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新人教版英语必修五单元测试Unit 4.docx

1、新人教版英语必修五单元测试Unit 4Unit 4综合测试题满分100分,考试时间90分钟.单项填空(每小题1分,共15分)1_protect the teenagers from the bad influences of bad websites on the mobile phone, the government is considering _strict and effective measures to monitor them.A. In order to;taking B. So as to;takingC. So as to;to take D. In order to;t

2、o take答案:A句意为:为保护青少年免受手机不良网站的影响,政府正考虑采取严格有效的措施对其进行监管。so as to表目的不能放在句首,排除B、C,consider表“考虑”意思时其后只能接动名词作宾语。故选A。2What a mess! You need to clean your bedroom _ _after school.But the final exam is approaching.A. constantly B. mildlyC. thoroughly D. previously答案:C句意:太乱了!放学后你需要彻底打扫你的卧室。可是期末考试临近了。故选C。考查副词词义

3、辨析。constantly“始终,一直”;mildly“轻微地”;thoroughly“彻底地”;previously“先前地,在先地”。3Jacksons doctor was arrested by policemen and_of murdering.A. accustomed B. accusedC. adjusted D. charged答案:B考查动词。句意:杰克逊的医生被警察逮捕了并被指控谋杀。accuse sb. of sth./charge sb. with sth. “指控某人某事”。4You_part in the party in time.Sorry,I was de

4、layed by the accident.A. are supposed to take B. have supposed to takeC. are supposed to have taken D. supposed to take答案:C句意:当时你应该及时参加这聚会。对不起,我因事耽搁了。be supposed to have done表示“应该而未做”。5He failed the midterm examination and only then_ how much time he had wasted.A. he realized B. did he realizeC. he

5、had realized D. had he realized答案:B“only状语或状语从句”放在句首时,主句顺部分倒装;再根据He failed the midterm.及句意,主句应用一般过去时。6(2011泰安高二检测)The chief editor demanded that the article_immediately.A. must be submitted B. would be submittedC. submits D. be submitted答案:Ddemand作动词后接that从句时,从句中谓语动词常用虚拟语气,即“(should)动词原形”;句意:主编要求立刻递

6、交文件,应用被动语态。7Once we have_some knowledge, things do not become more difficult, but comprehensible.A. required B. acquired C. inquired D. inspired答案:B句意:一旦我们获得一些知识,事情不会变得更加困难,而是容易理解。由句意可知选acquire,意为“获得”。8My father earns around ¥500 every month, which can hardly_the basic needs of our family.A. support

7、 B. cover C. present D. arrange答案:B此处cover意为“够用”之意。句意:父亲每月挣500元,这几乎不够我们全家的基本生活费用。9Have you finished your book report?Not yet. I couldnt_on it with so loud music next door last night.A. draw B. devote C. direct D. concentrate答案:Dconcentrate on.意为“把思想集中于,全神贯注于”。而draw on意为“吸,抽”;devote常用作be devote to,意为

8、“致力于,献身于”;direct意为“对准,指导”。10Will you go to see the table tennis of the Guangdong Asian Games?_.A. No way B. It dependsC. Dont mention it D. By no means答案:B考查情景交际。句意:你去看广东亚运会的乒乓球比赛吗?那得看情况。no way“决不”;by no means表示“绝不”;It depends.“视情况而定”。11(2011福州高二检测)On National Day,up_into the air. Then the crowd che

9、ered up.A. go the balloons B. did the balloons goC. went the balloons D. the balloons went答案:C本题因方位副词up置于句首,其主语和谓语应用全部倒装结构,B项是部分倒装;A项的时态不对。句意为:国庆节那天,气球升入空中,然后人群欢呼起来。12So suddenly _that the animals in the zoo looked very frightened during the total solar eclipse (日全食)A. did the sky turn dark B. the s

10、ky did turn darkC. turned the sky dark D. was the sky turned dark答案:A句意为:日全食期间,天空突然变黑,以至于动物园里的动物看上去非常惊恐。在“soadj./adv.that.”句式中,若把soadj./adv.部分放于句首,则主句用部分倒装,即将助动词、情态动词提到主语前面。13The wild grass looked like a soft green blanket_the field.A. covering B. coveredC. cover D. to cover答案:A本题考查非谓语动词作定语,blanket与

11、cover存在主谓关系,因此用现在分词。14Today,well discuss a number of cases_parents have much difficulty in communicating with their children.A. which B. as C. why D. where答案:D先行词cases后面的定语从句缺少状语,用关系副词where。句意为:今天,我们将讨论一些父母很难和孩子们进行交流的情况。15Did Linda see the traffic accident?No,no sooner _than it happened.A. had she g

12、one B. she had goneC. has she gone D. she has gone答案:A句意为:琳达看到交通事故了吗?没有。她一走,事故就发生了。“No sooner.than.”结构中,no sooner引导的句子通常要用部分倒装并用过去完成时。no sooner.than.,hardly/scarcely.when.都表示“一就”。要注意两点:1no sooner, hardly/scarcely放于句首要用部分倒装。2前句要用过去完成时,后句要用一般过去时。I had hardly got home when it began to rain.Hardly had I

13、 got home when it began to rain.完形填空(每小题1分,共20分)It was Lin Taos first visit to England. He was looking_16_to his first journey on Londons Underground Railway. Against_17_of his friends he decided to go alone.He_18_the station shortly after five oclock in the afternoon. This is a_19_time to travel in

14、 London because too many people go home_20_work at this hour. He had to join a long line of people_21_were waiting for tickets. When_22_his turn came, he had some difficulty in making himself understood by the man_23_tickets. However, he got the right_24_in the end and by asking people the_25_he als

