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1、新人教版七年级上册英语第一单元精选练习题附答案新人教版七年级上册英语第一单元精选练习题附答案Unit 1 My n ames Gina. 第一课时 SeCtiOn A(1a 2d)I .根据句意及首字母提示填写单词。1.Hi, Tom. NiGe to m you.2.Helen a Bob are StUdents ( 学生).3. IS he Eric?No. H n ame is Ala n.4.HiS Pen is black. My Pen is black , t .5. Are you Gina?Y , I am.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。6.She is my (She)

2、name is Cindy.T. Are you Ms. BroWn?No, rm (no) .8.Good after noon ! (I) name is Hele n.9. ThiS is (his)is my frie nd.10. Hi, whats (you)name?In .单项选择。()11.下列单词中含有单元音/i /的一项是 A.nice B . his C . meet D . name( ) name is is a StUdent.A.She; She B . Her; SheC. She; Her D . Her; Her()13. IS he Mike?n ame

3、s Frank.A. Yes, he is B . No, he isntC. Yes, he is nt D . No, he is()14. Good morning ! rm Bob.Hello , Bob! A. rm Alice. B . Good morni ng.C. Are you Bob? D . How are you?()15. Hello ! NiCe to meet you.A. Thank youB . Good after noonC.NiCe to meet you , tooD.My name is DaleIV .按要求完成下列句子。16.IS he Fra

4、nk ?(作否定回答) , he .17.Im JaCk Miller.( 改为一般疑问句) JaCk Miller?18.My name is Jim BroWn .(对画线部分提问) n ame?19. Good afternoon. Im Mike.( 改为同义句)Good is Mike.20.Ms., this , Brown, is (连词成句)V .情景交际。从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话。A: Hello. Whats your name?B: _21_A: rm Eric.B: NiCe to meet you.A: _22_ Whats his name?B: 23A: 2

5、4B: Her names Betty.C: EXCUSe me , are you Alice?B: Yes, I am. Are you Mike?C: _25 Im Bob.A.And whats her name?B.My names Alice.C.HiS names Frank.D.NiCe to meet you , too.E.No, rm not.21. 24. W .完形填空。_29_ nameis Jenny.Look! That _33_ aHello! My _26_ Bill. I _27_ have two friends. One is _28_ girl.Sh

6、e _30_ other ( 其他的)is a boy. _31 is Frank. He is 12 , 32bird ( 鸟)._34_ name is Polly. We all like _35_ _( )B . namesC. names D . am()B am C are D /()B an C the D /()B her C His D Her()B is C are D /()B He C She D Her()B too C to D two()B is C are D /()B Its C Its Dits()B its C Its Dits第二课时 Section A

7、 ( 3a 3c )I .按要求完成下列各词。1I am ( 缩写形式 ) 2what is (缩写形式 ) 3its ( 完全形式 ) 4hi ( 同义词 ) 5she is (缩写形式 ) 6names (完全形式 ) 7hes ( 同音词 ) 8is not (缩写形式 ) .根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。9Nice to _ ( 遇见 )you.10I am _ ( 女士 )Miller.11Alice._ ( 什么 )is your name?12 _ ( 是 )you Alan?Yes,I am.13 Is he Jack Brown? _ ( 不 ) , he isnt.In .单

8、项选择。( ) Gina and she Jane.Aam; is B am; are Cis ; is D is ; am( ) name is Eric and name is Mary.AHer ; his B Her; herCHis ;her D His; his( ) 16. Whats name? names Gina.Ayour ; I B you; IC. you; My D . your; My()17. Are you Hele n?m Alice.A. Yes, I am B . Yes, rmC. No, I am nt D . No, rm not( )18. .N

9、iCe to meet you , too.A.Im BobB.Good morningC.NiCe to meet youD.Fine , thank youE.B: Hello !IV .根据图片提示及情景填空,每空一词。is Tom.n ame?B: Im Alice.IS She Mary?B:Shes Hele n.B: NiCe to meet you , too!23. A : Whats her name?B: is Mary.I .用英语写出下面图中物品的数量。4. .根据句意及首字母提示填写单词。6. SiX and f is ten.7.FiVe and Z is fiv

10、e.8.8. Whats SiX and two?Its e .9. Whats your t number?Its 381 4586.In .单项选择。()11. Whats four and five?Its .A. two B . One C . nine D . SiX()12. Whats your Phone number , Lisa? 210 2854.A. Shes B . rmC. Hes D . Its()13. IS his Phone number 330 9086?s 303 9086.A. Yes, he is B . No, he isntC. Yes, it

