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1、介词教案语法第五讲教案LEAD IN 1.介词的导入 介词是一个非常重要的词语种类,不知道同学们听说过没有,英语被称作“一门介词的语言”,大家可以试着去找一下,一般来说只要是稍微长一点的句子里面,都会有介词的存在。介词其实不多大概也几十个的样子,常用的就十几个。这就给我们的学习带来了方便与难度,方便在于,不多意味着你很快就可以摸熟基本上所有的介词,但是不多也意味着他用法的灵活和辨析难度的加大。2.常用的介词 in on at with of to for from3.介词难学的原因 1)一词多义请看例句(请同学翻译in的含义)e.g. Can you write in English? (in

2、: 用) I am in Guangdong. (in: 在)这里的in有着不同的含义 2)可以跟很多的词语搭配,特别是动词搭配,构成动词短语,这是极其热门的考点e.g. Look for (寻找) Look after (照顾) Look at (看) 4. 本次课的目标 掌握in on at with of to for from的常规用法Step 1 介词的相关定义1. 介词的定义 介词是英语中最活跃的词类之一,它表示的是它后面的名词或代词 (或相当于名词的其他词类、短语或从句) 与其他句子成分的关系。e.g. The book is on the table. (先在黑板上写the b

3、ook 和 the table,然后问学生他们有没有关系,再然后加上介词,我们就发现有关系,这就说明介词导致了他前后的名词有了关系)2.介词宾语的概念(重要) 介词后面的词语叫做介词宾语(不要跟句法的主谓宾混淆) e.g. 1) at the moment 2) in the morning 介词的宾语一般是名词,数词或者介词的宾格,动名词,句子 3.介词短语的概念 介词和介词宾语在一起叫做介词短语(再跟他们做一个与名词短语的区分) e.g. of course 固定短语 in private (副词短语)4. 介词的分类: 介词可分为下列三类:(大家了解一下就好了)1. 简单介词:about

4、, above, across, after, against, among, at, before, behind, below, beneath, beside, besides, beyond, but, by, down, during, except, for, from, in, like, near, of, off, on, over, past, round, since, through, to, towards, under, until, till, up, with等2. 合成介词:inside, into, onto, outside, throughout, up

5、on, within, without等3. 短语介词:according to, ahead of, along with, apart from, as for, as to, because of, by means of, in front of, in spite of, instead of, on account of, on behalf of , owing to, due to, together with, up to, in/with regard to, next to等 (考他们一下 in front of me 是不是介词短语(是)Step 2 介词短语的句法功能

6、 1. 作状语(说明谓语的情况),例如:e.g. 1) Can you write in English? 2) We are playing games on the playground. (on the playing ground 修饰在哪儿玩) 3) I get up at six oclock. (six oclock 修饰 get up) 4) That was done without my knowledge and without my consent.这件事我既不知道也没同意。5) Dont stand under a tree during a thunderstorm

7、.雷雨时不要站在树下。6) I am happy in Guangdong. (in Guangdong 地点状语,修饰am happy) #有 am happy 作谓语的说法么?#简单讲解一下英语句子成分字母组成单词,单词组成句子,句子组成文章。句子的结构一般是: 1)主语谓语 宾语 或者 2)主语谓语或者3)主语谓语表语对于 主语、谓语、宾语、表语,都可以加其它的词来修饰,其中,修饰谓语的词就是状语或补语。修饰主语的是定语,修饰宾语的是定语或者补语,修饰表语的是定语。一般修饰谓语且放在谓语前面的是状语,状语是谓语里的另一个附加成分,它附加在谓语中心语的前面,从情况,时间,处所,方式,条件,

8、对象,肯定,否定,范围和程度等方面对谓语中心进行修饰或限制。,修饰谓语且放在谓语后面的是补语。要注意的是:状语有很多不是一个单词,可以由很多结构担任状语,比如不定式、短语、从句、分词结构等。它是一个自由度很大的成分,如果不是一个单词,则可以在句子的很多位置出现。一般来说,有时间、地点、原因、目的、方式等多种状语2. 作(定语分前置和后置)定语(先让他们找介词短语),例如:e.g. 1)The people on the big bus are singing. 区别 The people are singing on the big bus.(前面是定语,后面是定语,后面一句翻译人们正在车上唱

9、歌。第一句应该翻译成在大巴上的人们正在唱歌。注意我们中文的表述习惯是将状语放中间,我们中国人一般不会说人们正在唱歌在大巴上。这两句的意思看似是一样的,但是他们强调的对象是不一样的) 2)I like the girl with a book.(我喜欢那个拿着书的女孩。)3. 作表语,例如:The book is out of print.这书已不再印行。To be strict with a person is for his own good. 严是爱。4. 作宾语补足语 When he came to life, he found himself in a hospital. 当他苏醒时,

