized until half a century later.Asacrifice BdifferenceCsignificance Dinsurance答案C解析句意为:在二十世纪五十年代就有了这一发现。而人们在五十年后才认识到它的重要性。sacrifice牺牲;difference不同;significance重要性;insurance保险。故选C。3It is acknowledged that great success diligence and persistence.(2017天津五校联考二模,5)Avaries from Bresults fromCcome

3、s to Dapplies to答案B解析vary from不同于;result from产生于,起因于;come to共计,到达;apply to适用于。根据句意“人们公认成功源于勤奋和坚持”可知选B。4I still find it hard to imagine that such a clever child make such a foolish mistake.(2017天津一中3月考)Ashall BmustCcan Dshould答案D解析should 作为情态动词,可以用来表示意外、惊喜或者在说话人看来是不可思议的,常常译为“竟会”、“居然”。句意为:我仍然觉得这难以想象,这

4、么聪明的孩子竟然犯这样愚蠢的错误。故选D。5It may be necessary to stop in the learning process and go back to the difficult points in the lessons.Aat intervals Bat randomCat ease Dat length答案A解析句意为:也许在课堂上有必要在学习过程中时不时地停一下回顾难点。at intervals不时;at random随意;at ease自由自在;at length终于。故选A。6Id like to hear your opinion,Jenny?I thi

5、nk it is worthwhile the film.(2016和平区一模,6)Abeing watched Bto be watchedCto watch Dhaving watched答案C解析it is worthwhile to do./doing.值得做。该句式中无语态特殊要求,所以空处填to watch或者watching都行。7I like your new shoes!Thanks.I had to try on almost a dozen pairs I decided to get them.(2017和平区三模,12)Aas BwhenCafter Dbefore答

6、案D解析as当的时候;when当的时候;after在之后;before在之前。根据句意“我在决定买这双鞋之前已经试穿了一大堆鞋子”可知选D。8You really ought to make most of the opportunity,because you wont get second chance.Athe;a B/;aC/;the Dthe;the答案A解析第一空make the most of是固定短语,意为“充分利用”;第二空a second表示“再一,又一”。9Thank you for your timely help.Otherwise I in the experime

7、nt.(2016和平区一模,15)Ahad failed Bwould have failedChave failed Dwill fail答案B解析句意为:谢谢你的及时帮助。否则,我的实验就会失败了。由句意可知,这是对过去事实的假设,所以主句的谓语动词使用would have done形式。10As economy is declining,jobs to the young,continue to be scarce.(2017南开区四模,2)Aavailable BconvenientCcomfortable Dvaluable答案A解析available可获得的,可利用的;conven

8、ient方便的;comfortable舒服的;valuable有价值的。jobs available to the young表示“年轻人可获得的工作”,故选A。11Listen to the music carefully and see you can remember the words.Awhat BthatCif Dhow答案C解析句意为:仔细听听音乐,看你是否能记起歌词。分析句子结构可知,空处在此引导宾语从句,表示“是否”,故选C。12After a days work,I went to the restaurant near my company to have dinner,

9、only to be told that it .(2017河西区三模,12)Ais decorated Bwas decoratedCwas being decorated Dis being decorated答案C解析由题干中的went判断是过去发生的事;根据句意“一天的工作后,我去公司附近的餐馆吃饭,却被告知餐馆正在被装修。”可知要用过去进行时的被动语态,故选C。13In public places,improved childcare facilities will benefit genders,not just women.Aboth BallCeither Dother答案A解

10、析句意为:在公共场所,改善了的儿童看护设施将有利于男女双方,而不仅仅是女方。both两个;all所有,指三者或三者以上;either二选一;other其他的。gender性别,结合句意可知是指男性和女性,故选A。14It rained heavily overnight and not until this morning .(2016河东区二模,10)Ahad it stopped Bdid it stopCstopped it Dit stopped答案B解析句意为:大雨下了一整夜,直到今天早上才停。not until位于句首,所以主句用部分倒装,排除C、D两项;再由and前句子时态是一般

