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本文(新牛津深圳版初中英语九年级上册Unit 1 Wise men in history 优质课公开课教案7.docx)为本站会员(b****6)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

新牛津深圳版初中英语九年级上册Unit 1 Wise men in history 优质课公开课教案7.docx

1、新牛津深圳版初中英语九年级上册Unit 1 Wise men in history 优质课公开课教案7Unit 1 Wise men in history【知识要点】 必记单词golden adj. 金的;金色的 Olympics n. pl.奥运会agreement n. 同意;应允 pot n. 罐doubt v. 不能肯定;对没把握 real adj. 真的;正宗的truth n. 真相;实情 seem v. 好像;似乎solve v. 解决;处理 fill v. 装满;注满bowl n. 碗;盆 brave adj. 勇敢的;无畏的metal n. 金属 certain adj. 确定

2、的;肯定的prison n. 监狱;牢狱 hit v. (hit,hit)(用手或器具)击;打correct adj. 准确无误的;正确的 mistake n. 错误less det.(与不可数名词连用)较少的;更少的 常考短语in ancient Greece 在古希腊(be) happy with(对某人或事物)满意的 = be pleased/satisfied with fillwith 用把装满 think about = consider 考虑;思考 be filled with=be full of 充满;装满 run over 溢出 ask sb for sth 向某人要某物

3、onethe other 一个另一个send sb to prison 把某人关进监狱 tell the truth 说实话make sure 确保;设法保证 something else 别的东西 bothand 和都 be made of +看得见的原材料 由制成 be made from +看不见的原材料 由制成be made by + sb. 被某人制成 课文解析1. At first, he was very happy with it. (1) at first 起初 辨析:at first与first of allat first起初;当初相当于at the beginning,

4、与后来发生的事相对照,其反义词组为at last(最后,终于)first of all首先,第一相当于first,表示顺序,是时间上或一系列行动的开始,后面往往接next,then等 At first I didnt want to go,but I soon changed my mind. 起初我不想去,可是不久我改变了主意。 First of all,open the windows,then turn off the gas,and if necessary,call an ambulance. 首先,打开窗子,然后关掉煤气,如果需要,叫一辆救护车。 (2) be happy with

5、 sb./sth 意为“对某人或事物满意的”,=be pleased/satisfied with sb./sth His teacher is happy with him. 他的老师对他很满意。 She is happy with what Ive done. 她对我做的很满意。2. Later, however, he began to doubt that it was a real golden crown. (1) however然而 辨析:however与but,二者都有“然而,但是”的意思,其区别如下: however“然而;不过”,比较正式,可以放在分句之首、之中或之尾;其前

6、面或 后面要用逗号隔开,如在句中,其前后都要加逗号。 Its raining hard,however,theyre still working in the field. 雨下得很大,然而他们仍然在地里干活。 but“但是”,表示很明显的对比,转折的意味比however要强,从语序上看,but 总是置于引出的分句之首。 Id like to go swimming with you,but I have to tidy the garden now. 我很想和你一起去游泳,但是我现在必须整理花园。 (2) begin to do sth.意为“开始做某事”,同义词组为begin doing

7、sth.。 When can I begin to work? 我什么时候能开始工作呢? When I got there,the singer had already begun singing. 当我到那儿时,歌手已经开始唱歌了。 (3) doubt此处用作及物动词,意为“不能肯定,对无把握”。 He doubts the truth of the news. 他怀疑那件新闻的真实性。 I dont doubt that shell come. 她一定来,我不怀疑。 【拓展】doubt用作不及物动词,意为“怀疑”,其后常接of,about。 She doubts about everyth

8、ing. 她对一切都怀疑。 He doubts of his success. 他怀疑他能否成功。 doubt后接宾语从句时,名词从句用if/whether引导,名词从句也可用that引导。I doubt if/whether she will keep her word. 我怀疑她是否会遵守诺言。I dont doubt that we will win. 我们会获胜是没有疑问的。 (4) real形容词,意为“真的,正宗的”,其副词形式为really。 This is a real dog,not a toy. 那是一条真正的狗,不是玩具狗。 辨析:real与truereal强调客观存在,

