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学年七年级英语下学期期末县统考试题 人教新目标版.docx

1、学年七年级英语下学期期末县统考试题 人教新目标版2019学年七年级英语下学期期末(县统考)试题 I.单项选择(共15小题,计30分)1. - you play the piano? - Yes, I can.A. Do B. Can C. Are D. Did2. Listen! The students of class two English loudly in their classroom.A. is reading B. are reading C. read D. reads3. - ? - He has big eyes and a small nose.A. What does

2、 he look like B. What does he do C. How old is he D. how is he 4. - drive after drinking. Its too dangerous. - OK, I wont.A. No B. Dont C. Not D. Doesnt5. There a bank and tow supermarkets on Center Street.A. have B. has C. is D. are 6. - weather in Kunming? - windy.A. Whats, Its B. Hows, Its C. Wha

3、t, Its D. How, Its7. -What did Mr.King say to you ? -He me to school early tomorrow.A. tells, come B. told, to come C. is telling, to come D. told, came8. -What does your sister do in the evening? -She usually TV, but now she a book.A. watch, read B. watches, is reading C. watching, reads D. watch,

4、is reading9. -What would you like? -Id like a cup of tea the ice in it.A. of B. with C. about D. from10. Saturday morning, I to the cinema with my sister.A. On, go B. On, went C. In, go D. In, went 11. Eating more fruit and vegetables is good peoples health.A. at B. with C. for 12. - does it ta

5、ke you from your home to school ? -15 minutes by bike.A. How far B. How long C. How soon D. How often13. He is fat. He should do more exercise.A. a kind of B. kinds of C. all kinds of D. kind of 14. Did you do last weekend?A. something interesting B. anything interesting C. interesting something D.

6、interesting anything15. number of students in class three is forty-five.A. The B. A C. An D. /.完形填空(共10小题,计20分)Fire can help people in many waysBut it can also be very harmful(有害的)Fire can keep your house 16 ,give light and cook foodBut fire can burn things, 17 Big fire can burn trees,houses,animals

7、 or peopleNobody knows how people began to use fireBut there are 18 interesting old stories about how a man or woman started a fireone is 19 a manThe man 20 a very long time agoHe went up to the sun and 21 fire downToday people know how to make a fire with matchesChildren sometimes 22 to play with t

8、hemBut matches can be very dangerousOne match can burn a piece of paper,and 23 it could burn a houseA small fire can turn into a big fire very quicklySo you 24 be careful with matches Be careful with fire,and it will 25 youBut if you arent careful with fire,and it may hurt you( ) 16. A. warm B. warm

9、er C. cool D. cooler( ) 17. A. also B. too C. either D. neither( ) 18. A. many B. much C. little ) 19. A. over B. about C. a little ) 20. A. worked B. studied C. learned D. lived( ) 21. A. bring B. take C. brought D. took( ) 22. A. enjoy B. like C. dont like D. become( ) 23. A. after B.

10、late C. yet D. then( ) 24. A. can B. may C. will D. must( ) 25. A. help C. tell D. hope.阅读理解(共10小题,计20分)AMr. Brown is an old man. He lives in a small village with high mountains all around it. He never goes to a city. Last summer his son came back, and took him to the city. He stayed there for

11、about two months. When he came back, his wife(妻子)asked him, “Do you like living in the city? Do you have a good time?” “No. I dont like living in the city because the buildings are too tall. And the noise is too loud. The bed is too soft. And they never have meals outside the house,” answered Mr. br

12、own. “Im very angry because the people in the city arent kind to the animals .” “How do you know this?” asked his wife. “One Sunday morning Jack, our son took me to a place. There are a lot of animals in that placetigers, elephants, lions and monkeys. But they are in the cages. The place is the pris

13、on(监狱)of the animals.” answered Mr. Brown.( )26.Mr and Mrs. Brown were Adoctors Bteachers Czookeepers Dfarmers( )27.When Mr. Brown see the animals are in the cages,he is Asatisfied(满意的) Bangry Chappy Dsurprised( )28.He doesnt like Athe mountains Bthe animals in the cages Cthe city Dhis village( )29.

14、The animals in Mr. Browns village Aare free Bare in the cages Care sent to the city Dare in prison( )30.Mr. Brown doesnt know the place with a lot of animals in the city is a Apark Bgarden Cvillage DZooBRule One1. You can come into the room only with your teacher.2. Dont eat or drink in the room.3.

