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1、美国德克萨斯州驾驶考试资料中英对照word版美国德克萨斯州驾驶考试模拟题及相关资料 中英对照理论部分:License & License Related 驾照相关内容Your drivers license may be suspended for causing one serious accident。出现严重的事故,你的驾照会被暂停。Your license may be suspended or revoked for letting someone use your license。让别人使用你的驾照,你的驾照将被暂停或吊销。If a policeman requests you t

2、o take a test to see if you are driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, and you refuse, your license will be suspended for 6 months.当警察要求你参加酒精或药物测试,你拒绝,你的驾照将被暂停 6 个月。When a parent signs the application of a minor for a drivers license, the parent and the teenager assume responsibility.当父母签字

3、同意未成年人参加驾驶考试时,家长和未成年人均承担相应责任。An instruction permit is good for 1 year from the applicants next birthday.家长的同意一年有效,截止于申请人的下一个生日。申请人为未成年人A provisional license is issued to a person under 18 years of age 18 岁以下的申请人只能申请临时驾照。The minimum age to obtain a drivers license is 16 years old申请驾照的最低年龄为 16 岁。Parki

4、ng Rules 泊车1. A vehicle should never park within 15 ft of a fire hydrant (ca. 4 m)在消防龙头 15 英尺内不能泊车。1 英尺=0.3048 米 15 英尺大约 4.6 米Do not park within 30 feet of a traffic light or stop sign交通信号灯、停止信号stop sign30 英尺内不能泊车。30 英尺大约 9 米Parallel parking is a test of maneuverability (6” to 18” from the curb)平行停车

5、考察的是对车的操控能力。距离路缘石 6-18 英寸 1 英寸in=2.54 厘米cm因此 15cm-45cmWhen parking near a corner, you may park your car no closer than 20 feet from the crosswalk在路口停车,泊车应距离人行横道至少 20 英尺。20 英尺 大约 6 米When parking on a hill headed down, it is best to turn your front wheels to the curb在山坡下坡路泊车,最好将前轮转向路沿石。Traffic Lights,

6、 Sign Lights 交通信号If blinded by an approaching car at night, it is best to slow and look at the white line by the edge of the road夜间行车时当对面行进车辆大灯耀眼时,最好减速慢行并将目光转向路缘的白线。A driver waiting to make a left turn at a solid green light should yield to all coming vehicles绿灯前准备左转的车辆让其他车辆先行。A flashing yellow ligh

7、t means caution, slow down黄灯闪烁提示小心,减速慢行A flashing red light means always to stop红灯闪烁提示停车You are required by law to turn your headlights on for night driving hour after sunset untilhour before sunrise根据法律规定,你应在日落后半小时直至日出前半小时将大灯打开。The lights on your car must be turned on anytime day or night when pers

8、ons or vehicles cannot be clearly seen for 1000 ft.当车前 1000 英尺的车辆行人无法看清时,无论白天或黑夜,均应该打开大灯。300 米When meeting a school bus which has stopped to load or unload students you must stop and wait until the flashing red lights go off当前方遇到校车停车上下学生时,必须停车等候直至闪烁的红灯熄灭。When driving in fog you can see better by usi

9、ng low beam headlights雾天行车时,使用 前雾灯可改善视野。At night a driver should dim their headlights when an oncoming car comes within 500 feet夜间行车时,前方 500 英尺有车会车时,应使用近光灯 150 米。A green arrow at a traffic light means you are protected to carefully go in the direction the arrow shows前方绿色箭头亮时,你可以沿箭头方向行车。注意安全。Speed &

10、Speed Related 行车速度When choosing your driving speed the most important things to consider are condition of the weather, traffic, road, light, vehicle and of the driver选择驾驶速度最重要的是要考虑天气、交通状况、光线、车况及驾驶员本身的情况。Under ordinary circumstances a car with good brakes going 50 mph can be stopped within 229 ft.正常情

