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1、新概念英语一从句总结新概念英语一:从句总结导读:本文 新概念英语一:从句总结,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 【篇一】限定性定语从句 限制性定语限制性定语从句对被修饰的先行词有限定制约作用,使该词的含义更具体,更明确。限制性定语从句不能被省略,否则句意就不完整。关系代词1. that即可代表事物也可代表人,which代表事物;它们在从句中作主语或宾语,that在从句中作宾语时常可省略关系词,which在从句中作宾语则不能省略。而且,如果which在从句中作“不及物动词+介词”的介词的宾语,注意介词不要丢掉,而且介词总是放在关系代词which的前边,但有的则放在它原来的位置2. wh

2、ich作宾语时,根据先行词与定语从句之间的语义关系,先行词与which之间的介词不能丢3. 代表物时多用which,但在带有下列词的句子中用that而不用which,这些词包括all, anything, much等,这时的that常被省略4. who和whom引导的从句用来修饰人,分别作从句中的主语和宾语,whom作宾语时,要注意它可以作动词的宾语也可以作介词的宾语。5.限定性定语从句在句中的主要作用是修饰前面的先行词,并且两者之间紧密联系,无逗号。如出现关系代词是that的情况,that是可以省略的。在句中起修饰限定作用,不能不省去。A.The sports meeting will be

3、 held tomorrow when all the things are prepared.明天所有的事情都准备就绪时,便会举行运动会。(限定性)B.We think about the final exam which (that)will become a standard of scores in the semester.我们都在想着这学期将会作为评分标准的期末考试。(that可以省略) 【篇二】时间状语从句一、定义顾名思义,状语从句就是指句子中的状语原本是由单词或短语来充当的,但当状语是由句子来充当时,这个充当状语的句子就叫状语从句。如:He left the party at

4、eight.He left the party when it was eight.第 一句中的at eight是时间状语,是由短语来充当的。第二句中的when it was eight也是时间状语,但是由句子来充当的,这个句子就叫(时间)状语从句。二、分类英语里的状语总共有九种,即:时间、地点、原因、结果、目的、条件、比较、方式、让步。而英语里的状语从句也因此包括这九种,接下去我们就一一来梳理这九种从句的用法。需要注意的是,状语从句的学习其实就是有关连接这些状语从句的连接副词的学习。时间状语从句常连接时间状语从句的连接词有:when, while, as;before, after;as s

5、oon as, hardly.when., no sooner.than.;till, until;since;by, by the time, by the end of。(一)when、while和as的用法三者都表示“当.时候”,需要注意的是:1、当所要描述的动作或状态发生的时间是现在时间时1)when要采用“主将从现”的原则,即:主句谓语动词采用一般将来时,从句谓语动词采用一般现在时。如:When he comes, I will tell him the good news.需要注意的是,此时的从句谓语动词虽然采用的是一般现在时,但其实是表将来的。如上句中的he comes,他其实还

6、没来。此外,主句也有可能是祈使句或是含有情态动词的句子。如:When he comes, please tell him the good news.When he comes, you can tell him the good news.2)as的用法跟when差不多,但其主句谓语动词也可以使用一般现在时。如:A sudden chill of horror sweeps over her as she feels the drip of saliva upon her hand. (当她感觉到滴到她双手上的唾液时,恐怖的寒栗突然遍布了她全身。)3)while所在的句子主从句的谓语动词一般

7、都采用现在进行时。如:While my mother is cooking in the kitchen, my father is working in the garden.2、当所要描述的动作或状态发生的时间是过去时间时1)when所在的从句谓语动词一般采用一般过去时,主句谓语动词采用过去进行时或是一般过去时。如:When he entered the room, she was playing the piano.But when I returned the door was open.需要注意的是,when也有可能表示“正在这时”。如:I was walking in the pa

8、rk, when a little child bumped into me. (我正在公园里散步,这时一个小孩撞到了我怀里。)2)as与while的用法差不多,即:as和while所在的句子的谓语动词一般用过去进行时,而另外一个句子的谓语动词则采用过去进行时或一般过去时。如:As/While the royal visitors were passing by, the crowd burst into cheers.As/While she was reading in the study, he was watching TV in the living room.(二)before和a

9、fter的用法before表示“在.之前”,after表示“在.之后”。使用时要注意要描述的动作或状态时基于现在时间还是过去时间。1、基于现在时间这时,其用法基本遵循时间状语从句的“主将从现原则”,即before或after所在的从句谓语动词采用一般现在时,其主句谓语动词采用一般将来时。如:Before the guests come, we will have to clean the house.After he comes, we will set out for Shanghai.2、基于过去时间这时,before所在的从句谓语动词要采用一般过去时,其主句谓语动词要采用过去完成时,而a

