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1、中国石油大学大学英语4在线作业试题窗体顶端1(5.0分)We came finally _ the conclusion that she has been telling lies all the time. A)of B)into C)to D)at参考答案:C解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端2(5.0分)Besides the first-rate public service and convenient transportation conditions, what really made me decide to buy this house was the beautiful _ thr

2、ough the window. A)vision B)look C)picture D)view参考答案:D解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端3(5.0分)Dont forget _ the window before leaving the room. A)to have closed B)to close C)having closed Nobody was _D)closing参考答案:B解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端4(5.0分)The student is trying his best to _ his teacher of his honesty. A)prove B)convince C)p

3、ersuade D)argue参考答案:B解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端5(5.0分)The boy is not happy at the new school. He has _ friends there. A)few B)a few C)little D)a little参考答案:A解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端6(5.0分)I am not used to speaking _ public. A)in B)at C)on D)to参考答案:A解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端7(5.0分)_ you are leaving tomorrow, we can have dinner together to

4、night. A)Since B)While C)For D)Before参考答案:A解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端8(5.0分)In the advanced course students must take performance tests at regular _. A)gaps B)intervals C)length D)distance参考答案:B解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端9(5.0分)Bob never dreams of _ for him to be promoted to the managing position in the company. A)there being a

5、 chance B)there to be a chance C)there be a chance D)being a chance参考答案:A解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端10(5.0分)I dont know _ to deal with such matter. A)what B)how C)which D)/参考答案:B解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端11(5.0分)The employers often think highly of such _ as loyalty, courage and honesty shown by the employers during the process

6、of their work. A)properties B)features C)virtues D)characteristics参考答案:C解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端12(5.0分)A pair of spectacles _ what I need at the moment. A)is B)are C)has D)have参考答案:A解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端13(5.0分)During the period of economic depression many companies had to _ some employees. A)lay down B)lay out C)lay o

7、ff D)lay aside参考答案:C解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端14(5.0分)I was _ the point of telling him the truth about his birth when his mother returned home. A)to B)in C)at D)on参考答案:D解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端15(5.0分)Weve missed the last bus. Im afraid we have no _ but to take a taxi. A)way B)choice C)possibility D)selection参考答案:B解析:无窗体底端窗体

8、顶端16(5.0分)There _ a book and some magazines on the desk. A)is B)be C)have D)has参考答案:A解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端17(5.0分)The two companies decided to _ on a project concerning animal cloning. A)compete B)convince C)compromise D)cooperate参考答案:A解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端18(5.0分)Nobody was _ in the office when the manager suddenly

9、had a heart attack. A)available B)approachable C)attainable D)adaptable参考答案:A解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端19(5.0分)_ she survived the accident is miracle. A)What B)That C)As D)Which参考答案:B解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端20(5.0分)We decided to move to a quiet place, for we couldnt _ the noisy environment here any more. A)go in for B)hold o

10、n to C)put up with D)keep pace with参考答案:C解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端1(5.0分)When I heard that my mother would come to see me this weekend, I _ for her to arrive. A)couldnt but to wait B)couldnt help but waiting C)couldnt help but wait D)couldnt help but to wait参考答案:C解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端2(5.0分)You had better _ a doctor as s

11、oon as possible. A)seeing B)saw C)see D)seen参考答案:C解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端3(5.0分)She _ tell white lies to make people feel better, to smooth things over. A)is prone to B)is subject to C)is prior to D)is pretentious to参考答案:A解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端4(5.0分)_ a few spelling mistakes, this composition is well-written. A)But for

12、 B)in spite C)Besides D)Except for参考答案:D解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端5(5.0分)Of more than three hundred people in the airplane that crashed last week, only five _ miraculously. A)sustained B)endured C)survived D)maintained参考答案:C解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端6(5.0分)I have no objection _your design for the new type of machine this time.