15、Dont listen to music.4. Be quiet. Dont talk to each other.5. Turn off all the computers and close windows after class.Rule twoHere are the rules for Emily.1. You must get up before 6:30 a.m.2. Dont listen to music.3. Dont talk loudly on the phone.4. Go to bed by 10:00 p.m.5. You cant meet friends if

16、 you dont finish your homework.6. Clean your bedroom yourself.31. Rule One may be for a .A. computer room B. classroom C. bedroom D. dining room32. When does Emily get up? A. At 6:30 a.m. B. After 6:30 a.m.C. Before 6:30 a.m. D. Before 6:00 p.m.33. The underlined word “finish” means “ ” in Chinese.A

17、. 阅读 B. 拿走 C. 开始 D. 完成34. In the two rules, isnt be allowed(被允许).A. eating or drinking B. listening to musicC. meeting friends D. coming into the room35. Which rule is NOT for Emily? A. Turn off the computers and close windows. B. Dont listen to music.C. Dont talk loudly on the phone. D. Clean your

18、bedroom yourself.补全对话(每小题1分,计5分)A. Happy birthday to dear mum. B. What size would you like?C. Can I help you? D. How much is it?E. Id like a cheese cake.F: May I take your order? G: How much are they?W=waiter(服务员);C=Customer(顾客)W: 36 C: Yes, please. Tomorrow is my mothers birthday. I want to order a

19、 birthday cake for my mother. W: What kind of cake would you like, cheese cake or fruit cake?C: 37 W: 38 C: A large cake, please.W: What would you like to write on it? C: 39 W: OK.C: 40 W: Its 68 yuan.根据汉语及首字母提示写出单词的正确形式(每小题1分,计5分)1. The things in the gifts shop were so e .(昂贵的)2.There are some t (西

20、红柿) in the basket.3.Today is W (星期三), and we dont have art class.4.I had a trip to E (欧洲)with my family last holiday.5. Yesterday Mr. Green t (教) us how to use computer to send an e-mail.按要求完成句子 (每空1分,计10分)1. I want some eggs. (改为同义句) I some eggs.2. Tom did his homework yesterday evening. (改为一般疑问句)

21、Tom his homework yesterday evening ?3. There are some restaurants on North Street. (改为一般疑问句) restaurants on North Street ?4. Jake thought Lucy could speak Chinese. (改为否定句) Jake Lucy speak Chinese.书面表达(共计10分)根据以下信息,以“A Busy Weekend”为题,写一篇60词左右的小短文。要求:充分利用所给信息,可适当扩展。语句通顺,书写规范。开头已给出。星期天 上午7:00 起床 吃早餐(鸡

22、蛋 牛奶) 做作业 下午 与父母看望爷爷 与爷爷下象棋 帮妈妈做晚饭 晚上 看电视 21:00 上床睡觉A Busy WeekendLast Sunday I was very busy. 答题卡I.单项选择(共15小题,计30分)完形填空(共10小题,计20分)阅读理解(共10小题,计20分)补全对话(每小题1分,计5分)、根据汉语及首字母提示写出单词的正确形式(每小题1分

23、,计5分)1、 2、 3、 4、 5、 .按要求完成句子 (每空1分,计10分)1、 2、 3、 4、 .书面表达(共计10分)根据以下信息,以“A Busy Weekend”为题,写一篇60词左右的小短文。要求:充分利用所给信息,可适当扩展。语句通顺,书写规范。开头已给出。星期天 上午7:00 起床 吃早餐(鸡蛋 牛奶) 做作业 下午 与父母看望爷爷 与爷爷下象棋 帮妈妈做晚饭 晚上 看电视 21:00 上床睡觉A Busy WeekendLast Sunday I was very busy. 答案I.单项选择(共15小题,计30分)15 B B A B C610 B B B B B111

24、5 C B D B A .完形填空(共10小题,计20分)1620 A B A B D2125 C B D D A.阅读理解(共10小题,计20分)2630 D B C A D3135 A C D B A.补全对话(每小题1分,计5分)3640 C E B A D.根据汉语及首字母提示写出单词的正确形式(每小题1分,计5分)1、expensive 2、tomatoes 3、Wednesday 4、Europe 5、taught.按要求完成句子 (每空1分,计10分)1、would like 2、Did do 3、Are there any 4、Did t think could.书面表达(共计10分)根据以下信息,以“A Busy Weekend”为题,写一篇60词左右的小短文。要求:充分利用所给信息,可适当扩展。语句通顺,书写规范。开头已给出。星期天 上午7:00 起床 吃早餐(鸡蛋 牛奶) 做作业 下午 与父母看望爷爷 与爷爷下象棋 帮妈妈做晚饭 晚上 看电视 21:00 上床睡觉A Busy WeekendLast Sunday I was very busy.

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