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1、人教版高中英语必修一Unit3单元小测高中英语学习材料madeofjingetiejiUnit 3单元小测基 础 测 评.单词拼写1I tried to _(说服)him to go with me, but in vain.2The total plane _(费) is $200.3My father is a _(顽固的)man.4In my _(看法), the foreign policy of the government is wrong.5Is the source of the information _(可靠的)?6All the goods will be _(运输) a

2、broad by ship.7The _(海拔) of that mountain is more than 8,000 metres.8They are _(决定) to take up gardening as a kind of relaxation.9The Great Wall winds its way across deserts, over mountains and through _(山谷)10The pupils are busy preparing for the _(最终的)exams.答案1persuade2.fare3.stubborn4.view5.reliab

3、完成句子1Weak as he was, he _(坚持) going with us.2Please go out of the room before I _(改变主意)3They didnt want to _(屈服) though they met a lot of difficulties.4He _(梦想) being a scientist, so he devoted all his time to science.5After _(毕业) the university

4、, he was sent to work in a factory in his hometown.6I think what you said is reasonable, but I cant _(同意) everything.7If you have any questions to ask, please _(举起) your hand.8They _(问候) each other when they met.9He was born in the countryside, but _(长大) in the city.10I want to do it in my own way,

5、and dont_(在乎) what others say.答案1insisted on2.change my mind3.give in4.dreamt about/of5.graduating from6.agree with7.put up8.said hello to9.grew about.请用下面方框中所给短语的正确形式填空give inmake up ones mindas usualchange ones mindcare aboutbe fond ofprefer toever sincepersuade sb. to do midnight

6、1After the heated discussion, they had to _ to our views.2He knows smoking does great harm to his health, so he _ to give it up.3He was late for class again _, which made his teacher angry. 4.We met each other two years ago, _ I havent heard from him.5He _ playing cards on the Internet in his spare

7、time.6I _ stay at home rather than go out with my wife for shopping.7As a parent, she _ her daughters safety on the way to school.8The telephone rang suddenly _, which made me frightened.9At first, he insisted on going there alone, but he _later.10We tried to _ him _ give up the foolish idea,but fai

8、led at last.答案1give in2.makes up his usual4.ever since5is fond of6.prefer to7.cares midnight9.changed his mind10.persuade; to.单项填空1Jenny has invited me to her birthday party this evening, Mom._ABest wishes! BHave fun!CGood luck! DHappy birthday!解析:本题考查情景交际。Have fun!意为“愿你玩得愉快!”其他选项

9、无此意。答案:B2We should thank John for his help. It is he _helped us finish the task ahead of time.Athat BwhatCwhom Dwhich解析:本题考查强调句型结构。这里是对主语he的强调,可用that也可用who,故选A。答案:A3Rather than _ TV at home at weekends, I prefer _ in the open air.Awatching; to cycle Bwatch; to cycleCwatching; cycling Dwatch; cycling

10、解析:本题考查固定结构。prefer to do.rather than do.宁愿做也不愿做答案:B4The doctor _ the old man not to smoke so much, but he couldnt give it up.Apersuaded BpromisedCsuggested Dadvised解析:由语境可知,这里考查的是advise sb. to do sth.结构。由后半句可知,不可能是persuade(劝服了),也没有promise(允诺)的意思,suggest不能用于此结构中。答案:D5He does not always _ money, for o

11、nce he treated a millionpound note as a bookmark.Atake care of Btake a look atCcare about Dlook up解析:本题考查短语辨析。care about在乎,介意,关心;take care of照顾,照料;take a look at看一看;look up向上看,(在字典等中)查找。根据句意,选C。答案:C6_, there were a great many people in the park last Sunday.AAs usual BUsualCGradually DGradual解析:as us

12、ual像往常一样。B、D两项为形容词,不能用在这里去修饰整个句子;C项意为“逐渐地;渐渐地”,不符合句意。答案:A7We put _ our tent and began to sleep in it, but I really couldnt put _ the heat in the tent.Aup;off Bup;up withCon; out Dover; into解析:本题考查put短语。put up搭建;put up with忍受。故选B。答案:B8If you have a strong will, you can overcome any difficulty, _ grea

13、t it is.Awhatever BhoweverCwherever Dwhenever解析:本题考查however引导让步状语从句的用法。however引导让步状语从句时,应将被修饰的形容词放在however之后。whatever应修饰名词。答案:B9My friends and I _ to Guangzhou this weekend to watch the 16th Asian Games.Awould fly BflyCare flying Dhave flown解析:本题考查进行时表将来的用法。表示按计划、安排即将要发生的动作常用进行时,故选C。答案:C10He is a _

14、person, so you are never afraid that he may break his word.Astubborn BdeterminedCconcerned Dreliable解析:由句意可知,这里表示“他”是一个“可信赖”的人,故选D。答案:D11She insists that we _ on our parents when we are over eighteen.Awouldnt depend Bcant dependCnot depend Ddepend解析:本题考查insist的用法。insist表示“坚持应该做某事”时,后面的宾语从句应用虚拟语气,即sb

15、.(should)do sth.,should可以省略,故选C。答案:C12My good friend _ to find a job while I am _ on further education.Ahas decided; decidedBdetermining; decidedChas determined;made up my mindDhas made up his mind; determined解析:由语境可知本句应为现在时态,由说话的时间判定,这里第一个空应用现在完成时,“下定决心”若用determine表示,则常用be determined结构来表示“已经决定好了”的状

16、态,故选D。答案:D13_she decides to do something, there is nothing can stop her.AAlthough BOnceCUnless DSince解析:本题考查连词。由语境可知,这里表示“一旦就”之意,故选B。答案:B14We _ each other ever since we graduated from high school in the 1990s.Adidnt see Bwouldnt seeChavent seen Dhadnt seen解析:由since引导的一般过去时的从句可知,主句应该用现在完成时,表示自从高中毕业以来

