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1、上海市杨浦区中考英语二模含参考答案杨浦区中考英语质量抽查试卷(满分:150分考试时间:100分钟)Part 1 Listening (第一部分听力)1. Listening Comprehension 听力理解):(共 30 分)A.Listen and choose the right picture根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片):(6分)B.Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear 根据你听至U的对话和问题 ,C.选出最恰当的答案):(共8分)A)The woma n is co

2、mpla ining about her soup.B)The woman is saying sorry for the bad service.1 / 10C)The woma n is orderi ng some food by phone.D)The woma n is offeri ng help to heat the soup.D.Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false(判断下列句子是 否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T表示,不符合的用F表示):(共6分

3、)15.The train trip through the desert lasts 45 mi nu tes.16.In the past, Oldsville had an importa nt oil in dustry.17.Passe ngers can see beautiful desert trees close to the train.18.There are some attractive rocks to see un der an old bridge.19.Today, drinks and sn acks will be for sale in a basket

4、 in stead of from a mach ine.20.Passe ngers can lear n a lot about the history of the railway from the tripE.Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences短文,完成下列内容,每空格限填 词):(共10分)21.The repair work on the of the palace buildi ng is still in process.22.The Grand Palace was built in the a

5、s a holiday home.23.The table in the di ning room is laid for .24.On , drinks and sn acks are also served in the rose garde n25.There is a special available for 13.50. Part 2 Phonetics, Grammar and vocabulary(第二部分语音、语法和词汇)II. Choose the best answe(选择最恰当的答案):(共20分)26.Which of the un derli ned parts i

6、s differe nt in pronun ciatio n?A)matter B) damage C) n ative D) magic27.We left in such hurry that we forgot our passports.A) a B) an C) the D) /28 If you must use a cell phone, please talk a low voice and move to the back.A) to B) by C) at D) in29.Susa n is frighte ned in heights but also enjoys p

7、ushi ng aga inst her own fear as a challe ngeA) for B) with C) of D) about30.We tried a lot of hotels, but of them had a room.A) both B) neither C) all D) none31.Awesome place to stay! Rooms were clea n, and every one looked here.D) sadlyA) friendlyB)happilyC)angrily32.My son didnt spend money as hi

8、s friends did on games.A) much B) as much C) more D) most33.Im going out for a walk. I need some fresh A) air B) idea C) vegetable D) flower34.-_is the Bund from our hotel?-About twenty minutes walk.A) How B) How far C) How long D)How soon35.When they got home last night, they found that somebody in

9、to the flat.A) breaks B) is breaking C) has broken D)had broken36.1 havent decided where to go on holiday. I go to Canada.A) may B) need C) must D) can37.My mum always avoids home from work at 5 p.m. as theres so much traffic then.A) travel B) travelling C) to travel D) to travelling38.We need to do

10、 something soon , the problem will get worse.A) and B) but C) or D) so39.If you a list of things that you have to do, you wont forget to do themA) make B) will make C) made D) are making40.My friend never received my post card. Im afraid it to the wrong address.A) sends B) sent C) was sent D) be sen

11、t41.We decided to see the town on a guided tour someone would show us the sights.A) unless B) because C) when D) so that42 exhausting day Ive had! Im so tired and dirty from walking so many milesA) What B) What a C) What an D) How43.A) stopB) to stopC) stopping D) to stoppingOur decision for some dr

12、ink made us late for the train44.- -Youre welcome.A) Im sorry about the mess.C) Wish you a safe journey.45.-I think university is a waste of time.B)Thanks very much for your help.D) Let me help you with the bag.- A uni versity degree is importa nt for some jobs.A) Yes, maybe youre right B) Let me th

13、ink about it.C)rd prefer to find a job D) rm sorry I dont agree.III.Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each word or phrase canonly be used one将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填一词 ,每词或词组只能填一次):(共8分) made of B. powerful C. straight D. n atural E. con sists ofHave you ever visited

14、 the Forest of Kali nin grad? Its located close to the Baltic Sea, and is one of the stra ngest_46_forests on earth.Ofte n known as the Dancing Forest, it 47 trees in a variety of shapes. Un like trees that develop normally and stand up 48 , these trees turn in all different directions. According to

15、 tourists that havesee n the forest, the trees almost appear to be dancing.A few years ago, a man ager of the forest in vited stude nts from local uni versities to con duct studies. and find the answer to the mystery. Since then, some people have suggested that the trees are actually growing in sand

16、. But the most popular idea is that the 49 winds blowing in the area have created the Dancing Forest.(B)A. cause B. crowds C. course D. directly E. bur nsEvery one enjoys see ing fireworks going up into the ni ght sky. But rece ntly, people liv ing along the Mekong River in Southeast Asia have repor