13、 A)to adopt B)to adopting C)to having adopted D)to have adopted参考答案:B解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端7(5.0分)He _ lives in the house where he was born. A)already B)yet C)still D)ever参考答案:C解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端8(5.0分)The whole days hard work in the field gave him a good _. A)appetite B)applause C)appliance D)application参考答案:A解析:无

14、窗体底端窗体顶端9(5.0分)Tom _ more than twenty pounds on the novel. A)spent B)paid C)cost D)took参考答案:A解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端10(5.0分)It is urgent that the seriously wounded soldier _ to the war hospital at once. A)is to be sent B)was sent C)must be sent D)be sent参考答案:D解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端11(5.0分)This travel agency _ $360 for a

15、 single adult with a child under 12 for a round trip to the Great Valley. A)claims B)demands C)charges D)prices参考答案:C解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端12(5.0分)Each car sold in this specialized(专门的) shop comes with a one-year _. A)guarantee B)safety C)security D)insurance参考答案:A解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端13(5.0分)He asked the waiter _ the

16、 bill. A)on B)of C)for D)after参考答案:C解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端14(5.0分)I couldnt afford to rent such an expensive car, _ own it myself. A)let alone B)not to say anything C)not to mention D)not to speak of参考答案:A解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端15(5.0分)Tom is so talkative. Im sure youll soon get tired _ him. A)of B)with C)at D)on参考答案:A解

17、析:无窗体底端窗体顶端16(5.0分)The reason I did not go abroad was _ a job in my home town. A)because B)due to C)that I got D)because of getting参考答案:C解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端17(5.0分)The top of the Great Wall is _ for five horses to go side by side. A)wide B)so wide C)wide enough D)enough wide参考答案:C解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端18(5.0分)He _ d

18、riving me home, even though I told him I lived nearby. A)insisted on B)insisted at C)insisted that D)insisted in参考答案:A解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端19(5.0分)Measles (麻疹) _ a long time to get over. A)spend B)spends C)take D)takes参考答案:D解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端20(5.0分)Its _ that he was wrong. A)clearly B)clarity C)clear D)clearing参考

19、答案:C解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端1(5.0分)I didnt know what to do, but then an idea suddenly _ to me. A)appeared B)happened C)occurred D)emerged参考答案:C解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端2(5.0分)If you had taken my advice last week, you _ in trouble now. A)must not be B)must not have been C)are not to be D)would not be参考答案:D解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端3(5.0分)

20、_ is your girl friend like? She is very kind and good-looking. A)How B)What C)Which D)Who参考答案:B解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端4(5.0分)Twenty people were _ wounded in the air crash. A)quickly B)wrongly C)bitterly D)seriously参考答案:D解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端5(5.0分)Id rather you _ talk about this affair for the time being. A)dont B)didn

21、t C)wouldnt D)shouldnt参考答案:B解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端6(5.0分)I wont make the _ mistake next time. A)like B)same C)near D)similar参考答案:B解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端7(5.0分)The purpose of the conference is to _ the friendship among the Asian countries. A)heighten B)promote C)raise D)increase参考答案:B解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端8(5.0分)Do you want to wa

22、it? Five days _ too long for me to wait. A)was B)were C)is D)are参考答案:C解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端9(5.0分)She is not only my classmate _ also my good friend. A)or B)but C)and D)too参考答案:B解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端10(5.0分)Write to me when you get home. OK, I _ A)must B)should C)will D)can参考答案:C解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端11(5.0分)I fell and hurt my

23、self while I _ basketball yesterday. A)was playing B)am playing C)play D)played参考答案:A解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端12(5.0分)Nancy is considered to be _ the other students in her class. A)less intelligent B)the most intelligent C)intelligent as well D). as intelligent as参考答案:D解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端13(5.0分)I would like to do the

24、job _ you dont force me to study. A)in case B)although C)though D)as long as参考答案:D解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端14(5.0分)The new school building, _ by the end of 2012, can accommodate more than two thousand students. A)being accomplished B)having been accomplished C)accomplished D)to be accomplished参考答案:D解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端1

25、5(5.0分)After the children put up Christmas decorations, the classroom _ a holiday appearance. A)took on B)looked on C)went on D)carried on参考答案:A解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端16(5.0分)No sooner _ at the Grand Theatre than it started to rain. A)would they arrive B)had they arrive C)did they arrive D)were they to arrive参考答案:B解

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