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1、最新初二数学一次函数知识点总结优秀名师资料初二数学一次函数知识点总结一次函数知识点总结 基本概念 1、变量:在一个变化过程中可以取不同数值的量。常量:在一个变化过程中只能取同一数值的量。 例题:在匀速运动公式中,表示速度,表示时间,表示在时间内所走的路程,则变量是_,常量s,vtvtst是_。在圆的周长公式C=2r中,变量是_,常量是_. 2、函数:一般的,在一个变化过程中,如果有两个变量x和y,并且对于x的每一个确定的值,y都有唯一确定的值与其对应,那么我们就把x称为自变量,把y称为因变量,y是x的函数。 *判断Y是否为X的函数,只要看X取值确定的时候,Y是否有唯一确定的值与之对应 1-12

2、例题:下列函数(1)y=x (2)y=2x-1 (3)y= (4)y=2-3x (5)y=x-1中,是一次函数的有( ) x(A)4个 (B)3个 (C)2个 (D)1个 3、定义域:一般的,一个函数的自变量允许取值的范围,叫做这个函数的定义域。 4、确定函数定义域的方法: (1)关系式为整式时,函数定义域为全体实数;(2)关系式含有分式时,分式的分母不等于零; (3)关系式含有二次根式时,被开放方数大于等于零;(4)关系式中含有指数为零的式子时,底数不等于零; (5)实际问题中,函数定义域还要和实际情况相符合,使之有意义。 例题:下列函数中,自变量x的取值范围是x?2的是( ) 124,x2

3、,xx,2x,2A(y= B(y= C(y= D(y=? x,2函数中自变量x的取值范围是_. yx,51,1,x,1已知函数,当时,y的取值范围是 ( ) y,x,2253353535,y,y,y,y,A. B. C. D. 222222225、函数的图像 一般来说,对于一个函数,如果把自变量与函数的每对对应值分别作为点的横、纵坐标,那么坐标平面内由这些点组成的图形,就是这个函数的图象( 6、函数解析式:用含有表示自变量的字母的代数式表示因变量的式子叫做解析式。 7、描点法画函数图形的一般步骤 第一步:列表(表中给出一些自变量的值及其对应的函数值); 第二步:描点(在直角坐标系中,以自变量的

4、值为横坐标,相应的函数值为纵坐标,描出表格中数值对应的各点);第三步:连线(按照横坐标由小到大的顺序把所描出的各点用平滑曲线连接起来)。 8、函数的表示方法 列表法:一目了然,使用起来方便,但列出的对应值是有限的,不易看出自变量与函数之间的对应规律。 解析式法:简单明了,能够准确地反映整个变化过程中自变量与函数之间的相依关系,但有些实际问题中的函数关系,不能用解析式表示。 图象法:形象直观,但只能近似地表达两个变量之间的函数关系。 9、正比例函数及性质 一般地,形如y=kx(k是常数,k?0)的函数叫做正比例函数,其中k叫做比例系数. 注:正比例函数一般形式 y=kx (k不为零) ? k不为

5、零 ? x指数为1 ? b取零 当k0时,直线y=kx经过三、一象限,从左向右上升,即随x的增大y也增大;当k0时,图像经过一、三象限;k0,y随x的增大而增大;k0时,向上平移;当b0,图象经过第一、三象限;k0,图象经过第一、二象限;b0,y随x的增大而增大;k0时,将直线y=kx的图象向上平移b个单位; 当b0 b0 图象从左到右上升,y随x的增大而增大 经过第一、二、四象限 经过第二、三、四象限 经过第二、四象限 k0时,向上平移;当b0或ax+b0(a,b为常数,a?0)的形式,所以解一元一次不等式可以看作:当一次函数值大(小)于0时,求自变量的取值范围. apply the edi

6、ble parts of the specimen shattered after placed in a flask, add 30 ?-60 ? petroleum ether 100mL, shock 1min over night, filter by funnel containing anhydrous sodium sulfate, vacuum solvent recovery or on a water bath at 60 ?, petroleum ether, for stand-by. Determination of extraction of oil should

7、meet the following requirements. Weigh 2.00 g-3.00g method to extract the oil as described above, put in iodine 250mL bottle, add 30 mL of chloroform-acetic mixture, so that the specimen is completely dissolved. Add l.00 mL of saturated potassium iodide solution, tightly stuffed bottlesa X2-the pero

8、xide value of the sample, expressed in meq/kg (MEQ/kg); V1-consumption of sodium thiosulfate standard frozen reduced-size drops of the sample, expressed in milliliters (mL); V2-volume of consumed reagent blank titration with sodium thiosulfate standard solution. Milliliters (mL); C a-titration with

9、sodium thiosulfate standard solution concentration, measured in moles per liter (mol/l); M-quality of the sample, expressed in grams (g); 0.1269-1.00mL titration with sodium thiosulfate standard solution was c (Na2S2O3) =1.000mol/L the quality of iodine in units of grams (g); 78.8-conversion factors

10、. Results to two significant figures. 5, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent test results shall not exceed the arithmetical average of the 10%. Method 2 method 1, principles of specimen with three oxygen dissolved methane-methano

11、l mixed solvent, in samples of peroxide oxidation of ferrous iron 17、一次函数与二元一次方程组 ac (1)以二元一次方程ax+by=c的解为坐标的点组成的图象与一次函数y=的图象相同. ,x,bbax,by,c,acac1111122(2)二元一次方程组的解可以看作是两个一次函数y=和y=的图象,x,,x,,axbyc,,bbbb222,1122交点. 一 次 函 数 自变量x和因变量y有如下关系: y=kx+b (k为任意不为零实数,b为任意实数) 则此时称y是x的一次函数。 apply the edible parts

12、of the specimen shattered after placed in a flask, add 30 ?-60 ? petroleum ether 100mL, shock 1min over night, filter by funnel containing anhydrous sodium sulfate, vacuum solvent recovery or on a water bath at 60 ?, petroleum ether, for stand-by. Determination of extraction of oil should meet the f

13、ollowing requirements. Weigh 2.00 g-3.00g method to extract the oil as described above, put in iodine 250mL bottle, add 30 mL of chloroform-acetic mixture, so that the specimen is completely dissolved. Add l.00 mL of saturated potassium iodide solution, tightly stuffed bottlesa X2-the peroxide value

14、 of the sample, expressed in meq/kg (MEQ/kg); V1-consumption of sodium thiosulfate standard frozen reduced-size drops of the sample, expressed in milliliters (mL); V2-volume of consumed reagent blank titration with sodium thiosulfate standard solution. Milliliters (mL); C a-titration with sodium thi

15、osulfate standard solution concentration, measured in moles per liter (mol/l); M-quality of the sample, expressed in grams (g); 0.1269-1.00mL titration with sodium thiosulfate standard solution was c (Na2S2O3) =1.000mol/L the quality of iodine in units of grams (g); 78.8-conversion factors. Results to two significant figures. 5, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent test results shall not exceed the arithmetical averag

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