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1、国际贸易英语辞汇国际贸易英语辞汇Distributorship经销 Distributorship agreement经销协议 Exclusive sales / exclusive distributorship独家经销/包销 Exclusive distributor独家经销商 Right of exclusive sales独家经营权 Agency代理 Agent代理商 Principal委托人 Sole / exclusive agency独家代理 Exclusive agency agreement独家代理协议 Invitation to tender招标 Submission of

2、 tender投标 Bidding documents招标文件 Opening of tender开标 Auction拍卖 Consignment寄售 Consignor寄售人 Consignee代销商 Counter trade对等贸易 A barter易货贸易 B counterpurchase 互购parallel/reciprocal trade平行贸易/对购 C buy-back 回购/ compensation trade补偿贸易 D offset抵销 Letter of intent意向书 MOU: Memorandum of Understanding谅解备忘录 Process

3、ing trade加工贸易 Processing with imported materials进料加工 Processing with customers materials来料加工 Futures trade期货交易 Futures market期货市场 Commodity exchange商品交易所 Clearing house清算所 Close price成交价 Hedging套期保值 Selling hedging卖期保值 Buying hedging买期保值 FDI: Foreign Direct Investment外国直接投资 Fix-capital input固定资本投入 H

4、orizontal expansion横向进展 International capital movement国际资本流动 Anticipated return预期回报 Economy of scale规模经济 Diseconomy of scale规模不经济Business stages: A inquiry询盘 B offer发盘 C counter offer还盘 D acceptance同意 Selling offer售货发盘 Buying offer购货发盘/递盘 Invoke撤回 The performance of export contract出口合同的履行 UNIT 11 MI

5、SCELLANEOUS Trade-off衡量 Collaboration协作 Parent company母公司 Subsidiary子公司 Licensor许可方 Licensee被许可方 Corporate family公司群 Proprietary assets专利资产 Operational form经营形式 Line/scope of business经营范围 Royalty许可利用费 Master franchise特约总经销 Cross-licensing彼此特约经销 Franchisee特约经销同意方 Franchisor特约经销授权方 Vertically integrat

6、ed company纵向一体化公司 Intangible property无形资产 Licensing agreement许可协议 Sales representative销售代表 End user直接用户 Overseas agent海外代理 Credit investigation资信调查 Potential pitfall潜在危险 Global concentration面向世界 Freight forwarder货运代理 Sales record销售记录 Piggyback export挂靠才出口 Direct selling直销 Production capacity生产能力 Ent

7、ry mode切入方式 Export revenue出口收入 Promotional campaign促销活动 Essence of export出口本质 Commission agent佣金代理商 Export-import strategy进出口策略 Commercial invoice商业发票 B/L: Bill of Lading提单 Consular invoice领事发票 Certificate of origin原产地证书 Export packing list出口装箱单Settlement of the payment 货款结算 Payment currency支付货币 Dep

8、reciate / Appreciate贬/升值 Evaluation currency估价货币 Convertible currency可转化货币 Hard / Soft currency硬币/软币 Operative Instruments:有效单据 A Bill of Exchange; Bill / Draft汇票 B Promissory note本票 C Check支票 Bankers draft银行汇票 Commercial draft商业汇票 Clean draft光票汇票 Documentary draft跟单汇票 Sight / Demand draft即期汇票 Time

9、/ Usance draft远期汇票 Commercial acceptance draft商业承兑汇票 Bankers acceptance draft银行承兑汇票 Processes to handle a draft: A to draw出票 B to present提示 C to accept承兑 D to pay支付 Drawer出票人 Drawee受票人 Parties当事人 Tenor期限 Days of grace宽限期 Prior party前手 Subsequent party后手 Dishonour拒付 Recourse追索 Face value票面价值 Debtor债权

10、人 Bona fide holder善意持有人 Notary public公证人 General promissory note一样本票 Bankers promissory note or cashiers order银行本票 Depositor储户 Falsely claim冒领 Initial / Counter signature初/复签 Crossed check划线支票 Payment Methods: A remittance汇付 B collection托收 C letter of credit信誉证 Favourable exchange顺汇 Adverse exchange