10、他发现自己在一家医院里。三、介词的固定搭配1. At 1.表示地点或位置在,经由 2.表示时间在时(刻) 3.处于状态 4.在方面 5.向,朝,以为目标 6.表示速度、价格等以 7.从事于,忙于 8.因为 9.根据,按照 10.出席,参加 11从一个间隔距离be good at 精通于 be annoyed at 对烦恼 be angry at 对发怒(take) aim at 瞄准 laugh at 因而发笑 stare at 盯着看,凝视at best 充其量 at first 开始 at large 自由地,未被捕地 at least 至少,起码at length 最后,终于 at on

11、ce 立即,马上 at present 现在stand against 反对,经受住 guard against 防护 protest against 反对,抗议 rise against 起来反抗 run against 对不利,违反 strive against 与作斗争a defence against 防护,保卫 a protest against 抗议,反对例如:I protest against their criticism.我对他们的批评提出抗议。Those clothes dont give you much protection against the cold.那些衣服不

12、能使你御寒。He should guard against passing on disease to his family.他应当注意别把病传给自己家里的人。4. By 1.在旁 2.在身边/手头 3.方向偏于 4.沿,经由 5.经过旁边 6.不迟于,到时为止 7.表示方法、手段靠,用,通过 8.由于 9.根据,按 10.被,由 11.相差 12.逐批 13.表示关系就来说 14.对待 15.对着发誓pull by 拉住 by mistake 弄错,失误 by virtue of 凭借,由于 by means of 使用 by aid of 借助于 by way of 经由 by birth

13、 天生 by nature 天生地 by profession 就职业而言 by heart 记住 by post 邮寄catch by 抓住 stand by 支持 by chance 偶然,碰巧 by turns 轮流 by appearance 从外表 by name 名叫,以名字 by far 很多,最 by accident 偶然 by force 以武力,强迫地 by marriage 联姻而产生的例如:He is by nature a kind, generous fellow.他是个天性和蔼慷慨的人。They sent the letter to me by mistake.

14、他们误把那封信送给了我。The old Roman armies had several generals who took command by turns.古罗马的军队由几位大将轮流指挥。By virtue of his victory, he felt he could do what he pleased.由于胜利,他感到可以想干什么就干什么了。I probably know him by sight but not by name.我大概见面认识他,不过叫不上名字。5. For 1.表示目的为了 2.表示对象、用途等对于、适合于 3.表示目标、去向往,向 4.代替,代表 5.表示等值

15、或比例关系换 6.表示愿望、爱好、特长等对于 7.赞成,拥护 8.由于 9.虽然,尽管 10.就而言 11.当作,作为 12.表示时间、距离、数量等达,计 13.表示约定的时间在an admiration for 羡慕,赞赏 an apology for 道歉 a need for 需要(make) an arrangement for 作安排 an attraction for 吸引,招引a capacity for 能力,力量 a passion for 热情,爱好 a cure for 疗法,(治某病的)药desire for 期望,希望 a fitness for 合适 a gift

16、for 天赋,才能a reputation for 名誉,声望 responsibility for 责任,职责sorrow for 对感到悲痛 a talent for 才能,天资 vote for 投票赞成favourable for 适宜 late for 迟到 anxious for 渴望 competent for 胜任 for good (and all) 永远 for the sake of 为缘故 for the better 好转 for the purpose of 为目的 for a change 改变一下for the time being 暂时 for fear of

17、 以免 an affection for 喜欢application for 申请 (make) preparation for 为作准备blame for 责怪,责备 cause for 理由 readiness for 为准备就绪an occasion for 时机,机会 a demand for 需要,需求evidence for 证据,根据 a fondness for 喜欢 a reason for 理由a respect for 尊敬,尊重 a search for 搜寻,找寻 sympathy for 同情taste for 喜好,爱好 famous for 因出名 ready

18、for 为准备好eager for 迫切要 hungry for 渴望 convenient for 方便 for short 简称for certain 肯定地 for ages 很久 for the benefit of 为利益 for anything 无论如何 for want/lack of 缺乏 for the present 暂时例如:I should like to repeat my opening remarks for the benefit of those who just came in.我愿重复一下我的开场白,以便让刚入场的人也能听到。New York is fa

19、mous for its skyscrapers.纽约以其摩天大楼而著称。His excuse for being late was that his train was delayed.他晚到的理由是火车晚点了。This new school will have no playground for the time being.这所新学校将暂时没有操场。If one does not have respect for oneself, one cant expect others to respect him.如果一个人不能自重,那么就别指望别人尊敬他。Nobody knows the ag

20、e of the earth for certain.没有人确切知道地球的年龄。6. From 1.表示起点从(起) 2.表示来源自,从中 3.表示根据据,从 4.表示原因、动机出于 5.表示原料由 6.表示情况、状态的转变从 7.表示脱离、离开离 8.表示去除、免掉、阻止等 9.表示识别、区别 10.后接副词或介词短语从different from 与不同 absent from 缺席 safe from 安全 remote from 远离free from 免受 separatefrom 把分离 protection from 保护,保卫 retirement from 退休 die fr

