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重点推荐高中英语 Unit 15 Learning Section Ⅵ Language PointsⅢ.docx

1、重点推荐高中英语 Unit 15 Learning Section Language Points Section Language Points()( Lesson 4,Communication Workshop,Culture Corner &Bulletin Board)语 言 基 础 自 测高频词汇必会.单词拼写1I have now developed an appreciation(欣赏) of poetry.2One should adapt(适应) oneself to the changed conditions.3The change is beneficial(有益的)

2、 in some ways but not in others.4The civilization(文明) of mankind has taken thousands of years.5Were trying to inspire(激励) him with confidence.6We dont acquire knowledge from reading alone.7It is a present highly worthy of their attention.8The forest will act as a defense against desert dust.9The who

3、le theory rests on a wrong assumption10We cannot afford to ignore the lessons of the past.拓展词汇1acquire vt. 获得,得到acquisition n. 获得;所获之物;采集2religion n. 宗教religious adj. 宗教的;虔诚的;严谨的;信奉宗教的3defend v. 防守;防护;辩护defence n. 保卫,保护4willing adj. 情愿的,乐意的unwilling adj. 不情愿的5urge vt. 力劝,强烈要求urgent adj. 紧急的;急迫的urgen

4、cy n. 紧急(的事)6benefit vt. 有益于;得益beneficial adj. 有用的,有益的7adapt vt. (使)适应adaptable adj. 能适应的adaptation n. 改编;适应8appreciate vt. 欣赏;赏识;感激;领会;意识到appreciation n. 欣赏.补全短语根据提示补全下列短语1be accustomed/used to doing.习惯于2tend to往往会;倾向于3be unwilling to do.不乐意去做4as a whole 总的来说5put forward提出,提前6approve of同意,赞成7to sta

5、rt with 首先,开始8in conclusion 最后,总而言之9as well as 除之外,也,又,还.选词填空 选用上述短语的适当形式填空1He is a good leader in deed as well as in name.2Students are quickly accustomed to the college life.3He put forward a plan for improving the rate of production.4We understand that you dont approve of our idea.5I was a secret

6、ary to start with,then a manager.6Prices tend to rise at this time of year.寻规律、巧记忆n.ousadj.asadj./ 复合短语dangerous 危险的mountainous 多山的courageous 勇敢的as long as 只要;和一样长as far as 就而言;远到as good as 和几乎一样经典句式必背背教材原句记句式结构仿写促落实1.It is not surprising that people wanted to believe these ancient views as th

7、ey had been put forward by the great philosopher Aristotle(384322 BC).因为这些观点是伟大的哲学家亚里士多德(384322 BC)提出来的,人们愿意相信这些古老的观点,这也不足为奇。It isadj.that.那样的人竟当选真是令人惊讶。It is surprising that a man like that was elected.2.Why did Aristotle assume that the sun moved around the Earth?为什么亚里士多德认为太阳绕着地球转?assume that.我们以为

8、你已经收到了包裹。We assume that you have received the package.3.To us she is not only a teacher,but also a good friend and a loving elder sister.对于我们,她不仅是老师,还是好朋友和可爱的大姐姐。not only.but also.她不仅很会演奏,而且还会作曲。She not only plays well,but also writes music. 核 心 要 点 探 究全析重点词汇 be accustomed to习惯于(教材P42)Although today

9、 we are more accustomed to typing a few key words into a search engine and waiting for the Internet to spit the answer out for us.尽管我们现在更习惯于在搜索引擎敲进几个关键词,等待互联网吐出答案归纳拓展be/get(become/grow)accustomed to 对(变得)习惯了;习惯于accustomed adj. 通常的;习惯的accustom vt. 使习惯accustom sb./oneself to. 使某人/自己习惯于It is important

10、that children become accustomed to communicating with their parents.子女养成和父母沟通的习惯是非常重要的。Youll soon get accustomed to walking(walk) long distances.你会很快习惯长距离步行。He quickly accustomed himself(him) to the new life.他很快地适应了新生活。名师点津短语be accustomed to中的to为介词,所以后接名词、代词或动词的ing形式。 (教材P42)The church and many peop

