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高中英语 Unit 5 The power of nature单元质量评估 新人教版选修6.docx

1、高中英语 Unit 5 The power of nature单元质量评估 新人教版选修6单元质量评估(五)时间:100分钟分数:120分第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AThe sea is home to billions of plants and animals.Many live only near the sunlit surface.Oceanographers classify marine living beings by separating them i

2、nto two main groups: plants and animals.There are two general types of plants found in the ocean, those having roots that are attached to the ocean bottom and those not having roots which simply drift about with the water.The rooted plants in the ocean are only found in shallow water because there i

3、s not enough sunlight to sustain photosynthesis(光合作用) in deeper waters.Since sunlight does not pass more than a few hundred feet into the ocean, most of the ocean is not capable of supporting rooted plants.The most plenty plants in the ocean are known as phytoplankton(浮游生物)These are usually singlece

4、lled, minute floating plants that drift throughout the surface waters of the ocean.To grow, phytoplankton need nutrients from the sea water and lots of sunlight.Marine animals are divided into three groups: zooplankton, nekton, and benthos.Zooplankton are drifting animals and are usually small, howe

5、ver, they can grow to fairly large size.For example, the jellyfish and the Portuguese manofwar are examples of larger types of zooplankton which are unable to propel(推进) themselves effectively.Nekton are the free swimmers and probably the largest portion of familiar animals found in the ocean belong

6、 to this class.Common fishes, the octopus, whales, eels and squid are all examples of nekton.The third type of sea animal spends its entire life on or in the ocean bottom.This group of marine animals is called the benthos.Some of these creatures, such as lobsters and snails, may be able to move abou

7、t on the bottom but their lifestyle is so bound up with the ocean floor that they are unable to survive away from this environment.【语篇解读】海洋是成千上万种动物和植物的家乡。海洋植物主要有两种:有根植物和浮游植物;海洋动物大体可分为三类:浮游动物、游泳动物和海底动物。1The text mainly tells us something about _Amarine plants and marine animalsBtwo types of sea plant

8、sCthree kinds of sea animalsDsmall and big animals in the ocean解析:主旨大意题。本文主要讲述了海洋生物的分类(海洋植物和海洋动物)以及它们的特点。答案:A2Why cant we find the rooted plants in deep water of the ocean?ABecause there are too many rocks at the bottom of the ocean.BBecause the rooted plants cant stand the coldness of the ocean.CBe

9、cause there is not enough sunlight for them in deep water.DBecause the rooted plants need more sunlight than plants which have no roots.解析:细节理解题。根据第二段可知,有根植物不能在很深的海底生存是因为那儿没有充足的阳光来进行光合作用。答案:C3One of the characteristics of zooplankton is that _Athey are small and never grow to large sizeBsome of the

10、zooplankton cant swim effectivelyCthey can swim freely in deep water of the oceanDthey need more sunlight than other animals in the ocean解析:细节理解题。根据倒数第四段最后一句可知,有些浮游动物事实上不能自己前进,也就是说它们实际上不能游泳。答案:B4According to the last paragraph, we can conclude that _Abenthos live on the surface of the ocean waterBso

11、me of the benthos cant live without the ocean floorCbenthos spend most of their time swimming in the oceanDbenthos can move about in the middle of the sea water解析:细节理解题。根据短文最后一句可知海底动物离开海底不能生存。答案:BBDoris Carvalho,a woman from Tampa,America has come up with an original way of combining her two greates

12、t passionsveterinary science(兽医学) and fashion.She recycles dog hair and changes it into highend designer handbags. Doris loves her new job so much that she hopes to change it into a businessshes currently running a Kickstarter campaign to raise $ 15,000 toward that purpose.Thats just enough money to

13、 make her first line of 30 handbags and pay for marketing.“These handbags prove that highend can be made ecofriendly from your pet for you,” she pointed out.“I turn dog hair that would be rubbish anywhere else in the world into these handbags.I use it to make the thread.Its reused and recycled.”It t

14、akes Doris about 50 hours to complete each one handbag without any machines.She needs about two pounds of fur per handbag and she insists that the completed handbag is as soft as any other fur.It is priced at $ 1,000,but she says that the price would go down if the products were to ever go into mass

15、 production.“I hope in the future I can make it cheaper and sell much cheaper for everyone,” she said.We arent sure how well these handbags are selling,but according to Jaime Calderbank,owner of One Lucky Dog in St Petersburg,it all depends on how much people are willing to display their love for th

16、eir dogs.“I think a few of them that really love their dogs would like something like that,” she said.Doris has managed to raise just $ 350 ever since she started the campaign,but she has 50 days to reach her $ 15,000 goal.“I hope people who like the campaign can help,” she said.“Any contribution is

17、 welcome.”【语篇解读】多丽丝用废弃的狗毛做成高端手提包。5What do you know about Doris Carvalho?AShe makes handbags from dog hair.BShe is studying veterinary science.CShe studied fashion design in college.DShe raises homeless dogs in her hometown.解析:细节理解题。根据第一段“She recycles dog hair and changes it into highend designer han

