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1、江西省抚州市临川区第十中学学年八年级英语上学期期中试题人教新目标版江西省抚州市临川区第十中学2016-2017学年八年级英语上学期期中试题 听力部分(27分)一听力测试(27分)A) 请听下面8段对话,每段对话后有一小题,从题中所给的ABC三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。(每题1分)( ) 1.Why cant Sonia go to the movies with Sam?A. She has to study for a test. B. She has to do her homework.C. She has to go to the piano lessons.( ) 2.

2、What does the man like?A. Seeing operas. B. Seeing films. C. Meeting fans(粉丝)( ) 3. What is the relationship(关系) between the two speaker?A. Teacher and student. B. Mother and son. C. Classmates.( ) 4. What is the film about?A. Storm(暴风雨). B. The moon. C. Aliens(外星人)( ) 5. What does Tom have to do th

3、is afternoon?A. Study at home. B. Go to the movies. C. Have a math test.( ) 6. What does the man do twice a month?A. He goes shopping. B. He watches movies. C. He goes the library.( ) 7. What subject is the boy good at?A. English. B. Chinese. C. Math.( ) 8. What did the girl do yesterday?A. She watc

4、hed TV. B. She read a book. C. She listened to music.B) 请听下面4段对话和1段独白,每段对话和独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的ABC三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话或独白读两遍。(每小题1分)( ) 9. What did the boy do last night?A. He played basketball. B. He went to a movie. C. He went shopping.( ) 10. What does the girl want to be?A. A painter. B. A doctor. C. A p

5、olicewoman.请听第2段对话,回答第11至12 小题。( ) 11. Where do they plan to go?A. To Center Park. B. To the Movies Theater. C. To the Movies Museum.( ) 12. How will they get there?A. By bike. B. By bus. C. By taxi.请听第3段对话,回答第13至15小题。( ) 13. What will they do?A. Go shopping. B. Go swimming. C. Go camping.( ) 14. Wh

6、en will they meet?A. At 3:20 p.m. B. At 3:00 p.m. C. At 3:30 p.m.( ) 15. How will they get there?A. On foot. B. By bus. C. By train.请听第4段对话,回答第16至18 小题。( ) 16. Where is the Globe Theater?A. In New York. B. In Paris. C. In London.( ) 17. What did David think of the play?A. The words were too difficul

7、t. B. It was easy to understand. C. The story was boring.( ) 18. Who likes Romeo and Juliet best?A. Jane. B. David. C. Janes mother.请听独白,回答第19至22 小题。( ) 19. Where did Susan go?A. To a bank. B. To a park. C. To a concert.( ) 20. How was the ticket?A. Expensive. B. Cheap. C. Free.( ) 21. Where does Su

8、san sing?A. In the classroom. B. In front of the house. C. By the lake.( ) 22. How does Susan learn to sing?A. From her parents. B. From her music teacher. C. By herself.C )请听下面短文,根据短文内容完成句子,每空格不超过3个单词。短文读两遍。(每题1分)23. Zhiqings built the tea house in _。24. Today the tea house becomes a _ place.25. Pe

9、ople can learn Chinese opera, food, tea, and Beijing _ in the tea house.26. There is the Big-bowl Tea Restaurant on the _ floor.27. The Big-bowl Tea Restaurant offers(提供) _ old Beijing food and tea.笔试部分(93分)二单项填空(8分)( )28.-Do you often use _ Internet in your free time,Jason? - Yes, I think it is _ r

10、elaxing activity for me. A. an; a. B. an; an. C. the; a. D. the; an. ( )29.-_do you go to see your grandparents?- Sometimes.A. How often B. How much C. How long D. How soon ( )30. -What do you think of you best friend Tony, Peter? -He is so _ that he always has more and newer ideas than others. A. s

11、erious. B. common. C. unlucky. D. creative.( ) 31.We are all _ at the _news.A. exciting, exciting B. excited, excited C. excited, exciting D. exciting, excited( )32. -Is Huang Bo one of the most popular actors in China? -Yes, he is, _ he is not a very handsome man. A. but. B. although. C. because. D

12、. so.( )33. Please be quiet!I have _to tell you. A. something important B. important something. C. nothing important. D. important everything. ( )34. -Did you decide _all of your money to that boy, Mary? - Yes, I never mind _ people in need. A. give; helping. B. to give; helping. C. give; to help. D

13、. to give; to help. ( )35. - Who is _, you or your sister? - My sister. And she is also _ in her class. A. more hard-working; more hard-working. B. the most hard-working; more hard-working. C.the most hard-working; the most hard-working. D.more hard-working; the most hard-working. 三完形填空(25分)A) 先阅读短文

14、,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的ABCD四个选项中选出可以填入相应空白的最佳选项。(每题1分) These years many animals around the world are in danger. Rhinos(犀牛) are one of them. They look a little strange (奇怪的 ) _36_ lovely. Not long ago, three of such animals were “ skilled ” in an Indian park.In the park, there was a rhino family _37_ three,