11、况下,时速 50M的车在刹车系统良好的情况下, 刹车距离不大于 229 英尺。70 米The speed limit in a school zone during restricted hours is 20 mph在学校附近时速不得超过 20M。If a child ran into the road 60 feet ahead of your car, the highest speed from which you could stop with good brakes before hitting him would be 20 mph如果有孩子跑到车前 60 英尺约 18 米的地方

12、,假定刹车系统良好的情况下,车的时速不超过 20M,方能确保不撞到。At 50 mph the average driver, from the moment he sees danger until he applies the brakes, will travel about 110 feet (reaction distance)反应距离:车速 50M 时,普通驾驶员从看到危险到踩刹车,车子前行约 110 英尺。34 米注意:车子刚开始停。When approaching an intersection, bridge or railroad crossing, you should

13、never pass on the left half of the roadway or change lanes within 100 feet十字路口、桥梁、铁路路口 100 英尺30 米内, 不得变换车道及占用左面路面。At 60 mph your field of vision is reduced to about 1/5 of what it is when you are still速度 60M 时,你的视野将减小到静止时的 1/5.The top speed limit, day or night, in TX is 70 mph德州的最高时速为 70M.The main c

14、ausing of skidding is bad driving judgment (+ speed)车辆打滑的主要原因为错误的判断和超速。Fines & Financial 罚款Proof of financial responsibility must be shown by a driver involved in an accident resulting in personal injury or property damage in excess of $1,000当涉及导致人员受伤及超过$1,000 的财产损失的事故时,驾驶员需提交财产证明。The most a person

15、can be fined for a 2nd conviction of driving while intoxicated is $4,000. The 1st is $2,000醉酒驾驶第一次罚款$2,000,第二次罚款$4,000。3. The maximum fine for the 1st conviction of driving without a license is $200无证驾驶第一次被抓最高罚款$200。If you are required to show financial responsibility then such proof must be kept fo

16、r 2 years当你需要提供财产证明时,需要保留该证明 2 年。类似银行证明,需要冻结?Right-of-Way, Pavement Signs & Related 路权、交通标志A yellow line in the center of the street means the road has two-way traffic路中央的黄线意味着为双向车道。Intersection controlled by traffic light/signs: yield to vehicle on multi-lane highway有交通信号控制的十字路口,通过路口注意避让其他车道 multi-

17、lane highway 的车辆。Intersection not controlled by traffic light/signs: yield to vehicle on right没有交通信号的十字路口,注意避让右侧车辆。A traffic officer must be obeyed at all times, even if he tells you to do something which is ordinarily considered against the law!听从交通警察的命令,哪怕他的命令与日常交通规则相违背。A solid yellow line on your

18、 side of the center stripe means do not pass (any solid line for thatmatter)不能超越黄色实线。实线一般都不能超越On a three-lane road with traffic going in both directions the center lane is used for left turns only.有三条车道的双向车道,中间车道仅用于左转。On multiple lane highways slow drivers should drive in the right lane在多车道的高速公路上,行驶

19、慢得车辆应在右道行驶。If you are driving on an unpaved road you must yield to all vehicles on a paved road在没有铺好路面的车道上行驶的车辆应避让铺好路面的车辆。When approaching a “T” intersection you must yield to all vehicles on through street当接近 T 型路口时,应避让直行车辆。The driver of a car on the access or feeder road must yield to all traffic

20、exiting the freeway支线上的的车辆应当避让高速路上直行的车辆You must yield right-of-way at a 4-way stop to the first car stopped or the car on your right在四个方向都停止的路口十字路口,必须请先停的车辆或右侧路口的车辆先行。4-way-stop 是一个请求自律、守秩序的路牌,而且他有一个训练作用。在一个十字路口上,四个方向的来车都要停车,然后按照先到先走的规则依次通过交叉口。这种规则的实施主要靠司机自身的自律以及其他方向上司机的监督。虽然比平日慢,但交通比较有序。如果人们养成了 4-w

21、ay-stop 的习惯,即使信号灯发生了意外,大家也能够比较有序的通过路口了。除了 4-way-stop 外,也有 3-way 和 5-way,通行规则与 4-way-stop 相同。12. Crossing a solid white line should be avoided, as well as double line不要穿越白色实线,以及双线Various RulesLast year (2003) traffic accidents in TX killed about 4,000 people 2003 年德州有 4,000 人死于交通事故。If you move, you s

