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1、美国英语与美国文化课程教学大纲美国英语与美国文化课程教学大纲一、课程基本信息课程代码:16098802课程名称:美国英语与美国文化英文名称:American English and American Culture课程类别:通识课 学 时:32学分:2适用对象: 国际商务等中外联合培养项目班级考核方式:考试先修课程:商务英语阅读II,商务英语写作II二、课程简介美国英语与美国文化专门针对广东财经大学国际商务中外人才培养实验班一年级学生开设的大学英语系列改革课程之一。该课程是在同学们通过雅思考试之后,赴美国学习之前开设的一门桥梁课程,以认识和解读美国文化为切入点,深化语言学习与文化学习的内涵关联

2、,提升学习语言的实效和在真实世界中的应用能力。在提高学生文化意识的基础上,提高学生的跨文化交际能力和批判性思维能力,为他们的留学生活做好准备。同时,在教学过程中融入思想政治教育,引导学生批判性地学习西方文化,增强学生的民族文化认同感和自信心,不仅学会用英语看世界,更学会用英语讲好中国故事。 该课程持续8周,每周4节课,共32学时。教学采取以学生为中心, 教师讲授为引导,学生阅读与主题讨论为辅助的模式;将面授与机助学习,课内讲授和课后自主学习紧密结合起来。本课程的教学评估包括形成性评估和终结性评估。 American English and American Culture is a compu

3、lsory course for non-English freshmen from the experimental classes of our Sino-foreign cultivating programs. The course takes the American culture as the breakthrough point and enhances the connotation between American English and American culture to help students improve their ability of language

4、using in the real world. On the basis of improving students cultural awareness, students intercultural communicative competence and critical thinking ability should be improved so as to prepare for their study abroad. Furthermore, the ultimate purpose of this course is to urge them to become high-en

5、d bilingual talents with international views.The course lasts for one semester, 32 periods in all. The teaching process consists of lectures by teachers, in-class and out-of-class reading and discussing by students. The evaluation of this course includes formative assessment and final assessment.三、课


7、良好的跨文化意识和世界意识,具备良好的文化包容性和批判性,增强民族文化自信,教育学生爱党爱国,热爱中国文化。四、教学内容及要求 第一章 United States:the Land and the People(一)目的与要求In this unit students will: become more aware of American location and size, geographical features, natural resources, climate and seven state regions; learn about the history of the earl

8、ier settlers and immigrants to the U.S.;Recognize the main influences major immigrants have had on American English vocabulary; understand the images of America - Metaphors for America;find out the major racial and ethnic groups.(二)教学内容1主要内容1) American location and size, geographical features, natur

9、al resources, and climate;2) Seven state regions;3) History of the earlier settlers and immigrants to the U.S.;4) The main influences immigrants have had on American English vocabulary;5) The images of America - Metaphors for America;6)Major racial and ethnic groups.2. 基本概念和知识点1) American location,

10、size, geographical features and climate;2) Seven state regions: A. New England;B. The Middle Atlantic;C. The Northeast;D. The South; E. The Midwest; F. The Southwest; G. The West3) History of the earlier settlers and immigrants to the U.S.: A. The first Americans: the IndiansB. Earlier Immigrants. T

11、he Discovery and Settlement. Enduring Settlements a. The first enduring settlementb. The second enduring settlement c. The third enduring settlementd. The fourth enduring settlement C. Immigration Waves 4) The main influences immigrants have had on American English vocabulary: A. Words from Germany:

12、 noodle, pretzel, etc.; B. Words from Dutch: Santa Claus, boss, bedspread, dumb, etc.;5) The images of America - Metaphors for America: A. A Nation of Nations B. Melting Pot C. Salad Bowl6) Major racial and ethnic groups: A. American Indians B. Anglo-Saxon Americans C. Non-WASP Whites D. Blacks C. H

13、ispanics3问题与应用(能力要求)1)Why do younger generations prefer the image of Salad Bowel/Mosaic to the image of Melting Pot?2) What do you think of the advantages and disadvantages of the fact that the U.S is made up of people from so many different cultural backgrounds?3) What were the main economic factor

14、s that led many early immigrants to go to America? What political and religious reasons caused people to emigrate from Europe to America?(三)思考与实践1) Try to sort out some reasons for the decline of European immigration and the rise of Asian and Latin Immigration to the US. Are those reasons closely re

15、lated to economic elements?2) As many immigrants left Europe to America to escape political or religious persecutions, this was bound to influence their ideas on the kind of society and government they wanted to have in America. What do you think those ideas were?(四)教学方法与手段本章教学主要采用的方法和手段: 课堂讲授、多媒体教学