11、逆汇 Bank / Commercial credit银行/商业信誉 Remittance: A T / T : telegraphic transfer电汇 B M / T: mail transfer信汇 C D / D: ( remittance by bankers ) demand draft票汇 Remitter汇款人 Remitting bank汇出行 Receiving / Paying bank汇入行/解付行 Type of remittance汇款方式 Remittance fee汇费 Cable confirmation电汇证明书 Debit advice 付讫借记通知

12、Payment order支付通知书 cash with order随定单付现 O / A trade: open account trade赊帐贸易 Cash on delivery交货后付款 Payment in advance预付货款 Remittance against documents凭单付汇 Draw a bill of exchange on向开汇票 Financial documents金融单据 Commercial documents商业单据 Documentary collection跟单托收 Clean collection光票托收 Payment balance货款尾

13、数/余额 Remitting bank托收银行 Collecting bank代收行 Presenting bank提示行 Documentary Collection:跟单托收 A D / P: documents against payment付款交单 B D / A: documents against acceptance丞兑交单 D / P at sight即期付款交单 D / P after sight远期付款交单 T/R: trust receipt信托收据 Factoring保理(国际保付代理业务) Applicant / Opener开证申请人/开证人 Opening / I

14、ssuing bank开证行 Advising / Notifying bank通知行 Beneficiary受益人 Negotiating bank议付行 Paying bank付款行 Confirming bank保兑行 Paying bank agent代付行 Reimbursing bank偿付行 Clearing bank信誉证清算银行 Transferring bank转让行 L/G: bankers letter of guarantee银行保函/银行保证书 Varieties of L/C: A documentary L/C跟单信誉证 B clean L/C光票信誉证 C r

15、evocable L/C可撤销信誉证 D irrevocable L/C不可撤销信誉证 E confirmed L/C保兑信誉证 F unconfirmed L/C非保兑信誉证 G sight payment L/C即期付款信誉证 H deferred payment L/C延期付款信誉证 I acceptance L/C承兑信誉证 K negotiation L/C议付信誉证 L sight L/C即期信誉证 M time/usance L/C远期信誉证 N transferable L/C可转让信誉证 O untransferable L/C不可转让信誉证 Q revolving L/C循

16、环信誉证 R reciprocal L/C对开信誉证 S back-to-back L/C对背约誉证 T anticipatory L/C (Red clause L/C)预支信誉证/红条款信誉证 U local L/C本地信誉证 V standby L/C备用信誉证Insurer保险人 Insured投保人 Insurance policy保险单 Subject matter insured保险标的 Insured amount保险金额 Premium保险费 Basic principles of insurance: A insurable interest保险利益 B utmost go

17、od faith最大诚信 C principle of indemnity补偿原那么 D proximate cause近因原那么 Risks: A perils of the sea海上风险 B extraneous risks外来风险 Losses: A Total Loss全数损失/全损 B Partial Loss部份损失 General average contribution一起海损分摊 Expenses: A sue and labour expenses施救费用 B salvage charges救助费用 PICC: Peoples Insurance Company of C

18、hina中国人民保险公司 China Insurance Clause中国保险条款 Institute Cargo Clause协会货物条款 Basic Risks Coverage: A Free From Particular Average平安险 B With Particular Average水渍险 C .: All Risks一切险 W/W clause: Warehouse to Warehouse Clause仓至仓条款 General Additional Risks: A clash and breakage碰损、破碎险 B taint of odour串味险 C fres

19、h water and / or rain damage淡水雨淋险 D theft, pilferage and non-delivery: 偷窃、提货不着险 E shortage短量险 F leakage渗漏险 G intermixture and contamination混杂、玷污险 H hook damage钩损险 I sweat and heating受潮收热险 K rust锈损险 L breakage of packing包装破裂险 Special Additional Risks: A war risk战争险 B strike risk罢工险 C aflatoxin黄曲霉素险 D

20、 failure to deliver交货不到险 E on deck risk舱面险 F import duty risk入口关税险 G rejection拒收险 H fire risk extension clause for storage of cargo at destination of Hong Kong including Kowloon or Macao. 货物出口到香港(包括九龙)或澳门存仓火险责任扩展条款 Insurance Documents; A insurance policy保险单/大保单 B insurance certificate保险凭证 C combined

21、 certificate联合凭证 D open policy预约保单 E endorsement批单 SRCC: strike, riots and civil commotions罢工、暴动、民变险 irrespective of percentage不论损失程度 Claim settlement理赔 Insurable value保险价值 Franchise免赔率 Insurance: To be covered by the Seller for 110% of the total invoice value against All Risks, as per and subject t