22、hould report your change of address to the DPS within 30 days如果搬迁,必须在 30 天内将变更地址向 DPS 报告。Pedestrians using white canes are usually blind手持白色手杖的行人往往是盲人。After passing another car on a two-lane road, you can best judge when it is safe to return back into the right lane when you can see the overtaken ca

23、rs headlights in your rear-view mirror在一条双行线超车后,返回原路线时,只有当你在后视镜中能够后车的前灯时,方才安全。When you hear a siren coming, you should move to the right edge of the road and stop, if possible. Do not block intersections当听到警笛声时,应靠右停车。不要停到十字路口。The most important thing in backing a car is looking back carefully倒车时最重要的

24、是仔细观察。When driving down a steep hill, you should shift to low gear当从陡峭的山路下坡时,请挂低档。If you should have an accident in which someone is injured, you should examine he injured with great care and send for skilled help假设你发生事故使人受伤,你应当细致检查伤者,并迅速送医寻求专业的医疗帮助When driving long distances you should rest 10 minu

25、tes for every 2 hours of driving长途驾驶,每两个小时应休息 10 分钟。If you run off the pavement, you should steer straight and slow down before attempting to return to the pavement当不慎驶出道路时,应保持前向并减速,然后再驶回道路It is usually safe to get out of the car on the curb side of street从路沿石侧下车一般相对安全。If you must walk on the roadwa

26、y, you should walk on the left side to see oncoming cars or on a sidewalk whenever possible如果你必须在行车道步行,应该走路的左侧以方便看到对面的来车,有人行道时走人行道。If you have a blow-out while driving you should: take your foot off the accelerator, grasp thesteering wheel hard and slow to a stop行车时假设发生爆胎,应将脚从油门上拿开,紧握方向盘,慢慢停车。Cars r

27、egistered in TX must be inspected once a year (State inspection)德州登记的车辆必须每年接受检查州检查If you run over or hit someone and kill them while driving under the influence of alcohol, the penalty will be involuntary manslaughter当你酒后 驾车撞倒某人并致人死亡,将被处以过失杀人罪。You may lawfully allow an object to extend beyond the le

28、ft fender of your car only 3 inches合法的载物不能超过车左侧挡板 3 英寸。约 7.5cm 1 英寸=2.54cmYour chances of being injured when not wearing your seat belt are 5 times greater不系安全带受伤的几率是带安全带的五倍。The minimum tread depth for tires is 2/32 of an inch轮胎的花纹不得少于 1 英寸的 2/32Warning signs are a diamond shape and are yellow or or

29、ange警告标志是钻石形的菱形,颜色为黄色或橙色。If another driver crowds you in traffic, you should move out of your lane to avoid an accident如果另外的驾驶员强行并道,为防止事故你应让出你的车道让速不让道?A minor is someone under the age of 21.未成人人是指小于 21 岁。When you wish to make a turn you should signal at least 100 feet before the intersection and be

30、in the correct lane half block before the intersection转弯时,应在十字路口前 100 英尺约 30 米处打转向灯,十字路口前半个街区走到正确的路上。德州驾驶员血液中酒精浓度不得高于 0.08。数字:时速与刹车距离和视野变化Driving speed 时速 MPHApproximatestoppingyour field of visiondistances 刹车距离英尺视野变化018020632/330109401642/550229603031/570387时速方面child 60 ft. ahead of car can brake s

31、afely at20 mph车前 60 英尺有儿童,能安全刹车的时速top speed school zone20 mph学校附近最高时速at night, dim headlights for oncoming car500 ft 约 150 米within 夜间行车,对面有车,应开启近光灯的距离applying brakes at a danger situation atcar will travel about50 mph 时速 50M,遇到紧急情况,从110 ft before stop刹车到停下的距离为,intersection, bridge, railroad crossingno passing 100 ft.靠近十字路口、桥梁、铁路路口100 英尺内不能超车30 米top speed in TX70 mphParking Rules 泊车规

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