21、om (因受伤、饥寒等)死亡 discourage from 劝不做keep from 使不做 (某事) prohibit from 禁止,阻止 distant from 远离recover from 恢复,康复 hear from 接到的信(或电报等) distinct from 有差别stop (from) 劝阻不 from bad to worse 每况愈下,愈来愈坏 from first to last 始终,一直 from now on 自现在起 recover from 复原 absence from 缺席,不在场 relief from 消除,免除 prevent (from)

22、阻止differ from 与不同,相异 dismiss from 解雇,使离职 infer from 从推论出 protect from 保护以免 resign from 辞职 suffer from 受之苦 tell from 把与区分开来 from a distance 从远处,远远地 from the heart 诚心诚意地 from the first 从一开始例如:From the first I disliked him.从一开始我就不喜欢他。The number of people suffering from heart disease has increased.患心脏病的

23、人数已经上升了许多。Allen and I are in the same history class, but his assignment is different from mine.爱伦和我在同一个历史班,但他的作业跟我的不同。I thank you from the heart.我衷心感谢你。We are prohibited from smoking on school grounds.我们不准在校园内吸烟。It is difficult to think of Hong Kong island as distinct from Kowloon.很难设想香港岛与九龙会有什么差别。S

24、ports and games make our bodies strong, prevent us from getting too fat, and keep us healthy.运动和游戏能使我们的体魄强壮,防止过胖,保持健康。7. In 1.表示地点、场所、部位在(里面) 2.表示时间在期间,在以后 3.表示过程在过程中 4.表示范围、领域在方面 5.表示状态、情况处在中 6.表示职业、活动从事于,参加 7.表示地位、形式、方式等以,按照,符合于 8.表示表达方式、手段、原材料等以,用 9.表示数量、程度、比例按,以 10.表示服饰穿着,戴着 11.表示方向朝,向 12.表示含量在中

25、 13.表示目的作为 14.表示动作的对象于assist in 帮助做某事 consist in 在于 engage in 从事,参与 give in 让步,妥协specialize in 专攻,专门研究 take in 欺骗,收容 in addition to 除以外belief in 信仰,相信 a delight in 以为乐 an expert in 专家,能手a pride in 自豪 play a role in 在方面起作用 (theres no) sense in (做某事没)道理 skill in 在的技巧、技能 a fall in 下降,减少 investment in 投

26、资 success in 成功 successful in 在成功 accurate in 精确 rich in 富于,盛产 absorbed in 专心于 experienced in 有经验 in the right 有理,正当 in terms of 用术语 in case of 假使,万一 in fact 事实上 in the event of 万一 in ones opinion 根据见解 in bloom 开着花 in the direction of 朝方向 in comparison with 与比较 in possession of 拥有,占有 in view of 由于,考

27、虑到 in any event 无论如何 in the course of 在过程中 in short 简言之 believe in 信仰,信赖 end in 以告终 invest in 在投资succeed in 在方面获得成功 confidence in 信任,相信 difficulty in 困难,困境 pleasure in 高兴 a rise in 上涨,增长 (there is no) point in (做某事没)有意义 Theres no harm in 不妨 a specialist in 专家 an interest in 兴趣,关心 trouble in 苦恼,麻烦int

28、erested in 对感兴趣 fortunate in 有幸 constant in 对持久lacking in 缺乏 expert in 在熟练 confident in 信任 in time 及时in the interest of 为了利益 in support of 支持,拥护 in turn 依次in need of 需要 in conclusion 最后,总之 in stock 存货 in effect 实际上 in respect of 关于,涉及 in connection with 与相关 in circles 毫无进展,兜圈子 in touch with 和接触例如:We

29、 hoped that we should have confidence in each other again.我们希望我们应再次彼此信任。In conclusion, I shall not accept the invitation.总之,我是不会接受邀请的。We must give up this plan for we are lacking in funds.我们必须放弃这一计划,因为我们缺少资金。This shop specializes in tea and coffee.这家商店专营茶叶和咖啡。He wants to have a rise in wages.他想要增加工资

30、。In comparison with England, Ireland has a small population.与英格兰相比,爱尔兰人口很少。8. Into 1.表示动作的方向到里面 2.表示时间进入到,直到 3.表示变化成为,转为 4.触及 5.从事,承担 6.数除argue into 说服做 frighten into 恐吓做 run into 碰见 turn into 把变成 divide into 把分成 translate into 把翻译成 force into 迫使做 crash into 撞到上 burst into 突然开始,闯入reason into 说服做 talk into 说服做 trick into 诱骗做 pull into (把)(车、船等)驶入 cut into 切入,减少,插话 change into 把变成 break into 突然闯入例如:On hearing the sad news, she burst into tears.一听到这一不幸消息,她突然哭了起来。The taxi driver pulled into a roadside restaurant to get something to eat.出租车司机把车开到路边饭店打算吃点东西。They f

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