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1、中考英语七至九年级短语汇总中考英语七至九年级短语汇总1. a bit (of) 有一点儿2. a couple of 两个;几个3. a few 几个;一些4. a group of 一群5. a kind of 一种;一类6. a little 一点,少许7. a lot of (lots of) 许多8. a number of +可数名词复数 许多 the number of sth. is 的数量是9. a pair of 一双;一副10. a piece of 一(块,张,片,件)11. according to 按照,根据12. act as 充当13. after all 终究,

2、毕竟14. after school 放学后15. agree on (双方)就达成协议16. agree with sb 同意某人的意见17. be ahead of others=be better than others 领先于;在前面18. all day (long) 整天19. all over 到处20. all right 行了;好吧;(病)好了21. all the same 还是;仍然22. all the time=always 一直23. all the way 一路上;自始至终24. arrive at/ in sp 到达某地25. arts and crafts 工

3、艺美术26. as a result of =because of 由于27. as well as 也;而且28. as well 也;又29. ask for =apply for 请求;寻求30. at a price=pay a lot for 以很高代价31. at all costs=at any cost 不惜任何代价;无论如何32. at first=first of all 起先;开始的时候33. be at home=be in 在家(里)34. at last 最后35. at least 至少36. at most 至多37. at once 立刻;马上38. at p

4、lay=be playing 在玩耍39. at present =now 现在;目前40. at school 在学校;在上课41. at the bottom of 在的底部42. at the latest 最迟43. at the moment 此刻;目前;那时;当时44. at the same time 同时45. at work=be working 在工作46. at/on weekends 在周末47. be able to do =can do 能够(有能力)48. be afraid of = be scared of =be frightened of 害怕49. be

5、 all in=be very tired 精疲力竭50. be angry with sb 生某人的气 51. be bad for=be harmful to 有害于52. be based on 以为基础53. be born 出生于54. be busy with/doing sth 忙于做某事55. be careful with 小心56. be connected to 与相连57. be covered with 被覆盖58. be different from=be not the same as 与不同59. sth is familiar to sb 某物对于某人熟悉60

6、. sb. is familiar with sth 某人熟悉某物61. be famous for=be well-known for 以而著名62. be filled with=be full of 充满63. be fond of=like 爱好64. be full of 充满65. be good/poor at 擅长于/对比较差66. be in trouble with 与之间有麻烦67. be interested in =be keen on 对感兴趣68. be keen on 喜爱69. be late for .迟到70. be made of/from 由制成(看得

7、出原料/看不出原料)71. be made up of =consist of 由组成72. be on 上演,上映73. be pleased at sth 对感到高兴74. be pleased with sb 对感到满意75. be proud of =take pride in 为而感到自豪76. be/get ready for 为做准备 77. be responsible for=be in charge of=take charge of 对负责78. be short of =dont have enough 缺乏,不足79. be similar to =be almost

8、 the same as 与相似80. be surprised at 对感到惊讶81. be thankful to sb =thank sb. 对某人很感激82. be unaware of =dont realize 不知道,未察觉83. be used to doing 习惯于84. be worried about 为而担心85. because of =as a result of 由于86. be behind bars=be in prison 坐牢87. sth. belong to sb. 某物属于某人88. give my best regards to 致以诚挚问候89

9、. break down=stop working =something is wrong with=be broken 抛锚,停止运转90. break into 破门而入91. break out 突然开始,爆发92. bump into 撞击93. by accident=by chance=accidentally 偶然地,意外地94. by air mail 寄航空邮件95. by bus 乘公共汽车96. by mistake 出错97. by oneself=on ones own/ alone 亲自98. by phone 打电话99. by the way 顺便说,顺便问一下

10、100. call back 回电101. call on 拜访102. care for 照顾,喜欢103. carry out 执行104. catch (a) cold=have a cold 着凉,伤风105. change ones mind 改变主意106. changeinto 把变成107. check in 办理登机108. clean up 净化,弄干净109. come across=happen to see 被理解,遇见110. come along =appear=show up 出现111. come down 下降,降低112. come in 进来113. c