11、is D . No, it isnt() 14. “Oneonenine ”表示 。A.火警B .匪警C.急救中心 D .交通事故报警() 15. IS it teleph One nu mber?YeS, it is telephone number.A. my; your B . your ; myC. his ; her D . her; hisIV .按要求完成下列句子。16. Her phone number is 654 9887.(改为否定句)Her Phonenu mber 654 988717. HiS telephone number is 027 二.(对画线部分提问)

12、his teleph one n umber?18. It is a telephone in EngIiSh.( 对画线部分提问) it in En glish?19. My names Bob Brown .(对画线部分提问) n ame?20. phone, her, is , number, What (连词成句)V .情景交际。在横线上填入合适的单词补全对话,每空一词。A: Good _21_!B: Good after noon!A: _22_ your name?B: I _23_ JaCk Smith. And _24 25 26_ ?A: My name? rm Bill W

13、hite. _27_ are you?B: rm _28_ , thank you. _29_ you?A: rm OK. Whats your telephone _30_ ?B: Its 282 1276.21. 24. 27. 30. W .阅读理解。Im Mary Miller. Im from the USA. Im eight. I have a Phone. Its black. Its nice andI like it Very much. My Phone number is 230 like the number, because (因为)8 is my favorite

14、 nu mber. I have a good friend. Her n ame is Li Yuan. She is six. Her En glish n ame is Gina. She has a Phone , too. Her Phone number is 322 5645.() 31. Mary is from .A. China B . the USAC. Canada D . AUStraIia()32. What color is Marys phone?A. Its red. B . Its black.C. Its white. D . Its blue.() 33

15、. Li Yuans English name is .A. Mary B . CindyC. Jenny D . Gina第四课时 SeCtiOn B(2a2c)I .用方框中所给的单词填空。last ,number, friend ,first ,China1.Alice Green is in .2.He is my name is Mike.3. He is Jim Smith. Smith is his name.4.rm Jenny Miller. My n ame is Jenny.5. My teleph One is 696 1930. .单项选择。() ! My name

16、is .A. LiU fang B . LiU FangC. LiUFang D . liu fang() 7. Her name is Gina her last name.A. Gina B . GreenC. Green Gina D . Gina Green()8. Where is David?He is Chi na now.A. of B . On C . in D . at()Car number is reads ( 读作) .A. five three SiX five nineB . four three SiX four nineC.nine five SiX thre

17、e fiveD.five three SeVe n five nine()10. Whats your telepho ne number? 478 5598.A. Im B . It C . Its D . ItsIn.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。10.他的姓是什么?Whats his ?12.他的名字叫杰克。HiS is Jack.13.这是你的电话号码吗? teleph one n umber?14.你是琳达吗? 是的,我是。 Lin da?Yes, .15.他是汤姆吗? 不,他不是。 Tom? , he .IV.按要求完成下列句子,每空一词。16. Her names Jenny

18、White.( 改为同义句) Jenny White.17. HiS first name is Mike .(对画线部分提问) first n ame?18. Hes Deng Chao.(改为一般疑问句) Deng Chao?19. My Phone number is 369 7866.(对画线部分提问 pho ne n umber?20合并为一句). HiS first n ame is Bob. HiS last n ame is Smith.(HiS n ame is .V .任务型阅读。今天是魔法学校的第一天,哈利波特 (Harry POtter)和赫敏格兰杰(Hermione

19、Granger)成为了M:同桌,下面是他们之间的对话。Hello! My n ame is Harry.Hi, Harry. My name is Hermione.NiGe to meet you , too.Gran ger. And your last n ame?Whats your Pho ne nu mber?M:Its three two SiX,eight five zero nine. And your telephOne number?,four o SiX three.My teleph One nu mber is eight two SeVe n根据对话内容,完成哈利

20、和赫敏的身份信息卡。21LaSt name : 22Phone number: 2324LaSt name : 25Phone number: 827 406321.24.Self CheGk单元重难点题组训练题组训练一 am、is、are 辨析I .单项选择。() 1. How you?I fine.A. am; am B. am; areC. are ; am D. are ; are()2. What that in En glish?It a pen.A. are ; is B . is ; areC. are ; are D . is ; is()a key and a ruler.

