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Education religion culture.docx

1、Education religion culture Education Great Britains Education System Central government (national government) has very little control over the school systems Schools are the responsibility of the Local Education Authorities (LEAs) Schools have had a lot of independence But recently, the government h

2、as been controlling more so that the quality of education is better Policy Today School is required by law for all children ages 5 to 16 Four stages: Primary (age 5-11) Secondary (age 11-16) Further education (optional: age 16-18) Higher education (college/university) State schools: schools run by a

3、nd paid for by the government free for students 1988: National Curriculum was established (standard for the whole country) State schools must follow it Private schools can choose to follow it or not. Primary and Secondary Education State schools schools run by and paid for by the government -Always

4、co-educational (boys and girls together) Independent schools (also called “Public” schools) must pay a fee 7% of British children attend these Public schools Some schools are for boys only or girls only (single-sex schools) Policy Today Core subjects for all students: English, math, science, technol

5、ogy (computers), P.E., religion, history, geography, art and music Education is now skill-based, not knowledge-based Not just “what” the child knows, but also that the child knows “how” to think or do things Examples: Communication skills: reading and writing, using math to solve many different kind

6、s of problems Cooperation skills: working in groups, participation Thinking skills: problem-solving, doing research and analysis GCSEs and Sixth Form At 16 years old, all students take the GCSEs (General Certificate of Secondary Education) Afterwards, students may leave school Or they can continue t

7、heir education They proceed to the Sixth Form Sixth Form = two/three years of further education before taking the tests to go on to university (16 to 18 years old) Students study only 4 or 5 courses, depending on what they want to study and their grades from the GCSEs Taking the A-Levels At the end

8、of Sixth Form (18 years old), students take their A-Level exams in these 4 or 5 subjects They receive a “General Certificate of Education, Advanced-Level” Their scores help determine university acceptance or not State vs. Independent How many students choose to continue education after the GCSEs? St

9、ate Schools: only 40% of students continue after the GCSEs, to take the A-Level exams Independent Schools (“Public” Schools): 90% of students continue on to take the A-Level exams Public SchoolsIndependent schools = “Public” schools: these are schools that are “independent” from the government Priva

10、te schools! Many public schools are partly funded by the government For students ages 12 to 18 (Before age 12, students go to “preparatory schools” private primary schools) Independent School Council: organization that inspects these Public schools every 6 years Some public schools are also boarding

11、 schools -What is a boarding school? (Remember from Oral English) Recruit the best teachers (because of better salaries), so they are generally much better than the state schools Public Schools Higher Education Some of the best universities in the world are in Great Britain Oxford University Cambrid

12、ge University Universities are independent: have complete control over what and how they teach No national entrance exam instead universities choose who to accept using: Grades from the A-level exams School references Interview Only 1/3 or so of young people go to college or university But this is a

13、n improvement: 10 years ago, was only 1/6 of young people Oxford and Cambridge Universities Higher Education All universities receive money from the government the government provides 65% of the money they spend (well, there is one exception: Buckingham University is completely private no money from

14、 the government) Before 1998, universities were free for students But today, all students must pay tuition Today, universities can choose how much tuition to charge But the government sets a 3,000 limit (per year) How much is that in RMB?31,650 RMB Government also gives maintenance grants: Scholarsh

15、ips to allow students from poor families to attend university How long is GBs higher education? In Britain: students spend 3 years in university for their first degree BA Bachelor of Arts BSC Bachelor of Science Can be longer for foreign language students: These students often study abroad for a sem

16、ester or a year during this time, so it takes longer + 1 more year full-time (2 years part-time) to receive a Masters degree + 3-5 more years to receive a Doctoral degree Study and doing research Culture full of culture and traditions for hundreds of years. famous all over the world. drinking tea, e

17、ating fish and chips and wearing bowler hats, traditions of sport, music, food and many royal occasions. Tea A tea-drinking nation. 165 million cups of the stuff per day Each year144 thousand tons of tea are imported. Brewed in a warmed teapot, adding one spoonful of tea per person and one for the p

