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1、懂你英语L3U3P1中英文Level 3 Unit 3 Part1ListeningLife & Conditions 1There are many forms of life on Earth, including human beings.地球上有多种形式的生命,包括人类。Life exists in a variety of conditions.生命存在于各种各样的环境中。Some forms of life live in a watery environment, like the oceans.有些生物生活在水环境中,比如海洋。Other forms of life can b

2、e found in very dry areas like deserts.在非常干燥的地区,如沙漠,也可以找到其他形式的生命。However, for any form of life to exist, conditions must be right.然而,任何形式的生命存在,条件必须是正确的。When conditions are not right, that form of life will become extinct. 当情况不佳时,这种形式的生命就会灭绝。To become extinct means to die out completely.灭绝意味着完全灭绝。Con

3、ditions must be right for life to exist.环境必须是生命存在的权利。Millions of years ago there were forms of life that no longer exist.数百万年前,有些生命形式已经不复存在。When conditions changed, these forms of life died out.当条件改变时,这些形式的生命就消失了。One extinction event happened about 250 million years ago.一次灭绝事件发生在大约2.5亿年前。This was th

4、e largest extinction event of all time.这是有史以来最大的一次物种灭绝事件。Many forms of life became extinct.许多形式的生命都灭绝了。Ninety six percent of all life in the oceans died out.海洋中96%的生命都灭绝了。Most insects also became extinct.大多数昆虫也灭绝了。This event happened over a period of several million years.这件事发生在几百万年的时间里。The causes o

5、f this extinction event are still unknown.这种灭绝事件的原因尚不清楚。Possible causes include large volcanic eruptions and global warming.可能的原因包括大规模的火山爆发和全球变暖。Some scientists believe that there were several causes.一些科学家认为有几个原因。They believe that a series of events caused the extinctions.他们认为一系列事件导致了物种灭绝。Scientists

6、 are working to better understand what really happened.科学家们正在努力更好地了解到底发生了什么。ListeningLife & Conditions 2In modern times we humans face changing conditions.在现代,我们人类面临着不断变化的环境。For humans to live, we need clean air and clean water.为了人类生存,我们需要干净的空气和清洁的水。Pollution is now a growing problem around the worl

7、d.在世界各地,污染现在是一个日益严重的问题。Pollution poisons the air and water that we depend on.污染毒害了我们赖以生存的空气和水。Polluted air makes people sick and afraid to go outside. 污染的空气使人们生病,不敢出门。Polluted water poisons our food supply.被污染的水毒害了我们的食物供应。As a result, we never know which foods are safe to eat.因此,我们永远不知道哪些食物是安全的。Huma

8、n beings cannot live in a poisoned environment.人类不能生活在有毒的环境中。Therefore, pollution is a major threat to our existence.因此,污染是对我们生存的主要威胁。Humans need temperatures to be in a comfortable range.人类需要温度在一个舒适的范围内。To be in a comfortable range means to be neither too hot nor too cold.在舒适的范围内意味着既不太热也不太冷。With gl

9、obal warming, global temperatures are rising.随着全球变暖,全球气温正在上升。As temperatures rise, the polar icecaps will melt.随着温度的升高,极地冰盖将融化。As the polar ice caps melt, ocean levels will rise.随着极地冰帽的融化,海平面将会上升。Areas of some countries will soon be under water.一些国家的一些地区很快就会被淹没。People will be forced to relocate from

10、 flooded areas.人们将被迫从洪灾地区搬迁。In nature, even small changes can sometimes have large effects.在自然界中,即使是很小的变化有时也会产生很大的影响。Its difficult to predict whats going to happen.很难预测会发生什么。The entire ecosystem that we depend on is changing.我们所依赖的整个生态系统正在发生变化。Some of these changes are irreversible.其中一些变化是不可逆的。Irrev

11、ersible changes cannot be undone.不可逆的变化是不可撤销的。Lets hope that humans are smart enough to understand how the world is changing.让我们希望人类足够聪明,能够理解世界是如何变化的。With more understanding, we can make better choices about what to do.有了更多的理解,我们可以更好地选择做什么。We can face the challenges of pollution and global warming.我

12、们可以面对污染和全球变暖的挑战。We need to do this before its too late.我们得趁现在还来得及这么做。This planet Earth is our only home and we need to protect it.地球是我们唯一的家园,我们需要保护它。 Irreversible changes cannot be undone because they cannot be reversed.Human beings cannot live in a poisoned environment.不可逆的变化不能撤消,因为它们不能被逆转。人类不能生活在有

13、毒的环境中。Vocabulary Forms of Life Mammals are covered by hair or fur, have a backbone and are warm-blooded.哺乳动物被毛发或毛皮覆盖,有脊椎,而且是温血动物。All female mammals produce milk for their young.所有雌性哺乳动物都为幼崽产奶。Reptiles are covered by scales and include snakes, lizards and turtles.爬行动物被鳞片覆盖,包括蛇、蜥蜴和海龟Reptiles have a ba

14、ckbone and are cold blooded, which means they often rely on external sources of heat.爬行动物有脊椎,而且是冷血动物,这意味着它们经常依赖外部的热源.Birds are covered by feathers and are warm blooded.鸟被羽毛覆盖,而且是温血动物。Most birds can fly and many types of birds migrate great distances.大多数鸟类会飞,许多种类的鸟类迁徙很远。Most insects such as ants and

