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本文(届高考英语一轮总复习练案15必修3Unit5CanadaTheTrueNorth练习含.docx)为本站会员(b****6)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、届高考英语一轮总复习练案15必修3Unit5CanadaTheTrueNorth练习含必修三Unit 5Canada“The True North”.完形填空(2021某某市重点中学段考)My grandfather gave me the world when he gave me his love.He would have done anything for me, and he was always 1.B to busy himself with some project meant for my 2.D .Summer months meant that I could have

2、more fun on my grandfathers farm away from the 3.A of city life.Only a twenty-minute drive from our home, my mother often made the 4.A with me into the pany of my 5.A .On one visit that was meant to be short, I enjoyed my childish happiness by 6.D snacks and drinks outside my grandparents house, whe

3、re other children 7.A to visit friends and family.I was 8.C counting the little change though it was far from the aim of my 9.B .My enthusiasm was disappearing, however, when my mother approached to remind me of an appointment I knew I would not be 10.D to miss.“But who will sit at my lemonade stand

4、?” I asked Mum, unwilling to 11.C .“I guess you will have to pack it away until another day,” she replied with 12.A .Mournfully, I began to obey, 13.C packing up my lemonade stand.From the 14.C , where I could see through window, Grandpa came stepping across the grass.He 15.B touched my check with a

5、 rough finger, put my lemonade stand back, seated himself in the chair and 16.B a newspaper.“It is a 17.D day for lemonade,” he said.“Hurry back, and we will share some.”When we 18.C later that day, Grandpa was still at my post.The small box where I had begun to place my 19.B has no more change than

6、 it could be accounted for even if the 20.D village showed up for a drink.文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。“我”最喜欢到祖父的农场过暑假,远离城市生活的无聊,享受农场生活。在祖父家的外面,“我”可以向过往的孩子们销售零食和饮料,虽然没有挣多少钱,但这样的生活让“我”流连忘返1A.kind Bwilling Crelaxed Dprivileged解析:结合该句中的“He would have done anything for me, and he was always 1 to busy himself with some

7、 project meant for my 2 .”可知,“我”的祖父总是愿意为“我”的幸福(happiness)做任何事。be willing to do sth.为固定搭配,意为“乐意做某事”,故B项正确。A项意为“体贴的”;C项意为“放松的”;D项意为“有特权的”。2A.birthdayBlove Cworld Dhappiness解析:参见上题解析。3A.boredomBdiversity CamusementDlaziness解析:根据该句“Summer months meant that I could have more fun on my grandfathers farm a

8、way from the 3 of city life.”可知,夏季意味着“我”可以在“我”祖父的农场里享受更多的乐趣,远离城市生活的无聊(boredom)。B项意为“差异;多样性”; C项意为“娱乐”;D项意为“懒惰”,都与语境不符。4A.trip Bdrink Cfood Dplan解析:根据该句中的“Only a twenty-minute drive from our home, my mother often made the 4 with me”可知,祖父家离“我”家只有二十分钟的车程,“我”的母亲经常和“我”同行这段旅行(trip)。B项意为“饮料”;C项意为“食物”;D项意为“

9、计划”,都与语境不符。5A.grandfather BfatherCfriend Dfamily解析:根据语境可知,祖父的农场离“我”家只有二十分钟的车程,“我”的母亲经常和“我”一起去陪伴祖父。故选A。6A.collectingBmaking Cenjoying Dselling解析:根据该句“On one visit that was meant to be short, I enjoyed my childish happiness by 6 snacks and drinks outside my grandparents house”并结合下文中的“counting the litt

10、le change”可知,有一次在祖父家短暂的逗留中,“我”喜欢上了在祖父家的外面向孩子们出售(selling)零食和饮料。A项意为“收集”;B项意为“制造”;C项意为“享受”,都与语境不符。7A.passed Bforgot Cdecided Dran解析:根据该句中的“outside my grandparents house, where other children 7 to visit friends and family”可知,在祖父家的外面,“我”向经过(passed)这里拜访朋友和亲属的孩子们出售零食和饮料。B项意为“忘记”;C项意为“决定”;D项意为“奔跑”,都与语境不符。8