11、ome on 快,走吧,跟我来114. come the meeting to an end =conclude the meeting=end the meeting 结束115. come to know 知道116. come to life=become lively 变的更有趣,变得活跃 117. come to the end of 结束某事118. make ones dream come true= realize ones dream 梦想成真119 .communicate with= get/keep in touch with 交流,保持联系120 .compare w

12、ith 与 比较121 .connect to 连接,接通122. consist of= be made up of 由组成123 .cool down 冷却124. cost of living 生活费用125 .cover an area of 占地面积126. cross out 删去127. cut down 砍倒128. deal with 处理,对付,安排129. depend on = rely on =be dependent on 依赖,依靠130. die of 因 而死(主要指疾病、衰老等自身的原因) die from 因而死(主要指事故等方面的外部原因) 131 .d

13、ie out 完全灭绝,消失132. dining hall/room 饭厅,食堂133 .do a show 进行表演134 .do ones best 尽某人最大的努力 135 .do sb. a favour=give sb. a hand= help sb 帮助某人136. do some shopping 买东西137. do sports=do exercise 做运动138 .do with=deal with 处理,处置139. dream of 梦到140. dress up 穿着打扮141 .dry out=make sth. dry 使.干燥142. each other

14、= one another 互相143 .eat up 吃光144. enjoy oneself = have a good time=have fun 过的愉快145 .environmentally friendly 环境友好型的146 .except for 除 之外147. fall asleep 入睡148. excuse me 请原谅149. fall ill =get sick 生病150. fall off 从跌落151. fall/be in love with 爱上/爱着152 .far away from 离的遥远153 .fashion show 时装表演154 .fe

15、el like doing sth= would like to do sth= want to do sth 想要做某事155. ferry pier 渡船码头156. fill in 填写,填充157 .find out 找出,查明158 .finish off 吃完,喝完159 .fire drill 消防演习160 .fire exit 消防出口161. flea market 跳蚤市场162. food for thought=food is worth thinking about 引人深思的事或想法163 .for ever 永远164. for example=for inst

16、ance 例如165. for sale 待售,供出售166 .for the first time 第一次167 .for the time being =at present暂时168 .from now on 从此以后,今后169 .from time to time =sometimes 不时,有时170. garage sale 在自己家车库里售卖东西171. get along/ on with 进展,与相处172. get back 返回173. get in the way 挡道 174. get in 进入,收集175. get off 下车176. get on 上车177

17、. get ready 准备好178. get ready for=be ready for 为 做好准备 179 .get rid of =摆脱 180 .get tired of 对感到厌倦 181 .get to 到达 182. get up 起床 183. get into trouble 使 陷入困境 184 .give back 归还,送回185 .give out 分发,发出,放出 186 .give sb a hand =help sb 帮助某人 187. give up =stop doing 放弃 188 .go abroad =go to a foreign countr

18、y出国 189 .go ahead 先走, 向前走, 去吧,干吧 190 .go for a swim 去游泳 191. go home 回家 192 .go in for 参加, 从事于,酷爱 193 .go off 突然发出响声 = make a sudden noise 194 .go on (doing sth.) 继续做某事 go on to do sth. 继续做另外一件事 195 .go on a diet 实行节食196. go on a picnic 去野餐 197 .go on with sth/ doing sth 继续做某事 198 .go out 熄灭 ; go of

19、f突然发出响声;离开;变质199. go shopping/ bowling 去购物/去打保龄球 200 .go sightseeing 去观光 201 .go through 穿过202 .go to (the )hospital 去医院 (看病)203. go to bed 就寝204. go to college 上大学 205. go to sleep 入睡 206. go to the cinema (movies)去看电影207 .go up 走上前去 208. go wrong =something is wrong with 出现问题, 发生故障 209. grow up =b

20、ecome older成年,长大210 .guest of honour 主宾211. had better do sth 最好做某事 212. hand in 上交213. hang up 把 悬挂起来 214 .happen to do sth 碰巧做某事215 .happen to sb 发生在某人身上 216. hardly ever = almost never= rarely 难得,几乎不 217. have (got ) to 不得不 218 .have a class/ lesson 上课 219 .have a good time= enjoy oneself =have f