22、o the relevant ocean marine cargo clauses of the Peoples Insurance Company of China, dated January1, 1981. 保险由卖方按发票金额的110%投保一切险,以中国人民保险公司1981年1月1日有关海洋运输货物保险条款为准。Price / Trade Terms价钱/贸易术语 Total amount总价/值 Unit price单价 ICC: International Chamber of Commerce国际商会 The language of foreign trade对外贸易的语言 IN

23、COTERMS 2000 2000年国际贸易术语说明通那么 INCOTERMS: International Commercial Terms国际商业术语 Costs, risks and responsibilities费用、风险和责任 China Chamber of International Commerce: CCOIC中国国际商会 Critical points关键点 Point for division of risks / costs费用/风险划分点 Point of delivery交货点 Ships rail船舷 Arrival Contract到货合同 Shipment

24、Contract装运合同 Single mode of transport单式运输 Multi-modal transport / combined transport多式联运 US$300 per M / T CIF New York每公吨300美元,CIF纽约 Cost of production生产本钱 Fixed costs固定本钱 Variable costs可变本钱 Invoice Value发票价值 UNIT 6 DELIVERY OF GOODS Time of delivery交货时刻 Constructive delivery推定交货 Actual delivery实际交货

25、 Symbolic delivery象征性交货 Liner班轮 Tramp不按期船 China ports中国口岸 European Main Ports欧洲要紧口岸 Liner transport班轮运输 Charter transport租船运输 Voyage / Trip charter定程租船 Time charter按期租船 Weight ton重量吨 Measurement ton尺码吨 Port congestion surcharge口岸拥堵附加费 Charter party租船合同 Demurrage滞期费 Dispatch money速谴费 Air Waybill航空运单

26、LCL: Less than container load拼箱货 FCL: Full container load整箱货 Ocean Bill of Lading海运提单 Varieties of B/L: A on board B/L; shipped B/L已装船提单 B received for shipment B/L备运提单/收讫待运提单 C clean B/L清洁提单 D unclean / foul B/L不清洁提单 E straight B/L记名提单/收货人抬头提单 F bearer B/L不记名提单/来人抬头提单 G order B/L指示提单 H direct B/L直达

27、提单 I transshipment B/L转船提单 J through B/L联运提单 K liner B/L班轮提单 L charter party B/L租船提单 M long form B/L全/繁式提单 N short form B/L略/简式提单 O original B/L正本提单 P copy B/L副本提单 Q stale B/L过时提单 R on deck B/L甲板/舱面提单 Land bridge transport大陆桥运输United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Good

28、s 联合国国际货物销售合同公约 The metric system公制 Weight 重量 Capacity容积 Numbers个数 Length长度 Area面积 Volume体积 Gross weight毛重 Gross for Net以毛作净 Net Weight净重 Actual / Real Tare实际皮重 Average Tare平均皮重 Customary Tare适应皮重 Computed Tare约定皮重 Conditioned Weight公量 Theoretical Weight理论重量 Legal Weight法定重量 Net Net Weight净净重 More o

29、r Less Clause溢短装条款 Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits跟单信誉证统一老例 Price fluctuation价钱波动 UNIT 4 PACKING AND MARKING Transport packing运输包装 Outer packing大/外包装 Selling packing销售包装 Inner packing内包装 Immediate packing直接包装 Materials of packing: A Case箱 Wooden case木箱 Crate 板条箱 Carton纸箱 Corruga

30、ted carton瓦楞纸箱 Skeleton case漏孔箱 B Bundle / Bale包 C Bag袋 Gunny bag麻袋 Cloth bag布袋 Plastic bag塑料袋 Paper bag纸袋 D Drum / Cask桶 Wooden Cask木桶 Iron Drum铁桶 Plastic Cask塑料桶 E Bottle瓶 Can罐 Demijohn / Carboy坛 Basket篓 Cylinder钢瓶 Pallet托盘 Bulk cargo or cargoes in bulk散装货 Nude cargoes裸装货 Consuming taste消费体味 Prettify commodities美化商品 Creative design创意设计 Gift packing礼物式包装 Portable packing便携式包装 Shipping mark运输标志/唛头 Geometric figure几何图形 Reference No.参照编号 Optional ports选择港 Indicative mark指示性

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