11、A.hopelesslyBcarelesslyCexcitedly Dcautiously解析:根据该句“I was 8 counting the little change though if was far from the aim of my 9 .”可知,“我”兴奋地(excitedly)数着这些零钱,尽管它们离“我”努力(effort)的目标还很远。A项意为“无望地”;B项意为“粗心地”;D项意为“谨慎地”,都与语境不符。 Beffort Cwork Dreality解析:参见上题解析。A项意为“生活”;C项意为“工作”;D项意为“事实”,都与语境不符。10A.advi

12、sed Bmade Cprepared Dpermitted解析:根据该句“My enthusiasm was disappearing, however, when my mother approached to remind me of an appointment I knew I would not be 10 to miss.”可知,然而,当“我”母亲走近并提醒“我”一个“我”知道不允许(permitted)错过的约会时,“我”知道“我”要离开这里,所以“我”的热情逐渐消失。A项意为“建议”;B项意为“制造”;C项意为“准备”。11A.answer Bpack Cleave Ddis

13、appear解析:根据上文中的“I enjoyed my childish happiness by 6 snacks and drinks outside my grandparents house”;结合该句“But who will sit at my lemonade stand? I asked Mum, unwilling to 11 .”可知,“我”不愿意离开(leave)这里。A项意为“回答”;B项意为“收拾”;D项意为“消失”。12A.regret BembarrassmentCamusement Danger解析:根据上文内容可知,“我”要赴一个不允许错过的约会,但“我”不

14、愿离开,再结合该句中的“I guess you will have to pack it away until another day”可推知, 母亲应是感到遗憾的。故A项符合语境。B项意为“尴尬”;C项意为“快乐”;D项意为“愤怒”。13A.gratefully Bdelightedly Cslowly Dhurriedly解析:根据上文内容并结合该句“I began to obey, 13 packing up my lemonade stand”可知,“我”开始听从母亲的话,慢慢地(slowly)收拾“我”的柠檬汽水摊位。A项意为“感激地”;B项意为“高兴地”;D项意为“匆忙地”。14A

15、.farm Bstore Chouse Dcar解析:根据该句中的“where I could see through window”可推知,该处指“我”在一间房子(house)里。A项意为“农场”;B项意为“商店”;D项意为“汽车”。15A.suddenly BgentlyCsecretly Daccidentally解析:根据该句中的“He 15 touched my check with a rough finger, put my lemonade stand back”可知,祖父用他那粗糙的手指轻柔地(gently)抚摸着“我”的账单,将“我”的柠檬汽水摊位摆了回去。A项意为“突然地

16、”;C项意为“秘密地”;D项意为“偶然地”。16A.bought BunfoldedCput aside Dhanded over解析:根据该句“He 15 touched my check with a rough finger, put my lemonade stand back, seated himself in the chair and 16 a newspaper.”可知,祖父用他那粗糙的手指轻抚“我”的账单,把“我”的柠檬汽水摊位摆回去,自己坐在椅子上,打开(unfolded)一份报纸。A项意为“购买”;C项意为“把暂放一边”;D项意为“移交”。17A.busy Bquiet

17、 Cshort Dnice解析:根据第三段可知,“我”在祖父家的外面向孩子们出售零食和饮料,非常开心;结合该句中的“It is a 17 day for lemonade”可知,祖父知道“我”不想收起摊位就安慰“我”说今天是卖柠檬汽水的好(nice)日子。A项意为“忙碌的”;B项意为“安静的”;C项意为“短暂的”。18A.talkedBdiscussed Creturned Darrived解析:根据上文中的“Hurry back”,结合该句“When we 18 later that day, Grandpa was still at my post.”可知,当我们那天晚些时候回去(retu

18、rned)时,祖父仍然在“我”的摊位边。A项意为“交谈”;B项意为“讨论”;D项意为“到达”。19A.goodsBearningsCsnacksDclothes解析:根据第三段尾句可知,虽然离“我”努力的目标还很远,但是“我”还是兴奋地数着零钱;结合该句中的“The small box where I had begun to place my 19 has no more change”可知,“我”是将“我”的收入(earnings)放在一个小盒子里的。A项意为“商品”;C项意为“零食”;D项意为“衣服”。20A.formerBsmallCfamiliarDentire解析:根据该句“The