17、ted that rather tha n fireworks, theyve no ticed stra nge lights in. the sky.These lights are said to look like balls of fire that seem to shoot 50 out of the river into the sky. and then disappear after a few seconds. The 51 of the fireballs isnt known, but some scientists think hey could be due to

18、 a gas which comes from un der the river, an d 52 whe n it escapes into the air. Other experts disagree with this idea, believ ing that the gas may be too heavy to rise into the air.The appearanee of the fireballs always brings great 53 of people along the river, and is a wonderful attract ion to vi

19、sit ing tourists.IV.Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper form(用 括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词):(共8分)54.There are tigers tha n there were a hun dred years ago. (few).55.Here are some hot for what to expect while visit ing Can adas largest city. (tip)56.As a result of the floods, s

20、ix people died and thousa nds were made (home)57.The book talks about why we need to protect endangered species to save (we)58.A good travel agent knows that a _customer will always come back. (satisfying)59.Please pack these things very _I dont want anything to get broken. (careful60.Labels on our

21、products may _us into throwing food away too soon. (foolish)61.Some interesting things came up in our_ yesterday. (discuss)V.Rewrite the following sentences as required艮据所给要求,改写下列句子。62-67题,每空格限 填一词。 68题注意句首大写 ): (共 14分)62.My father fell asleep during the movie. (改为一般疑问句 ) your father asleep during t

22、he movie?63.Im going to New York to see Liberty Statue. (对划线部分提问 ) you going to New York?64.We will do a project on the environment next week. said my teacher. 保( 持句意基本不变 )My teacher said we a project on the environment the next week.65.She felt very happy when she heard Victors voice on the line.保持

23、句意基本不变 ) great joy, she heard Victors voice on the line66.They have built two new hotels near the airport. 改( 为被动语态 )Two new hotels have near the airport.67.The suitcase was too heavy for her to lift. 保( 持句意基本不变 )The suitcase was heavy she couldnt lift it.68.started, how, wonder, these terrible fire

24、s, I 连( 词成句 )Part 3 Reading and Writing (第三部分读写 )VI.Reading comprehension(阅读理解):(共 50 分)A. Choose the best answe(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案):12分)Hi there!Can you help me? Im doing a project at school. The title? Will life be better in 2100? What do you think? Thanks you for your ideas!JoshCommentsa.Hi Josh! I

25、think life will be great. People will live in smart houses. A central computer will control the temperature, the lights, everything!These houses will beecologicala nd use solar en ergy and recycled water. A smart mirror in the bathroom (thats right, its a mirror with a computer!) will check your hea

26、lth. And guess what? Robots will cook and do the housework. Mayob.Pollution is a big problem today, but will be a bigger problem in 100 years. So people wont use cars with petrol. They will drive in electric cars on underground roads. And there will be electric buses with computers for drivers! The

27、best thing? People will be able to travel in time. Now that will be exciting!Rosiec.Hi Josh. Life will be better in 2100 - in space! People will live on the Moon and Mars in special cities. They will grow food and send it to the Earth in a huge space craft. Space stations will orbit the Earth and co

28、n trol the climate, There will also be holidays in space! How cool is that? Brandond.Will life be differe nt in 100 years? Yes, it will. Will life be better? No, it wo nt! Climate cha nge will causefloods and droughts. Rich people will live for a long time, maybe 200 years! But life wont be easy for

29、 most people. They wont have food and water. Faithe.Well, Josh, the good n ews is. there wont be any schools! Stude nts will have less ons at home on their computers. Theyll be in con tact with other stude nts all over the world in a virtua l classroom. The bad n ews is . teachers will still give us

30、 homework69.Joshs project is mainly aboutA)moder n tech no logy B) new inven tio nsC) life in the future D) gree n lifestyle70.The un derl ined word ecologica l is closest in mea ning to B) en vir onmen tally frie ndlyD) completely con trolledA) widely availableC) easily recog ni zed71.thinks holida

31、ys in space are a good idea.A) aya B) Rosie C) Bran don D) Elliot72.Rosie thi nks will be excit ing.74.students are quite sure that life will be better in 2100.B.Choose the words or expressionsand complete the passage (选择最恰当的单词或短语完成短文):(12分)I was 23 before my first novel appeared in the bookshops. It had been a challenge to find a publisher who would even look at it. As soon as they heard that it was about teenagers and their problems, they just werent interested. 75 one of them read it and loved the way I try to show the funny side of any difficult situation. Im quite 76 teenagers now, and s

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