17、至今未见过面。答案:C15Standing on the top of the mountain, we can get a wonderful _ of the village.Ascene BviewCsight Dlook解析:本题考查名词辨析。句意:站在山顶上,我们可以很好地看到这个村庄的景色。表示由高处向低处看到的景色用view,故选B。scene场景;sight景象;look外貌。答案:B能 力 测 评.完形填空Andy was still travelling in Spain when he realized he had to confirm(确认) his flight h

18、ome with the airline company. He was visiting Spain in order to _1_ his Spanish.When he was speaking to people _2_ he had no _3_ understanding what they said. _4_, when he was speaking on the phone, he _5_ had a problem. Andy _6_ the airline.And the clerk confirmed that his plane was leaving at nine

19、 oclock three days from that day. She _7_ told Andy to be at the airport two hours _8_ in order to check in his luggage and get a set.Since he was _9_ in three days, Andy didnt _10_ any time. He visited as many places as he could. He thought that it would probably be a while before he had enough mon

20、ey again. He wished he could _11_ and spend a year in Spain.Too _12_, the final day arrived. Andy left early for the airport to arrive two hours before takeoff. He hated to _13_.He went to the clerk to _14_ his ticket. The clerk looked at the ticket with _15_.“Why, sir, but your flight was at nine o

21、clock in the morning, and _16_ it is eight in the evening.”“But I confirmed my flight.”_17_ Andy. “Will I have to pay for another ticket?” “No, sir. However, the next flight out will be three days from now.”Andys _18_ of shock turned to one of _19_ as he realized that now he could continue his _20_.

22、1A.prepare BimproveCenjoy Dlearn2A.slowly Bin publicCin person Dcarefully3A.difficulty BideaCmistake Dinterest4A.Instead BThereforeCMeanwhile DHowever5A.even BjustCstill Dseldom6A.called BlikedCtrusted Dasked7A.again BalsoConly Donce8A.before BearlierClater Dafter9A.moving BreturningCstaying Dleavin

23、g10A.take BhaveClose Dfind11A.wait Bgo homeCstop Dcome back12A.shortly BquicklyCbadly Dearly13A.speak BgoCrush BpresentCorder Dprovide15A.astonishment BpatienceCrespect Ddelight16A.maybe BgoChere Dnow17A.insisted BapologizedCreplied Ddemanded18A.experience BexpressionClook Dface19A.ple

24、asure BcomfortCsadness Dhopelessness20A.plan BflightCjourney Dvacation答案与解析1BAndy到西班牙旅游是为了提高他的西班牙语水平。从后文可知他学(learn)过西班牙语,但不怎么好,因而需要提高(improve)。2C与后文中的speaking on the phone对照。in person“亲自”;slowly“慢慢地;迟缓地”;in public“当众;公开地;公然地”;carefully“小心地;谨慎地”。3A句意:当他直接与人说话时,理解人家的话对他来说没有什么困难。have (some/no)difficult

25、y(in) doing sth.“做某事有/没有困难”。have no idea of“一点也不知道”;have no interest in sth.“对没有兴趣”。4D根据上下文,可知此处应为转折关系。however“然而”,表示转折关系。instead“代替;反而”,表示对立相反关系;therefore“因此;所以”,表示因果关系;meanwhile“与此同时”。5C可通电话时,还是(still)有问题的。句子主、谓、宾俱全,欠缺修饰词。seldom“很少;不常”;just“仅仅;只是”;even“甚至”;still“仍然;还”。6A从下文中Andy把起飞时间弄错了,说明Andy没有理解

26、the clerk说的话,从上文他能面对面和别人交流而不能通过电话(call),可知选A。7B办事员除了告诉Andy他问的问题外,还(also)告诉他一些另外的信息。also“而且;还;也”,表示并存关系;again“又;再次”;only“仅仅;只不过”;once“一次;从前;曾经”。8B乘飞机应该提前去机场,以便办理手续、托运行李、找座位等。后文two hours before takeoff有所暗示。“时间段earlier”表示提前多长时间;before表示在某个时间点之前;later与after均不符合句意。9D他要三天后才离开(leave)。move“移动;迁移;搬家”;return“

27、回来;返回”;stay“逗留;暂住”。10C因为Andy三天后就要离开,他不是没有(have),不花(take),没找到(find)时间,而是不浪费(lose)一点时间。11DAndy这样想时他还在西班牙,所以此处指的是从他的国家再次来到(come back)西班牙,而不是等候(wait),逗留(stop)或回家(go home)。12B句意:时间过得真快(quickly),最后一天到了。13C上句提到他提前到达,表明他不太喜欢匆匆忙忙(rush)。其他三项与句意不符。14B他让办事员看他的票。他已有票,故买(buy)或订购(order)不合句意。provide“提供”,他并不是把票让给办事员


29、脸色”,意义较为笼统;look“脸色;面容”,侧重指眼神、目光和脸色;face“面容;面孔”。19A从前文“He wished he could 11 and spend a year in Spain.”说明Andy不想离开西班牙,当他得知他还得呆上三天时间时,当然不是感到悲伤(sadness),安慰(comfort)和绝望(hopelessness),而是高兴(pleasure)。20Dplan“计划”,而这一切都在计划之外,是突发状况;flight是指乘飞机的旅程;journey指陆上的旅行;而Andy由于耽误了飞机,要在Spain再呆上三天,不能说旅程,只能说是继续他的休假(vacation)。.阅读理解AIf you go into the woods with your friends, stay with them. If you dont

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