19、 small box where I had begun to place my 19 has no more change than it could be accounted for even if the 20 village showed up for a drink.”可知,即使整个(entire)村子的人都来喝一杯,“我”也没能赚到很多零钱。A项意为“以前的”;B项意为“小的”;C项意为“熟悉的”。.阅读理解A(2020某某市第三次质检)Niagara Falls is among the most beautiful natural wonders in the world, w

20、here guests will have the chance to obtain all sorts of physical and mental pleasure.Maid of the MistThis famous boat experience has been taking passengers as close to the Niagara Falls as they can get for more than a century.Guests are expected to make their way into the spray itself!Admission: Adu

21、lts $19; Children (Under 11 yrs) $11; Seniors ( Over 65 yrs) $11Opening Hours: May 1 - Nov.4Duration: Approx.20 MinutesJet Boat RideThese exciting boat rides take passengers on a thrilling trip down the Niagara River! This 45-minute round-trip ride zooms through the Niagara Gorge, and even takes pas

22、sengers to the famous Whirlpool Rapids, all of a custom-built jet boat.Admission: Adults $66; Children (3 -12 yrs, minimum of 40 inches tall) $56; Seniors (Over 65 yrs) $56Opening Hours: Daily 8: 00 am - 5: 00 pm.Times vary.Closed, January 1.Duration: Approx.45 MinutesNiagara Falls Illumination (灯饰)

23、For more than 75 years, visitors to Niagara Falls have been able to enjoy a nighttime illumination of the impressive American and Horseshoe falls.Every night of the year at dusk, visitors can experience the falls in a new way.Admission: Adults $16; Children (Under 11 yrs) $8; Seniors (Over 62 yrs) $

24、8Opening Hours: Daily 8:00 pm.Vary seasonally.Thundering Water Cultural ShowNiagara, like many impressive wonders of nature, is a sacred (神圣的) place for the local Native American people.This show uses dance as a storytelling medium through which to showcase the impact that the falls have had on nati

25、ve culture.Admission: Adults $21; Children (Under 11 yrs) $13; Seniors (Over 65 yrs) $11Opening Hours: Daily 7: 00 pm - 8: 00 pmDuration: Approx.40 Minutes文章大意:本文是一篇应用文。文章主要介绍了尼亚加拉瀑布的一些旅游项目及其相关信息。1What can tourists aboard the Maid of the Mist do? C AGet to the top of the falls.BSpray water onto each

26、 other.CHave an experience of getting wet.DGo sightseeing along the Niagara River.解析:推理判断题。根据Maid of the Mist部分中的“Guests are expected to make their way into the spray itself.”可推知,在参加Maid of the Mist旅游项目的游客会有浑身被淋湿的经历。故选C项。2Which of the following can help you appreciate the beauty of the falls at nigh

27、t? B AThundering Water Cultural Show.BNiagara Falls Illumination.CMaid of the Mist.DJet Boat Ride.解析:细节理解题。根据Niagara Falls Illumination(灯饰)部分尤其是其中的“Every night of the year at dusk, visitors can experience the falls in a new way.”可知,尼亚加拉瀑布的灯饰有助于欣赏夜晚瀑布的美。故选B项。3What is special about Thundering Water Cu

28、ltural Show? B AIt shows lots of fantastic wonders of nature.BIt tells visitors how the falls affect native culture.CIt is performed by the local Native American people.DIt appeals to visitors by sharing stories of various cultures.解析:细节理解题。根据Thundering Water Cultural Show部分中的“This show uses dance a

29、s a storytelling medium through which to showcase the impact that the falls have had on native culture.”可知,Thundering Water Cultural Show的特殊之处在于它向游客展示了瀑布是如何影响当地的文化的。B(2021某某市高中毕业年级第三次质检)Im now living in the south of France with my husband Keith and three small children, and I feel like a fish out of

30、 water everywhere but one placethe Saturday street market. Its been operating in our small town of Sommires since the 13th century, but weve only lived here for three months.From Monday to Friday, life is all about the kids. Im busy helping my children deal with life in a French school. Its not easy

31、, and their stress is the whole familys stress, as Keith and I are occupied with the daily school run, piles of homework and school notes in French.But on Saturday, the market is for me. I feel so peaceful as I walk along the quiet street toward the busy town square. The knife-sharpening man is there, operating a machine that looks like it dates from the Industrial Revolution. Therere street musicians with guitars and microphones, and the sound of beautiful songs fills the air. And

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