21、A. Thiss ; thats B . ThiS is ; thatsC. ThiS is ; that are D . ThiS are ; that are ()4. IS he Bob Smith?Yes, .A. he is B . hes C . She is D . shes()5. She and I in China.A. are B . is C . am D . be .按要求完成下列句子,每空一词。6. Im Mary Miller.( 改为一般疑问句) Mary Miller?7. Whats his telephOne number ?(改为完全形式) his te

22、leph one n umber?8. HiS first name is Tom.( 改为缩略形式)HiS first .9. IS She Linda ?(作否定回答) , She .10. rm Jim Green.( 改为同义句)n ame Jim Gree n.C 题组训练二 no、not辨析I .单项选择。()1. IS that a black pen?s a blue pen.A. Yes, it is B . Yes, is ntC. No, it is D . No, it isnt()2. IS he Frank? , he .A. Yes; is nt B . Yes;

23、 notC. No; isnt D . No; is()3. IS this your jacket?s his jacket.A. No B . Not C . YeS D . OK .用no或nOt填空。4. ThiS is my quilt.5. Are you Grace? , rm In.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。6我不是吉娜。IGi na.7他们没在中国。They in Chi na.8她是简吗? 不,她不是。IS She Jane? , She .题组训练三 good、fine、nice 辨析I .单项选择。()is a jacket.A. OK B nice C . no

24、t D . my()after noon , Ms. Gree n.A. Fine B . NiCe C . Good D . Thanks ()3. HoW are you?rm you.A. good B . yes C . nice D . fine.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。4.他是我的好朋友。He is frie nd.5 .见到你很高兴。 you.6.上午好,辛迪! , Cindy!题组训练四 a、an、the 辨析I .单项选择。()1. Are Tom and Alice in Chi na?Yes, they are.A. a B . an C . the D . /(

25、)2. IS that black jacket?No, it is Orange jacket.A. a; an B . an; aC. an; the D . a; the() 3. IS it your ruler?Yes, it is.A. the B . a C . / D . an()is first lessOn ( 课).A/ B the C a D an .用a, an或the填空,不需要填冠词的填 “/” 。5 Is this cup?Yes, it cup is white.6 Whats his first name?Jack. And his last name is

26、 Green.7 Whats that in English?Its telephone.8 Her friend works ( 工作 )in middle school.单元写作小专题&SeCtion B(3a4b)【单元写作目标】(根据相关信息提示)简单地介绍自己或本单元写作要求同学们能用所学的词语或句型 他人。内容包括姓名、电话号码、 QQ号码等。1.能用代词 my, his , her介绍自己或朋友;2.能用and连接句子;3能正确使用标点符号;4能正确书写英语句子。企一词汇积累1.他的姓 2.电话号码 3.她的名字 4.中学 5.你的朋友 6.在中国 【温馨提示】短语的首字母不需要

27、大写。当试卷上只给出一条线时,这条线相当于四线 格中的第三条线 。请在一条线上写出 26个字母,加油!今后你们用的都是一条线哟! 请检查你前面写的短语,格式正确了吗?(一) 用am, is或are填空。1.I LiU Dandan.2.Jane Smith my friend.3.HiS telephone number 657 4132.4. What your n ame?My n ame Mary Brow n.5. you Lin da?Yes, I .【温馨提示】本单元所学的句子中都含有 be动词am, is或are ,表示身份和状态等。(二) 用 my, his , her, yo

28、ur 填空。1.Im telephone number is 256 8911.2. He is Jim telephOne number is 242 5675.3.She is Linda first name is Linda.4Whats IaSt name?My last name is Miller.(三)翻译下列句子,其中第 2句和第4句用“and”连接。1.我叫常晓波。2.我的姓是刘,我的名是刚。3.她的朋友是Hele n MiIler 。4.他的电话号码是 079 87658,他的QQ号码是。5.你在一所中学吗?【温馨提示】英语中的标点符号与中文有所不同。如英语中没有顿号“、”,而用“,” 隔开;句号不是“。”,而是用实心点“ ”。*三、以读促写根据短文内容和所给的汉语或首字母提示, 写出空白处所缺单词的正确形式。 每空限填一词。Hello ! I ( 是)Mary ( 我的)first name is Mary and my ( 最后的)name is Smith. My (电话)number is 632 朋友)is ZhoU (他)is in (中国)now (现在).

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