11、过去时可知,选B项。15Chinese tourists, purchasing power is on the sharp rise,have shocked the world over the past years.Awhich BwhoseCwhen Dwho答案B解析句意为:中国游客的购买力正在急剧上升,在过去几年震惊了整个世界。此处的非限制性定语从句由whose引导,表所属。故选B。.完形填空(2017天津五校联考二模)One afternoon Id been driving down the freeway when I spotted what looked like a s

12、talled(失速的) car.I noticed other cars had slowed in order to briefly glare at the stalled car,rudely 16 traffic in the process.I took it upon myself to 17 behind the car and find out what on earth was going on. 18 ,a pregnant woman stepped out,and she appeared to be 19 .I approached the woman asking

13、if I could help,and she said,“Please call my 20 ,I am trying to get to the hospital.My water has broken!” 21 as I was,I said,“We have no 22 for that.Quick! Get in my car and I will take you.” I threw a 23 on the passenger side seat and 24 we went.I was very nervous and 25 my driving as it had to be

14、both quick and steady 26 my passenger would not move around a lot.Meanwhile,I tried offering positive feedback like “Everythings going to be OK.” As we 27 at the EMERGENCY entrance,I ran out quickly,shouting 28 to have the staff bring out a wheelchair to bring her in.It seemed a bit 29 answering the

15、 staffs questions about her because wed just met a few minutes earlier and I knew 30 about her outside of her name.Fifteen minutes later,her husband arrived.Not wasting any time,he 31 me,handed me a 100 bill and directly 32 the delivery room.The nurse 33 me that the woman had asked me to come in to

16、thank me.I told her that interestingly enough I had something similar happen to me when my second child was born and we had a good 34 over the story.On the way out,I asked the nurse to give the woman and her husband an envelope.Its contents included the 100 bill with a note that 35 “Babys college fu

17、nd”16A.missing BblockingCdirecting Ddestroying答案B解析此处指前面慢下来的车阻碍到交通。miss错过;block挡道;direct指示;destroy损害。故选B。17A.pull up Bhold outCspeed by Dput away答案A解析pull up停下;hold out伸出;speed by飞驰而过;put away放好。此处指作者在那辆挡道的车后面停下,故选A。18A.Strangely BEspeciallyCInterestingly DSuddenly答案D解析strangely奇怪地;especially特别地;int

18、erestingly有趣地;suddenly突然。这时突然一个怀孕的女人走了出来,故选D。 relief Bon dutyCat work Din pain答案D解析in relief如释重负;on duty值班;at work工作中;in pain痛苦。根据后文“I approached the woman asking if I could help”可知这个孕妇看起来是痛苦的,故选D。20A.parent BcolleagueChusband Dnurse答案C解析根据倒数第二段中“her husband arrived”可知这里孕妇请求作者打电话给她的丈夫,故选C。21A.

19、Satisfied BShockedCDisappointed DConfused答案B解析satisfied满意的;shocked震惊的;disappointed失望的;confused迷惑的。此处作者听到孕妇羊水破了,应该是感到震惊的,故答案为B。22A.need BmoneyCtime Dright答案C解析情况很危急,此处指没有时间打电话了,故选C。23A.towel BbookCgift Dtoy答案A解析towel毛巾,此处作者要送孕妇去医院生孩子,因此为了保持卫生干净,在座位上放了一条毛巾。其他不符合题意,故选A。24A.out BbackCaway Ddown答案C解析out出

20、去;back回来;away离开;down向下。此处指作者出发离开了此地,故选C。25A.curious about Baware ofCeager for Dcareful with答案D解析be curious about对好奇;be aware of意识到;be eager for渴望;be careful with对小心。根据语境作者要小心地开车,故选D。 though Bnow thatCso that Deven if答案C解析as though好像;now that既然;so that以便,结果;even if即使。作者要快速平稳地开车,这样车上的人就不会四处移动,故选

