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1、广州牛津版英语七年级下Unit3可编辑修改word版reception n. 接待处;接待区Unit 3decide v. 决定;抉择clerk n.(旅馆服务台)接待员;职员blind adj. 失明的;瞎的explain v. 解释lead v. 带路;引领exit n. 出口safety n. 安全describe v. 描述;形容asleep adj. 睡着的bark v. (狗)吠叫loudly adv. 大声地smell v. 闻到 n. 嗅觉smoke n 烟fire alarm n. 火警towel n. 毛巾;手巾dead adj. 不运行的;不转动的minute n. 分钟

2、fire engine n. 消防车against prep. 与相反;反对mostly adv. 主要地perfume maker n. 香水制造者sense n. 感觉官能(即视、听、嗅、味、触五觉)useful adj. 有用的taste n. 味觉close v. 闭上;关闭programme n. 节目skill n. 技术;技能hearing n. 听力;听觉sight n.视力;视觉deaf adj. 聋的;失聪的simple adj. 简单的;容易的able adj. 能够chance n. 机会sign language n. 手语disability n. 缺陷;障碍whe

3、elchair n. 轮椅left n. 左边;左方opposite prep . 在对面cupboard n. 橱柜;碗柜firemen n. 消防队员down prep. 沿着;顺着stop v. (使)停止;停下injured adj. 受伤的;有伤的damage v. 损害;破坏seriously adv. 严重地belong to 属于reception desk 接待处book a room 订一个房间allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事lead sb. to 把某人带到fire exit 消防通道safety first 安全第一describe sth. t

4、o sb. 向某人描述bark loudly (狗 )大 声吠叫wake up 睡醒smell smoke 闻到烟味fire alarm 火警wet some towels 湿了些毛巾lie on the floor 躺在地板上seem like 似乎像fire engine 消防车music to ones ears 悦耳的声音show up 出现seconds later 一会儿, 几秒后against the rule(s) 违反规定a sense of smell / sight 嗅觉/视觉/ hearing / taste / touch 听觉/味觉/触觉keep ones bala

5、nce 保持平衡fall down 跌倒have a cold 感冒construction worker 建筑工人use for doing / to do 用来做某事communicate with sb. 与沟通in fact 事实上quite a few 许多,相当多perfume maker 香水制造商be useful for 对有用all day 整天as well(句末) 也一、 人称代词1、 人称代词有人称、数和格的变化。人称代词单数复数主格宾格主格宾格第一人称Imeweus第二人称youyouyouyou第三人称hehimtheythemsheheritit2,用法(1)主

6、格作主语 Oh, there is someone in the room.- must be my brother.A.He B. This C. It(2)宾格作宾语,跟在及物动词和介词后面作宾语(3)I cant find the pen I was given. Have you seen ? C.this D.that(4)顺序:单数 231,复数 123,承担责任我在前 -Who broke the door? Iand Tom.(5)it 还可指代时间、天气和距离-What time is it now? Its six thirty.It was raini

7、ng this morning.How far is it from your home to our school?二、 物主代词1、 可分为形容词性的物主代词和名词性的物主代词名词性的物主代词相当于形容词性的物主代词加上相应的名词I have lost my pen.Please lend meyours.(yours=your pen)单数复数形容词性的物主代词名词性的物主代词形容词性的物主代词名词性的物主代词第一人称mymineourours第二人称youryoursyouryours第三人称hishistheirtheirsherhersitsits2、 形容词性的物主代词和名词连用

8、,放在名词前面 Bill is in the classroom, doing his homework.A.he B. him C. his D. himself3、 名词性的物主代词相当于形容词性的物主代词加上相应的名词(1)I have lost my pen .Please lend me yours.(yours=your pen)(2)-Is this your sons sweater? No. is on the chair behind the desk.三、 反身代词1、单数加-self,复数加-selves单数复数第一人称myselfourselves第二人称yourse

9、lfyourselves第三人称himself herself itselfthemselves2、作主语或宾语的同位语( 1) He himself was a doctor.(2)She wants to meet the singer himself.3、带有反身代词的固定短语:enjoy oneself(玩得高兴),teach oneself=learn by oneself(自学),hurt oneself(伤了某人自己),dress oneself( 自己穿衣) , call oneself( 自称) , behave oneself( 守规矩), for oneself(为了某人

