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1、中考英语分类复习五无答案2013届中考英语分类复习(五)一、重点词汇:I.根据首字母及句意提示写出下列单词。1. W_(无论何处) you go in the world , I will wait for you here .2.How much p_(进步 ) in English do you think you have made this year ?3I think Ive a_(完成、达到) a lot, and I am proud of what I have learnt.4.Learning a foreign language r_(需要)a certain e_(努力

2、)5.We o_( 归功于) our good grades to the suggestions you have made6.You have hung international flags from the floor to the c_(天花板)7. Do you i_(想、企图)to stay in China for long .8. Lets f_( 去拿来) something to eat .9. Lets r_(举起)our glasses. heres to our friendship .10. Please f_(原谅)me if I make any mistak

3、e.11. What Ive learnt is the i_(重要性) of friendship .12. Sometimes the friends you t_(珍视)most are the friends you see less often .13. English is used for g_(政府) ,education ,and t_(贸易)14.The USA s_( 扩散) English all over the world through newspapers and films .15. It is now the common language for inte

4、rnational travel, i_(工业 ) .16.English is e_( 极其重要的) for tourism ,entertainment and so on .17.We can never pay you back for your kindness, your p_( 耐心) ,18. It changes every year with new words and e_( 表达方式) .二、重点短语II:翻译下列短语。1. be proud of _ 2. reach a level _3. above all _ 4. a certain effort _5. ma

5、ke progress _ 6. an English corner _7. no matter _ 8. be used for used by _ 10. a quarter of _11.Whats more _ 12. give help with sth _13. industrial products _ 14. the common language recent year _ 16. either -or -_17. grow in importance _ 18. as common as _19. in place of _ 20. at leas

6、t _21. belong to _ 22. feel a bit sad _23. all together _ 24. Its got a great beat_25. intend to do sth _ 26. stay friends _27. make a speech _ 28. as we all know _29.have a lot of fun _ 30. stay in touch _31. prepare oneself for _ 32. owe sth to sb _33. pay sb back _ strict with sb str

7、ict in sth _ 36. role models _ 三、重点句子III:根据中文提示完成句子1. 应该记住英语从其他语言中借用了很多词语,或者原词借用,或稍微改变。It is important to remember that English has_many words from other languages , _ _ the same word _ very similar .2.许多人认为,如果中国持续壮大,到21世纪中叶,汉语将变得与英语同样重要。Many people think that if China continues to _ _ _, Chinese wi

8、ll become_ _ _ English by the middle of the 21st century .3.在欧洲,越来越多学校的外语课用汉语取代了其他欧洲语言。More and more schools in Europe are teaching Chinese _ a foreign language ,_ _ _other European languages.4. 至少在未来的20或30年中,英语将是应用最广泛的语言。_ _for the next 20or 30 years, English will be the language _ _ _5. 即使语法、词汇、拼写

9、方面有所不同,我们都属于国际英语这个世界。_ _there are differences in grammar, vocabulary, and spelling , we all _ _ the international English speaking world .6. 我认为自己取得了很大成绩,对于自己所学我也感到很自豪。I think Ive achieved _ _, and I _ _ _what I have learnt. .7. 一门语言再简单,要学习它也必须付出一定努力的。_a foreign language _a _effort , _ easy it is .8

10、. 我并不认为英语真的有多难学,尽管它并不像看上去那么简单。I _ _it is really difficult to learn English ,_ it is a language which looks_ than it _ is .9. 能够遇到一些想学英语的人是件好事,无论他们的英语有多好(或多坏)It is good to meet other people_want to learn English , _ _ _good their English is .10. 不管怎样, 我最高兴的是, 无论走到哪里都可以用英语。_, what I like most is that

11、you can use English _you go in the world .11. 朋友不用总见面,有时你最珍惜的朋友却是那些你不太常见的朋友。Friends dont have to see _ _ all the time , Sometimes the friends you treasure _are the friends you see _often .12. 没有老朋友的生活,就像白天缺少了阳光。我们会永远保持联系。A life _old friends is like a day _ sunshine , well always _ _ _ .13. 我们的优异成绩要归

12、功于你们,在那些漫漫长夜给我们提的宝贵建议。We _ our good grades _ the suggestions you have_ _ those long evenings .14. 我们永远难以回报你们的友善、耐心、以及你们传授给我们的知识。We can never _ you _ _ your _, your _ , and gift of knowledge which you have _ us ;15.有时你们对我们很严格,有时你们又鼓励我们努力学习;但你们总是那样公正、是我们的楷模。sometimes you have _ _ _us; sometimes you ha