21、C。27A.parked BcalledCdrove Dpaused答案A解析park停车;call打电话;drive开车;pause暂停。此处指停在急救中心的门口,故选A。28A.angrily BinstantlyCthankfully Dconstantly答案D解析angrily生气地;instantly立刻,马上;thankfully感恩地;constantly时刻,不断地。作者到了急救中心,一直喊着让工作人员拿轮椅带她进去,故选D。29A.normal BunrealCspecial Dimportant答案B解析normal正常的;unreal不真实的;special特别的;im

22、portant重要的。作者只是几分钟前刚认识的这个妇女,因此回答医院工作人员的问题是不真实的,故选B。30A.everything BsomethingCnothing Dmuch答案C解析此处指作者除了她的名字什么都不知道,因此用nothing“没有什么”。故选C。31A.respected BthankedCadmired Dwelcomed答案B解析respect尊重;thank感谢;admire欣赏;welcome欢迎。作者帮助了那位临产的妇女,因此她的丈夫是感谢作者的,故选B。32A.headed for Bleft behindCknocked into Dmet with答案A解

23、析head for去往;leave behind留下;knock into撞到;meet with遇到。她的丈夫去了产房,故选A。33A.reminded BinformedCconvinced Dpromised答案B解析remind提醒;inform通知;convince说服;promise承诺。此处指护士通知“我”那位妇女想见“我”,故选B。34A.laugh BrestCcommand Dknowledge答案A解析此处是作者说自己第二个孩子的出生,也是受到他人的帮助,因此他和妇女都笑了,故选A。35A.wrote BannouncedCstated Dread答案D解析write写;

24、announce宣布;state陈述;read写着。此处指纸条上写着,应用read,故选D。.阅读理解(2016和平区一模)When I started university,people told me,“These will be the best days of your life.” Not only would these be the best days of my life,everyone said,but they would also be the most exciting.By the end of my first year I was seriously consi

25、dering dropping out.I had not made as many friends,had as much fun,or enjoyed my course as much as I thought I was going to.But I didnt tell anyone.I certainly didnt put it on Facebookits culture of competitive sharing made me feel even worse.Visiting my friends Facebook,I found that they were clear

26、ly enjoying themselves a lot.Jemma Lamble and I are friends on Facebookwhat impression did she get from my Facebook page?“There is one feeling I got when I clicked on Libbys Facebook page and that is jealousy.”Talking to fellow students has made me realize how little resemblance our Facebook lives h

27、ave to our real ones.“University life wasnt the walk in the park I had expected,”says Jemma.“I certainly didnt expect the feeling of loneliness that I experienced because I found it hard to connect with the people on my course.”Sophie Smith remembers her first day:“As I walked into my first class,I

28、tried my hardest to smile at everyone and make friends.But I was shocked by how blank some people were.I said to one guy,Wow,LCF,I still cant believe Im hereHe replied,Well,LCF is lucky to have me. I dont want to label everyone on the course because there are some lovely people too.”My time at unive

29、rsity may not have been the dream that I signed up for,but it has made me who I am.LCF did not provide me with the social experience I dreamed of,but it has made me appreciate the good friends I have kept from my childhood and each new one I have made here.Studying in London was frightening at times

30、,but I have become much more independent as a result.Now that I am starting my third and final year,I can look back and see that university has been an experience.36What can we infer from Paragraph 1?AThe author was hard to please.BThe author might not be very easy to get along with.CThe author had been fooled by those people.DThe author felt disappointed with her campus life.答案D解析推理判断题。由第一段第三、四句话可知,作者想退学,因为她在大学里交友比预期的少,快乐比预期的少,对课程的喜爱度也比预期的少,即她对大学生活很失望。37Which of the follo

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