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1、内蒙古中考模拟英语完形填空15篇含答案2018中考英语完形填空15篇(一) Sesame Street is a TV programmed for children. It first appeared in New York 1 1969. It is called the longest street in the world. Thats because the TV programmed by that name can now be seen in so 2 parts of the world. In the US over six million children watch

2、the programmed regularly. The 3 include more than half the nations pre-school (学龄前) children. Parents love the programmed. Many teachers also consider it a great help, 4 some educators are against certain things in it. Tests show children from different 5 have benefited (收益) from watching the progra

3、mmed. Those who watch it five times. 6 week learn more than those who watch it once in a while. In the US the programmer is shown at 7 hours so that more children can watch it. The programmer all 8 songs, stories, jokes and pictures to help children understand numbers, letters and human relationship

4、. But there are some differences. 9 , the programmer made in Mexico City 10 more time to teaching whole words than to teaching letters one by one. Why is Sesame Street more successful than other childrens shows? There 11 many reasons- the good education of its producers, the support 12 the governmen

5、t and businesses, and the skillful use of many TV tricks. Also 13 watch it along with their children. This is partly because famous adult stars often appear on it. But the best reason may be that it makes every child 14 able to learn. Children find themselves learning, and they want to learn 15 ( )1

6、. A. at B. on C. in D. since( )2. A. few B. many C. little D. much( )3. A. viewer B. visitors C. witnesses D. settlers( )4. A. and B. so C. though D. or( )5. A. films B. cartoons C. stories D. backgrounds( )6. A.a B. an C. the D. 不填( )7. A. the same B. different C. early D. late( )8. A. use B. take

7、C. sing D. do( )9. A. Till now B. As a result C. For example D. In all( )10. A. donates B.costs C.spends D. devotes( )11. A. is B. are C. was D. were( )12. A. for B. with C. about D. from( )13. A. teachers B. doctors C. volunteers D. mothers( )14. A. feel B. to feel C. feeling D. felt( )15. A. many

8、B. much C. more D. most(二) Though it was only October, my students were already talking about Christmas plans. As days went on, everyone became more 1 , waiting for the final school bell. As soon as the bell 2 , everyone would run for their coats and go home except David. David was a small boy in ra

9、gged (破旧的) clothes. I had often 3 why his mother dressed him so poorly for the cold winter months, without a coat, boots or gloves. But something made David 4 I can still remember he was always 5 a smile and liked to help others. He always 6 after school to put chairs away and sweep the floor. We 7

10、talked much. He just smiled and asked vhat else he could do, then thanked me for letting him stay and slowly 8 home. Weeks passed and it was finally the last day of 9 before the holiday began. I smiled happily when the last of them 10 out of the door. When I turned around, I saw David 11 standing by

11、 my desk. I have something for you, he said and 1 2 from behind his back a small box. He asked me to open it quickly. I unwrapped (解开) it but saw nothing in it. I looked at Davids smiling face and back into the box and said, The box is nice, David, but its 13 Oh no, it isnt, said David, Its full of

12、love. My mum told me before she died that love is something you cant see or touch unless you know its there. Tears filled my eyes 14 I looked at the proud dirty face which I had 15 paid attention to. I never forget the meaning from the little box on my desk. After that Christmas, David and I became

13、good friends.( )1. A. polite B. serious C. impatient D. calm( )2. A. warned B. rang C. called D. shouted( )3. A. known B. wondered C. realized D. learned( )4.A.strange B. unhappy C. different D. funny( )5. A. treating B. feeling C. wearing D. sharing( )6. A. practiced B. forced C. studied D. stayed(

14、 )7. A. never B. often C. always D. almost( )8. A. left B. rushed C. turned D. returned( )9. A. school B. year D. program( )10. A. hurried B. jumped C. walked D. jogged( )11. A. carelessly B. sadly C. quietly D. helplessly( )12. A. searched B. found C. lifted D. pulled( )13. A. cheap B.