11、le tended to ignore the facts and were unwilling to challenge what they had always comfortably believed.教会和许多人经常忽视事实,不愿意去挑战他们一直舒舒服服所相信的一切。(1)tend to 往往会,倾向于归纳拓展(1)tend vt.(take care of/look after) 照管;护理tend to do sth. 有做某事的倾向;有做某事的趋势tend to/towards sth. 朝某方向(2)tendency n. 倾向;趋势have a tendency to do

12、sth. 有做某事的倾向I tend to go to bed late and get up early in summer.夏天我往往睡得晚起得早。The sort of music I hear varies,but tends to/towards popular music.我所听的音乐种类很多,但是倾向于流行音乐。I have a tendency(tend) to talk too much when Im nervous.我紧张时总爱唠叨。 (2)ignore vt. 忽视,不理会,不顾归纳拓展(1)ignorant adj. (对某事物)不了解的;无知的be ignorant

13、 of/about sth. 不知道/没有意识到某事(2)ignorance n. 无知;愚昧;不知道be in ignorance of/about sth. 不知道某事I said hello to her,but she ignored me completely.我向她打招呼,可是她根本不理我。To say you were ignorant of the rules is no excuse.说自己不知道规则是不能成为借口的。If he did wrong,it was only through ignorance(ignore)要是他做错了,那也只是出于无知。 (教材P42)At

14、first,people approved of his studies and urged him to continue,but later when he proved Aristotle wrong,they grew angry and put him in prison.起初,人们赞同他的研究并鼓励他继续进行,但是当他证实亚里士多德的观点是错误的时候,人们就生气了,把他关进了监狱。(1) approve of赞成,赞许归纳拓展(1)approve vt. 批准(2)approving adj. 造成的,同意的(3)approval n. 赞成,同意;批准,认可in approval

15、 同意(常作状语)give ones approval to 批准win ones approval 得到某人的赞同The city council approved the building plan.市议会批准了这项建筑计划。His parents approved of his trying(try) to make some money,but asked him not to neglect his studies.他的父母赞成他设法赚些钱,但叫他不要荒废了学业。She gave her approval(approve) to the scheme but not without

16、several qualifications.她批准了这项计划,但附加了几项意见。(2) urge vt. 敦促;鼓励;极力主张;力劝,强烈要求n强烈的愿望归纳拓展urge sb. to do 催促/怂恿某人去做urge that sb.(should) do 力劝某人做It is urged that 强烈要求urge sth. on/upon sb.urge on sb. sth. 向某人强调某事urgent adj. 紧迫的,紧急的urgency n. 紧迫,紧急They urged us to go at once.他们催促我们马上去。My friends urged that I (

17、should) apply (apply) for the job.朋友力劝我申请那份工作。The situation is dangerous,but the UN is urging caution on it.局势岌岌可危,但联合国力主谨慎行事。I need not press on you the urgency(urge) of the matter.我用不着向你强调这事的紧迫性了。 inspire v启发;鼓舞,鼓励;给(某人)创作灵感(教材P43)But even though Aristotle was a great man who inspired many great s

18、cientists and philosophers after him,he was wrong at times.但是即使是亚里士多德这样一位鼓舞了许多后继的科学家和哲学家的伟大人物,有时也会出错的。归纳拓展inspire sb. with sth. 激励/鼓舞某人inspire sb. to do sth. 激励某人做某事inspiring adj. 鼓舞人心的;激动的;启发灵感的inspired adj. 能力卓越的;借助于灵感创作的inspiration n. 灵感;鼓舞人心(的东西)The beautiful scenery inspired the composer.美丽的景色激

19、发了作曲家的灵感。The teacher inspired us to make(make) greater efforts.老师激励我们要更加努力。The news inspired us with courage.那消息给了我们勇气。Dreams can be a rich source of inspiration(inspire) for an artist.梦境可以成为艺术家灵感的丰富源泉。 beneficial adj.有用的,有益的(教材P43) These men knew that knowledge and understanding are things to fight

20、 for; more vital to a man,and more beneficial to mankind,some might say,than all the money in the world.这些人懂得,知识和理解是要奋斗的事情,有些人(甚至)可能认为,对个人或人类来说,它们比世界上所有的金钱都重要和有益。归纳拓展be beneficial to 对有益benefit v. 有益于 n. 好处;利益be of benefit to 对有好处for the benefit of 为了的利益benefit from/by 从中受益benefit sb. 对某人有益I hope yo