10、自己),look after /take care of/care for oneself( 照顾自己) , say/talk to oneself( 自言自语),help oneself(随便吃)Help yourself to some fish! ,all by oneself=by oneself=alone(独自) eg.No one helped Mary.She did it all by .四、 指示代词1、 this(这)、these(这些)指在时间空间上距说话人较近的人或物;that(那)、those(那些)在时间空间上距说话人较远的人或物。 have finished t

11、he work can leave. A.Those who B.Anyone C.The one who 2、 特殊用法(1) 为了避免重复,用 that 而不是用 this 代替前面出现过的不可数或单数名词,用 those 而不是用 these 代替前面出现过的复数名词。The weather of Kuming is better than that of Beijing.thoseRadios made in Nanjing are as good as made in Shanghai.3、 电话用语中,常用 this 介绍自己,用 that 询问对方Hello, this is J

12、im. Is that Tom?(我是基姆,你是汤姆吗?)五、 疑问代词(who ,whom ,whose, what ,which)1、 who 作主语时,即使被问者是复数,通常也用单数谓语动词;which 作主语时, 动词的单复数要和后面的人或物保持一致。-Who (be) coming to dinner tonight? Sunny,Funny and Money-Who (want) to come with me? We do.-Which (be) valuable, health or wealth?(哪一样更可贵,健康还是财富?)-Which (be) prettier, t

13、hese or those?(哪些更漂亮,这些还是那些?) 2、 what 所指的范围是无限的,而 which 则指在一定的范围内Which girls do you like best?(你最喜欢哪几个姑娘?) What girls do you like best? (你最喜欢什么样的姑娘?)3、 whom 是 who 的宾格,作动词或介词宾语,可用代替;whose 要后跟名词。Who/Whom are you taking the book to?Whose sister is a doctor?六、 不定代词1、some 和 any,既可修饰可数名词又可修饰不可数名词,一般,some

14、用在肯定句中,any 用在疑问句、否定句和条件状语从句中;但在表建议、请求或希望对方作出肯定回答的疑问句中,要用 some 而不用 any;还可在肯定句中表示任何一个。(1)I have some question to ask you.(2)-Do you have any friends here? No, I dont have any.(3)If you have any question, please raise your hand. (4)Would you like some coffee?(建议)(5)Would you like something to drink?(语气

15、诚恳)(6)Do you have some coins?(肯定回答) (7)You may come at any time.2、many 修饰可数名词复数,much 修饰不可数名词,前面可以加 so, too 来增强程度There are so many apples in the basket.Too much money is needed.注:too much 修饰不可数名词,too many 修饰可数名词复数,much too 修饰形容词,much too big3、few, little 修饰可数名词意为“很少,几乎没有”表示否定概念;而 a few, a little 修饰不可

16、数名词意为“一些,若干”表示肯定概念;only a few 意为“只有一些/点”,quite a few 意为“相当多”;a little 还可意为“有点、稍微”。Theres cooking oil in the house. Would you go to the supermarket and get ?Its a little cold in the water.There is little milk in the bottle, ?4、all 三者或三者以上都,指代不可数名词时谓语动词用单数,none 三者或三者以上都没有;none of + 可数名词复数,谓语动词既可用单数也可用

17、复数,none of+ 不可数名词,谓语动词用单数。All of them are watching TV. All of the work is done. None of these apples are/is red. None of the bread is fresh.5、each 都表示“每一、每个”,强调个别,着重个性,every 指两个或两个以上事物中的一个;强调全体,着重共性,指两个以上人或物中的一个。On sides of the street are a lot of colorful flowers.Believe it or not, three seconds a

18、child in the world dies because theres not enough fool. That means about 30,000 children die every day!(every each both all none )6、both 两者都,bothand连接两个主语时,谓语动词用复数;either 两者中的任何一个,either 或 either of作主语时,谓语动词用单数,eitheror(或者或者,要么要么)连接两个主语时,谓语动词的单复数要根据离它最近的主语的人称和数来确定,either 用在否定句的句未,表示“也”之意;neither 是 b

19、oth 的反义词, 两者都不, neither 或 enither of作 主语谓语动词用单数, neithernor(既不也不)连接两个主语时,谓语动词的单复数要根据离它最近的主语的人称和数来确定。Both his father and mother are here. Either of the books right.OK. Either you or I of them knows French, so I have to ask a third person for help.Neither of the two brothers been to Beijing.-I hear a