9、并非想象的或虚构的,即某物外表与实质之间有一致性Christmas Father isnt a real person.圣诞老人不是真实的人物。true强调事实与实际情况相符,并非杜撰、捏造的,符合一定标准、一定模式Is it true that he is dead? 他死了,是真的吗?3. “Is it made completely of gold?”he wondered. be made of 由制成。 辨析:be made of与 be made frombe made of看得出原材料The table is made of wood. 这张桌子是由木头做成的be made fr

10、om看不出原材料The wine is made from grain. 这酒是用粮食酿造的。 【中考链接】 Books are made paper while paper is mainly made wood. A. of;of B. from;from C. of;from D. from;of4.“This problem seems difficult to solve. What should I do?”thought Archimedes. seem用作连系动词,意为“似乎,好像”,本句中后接形容词作表语,这种用法较 常见,可以和seem to be相互转换。 He seem

11、s very angry. = He seems to be very angry. 他好像非常生气。 用作实意动词,可接to do sth He seems to sing. 他似乎在唱歌。5. Archimedes was still thinking about this problem as he filled his bath with water. fillwith 意为“用把装满”,其被动语态形式为be filled with,相当于 be full of6. so Im certain that its not completely made of gold. certain用

12、作形容词,意为“确定的,肯定的”。 常用结构: be certain+从句 一定Im not certain where he lives. 我不敢肯定他住在哪儿。 be certain to do sth. 肯定要做某事He is certain to finish the task on time. 他肯定会按时完成任务。 be certain of/about sth. 对确信,有把握Were certain of success. 我们有把握成功。 be certain of doing sth. 有把握做某事He is certain of winning the match. 他确

13、信能赢这场比赛。7. Whats wrong with it? Whats wrong (with sb. /sth)?是用来询问“某人发生了什么事情或某物出了什么 毛病/故障”等最常用的句型之一。其同义句型为:Whats the matte/trouble with.? Whats wrong with you? 你怎么了(出什么事了)?8. Thats why Im angry. Thats why. 意为“那就是的原因”,why引导的是表语从句,用陈述语序。 表语从句是在句中作表语的从句,常位于连系动词be,look等的后面。 The alarm clock didnt go off.

14、Thats why he was late for school. 闹钟没有响。那就是他上学迟到的原因。9. How did Archimedes discover the truth? 辨析:discover与invent 这两个词都用作及物动词,都指人们首先见到新鲜事物,但含义不同。discover发现指发现或偶然发现原本存在的,但一直未被认识或不为人知的东西invent发明指创造发明出新的、原来并不存在的东西 Recently they discovered gold. 最近他们发现了黄金。 Edison invented the electric light bulb. 爱迪生发明了电

15、灯泡。10. However,Helen,a brave woman,wanted to watch her son run. watch sb. do sth 意为“看某人做了某事或经常做某事”,表示看见动作发生、进行 的全过程。其中do为省略to的不定式,作宾语补足语。 I watched her go out of the room just now. 刚才我看到她从房间里出来了。注意:Watch sb. doing sth. 意为“看某人正在做某事”,表示看见动作正在进行。其中doing为现在分词,作宾语补足语。 He stopped to watch us working. 他停下来

16、看我们干活。 【拓展】和watch用法相同的动词(组)还有see, hear, make, feel, notice, look at 等。 Did you hear Jack call you? 你听见杰克叫你了吗?(动作结束)We often hear the girl sing English songs. 我们经常挺大了那个女孩唱英文歌曲。(动作经常发生) I heard the song wind blowing when it was raining heavily. 下大雨的时候我听见狂风呼啸。(动作正在进行) 11. When you have written somethin

17、g, you should check your work to make sure the spelling, grammar and punctuation are all correct. (1) make sure意为“确保,设法保证”,后可接宾语从句或of短语。 Make sure that they know nothing about our plan. 绝对不能让他们知道我们的计划。 They scored another goal and make sure of victory. 他们又进了一个球,这就赢定了。 (2) correct 此处用作形容词(=right),意为“