16、、团队合作、分组讨论、课堂讨论。第二章 Basic American Values and Beliefs(一)目的与要求In this unit students will: become more aware of American national characteristics; understand basic American values and beliefs.(二)教学内容2主要内容1) American national characteristics;2) basic American values and beliefs.2. 基本概念和知识点1) American n

17、ational characteristics;A. A People on the Move B. Risk-takers and Experimenters C. Informality D. Truth vs Courtesy E. Criticizing Authority F. Americans Think from Small to Large G. Americans attitude towards time2) Basic American values and beliefs;A. Individual Freedom and Self-Reliance B. Equal

18、ity of Opportunity and Competition C. Material Wealth and Hard Work 3) What influences American national characteristics, basic American values and beliefs bring to American English? A. Expressions about time: Time is money; B. Expressions about change; C. Expressions about self. 3 问题与应用(能力要求)Why ma

19、terial worship?(三)思考与实践 Name and explain some of the most important American characteristics that you think we Chinese lack but which are or should be very important to us.(四)教学方法与手段本章教学主要采用的方法和手段: 课堂讲授、多媒体教学、团队合作、分组讨论、课堂讨论。第三章 American Political and Government System(一)目的与要求In this unit students wi

20、ll: know more about American Constitution; familiarize American Federal Government; become more aware of American Bipartisan Politics; understand American Presidential Elections.(二)教学内容1主要内容1) American Constitution;2) American Federal Government; 3) American Bipartisan Politics;4) American President

21、ial Elections.2. 基本概念和知识点1) American Constitution: A. Key Concepts in the ConstitutionB. Provisions for Amendment2) American Federal Government:A. The Legislative Brancha. Bicameral Congressb. Qualifications of Members of Congressc. Powers of Congress B. The executive Brancha. The Presidencyb. Presi

22、dential Qualifications and Termsc. Presidential PowersC. The Judicial Brancha. The Federal Court Systemb. Judicial Powers3) American Bipartisan Politics: A. Two-party System B. Differences of the Two Parties C. Party Organization4) American Presidential Elections. A. Step 1: Primaries and Caucuses B

23、. Step 2: National Party Conventions C. Step 3: The Campaign D. Step 4: The Electoral College E. The Presidential Inauguration 3 问题与应用(能力要求)Explain the main principles on which American federal government is based. How are the power of the National Government separated among the three branches? Use

24、examples to show how the system of checks-and-balances operates?(三)思考与实践 How are government and politics in the United States a reflection of the social and cultural life of the society?(四)教学方法与手段本章教学主要采用的方法和手段: 课堂讲授、多媒体教学、团队合作、分组讨论、课堂讨论。第四章 American Education(一)目的与要求In this unit students will: know

25、 more about American Education A System of No System; familiarize Characteristics of American Education; understand Structure of American Education; compare American Higher Education System and Chinese Higher Education System;. master some Vocabulary on Education.(二)教学内容2主要内容1) American Education A

26、System of No System;2) Characteristics of American Education; 3) Structure of American Education; 4) American Higher Education versus Chinese Higher Education;5) Vocabulary on Education.2. 基本概念和知识点1) American Education A System of No System:A. The Goal of American EducationB. American Commitment to

27、Education2) Characteristics of American Education3) Structure of American Education A. Elementary School B. Secondary School C. Higher Education 4) American Higher Education and Chinese Higher Education;5) Vocabulary on Education. 3 问题与应用(能力要求) What are some of the characteristics in education that

28、are particularly American? Make a comparative study of the goal of education, and what and how the students learn in America and China through historical perspectives?(三)思考与实践Why American schools have more international students than any other countries? Find some historical facts to show the Americ

29、an commitment to education.(四)教学方法与手段本章教学主要采用的方法和手段: 课堂讲授、多媒体教学、团队合作、分组讨论、课堂讨论。第五章 American Social Life(一)目的与要求In this unit students will: know more about American Family and Life; know more about American Social Security; become more aware of “Free Market of Religion”;understand Overview of America

30、n Economy; understand American Justice and Law.(二)教学内容3主要内容1) American Family and Life;2) American Social Security; 3) “Free Market of Religion”;4) American Justice and Law;5) Overview of American Economy2. 基本概念和知识点1) American Family and Life:A. Family Patterns and Family LifeB. Changes of Womens Ro

31、lesC. Class Structure and Family2) American Social Security:A. History of American Social SecurityB. Major Benefit Program 3) “Free Market of Religion”:A. Religion and the Founding of American RepublicB. Political Influence of ReligionC. Religious Beliefs in AmericaD. Characteristics of Religion in America4) American Justice and Law:A. The American Legal SystemB. The Judicial SystemC. The Jury Trial5) Overview of American EconomyA. Major Factors Contributing to the American Succe

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