18、ot. Most Britons like their tea strong and dark, but with a lot of milk. How to make teaThe traditional English way of making tea is: Boil some fresh cold water. (use an electric kettle to boil water) Put some hot water into the teapot to make it warm. Pour the water away Put one teaspoon of tea-lea

19、ves per person, and one extra tea-spoon, into the pot. Pour boiling water onto the tea. Leave for a few minutes. Serve Did You Know? “Would you like a cuppa” = Would you like a cup of tea? “Let me be mother” or “Shall I be mother?” means they are offering to pour the tea from the teapot into your te

20、acupTea words or phrases: Tea break, high tea, tea party Tea breaks are when tea and biscuits (cookies) are served (typically at 11am and 4pm) If something is not quite to your taste, its probably “not your cup of tea” Example: “Parasailing is not my cup of tea” Other beveragesCoffee as popular in B

21、ritain as tea is. drink it with milk or have it black and either have freshly- made coffee or instant coffee. Beer well known for its ale (a kind of beer) which tends to be dark in appearance and heavier than lager.Wine Britains wine industry is growing and now has over 300 wine producers. A growing

22、 number of British vineyards are now producing sparkling white wine as well as red wine. Fish and Chips Fish and chips -classic English take-away food The traditional national food of England (unofficially) Popular in the 1860s when railways began to bring fresh fish straight from the east coast to

23、the cities over night PubsWhat is a pub? The word “pub” is short for public house. This is where can people eat in Britain apart from at home or in a restaurant Pubs are an important part of British life. People talk, eat, drink, meet their friends and relax there.(popular social meeting places ) Ov

24、er 60,000 pubs in the UK (53,000 in England and Wales, 5,200 in Scotland and 1,600 in Northern Ireland) Pubs often have two bars, one usually quieter than the other Many have a garden where people can sit in the summer. Children can go in pub gardens with their parents. Bar Customs Groups of friends

25、 normally buy rounds of drinks It is sometimes difficult to get served when pubs are busy: people do not wait in line, but the bar staff will usually try and serve those who have been waiting the longest at the bar first. If you spill a strangers drink by accident, it is good manners to offer to buy

26、 another drink. British Beer Most pubs belong to a brewery but sell many different kinds of beer, some on tap (from a big container under the bar, called a keg) and some in bottles. Bitter Beer, which is dark and served at room temperature (not hot, not cold). British beer is brewed from malt and ho

27、ps. British Beer More popular today though is lager, (lighter in color and served cold.) Guinness, a very dark, creamy kind of beer called a stout, is made in Ireland and is popular all over Britain. In the West of England, cider is very popular. Like wine, it is described as sweet or dry, but is dr

28、unk in beer glasses and can be stronger than beer. Beers are served in pints for a large glass and halves for a smaller one. Most pubs are open from 11am to 11pm Games Various games, especially darts, are commonly found in pubs Also, live transmissions of soccer (football) or other league matches ar

29、e shown on TV at the pubs, so that friends can come and watch the match together at the pub. Licensing Laws The legal age to purchase alcohol is 18. People aged 16 and 17, with the licensees permission, may consume only 1 glass of wine, beer or cider with a table meal , providing theyre with an adul

30、t and the adult orders it (England & Wales only, Scotland no adult required to be present). It is illegal to sell alcohol to someone who already appears drunk Ask for Photo ID (under 21.) Purchasing alcohol on behalf of a minor will result in an 80 on-the-spot fine Fourteen-year-olds may enter a pub

31、 without an adult if they order a meal. Children may enter a pub with their parents until 9 p.m., which lets families enjoy reasonably priced pub meals together, and allows pubs to continue in their traditional roles as community centers Customs in British Pubs Different from those in American bars. In Britain, you must go to the bar to order drinks and food and pay for your purchase immediately, there is no table service. Bar

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