18、dbags.”可知,多丽丝用狗毛做手提包。答案:A6Why did Doris Carvalho start the Kickstarter campaign?ATo let more people know her handbags.BTo collect dog hair to make handbags.CTo help protect the environment.DTo raise some money for her business.解析:细节理解题。根据第二段“.she hopes to change it into a businessshes currently runn

19、ing a Kickstarter campaign to raise D|S15,000 toward that purpose.”可知,多丽丝想要把用狗毛做手提包当成一项事业,所以她在Kickstarter众筹平台筹钱。答案:D7It can be inferred from the passage that _Ait is not easy to reuse and recycle dog hairBdog hair is the most suitable material for handbagsCwhat Doris has done benefits the surroundin

20、gsDno one supported Doris Carvalhos campaign解析:推理判断题。根据第三段内容可知,多丽丝把被当作垃圾的狗毛做成手提包,这使得狗毛被回收和再利用,由此可推知,多丽丝的手提包对环境有益。答案:CCAll trade in five named species of sharks is to be regulated (管制) from now on.Without a permit,the sale of their meat or fins(鳍) will be forbidden.The regulation was agreed last year

21、 at a meeting of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species in Thailand.According to the rules,the whitetip (白鳍鲨),the porbeagle (鼠鲨),and three varieties of hammerhead will be protected.Besides,manta rays (比目鱼),valued for their gills (鳃)which are used in Chinese medicine,will also be

22、 protected.The action is seen as the most important one in the 40year history to protect these species.“Regulating international trade in these shark and manta ray species has a great effect on their survival and is a very clear way of helping to protect sharks and our oceans,” said Secretary Genera

23、l John Scanlon.“The practical steps will involve issues such as limiting export levels,and identifying the fins,gills and meat that are in trade.This may seem challenging,but by working together we can do it and we will do it.”Under the rules,all trade in these sharks and rays across 180 countries w

24、ill not be allowed unless they have got their permits given by the national related organization.As a matter of fact,trade in shark fins has already decreased greatly as a result of campaigns to raise awareness.Recently it has been reported that sales have gone down by 70%.Earlier this year the hote

25、l giant,Hilton Worldwide stopped serving shark fins at its 96 owned and managed AsiaPacific hotels.However,Denmark,Canada,Guyana,Japan,Iceland and Yemen have all announced they will not follow the new rules and will continue to fish for some or all of these species.Under the regulations though,they

26、are only able to trade with other countries that are also ready to ignore the rules.Officials point out that for such a questioned issue,the number of countries which is going to continue the trade is small.【语篇解读】去年在泰国的一个国际会议上,与会人员通过了保护鲨鱼和比目鱼的规定。人们需要获得许可证才能捕杀和交易鲨鱼。8The purpose of putting the new rul

27、es into force is to _Alimit peoples trade in ocean animals meatBprotect some species of sharks against overfishingClet fishers know the importance of protecting sharksDprevent big hotels from serving sharks meat解析:细节理解题。根据第一、二段内容可知,实施新规定的目的是保护五种鲨鱼和比目鱼,只有获得许可,人们才可以捕捞和贩卖这些鲨鱼。答案:B9Which of the followin

28、g doesnt belong to species of sharks?AThe manta ray.BThe porbeagle.CThe whitetip.DThe hammerhead.解析:细节理解题。根据第二段“According to the rules,the whitetip,the porbeagle,and three varieties of hammerhead will be protected.Besides,manta rays.”可知,比目鱼不属于鲨鱼。答案:A10What can be inferred from John Scanlons words in

29、 Paragraph 4?AThe regulation may have some negative effects on sharks.BThe export of sharks meat will be called off in some periods.CIts nearly impossible to carry out the regulation worldwide.DOfficials are confident that the regulations have a promising future.解析:推理判断题。根据第四段“This may seem challeng

30、ing,but by working together we can do it and we will do it.”可知,约翰认为虽然很具有挑战性,但是只要人们一起努力,保护鲨鱼的行动就会成功,由此可推知,官方对新规定的前景很看好。答案:D11Hilton Worldwide is a good example of _Apeoples getting their permits to trade in shark finsBa successful companys managing its wealthCpeoples beginning to stop eating shark fi

31、nsDpeoples raising awareness to protect sharks解析:推理判断题。根据第六段内容可知,随着保护鲨鱼意识的提高,鲨鱼交易已经大幅度减少了。希尔顿酒店停止向顾客出售鱼翅,这给提高保护鲨鱼意识做出了好的表率。答案:DDSnooker(桌球) is a billiards(台球) style game enjoyed by millions of people around the world.But how did this game come into being?The birth of Snooker comes from the 19th cent

32、ury when British Army officers stationed in India.These officers often played billiards but the game only had two players.In order to play with many players, more balls were introduced to the match and more players began to play in each game.The new games that formed were called Black Pool and Life Pool.They finally combined i

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