21、un 过的开心 220. have a look=take a look 看一看221. have breakfast/lunch/ dinner/ supper 吃早/中/晚餐222 .I have no idea= I dont know 不知道223. have pity on sb=feel sorry for sb 同情,怜悯某人224. have sports =do sports做运动 225 .hear from sb.=get a letter from sb. =receive a letter from sb收到某人的来信226. hear of 听说 227 .help

22、 sb with sth 帮助某人做某事228. here and there 到处 = everywhere 229 .high jump 跳高 long jump 跳远 233.hold a meeting=have a meeting举行会议234.hold on不挂断电话235.hold ones breath屏住呼吸236.hold out=take out取出,伸出 dog热狗 many多少 much多少 often多频繁241.hurry off匆忙离开242.hurry up=be quick赶快243.IC cards

23、IC卡 cream 冰淇淋245.if necessary=if you need to如有必要的话 a flash=very quickly一瞬间 a hurry匆忙 a minute一会儿 a way在某种程度上 addition此外 advance=ahead of time预先;提前 all=in total=altogether总共 case万一;如果 charge of=take charge of/be responsible for主管;负责 d

24、anger处境危险 fact=as a matter of fact=actually事实上;实际上 front of在前面 hospital住院 line成一排;成一直线 many ways在许多方面 no time=at once/right away立刻 one weeks time=in one week一周以后 ones fifties在某人五十多岁时 ones opinion=in ones view =sb. think按某人的意见;据某人看来 order of

25、以的顺序 order to do sth.=so as to do sth.为了做某事 pieces成为碎片 place of=instead of代替 reply to回答 return作为回报 surprise惊奇地 the end=at last/finally最后;终于 the first place=at first首先;起初 the form of以.的形式 the future在将来 the middle在中间

26、 the middle of在中间 this way这样 time及时 total一共 trouble 处于困境中282.instead of=in place of 代替283.join in=take part in参加;加入284.jump to conclusion=draw a conclusion in a hurry匆忙下结论285.just a minute=wait a moment等一下286.just now现在;刚才287.keep doing sth.继续做某事288.keep fit=keep healthy保持健康2

27、89.keep healthy=keep fit保持健康290.keep in touch (with)(与)保持联系291.keep off阻挡;不让接近292.keep quiet保持安静293.keep sb.busy 让某人忙个不停294.keepfrom=prevent/stopfrom 使.不做295.key ring钥匙圈296.knock over撞到;撞翻297.know about=learn about知悉;了解298.later on过后;后来299.laugh at=play a trick on/make fun of嘲笑300.lay the table(饭前)摆

28、好餐具301.lean out探身出去 302.learnby heart=know sth. by heart熟记 303.learnfrom向.学习304.leave (secondary) school=graduate from=finish school(中学)毕业305.leave a message留个口信306.leave for=go to sp.启程;出发307.less/more than少于/多于308.let out放出;透露309.letdown=make sb. disappointed使失望310.a letter of application一封求职信311.

29、lie down躺下312.line up排队313.listen to听.(讲话) on靠为生 room起居室;客厅316.long jump跳远317.look after well =take good care of照顾318.look at观看;(仔细)检查319.look for=search寻找320.look forward to sth./doing sth.=expect to do sth.期待321.look like=be like看上去像;显得322.look out=watch out =be careful=take care

30、小心323.look up查寻;抬头看324.lose ones temper=become/get angry发脾气325.lose ones way=get/be lost迷路326.lose weight=become thinner减肥327.lots of=a lot of很多328.make a decision=decide to do sth./make up ones mind做出决定329.make a fire生火330.make a living谋生331.make a mistake=make an error犯错332.make a noise弄出声333.make friends with与交朋友334.make fun of取笑335.make it获得成功336.make money挣钱,赚钱337.make out辨认出338.make progress取得进步339.make the bed铺床340.make up ones mind to do sth.=make a decision to do sth./decide to do sth.下决心341.make use of利用 the need

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