18、正确的”,其副词为correctly(正确地)。 【拓展】correct用作动词,意为“改正;纠正” correct the mistakes 改正错误12. write what kind of mistake it is mistake 用作可数名词,意为“错误”,常用短语:make a mistake /mistakes 犯错; by mistake 错误地 Youve made several grammatical mistakes in the composition. 你在作文中犯了几处语法错误。 I got on the wrong bus by mistake. 我搭错了公共

19、汽车。 【拓展】mistake还可用作动词,意为“弄错,搞错”。常用短语:mistake for “把误认为” She didnt speak very clearly, so I mistook what she said. 她说话不是很清楚,所以我误解了她的意思。 He is often mistaken for a famous actor. 他常常被误认为是个名演员。13. However, no one could find a scale large enough. enough此处用作副词,意为“足够地”,修饰形容词或副词时,要放在其后。He runs quickly enoug

20、h. 他跑得足够快。Its warm enough in the room. 屋子里够暖和了。 enough后常接(for+名词/代词+)to do sth.,意为“足够做某事”。The box is light enough for the boy to carry. 这个箱子足够轻,这个男孩能搬动。 enough作形容词修饰名词时,可放在其前,也可放在其后。 We have enough money.(=We have money enough.) 我们有足够的钱。 【能力提升】.英汉互译。 happy with 2. fillwith 3. send to prison 4. b

21、e certain 5. be made of 6. 溢出 7.古希腊 8.解决问题 9.找出真相 10.一顶金皇冠 .英英释义。1. The bottle is filled with oil,so please be careful. A. is fulled with B. is full of C. is fulled with D. is fulled of2. Lucy often fools her younger brother,which makes her parents angry. A. cheats B. beats C. tricks D. Forgives3. I

22、t is said that his new book consists of nine chapters. A. is made up of B. is connected to C. is covered with D. is located in4. He always cheats her. I doubt whether he will marry her. A. feel sure B. know C. am not sure D. make no sure5. This problem is too difficult for me to solve. A. write down

23、 B. find the correct answer C. understand D. speak.根据句意及首字母或汉语提示写出单词,完成句子。1. However, he began to d that it was a real golden crown.2. She desires the g ring for herself.3. I am c that its not completely made of gold.4. No one knew which woman was telling the t .5. Im quite in (同意) with your decisio

24、n.6. The police sent him to (监狱).7. He is weak in grammar, and often makes m .8. I cant s the problem alone. Can you help me?9. Is this (真的) gold?10. He is a (勇敢的) boy.用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空。1. She wore a (gold) necklace.2. Have you done it? Tell me the (true).3. We have (little) rain this year than usual.

25、4. He seems (know) everything.5. Yesterday she (hit) him on the head.6. He was (send) to prison for six years.7. If you can give the (correction) questions, you will get a gift from the host.8. This problem seems difficult (solve).9. -Dont touch the papers. - (certain), Ill not let the papers be tou

26、ched.10. Archimedes asked the king for some gold of the same (weigh).单项选择。1. He used to to school late, but now he doesnt. A. go B. going C. went D. goes2. Please the glass milk. A. fill;in B. filling;with C. fills;to D. fill;with3. All the Chinese people must work hard China Dream. A. to realize B.

27、 realize C. realizing D. realized4. The teacher asked us football on the street. A. dont play B. not play C. not to play D. to not play5. -Have you read todays newspaper? -No, I havent. Is there in it? A. something important B. anything special C. new anything D. important something6. His teacher is

28、nt happy his explanation. A. to B. in C. from D. with7. Pudong International Airport is one of airports in the world. A. big B. bigger C. biggest D. the biggest8. Look at the smog (雾霾). bad weather it is! A. How a B. How C. What D. What a9. The maths problem is so hard. I really dont know what . A.

29、do B. to do C. doing D. did10. Dont jump to a conclusion! Lets the problem first. A. to discuss B. discussed C. discussing D. discuss.从方框中选择适当的单词填空,补全句子。A. aloud B. between C. sweep D. twice E. Polite F. friendly1. Its not to make noise in the movie theater.2. The man Mary and Gina is my new English teacher.3. Could you please the floor? Its so dirty.4. Please read the message , so that we can hear you.5. Its a good habit to brush our teeth a day.6. We like our math teacher, because he is very to us.

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