15、bees have a small, 3- part body with 3 pairs of legs.大多数昆虫,如蚂蚁和蜜蜂,身体很小,有三个部分,有三对腿。Some insects, like mosquitoes, spread diseases that cause the deaths of many humans.有些昆虫,如蚊子,传播导致许多人死亡的疾病。Unlike animals, plants get the energy that they need from the sun.与动物不同,植物从太阳那里获得所需的能量。Plants convert light ener

16、gy, along with carbon-dioxide and water, into chemical energy.植物将光能、二氧化碳和水转化成化学能。 Most mammals live on land, but some live in the sea.大多数哺乳动物生活在陆地上,但有些生活在海里。Mammals include some of the most intelligent animals on earth, such as elephants and human beings.哺乳动物包括地球上一些最聪明的动物,如大象和人类。Insects dont have a

17、backbone, and most are cold-blooded.昆虫没有脊椎,大多数是冷血动物。Insects such as ants and bees live in well-organized colonies.蚂蚁和蜜蜂等昆虫生活在组织良好的群落中Mosquitoes cause the deaths of more humans than any other animal.蚊子造成的死亡人数比其他任何动物都多。Vocabulary InstrumentsScales and rulers are used to measure weight and length.秤和尺是用

18、来测量重量和长度的。Units of weight include kilograms and pounds, and units of length include centimeters and inches.重量单位包括公斤和磅,长度单位包括厘米和英寸。These instruments are used to observe very large and very small objects.这些仪器用来观察非常大的和非常小的物体。Telescopes are used by astronomers, and microscopes are used by biologists and

19、 doctors.天文学家使用望远镜,生物学家和医生使用显微镜。These appliances are used in the kitchens of almost every home.这些器具几乎用在每个家庭的厨房里。Stoves are used to heat food, and refrigerators are used to keep foods cool or cold.炉子用来加热食物,冰箱用来使食物保持凉爽或凉爽。Household tools like these are used to build and repair things.像这样的家用工具是用来建造和修理东

20、西的Hammers are used to pound in nails and screwdrivers are used to turn a screw.锤子用来敲钉子,螺丝刀用来转动螺丝。 If you need to pound in a nail, use a hammer.如果你需要用锤子敲钉子Two inches is a little more than five centimeters.两英寸比五厘米多一点。We can use a telescope to see objects that are far away.我们可以用望远镜看远处的物体。Dialogue Datin

21、g AnniversaryW: Do you know what day it is today?你知道今天是什么日子吗?M: What do you mean? Is it a special day?你什么意思,今天是特别的日子吗?W: Oh, so you dont remember. 哦,所以你不记得了。M: Remember what? Whats so special?记得什么?有什么特别的?W: Its our anniversary. We started dating a year ago today. 今天是我们的周年纪念日。一年前的今天,我们开始约会。M: Oh, rea

22、lly, sorry.哦,真的,对不起。M: Just a minute. What do you think THIS is?等一下。你认为这是什么?W: Oh, its a necklace.哦,这是一条项链。M: Do you like it?你喜欢吗?W: Yes, I do. Its lovely, especially the red heart. May I put it on?是的,我很喜欢。它很漂亮,尤其是红心,我可戴上吗?M: No, let me do it. 不,让我来W: So you did remember.所以说你真的记得!M: Of course I reme

23、mbered. Its a very special day for both of us.今天对我们俩来说都是非常特别的一天。W: I have something for you too.我也有东西要给你。M: You do?你做了什么?W: Yes, but it will have to wait until later.嗯,但是得等到以后再说。M: Oh, I cant wait. Tell me what it is.哦,我等不及了。告诉我是什么。W: Can you guess what it is?你能猜出那是什么吗?M: Could you give me a hint?你能

24、给我一个提示吗?W: We went there 6 months ago.我们6个月前去过那里。M: Oh, you mean Alfredos.哦,你是说阿尔弗雷多的。W: Yes, are you excited? You said you really like the food there.是的,你兴奋吗?你说过你真的喜欢那里的食物。M: Yes, thats true. I also remember the dessert. Do you?是的,没错。我还记得甜点。你吗?W: Yes, but lets not talk about that now. Lets not ruin

25、 the surprise.是的,但现在不再谈了。我们不要破坏这个惊喜。 He remembered that today is their anniversary.他记得今天是他们的周年纪念日。They arent going to talk about the dessert.他们不打算谈论甜点。Dialogue Fine DiningW: That restaurant looks nice.那家餐厅看起来不错。M: Yes, but it looks expensive.是的,但是看起来很贵。W: Lets go in and look at the menu. Wow! The me

26、nu looks great, especially the fish. 我们进去看看菜单吧。真的!菜单看起来很棒,尤其是鱼。M: Yes, it looks good, but look at those prices. 是的,看起来不错,但是看看那些价格M: Lets try somewhere else.我们去别的地方试试吧。W: Sometimes its okay to spend a little money.有时花点钱也可以。M: Yes, but these prices are a bit too high, dont you think? 是的,但是这些价格太高了,你不觉得

27、吗?W: Yes, They are a bit high. But dont you think Im worth it? Lets enjoy ourselves.是的,有点高。但是你不认为我值得吗?让我们玩得开心。M: Ah, ok, if you put it that way. Lets see if we can get a table. 嗯,好吧,如果你那样说的话。我们看看能不能找张桌子。W: Im glad you have your credit card.很高兴你有信用卡。M: I sure hope the food is good.我当然希望食物好吃。W: Stop worrying. Lets just enjoy!别担心。让我们尽情享受吧! She likes the food choices, especially the fish.她喜欢各种食物,尤其是鱼。He is worried about spending so much money.他担心花这么多钱。

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