21、ur holiday will benefit you.我希望你的假期会对你有益。The developing and progressing of China are beneficial to human civilization.中国的发展和进步有利于人类文明。The money is to be used for the benefit of the poor.该款项将用于救助贫困居民。 assume vt.假定,假设;承担(责任)(教材P43)Why did Aristotle assume that the sun moved around the Earth?为什么亚里士多德认为

22、太阳绕着地球转?归纳拓展(1)assumen.(to be)n./adj. 认为是It is (generally) assumed that. 人们(普遍)认为(2)assumption n. 假定,假设make assumptions about. 假定on the assumption that. 假定(3)assuming (that) .supposing (that) . 假定I assume that you have heard the news.我想你已听到了这个消息。I assume him(to be) an honest man.我认为他是个诚实的人。A growing

23、 number of studies suggest that this assumption(assume) is wrong.越来越多的研究表明这个假设是错的。Assuming(assume) that it is true,what should we do now?假定那是真的,我们现在该怎么办? adapt vt.使适应(教材P123)For a start,it would be hard adapting to a new culture.一开始,适应新的文化会有困难。归纳拓展adapt to 适应,适合 使适应或适合adapt.from. 根据改编或改写ada

24、pt.for. 改编或改作之用Its hard to adapt this novel for children.要将这小说改编为适合小孩子读的程度很困难。These flowers are well adapted to the harsh winter.这些花卉特别适应冬天的严寒气候。He tried to adapt himself(him) to the new life.他尽力使自己适应这种新生活。The author is going to adapt his play for television.作者将把他的剧本改编成电视剧。 in conclusion总之;最后(教材P45)

25、In conclusion, I think my school would have a good variety of activitiessomething for everyone.总之,我认为我理想中的学校应该有大量的活动适合大家的某些活动。归纳拓展a conclusion 下结论,得出结论conclude v. 结束,使终止It was concluded that. 结论是The famous scientist concluded his speech with some amusing remarks.著名的科学家用一些有趣的话结束了他的演讲。We all came to/a

26、rrived at the conclusion that the room must have been empty at that time.我们大家得到的结论是:那个房间当时一定是空着的。It was concluded that this was a true story.结论是,这是一个真实的故事。 appreciation n. 赏识,鉴赏,感激(教材P45)However,there would also be some new optional subjects,for example,literary appreciation,astronomy,biochemistry,e

27、tc.然而,也会有一些新的选修课程,例如文学欣赏、天文学、生物化学等。归纳拓展appreciate v. 欣赏;赏识;感激appreciate sth. 欣赏/感激某事appreciate doing sth. 感激做某事appreciate ones doing sth. 感激某人做某事I would appreciate it if. 如果,我将不胜感激Thats because you cant appreciate music.那是因为你不能欣赏音乐。We shall appreciate hearing(hear) from you again.能再次收到你的来信,我们将十分感激。I

28、 appreciate that you have come here so early.感谢你来得这么早。I would appreciate it very much if you would help me with it.如果你能帮助我,我会十分感激。突破重点句式 (教材P42)It is not surprising that people wanted to believe these ancient views as they had been put forward by the great philosopher Aristotle(384322 BC)因为这些观点是伟大的哲

29、学家亚里士多德(384322 BC)提出来的,人们愿意相信这些古老的观点,这也不足为奇。【要点提炼】 It isadj.that.,在该句型中it是形式主语,真正的主语是that引导的主语从句。用于该句型的常见形容词有:necessary,strange,clear,possible,natural,important,likely,obvious等。归纳拓展Itbe过去分词that.常见的过去分词有:said,reported,believed,supposed,ordered,(well)known,suggested.It不及物动词that.常见的不及物动词(短语):seem,appea

30、r,happen,turn out,occur to.Itbe名词短语that.常见的名词短语有:a pity,a fact,a wonder,a surprise,no wonder.It occurred to me that this is something that I should never do.我突然觉得这是一件我永远都不该做的事。It is a pity that you didnt come in time.很遗憾你没有及时到达。It is suggested that students (should) take(take) more exercise if possible.建议学生们在可能的情况下多锻炼。 (教材P47)To us she is not

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