20、new film is on these days. Shall we go to the cinema together, Lucy and Lily?- Lily I will go with you because one of us must be at home to help our father in the garden.7、other 别的,其它的,others 别的,其它的,别人,others=other +n. the others=theother +n.;另一个,又一个;有两个人或物,表示“一个另一个”用 one the other;有不定数量的人或物, 表示“一个另

21、一个”用 oneanother;强调确定数目中的“一个其余的”用 one the others;表示许多人或物中的“一部分另一部分(并非全部)”用 someothers;表示许多人或物中的“一部分另一部分其余的全部”用 somesomethe others;-Have you finished your work yet? No, not yet. I think it will take tenminutes.There are two books. One is Lilys, is mine. I dont like this one, show me one, please.Of the

22、 six boys, one is going home, are going to the cinema.There are lots of people in the park on Sunday. Some are walking and are climbing the hills.The students of Class Two are working on the hill. Some are carrying water, some are digging, are planting trees. 人称代词和物主代词练习 一、用适当的人称代词填空:1. is my aunt.

23、We often visit .2.China is a developing country. lies in the east of Asia.3.Professor Wang sets a good example. We must learn from .4.What day is today? - is Thursday.5.How far is the thunder ? - is three kilometers away.6.I own a blue bike. The red one doesnt belong to .7.These new houses are so ni

24、ce. are very expensive.8. say that those old houses will be rebuilt.9.Is the milkman at the door? - Yes, thats .10.The fishermen caught a lot of fish, didnt ?二、用适当的人称代词和物主代词填空A. 从括号内选择正确的代词填空1.Your football clothes are on the desk.Please put (they,them,their,theirs) away.2.(We,Us,Our,Ours) English t

25、eacher is Mrs. Green. We all like (she,her,hers).3.(I,Me,My,Mine) cant get my kite. Could you help (I,me,my,mine)?4.Tom cant get down from the tree.Can you help (he,him,his)?5.Her kite is broken. Can (you,your,yours) mend it?四、用括号中的适当形式填空A) (1)Are these (you)pencils? Yes, they are (our).(2)-Whose is

26、 this pencil?-Its (I).(3)I love (they)very much.(4)She is (I)classmate.(5)Miss Li often looks after (she)brother.(6)-Are these (they)bags ?-No, they arent (their). They are (we).一、单项选择( ) 1. She is a student, and name is Julia.A. its B. her C. hersD. his( ) 2. Could you help with English, please?A.

27、I, my B. me, me C. me, myD. my, I( ) 3. A friend of came here yesterday.A. my B. his C. himD. himself( ) 4. pencil-box is beautiful. But is more beautiful than .A. Toms, my, he B. Toms, mine, his C. Toms, mine, him D. Toms, my, his ( ) 5. Most of like Chinese food.A. they B. their C. themD. theirs(

28、) 6. Dont you let help you ?A. I and my friend B. my friend and IC. my friend and me D. my friend and I to ( ) 7. How hard works!A. we B. him C. heD. his( ) 8. have been chosen.A. I, you and he B. He, you and I C. You, he and I D.You, and me( ) 9. She gave the erasers to Lucy and .A. I B. me C. myD.

29、 mine( ) 10. Thats not ; it is . I made it .A. ours, mine, myself B. your, mine, myselfC. yours, her, myself D. yours, my, myself【同步达纲练习】 .单项选择( )1 .I met Kate on way home yesterday .(北京海淀区) A .my B .me C .hisD .him( )2 .This is ruler .(北京西城区)A .my B .mine C .I D .me( )3 .A : pencil-box is this ,Pat

30、rick ?B :Its .(上海)A .Whose ;mine B .Whos ;mine C .Whose ;my D .Whos ;my( )4 .Kate and her sister went on holiday with a classmate of . A .her B .hers C .their D .theirs( )5 .Is this dictionary or ?Its mine .(内蒙古)A .your ;hers B .yours ;her C .your ;her D .yours ;hers( )6 .The pen is .She wrote name with it . A .hers ;her ;herselfB .her ;hers ;herC .her ;hers ;herself D .her ;herself ;hers ( )7 .Can I borrow pencil ? is broken .(河北)A .you ;My B .your ;Me C .your ;Mine D .your ;My( )8 .These are cups . are over there .(河南)A .our ;Yours B

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