15、o found the right platform. It was crowded with people. He did not manage to get on the first train,_26_he was able to move nearer the edge of the platform so as to be in a better position to_27_the next one.When this train came in, Lin Tao was swept forward on to the train by the rush of people fro

16、m behind. The doors_28_and the train moved off. He was_29_to see the names of the stations_30_the train stopped, but he knew that the station he wanted was the sixth stop along the line. When the train reached the sixth station, Lin Tao got off,_31_glad that his journey had been so easy. But he sudd

17、enly_32_that he had come to a station he_33_! He explained his difficulty to a man standing on the platform. With a smile_34_his face, the man told Lin Tao that he_35_a train going in the opposite direction. The train had come to a small town, the name of which sounded very strange.文章大意:文章大意:第一次到英国旅

18、行,Lin Tao闹出了笑话。16A. forward B. toward C. upward D. downward答案:Alook forward to“期盼,盼望”。他一直盼望能到英国旅行。17A. an advice B. the advice C. advice D. advise答案:B他不顾朋友的建议,独自去了英国。空后有定语of his friends的限定,所以填带定冠词the的选项。18A. arrived B. got C. hurried D. entered答案:D下午五点刚过,他就走进了车站。前三项必须添加相应的介词。19A. short B. well C. go

19、od D. bad答案:D因为很多人这个时候下班回家,所以这个时间是不好的。20A. for B. at C. from D. before答案:Cgo home from work“下班回家”。21A. who B. whom C. whose D. which答案:A此处是一个定语从句,先行词是people,而且从句缺少主语,因此选择指代人的关系代词who。22A. at first B. at lastC. at least D. at most答案:Bat last“最后,终于”。最后终于轮到他买票的时候,他很难让卖票的人明白他的意思。23A. sell B. to sell C. s

20、elling D. sold答案:C此处selling tickets作后置定语,相当于who was selling tickets。24A. platform B. stationC. ticket D. taxi答案:C排队买票。25A. road B. way C. path D. means答案:B问路用way。26A. and B. or C. but D. so答案:C他没有挤上第一辆车,但是却向站台靠近了很多,这样登上下一辆车就很有可能了。27A. get on B. get off C. get up D. get down答案:Aget on“上车”。28A. open B

21、. opened C. close D. closed答案:D车门先关起来,然后车才会开动。29A. able B. unable C. sure D. possible答案:B他看不见车停靠的车站的名字。30A. which B. that C. before D. where答案:D此处是一个定语从句,先行词是station,定语从句不缺少主干成分,因此选择表示地点的关系副词where。31A. feeling B. felt C. fell D. fallen答案:A句子的主语Lin Tao和fell构成逻辑上的主动关系,因此选felling表示伴随。32A. recognized B.

22、 understood C. realized D. felt答案:C但是他突然意识到自己到了一处连名字都从未听说过的车站。realize“意识到”;recognize“认出,承认”;understand“理解,知道”;feel“感觉”。33A. have never listened to B. had never heard ofC. had never listened D. has never heard答案:B由所在句时态可知,应选过去完成时的选项,同时listen to表示听的过程,hear表示听的结果,hear of“听说”。34A. in B. on C. of D. to答案

23、:B脸上的笑容用介词on。35A. had bought B. had sat C. had driven D. had caught答案:DLin Tao坐反了车。catch the train“坐车”。.阅读理解(每小题2分,共40分)AThe best reporters I know are bright, persistent, honest, curious and courageous. If you asked them to explain their success, this is what they might say:Helen: A good reporter is

24、 a generalist, able to deal with a number of topics and talk with a variety of people. He or she can see the unusual, the ironic(讽刺的)in the everyday. She can think through all the possibilities and organize a large amount of information to find the important parts.Jack: A good reporter is quick. Onc

25、e he is assigned a story, he goes after it. He makes the calls and keeps trying if he doesnt make contact. Besides, a good reporter is curious. He or she takes pleasure in the new, and in the old, in the history or previous examples that got us where we are. He enjoys reading and appreciates the det

26、ails.Susan: A good reporter is pleasant. She adopts a friendly nature with those she meets. She is a grateful guest, with a belief in the basic goodness of people. She conveys to those she meets that she is tolerant of them and their ideas, even though she doesnt like them or what they stand for.Tom

27、: A good reporter is honest. He seeks the truth and acts independently. He does what he says hes going to do, and doesnt do something he promised to avoid. He returns his calls, and hes willing to say no. Hes obsessed with accuracy and double checks his facts with callbacks. He sees both sides to ev

28、ery issue.Richard: As Jon Franklin, reporter, author and teacher, said, “Back when I first started, I thought intelligence was the most important attribute a reporter could have. I have since changed my mind. You do have to be intelligent, but the big thing is courage. Courage to open your mind and

29、let the whole damned confusing world in. Courage to always be the ignorant one, on somebody elses turf. Courage to stand corrected. Courage to take criticism. Courage to grow with your experiences. Courage to accept what you dont understand. Most of all, courage to see what is there and not what you

30、 want to think is there.”36What would be the best title of the text?A. How a Reporter Makes Good NewsB. What a Reporter DoesC. NewspaperD. How to Be a Good Reporter答案:D主旨大意题。本文讲述的是作为一名好记者的条件,即如何成为一名好记者,故选D。37Who thinks a good reporter should find unusual news from daily life?A. Helen. B. Jack. C. Susan. D. Tom.答案:A细节理解题。根据Helen所说的“He or she can see the unusual,the ironic in the every day”可知答案为A。38According to Susan, what should you do if you cant agree with him?A. Saying no. B. Being pleasant.C. Getting angry. D. Walking away.答案:B细节理解题。根据第四段Susan所说的话可知选B。39In the eyes of Tom, a good report

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