15、 a 27-year-old mother rhino, a 14-year-old young rhino and a baby rhino . But someone found that all the members _38_ after a terrible lightning strike. Before that, the _39_ lived in the park for more than ten years.Uma Rani, a forest officer in the area, said, “It was an accident.” Ajoy Sen, anoth

16、er officer said. “ Its so _40_ to see the dead bodies of these lovely animals around. I _41_ cant believe they are no more there. _42_ of us loves them so much.”_43_ wild animals might hardly die from lightning strikes, they always have to face (面对) more _44_ from people. These years rhinos are beco

17、ming fewer and fewer because of peoples _45_ . Though the country is _46_ its best to do something, the killing never stops._47 thinks the horns(角) of rhinos can made into important and expensive medicine(药) .So they are always trying to find and kill these animals for _48 In fact, no one is sure if

18、 the medicine can really _49_ well. So to save rhinos, the most important things is to _50_ what people think of them. Do you agree?( )36. A. and B. so C. but. D. or ( )37 A. from B. of C. about. D. at ( )38 A. ran B. lost C. left D. died( )39 A. family B. team. C. group. D. class. ( )40 A. afraid.

19、B. sad. C. bored. D. excided( )41 A. still. B. almost. C. hardly. D. usually( )42 A. None. B. Each. C. All. D. Both. ( )43 A. Although. B. When. C. Before. D. As ( )44 A. air. B. luck. C. laugh. D. danger.( )45 A. reaching. B. playing C. killing D. visiting ( )46 A. using B. planning C. deciding D.

20、trying( )47 A. Everybody B. Somebody C. Anybody D. Nobody ( )48 A. fun B. show. C. sale D. surpise( )49 A. meet. B. grow C. move D. work ( )50 A. stop B. change C. think D. turnB) 先阅读短文,掌握其大意,用方框中所给的词的适当形式填空,每个词限用一次。(每题1分)he fun musician good month later music try but decideLong ago, a king loved mu

21、sic so much that he looked for the world for the best instrument(乐器). One day, a magic(有魔力的) man gave the king a harp(竖琴).The king took it to his house, 51 when he played it, the harp sounded terrible. Many other people 52 it. They also thought that the harp was no use and the king was not happy. He

22、 threw out(扔掉) the harp.A poor little girl 53 found the harp, and even though she didnt know how to play it, she 54 to have a try. She played and played, all the day through, for 55 and years. The music she played that was not very well, but each time it sounded a little 56 .Then one day, suddenly,

23、the harp started to play the most beautiful 57 . It was in fact a magic harp, and could only be played well by someone who would put in the necessary effort(努力).The king heard the music from 58 window, and called the girl to the palace. When the king saw that she was playing his old harp, he was fil

24、led with 59 . At that moment he made the girl his own 60 , giving her and her family many money.四阅读理解(40分)A).阅读下列材料,根据其内容从每题所给的ABCD四个选项中选出最佳选项。(每题2分)A My friend, Dick, has a large police dog. Its name is Jack. Every Saturday afternoon Dick takes Jack for a long walk in the park. Jack likes these lon

25、g walks very much. One Saturday afternoon, a young man came to visit my friend. He stayed a long time. He talked and talked. Soon it was time for my friend to take Jack for a walk. But the man was still there. Jack became very worried. He walked around the room several times and then sat down in fro

26、nt of the man and looked at him. But the man kept talking. Finally Jack could stand it no longer. He went out of the room and came back a few minutes later. He sat down again in front of the man, but this time he held the mans hat in his mouth.61. From the story, we know that Jack is _. A. Dicks goo

27、d friendB. a large police dog C. a young man D. a boy. 62. What does the word “stand” mean in the passage? A.站立B.理解C.忍受D.起立 63. Jack became very worried one afternoon because _. A. he couldnt be taken out for a walk at the usual time. B. a young man came to visit Dick that afternoon. C. Dick walked

28、around his room several times. D. he is afraid of the man . BIm Monica and I am fifteen years old. I would like to tell you some things about a good book, Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul(心灵鸡汤青少年篇). In the book, the authors talked about almost every aspect (方面) of a teenagers life. There are lots o

29、f great stories about pressure, love, studies and friendship. The teenagers who wrote the book showed other teenagers that life is not always fair and can be difficult at times, but they never gave up. One of the stories was about a girl who had no friends and had problems at home. She joined a club

30、, but she thought that the other people didnt like her. So she decided to jump off a bridge. When she was going to put a letter to her parents in the mailbox, she found a letter from one of the club members. That girl wanted to be friends with her. Then she realized that someone really cared about h

31、er and her life. This, and many other stories, showed me that many people care about you, even if you dont know it. Another story helped me look at life in a different way. It showed me that words can hurt other people because it is easy to say things, but it is not easy to take those words back. The

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