10、fter所在的从句谓语动词要采用过去完成时,其主句谓语动词要采用一般过去时。如:Before it began to rain, she had already arrived home.After she had arrived home, it began to rain.(三)“一.就.”的表达英语里常用来表“一.就.”的结构主要有:as soon as, hardly.when., no sooner.than.。、1、as soon asas soon as既可以用在现在时间中,也可以用在过去时间中。当用在现在时间中时,遵循“主将从现”的原则;当用在过去时间中时,as soon as

11、所在的从句谓语动词采用一般过去时,其主句谓语动词采用一般过去时或过去完成时(如果要强调主从句谓语动作的连续性很强,则采用一般过去时)。如:现在时间:As soon as she comes to the party, we will give her a big surprise.过去时间:As soon as he got to the station, the train left/had left.2、hardly.when.和no sooner.than.这两个句型都表示“一.就.”,而且用法都差不多,即when和than所在的从句谓语动词采用一般过去时,其主句谓语动词采用过去完成时。

12、如:He had hardly arrived at school when the class began.He had no sooner arrived at school than the class began.需要注意的是,hardly有时可以换成scarcely或rarely或barely。3、特殊表达英语中用来表达“一.就.”的结构还有:the moment/instant/minute/second.;immediately/instantly/directly.;at/on等。如:He came directly I called.The moment she gets o

13、ff the bus, we will give her a big hug.On hearing the news, he burst into cries.(四)till和until都表示“直到.时候”,两者一般可以相互替换,但till多用于肯定句,until多用于否定句。如:She will stay in the office till he comes back.She wont leave the office until he comes back.需要注意的是,until常与not搭配使用,而且会用在强调句中。如:He didnt arrive until the film h

14、ad already begun.It was not until the film had already begun that he arrived.(五)since当since用来引导时间状语从句时,意思是“自从.以来”,其往往被当作是主句谓语动词要采用完成时的标志性时间状语。如:Since he was born, he has lived here for over eighty years.Since we last met, we havent seen each other for more than ten years.(六)by、by the time和by the end

15、 of这组结构都表示“到.时候为止”,其主句谓语动词一般都要采用完成时。需要注意的是,这些结构后面所接的时间不同,主句谓语动词就要采用不同的完成时态。1、后接将来时间这时,主句谓语动词一般要采用将来完成时或将来完成进行时。如:He will have read ten books by next Friday this month.She will have been learning English for ten years by the end of this term.They will have already left by the time she comes.2、后接过去时间这

16、时,主句谓语动词一般要采用过去完成时。如:They had learned English for ten years by last Saturday.The students had already left the party by the time she arrived.We had worked on the bridge for two years by the end of last month. 【篇三】条件状语从句 一、重要句型或语法1、条件状语从句本课侧重的是if引导的条件状语从句,当基于现在时间来使用时,其用法主要是遵循“主将从现”的原则,即:主句谓语动词采用一般将来时

17、,if从句谓语动词采用一般现在时。如:If I win a lot of money, Ill buy you a mink coat.二、课文主要语言点Are you doing the football pools, Brian?Yes, Ive nearly finished, Julie.Im sure well win something this week.1)注意这段话采用了四种不同的时态:现在进行时、现在完成时、一般现在时和一般将来时,老师可以就此提问学生,让学生分析为什么分别采用了这四种时态。 2)do the football pools,下足球赛赌注。 3)注意win后面

18、只能接物,不能接人。You always say that, but we never win anything. 1)注意本句前后两个分句中的always和never的使用,使得前后两句话形成了鲜明对比。 2)后半句中的never win anything,与前文出现的win something,形成前后呼应。What will you do if you win a lot of money?If I win a lot of money Ill buy you a mink coat.1)注意第 一句中的if从句在后面,中间没有也无需用逗号隔开;第二句中的if从句在前面,课文里没有用逗号

19、隔开,但一般都会用逗号隔开。 2)buy you a mink coat,可以改为buy a mink coat for you。I dont want a mink coat. I want to see the world. 注意前后两句话分别示例了want后接名词成分和动词的用法差别,即:want sth.和want to do sth.。作为动词,want还有一种用法,即:want sb. to do sth.。If we win a lot of money well travel round the worldand well stay at the best hotels.1)t

20、ravel round the world,环球旅行。 2)stay at,待在某地。注意stay at后面接的一般都是小地点,而不是大地方。Then well return home and buy a big house in the country.Well have a beautiful garden and .1)return home,回家。注意home用作了副词,前面不能加介词。一般home与动词搭配使用时,只有在stay后面才会加介词at。 2)in the country,在乡下、农村。 3)have a beautiful garden中的have相当于buy。But i

21、f we spend all that money well be poor again.Whatll we do then?1)注意“all that+不可数名词”的用法。 2)注意what will的缩写形式whatll。If we spend all the moneywell try and win the football pools again.句中的all the money与前文中的all that money意思和用法差不多。Its a pleasant dream but everything depends on if! 1)a pleasant dream,美梦。 2)depend on,依靠、取决于。 3)注意课文中but前后的两个分句没有用逗号隔开,但*好还是加上逗号。

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