13、ve made us _ hard , But you have always been _ and you will always be our_ _ .16. 我不能再用更好的话来表达自己的心声了, 所以从内心深处,我感谢你们所有的人, 也祝你们有一个成功的未来。I couldnt say it _ myself . so _ _ _ _my heart , I thank you all and _ you _ for the future . 四、重点语法1.从句的总结:1)宾语从句:主要注意三点A:连词的选择。(that, if ,whether,和疑问词如:what, how 等)

14、如:I hear _ he has passed the exam .I wonder _he has passed the exam.I want to know _he has passed the exam or not .-Can you tell me _he bought the computer ?-Last month .B:从句中的时态。(当主句的谓语动词为过去时态时,从句也必须相应地使用过去时态,但表达客观真理和事实时例外。)如:I dont know where we _( go ) for the holiday next month.I didnt know wher

15、e we _( go ) for the holiday next month .He told me that the moon _( go ) around the earth .C:从句的语序:必须用陈述句语序。如:Can you tell me _ ?A. How can I get there B. where can we get the car repaired.C. what did he say D. when he should go to the party .2)定语从句:主要注意三点A从句引导词的选择,(that,which , who , whom , when ,

16、where,whose, why。)如:Everyone _ goes to Britain says the countryside is beautiful .Do you see the children _ are playing basketball .He has two brothers , _ are both doctors .I never the day _ I got to the schoolHe still remembered the place _he was born .I like the house _ garden is so big and nice

17、.That is the reason _he was late for class .B 定语从句中主谓一致原则。当定语从句的引导词在从句中作主语时,从句的谓语动词在人称和数上应与先行词保持一致。如:They lived in houses which _(was /were ) often old , cold or unsafe .They lived in a house which _(was/were ) cold and unsafe .C 定语从句分限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句,在非限制性定语从句中不能用引导词that . 如:Last week I climbed the

18、 Great Wall , _ is famous all over the world .3)状语从句 . 主要注意两点A;根据句子的意思选用恰当的连词(if, because, though-等)。如:_ there is a will , there is a way .I have brought some photos _ you can see what Britain looks like ._ the food wasnt good , it is getting better .B:在时间状语从句和条件状语从句中,当主句是一般将来时或过去将来时,从句一般用一般现在时和一般过去

19、时。如:Dont worry , I will wait until he _(come ) back .Please call me if your friend _( get) to Hefei next week .2. 构词法1)合成法:由两个或多个词合成一个新词,如:newspaper , afternoon , airline , middle-aged , nothing -2)派生法:通过加前缀、后缀的办法构成新词,如:care- careful , careless ; use- reused, useful , useless-IV、构词法练习1. 在下列单词后加适当的词缀

20、,使其成为名词work_ educate _ act_develop _ tour _ begin _decide _ free_ kind _2. 在下列单词后加适当的词缀,使其成为形容词thank _ friend_ live _forget _ enjoy _ excite _use_ care _ rain _3. 给下列单词加适当的词缀,使其意思相反happy _ polite _ appear_use _ understand _ legal_4. 写出下列词的副词形式hard_ near _ quiet _early _ real_ careful _ 五、 知识点运用。IV用所

21、给词的适当形式填空。1. we are sorry _( leave )you at the end of our junior high school educationl2. Thank you for making a home where we feel both safe and _( relax).3. Thanks for your _( patient ).4. Our teacher always made us _(work ) very hard .5. I have never eaten anything _(good ) than this .6. The part

22、y is so _( enjoy) , we are all happy .7. The music sounds a bit _( noise )V、按要求写句子1. Though it rained heavily yesterday , Jack got to work on time .(改为同义句)It rained heavily yesterday , _ Tom got to school on time .2. “Is the house yours ?” Tom asked me (改为同义句)Tom asked me _.3. I know the man , He is

23、 talking with our teacher . (改为同义句)_4. This is an expensive car , the car is well made . (改为同义句)_5. My father didnt go to work because he was ill . (改为同义句)My father was ill _ he didnt go to work .VI.单项选择。1. Chinese is the language _ importance is growing.A. which B. who C. whose D. that2. All the pe

24、ople_ speak English are owners of the language.A. what B. who C. whose D. which3. _ there are differences, we all belong to the international English speaking world.A. When B. Before C. Even though D. if4. Theres a saying, “When in Rome, do _ the Romans do.”A. like B. as C. what D. that5. Do you remember Jane?- The woman we met in Scotland, _?A. do you mean B. do you see C. you mean D. Am I right6.He doesnt come here today. The

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