15、empty C. useless D. expensive( )14. A. when B. until C. though D. because( )15. A specially B. nearly C, hardly D. carefully(三)Santa Can Come Before Christmas It was last June. I entered a supermarket to pick some vegetables, when a youngman asked me, Can you tell me where the 1 counter is? Well, th

16、e milk is in the lower right corner, I replied. Picking up my things, I finally came to the milk counter where I met the sameman 2 almost 10 bottles of milk. I asked, Do you need a basket or a trolley? Sure, thank you. he answered. I was 3 he was still picking more bottles and after a few minutes hi

17、s trolleyhad 24 bottles of milk.I laughed and asked, Why so many bottles? Trolley He smiled and said, These are for my street dogs. Today, I want to be a Santa 4 them. I said, Well, its too 5 for you to be a Santa. It is still June and Christmas comes in December. He 6 at me and walked a few steps,

18、as if he wanted to say something but he left the counter witbout saying anything. 7 , We met again at the bread counter. So these bread and cakes are also for the street 8 , Mr Santa. He smiled and said, Yes. These are also for the dogs and I love to be Mr Santa in the month of June. Santa is a repr

19、esentation (象征) of surprises and 9 Santa comes in December as we 10 him around Christmas. But in real life there is a Santa in each one of us that shines through our personality at some point of time, no matter which 11 it is. Maybe when you offered help to me by getting me a trolley, there was a 12

20、 Santa in you. When we offer food to a poor man or a(n) 13 to someone who is caught in the rain, we are being Santa there. So when you offer help to others or get help from others, just think that Santa has come all the way for you. He left and I was 14 that I had met him. It was right to understand

21、 that Santa can come before Christmas. We just need to realize that he is around us by 15 happiness and unconditional love.( )1. A. vegetable B. milk C. bread D. fish( )2. A. putting B. choosing C. holding D. bringing( )3. A. sad B. excited C. angry D. surprised( )4.A. for B. on C. of D. by( )5. A.

22、easy B. early C. helpful D. important( )6. A. pointed B. laughed C. shouted D. turned( )7. A. Luckily B. Suddenly C. Hopefully D. Naturally( )8. A. dogs B. cats C. mice D. birds( )9. A. love B. success C. friendship D. honor( )10. A. call B. show C. expect D. invite( )11. A. day B. week C. month D.

23、year( )12. A. lost B. frozen C. forgotten D. hidden( )13. A. camera B. umbrella C. apple D. box( )14. A. unhappy B. disappointed C. happy D. nervous( )15. A. storing B. facing C. spreading D. increasing(四) It was my daughters first day of school. I knew that she would be 1 in a few minutes, because

24、she always did that when she was worried about new environment. On the way to 2 I told her repeatedly how 3 her new school life would be and hoped she would feel 4 However, when she saw the large group of students everywhere, her face at once fell and the tears came to her 5 You can do this, sweetie

25、. Everyone has a 6 in line lets go to find yours. We lined up to 7 the school.Just as she was about to hold on to my leg, her friend from preschool 8 next to her. Suddenly, she became 9 and reached out for her friends hand. And as the teacher began to 10 them all into the school, she wasnt crying, b

26、ut smiling. To tell the truth, 1 was 11 to say goodbye when I saw those little feet walk into that big building. I hid the tears behind my sunglasses and waved my hand as she walked inside. All day I 12 what she was doing. As I waited to pick her up, I felt like a child standing in line to meet Sant

27、a. I didnt cry again, Mommy, she said 13 , showing me her backpack full of can&es. During two hours of listening to the details of her 14 , we laughed and talked about all the 15 she had on the first school day. I knew my daughter has grown up.( )1. A.laughing B.sleeping C.crying D.waiting( )2. A. h

28、ospital C. park )3. A. amazing B.peaceful C. valuable D. important( )4. B.relaxed C. interested D.proud( )5. A.nose B.ears C. mouth D. eyes( )6. C. list D. picture( )7. A.leave B.pass C. enter D.find( )8. A.pulled B.complained C.sat D.stood( )9. A.honest B. a

29、ctive C.shy D.generous( )10. A.walk B.send C. rush D.push( )11. A.calm B.happy C. unwilling D.surprised( )12. A.suggested B.asked C.knew D.wondered( )13. A.shyly B.excitedly C. politely D.seriously( )14. A. day; B.week C. month D.year( )15. A.experiences B.friends C.classes D.excuses(5) A first-grad

30、e student whose best friend is battling cancer thought that hours of playing and telling jokes was not enough-he wanted to show his buddy just how he understood the 1 time he was going through. Seven-year-old Vincent Butterfield 2 the only way was to cut off his hair in support of his best friend Za

31、c who lost his hair through chemotherapy (化疗). Zac Gossage is receiving treatment but 3 goes to school every day, 4 thats where he gets to play on the swing with Vincent. Vincent found out that Zac might 5 his hair because of the chemotherapy treatment. So one day, he showed up in the first-grade class wearing a 6 He said to his teacher Mrs Koester, I have a surprise for Zac. And he pulled off his cap and other 7 saw that he already had all his hair 8 off. I did it just to make Zac feel hes not the only one without any 9 said Vincent. Vincent has also raised money for h

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